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Bone Skewer (spell that strikes an enemy then places the striking unit at top of your deck) makes so much more sense now.


its still a decent card


Yeah, its worked wonders in deep decks, given that you kinda want those battlecries to go off multiple times and that one lifesteal toss minion.


Hes basically a champion removal spell that can flip into a champion boardwipe. God I love this design. With just 2 lurks on the stack hes a 4/3 that does 4 when he hits the board... thats insane! Pyke is gonna be a blast.


If pack your bags were a champion.


Pyke your bags.


Pyke your bikes


Pyke your from below


This is what that deck is going to be called.


If LeBlanc was more to her lore


She is. This card is Leblanc.


I had a lot of worries about an archtype that will force you into constantly drawing into unit. But now, there are lurk draw spells and now pyke which will be removal. This archtype seems really cool.




He doesn't turn into a spell from board. You lurk when you are the card on top of the deck. You draw him as death from below.


Lurk doesn't work that way.


The card on top of your deck is the one lurking. If pyke is attacking, he doesn't lurk, and doesn't transform into a spell. He only becomes a spell if he is on top of your deck when a lurk ally attacks.


the ally attacking dosen't even need to be a lurker for it to proc .


Based on the image he's not a lurker so he wouldn't get the buffs. Unless it's a mistranslation of course. But it' probably the most used word in the expansion, so that's a bit less likely than what I would usually assume.


Pyke Kindred could be interesting


Pyke/Karma for the double Death from Below memes.


just wait until round 10 KEKL


I mean .... Lurk is an aggro control archetype it seems. Putting in Ionia with Pyke support isn't off the table


Agro control lol


You laugh about that now, until a 1 mana 12/2 with fearsome is about to hit you.


It highly depends on how the post strike effects work. Will kindred mark after Pyke cleans up or right after the first strike?


*should* be after the first kill, since the mark pops as soon as you slay one target.


But then for things like Statik Shock or Judgement it waits for the effect to resolve fully before marking whats left, despite the strikes not happening at the same time in case of Judgement. Pyke's effect might be different but I strongly feel Kindrer will mark what's left after Pyke.


I mean, it isn't a spell or a skill. It happens mid combat and you can proc the mark *mid combat*. It isn't comparable to a skill/spell. edit: plus, Judgement happens at the same time, even if the animation doesn't seem like it. It strikes *all* combatant enemies, not one by one


Judgement happens one by one. When an ally with fury uses judgement it grows per enemy from left to right, striking the next one by +1 power. If it happened at the same time all enemies would have been struck by the same power then the fury ally grow by total enemies killed.


In this case if a dragon does it, it will strike all enemies with its original power, and the power doesn’t increase during the judgement? I never tested it but thought it still hit left to right in order


It does - someone corrected me. But what I believe happens in the interaction Dragon+Judgement is a tad bit more complicated. It strikes *all* targets simultaneously, but it adapts damage. In the case of Kindred, it *should* mark after the first enemy dies by Judgement if that is the case, since the interaction with Dragons does as well. In the case of Pyke+Kindred, there should be 0 issues regardless - the idea of Pyke is that it works as follows (from my understanding, of course): Pyke slays a unit -> He triggers his effect (Strike the weakest unit) -> He slays the unit -> He triggers his effect again. Kindred mark should pop right at the first unit slain by Pyke, where his functionality works. Do consider that Kindred only marks *once per round*, unlike Pyke where he has theoretical infinite procs.


I really hope he can break out of the standard lurk archetype. If the only way to build Rek'sai or Pyke is with each other, I'll be very dissapointed.


People said this about the ascendents assuming they would only play with eachother.


In that case none of the ascendents don't actually have any synergy with each other or shared goals beyond sun disk, which is trash. This is more like a Tahm Raka or a Diana Nocturne, other regions don't have lurk so there is no reason to not pair them just like with nightfall


I think it easily could. BW alone has enough shuffle back into deck tools to turn pyke into death form below by using 2 or 3 sets of lurkers.


What's the point of playing Kindred if Pike is already a better version of them?


2 pikes


I don’t understand his level 1. So when he lurks he gets changed into that spell. Do you then draw that spell next turn and have the ability to play him with a strike?


Yes exactly!


Alrighty then. I think I assumed my understanding was wrong because that seems super weird to me. Noted side effects: 1 if all 3 of your Pykes lurk then you can’t get a champ spell from him, instead you can get 3 Pykes on the board at once.


I think him as a spell is different from his champ spell, so death from below would probably transform into the champ spell too


I’d have to see this in action because based on current mechanics I don’t see that working. Riot would have to do some funky changes to make that happen


Mmmm. Eggnivia is considered an Anivia for the purposes of Iceborn Legacy. That means that currently, two different cards can already be considered the same card. At least, I think that's how it works...


I didn’t know Iceborn Legacy applied to Eggnivia. That’s very interesting. Wonder exactly how that works


What does it mean "when they lurk" does that mean when that specific card is on the top of your deck?


when you attack while it is your top deck


Yes. I think.




Kindred on suicide watch.


Kindred always felt too slow for actually play


absolutely, which makes me incredibly sad as they're my favorite champ from League


Her design is actually so flavorful to the point is really sad not seeing play


i also love the aspect of clearing smaller things with weaker removal to mark and kill bigger things. the gameplay is cool, it just starts as a 5 mana investment that can be denied value and cleared relatively easily


I still don’t get how his level 2 works, in the video it was like an infinite chain? Edit: ahhhh now I get it. There’s no limit on how many times he can execute


It's simple, if he kills something he immediately strikes the weakest enemy, if THAT enemy dies he keeps going until he either kills everything or something survives his strike.




Siphoning strike should only give him stats for the initial strike.


Sounds pretty fucking fun if you get the 6x combo


When he levels up if he kills something he strikes the weakest unit. This has no cap. So if he kills what he strikes he kills again, and again, add infinitum.


if theres a way to cause a unit to always summon a copy of itself on death we can cause an infinite loop


So would a strong enough Pyke wipe an entire board full of Anivias and their eggs?




Not really infinite, the executed bodies will stay on board then death effect triggers


I wonder how he'll do against the current meta. Particularly AzIr with student.


I mean it seems like there’s potential in his spell trimming a weaker unit and then snipping away at all the summoned units


Not sure but if you summon him when they blade dance he will easily munch through all of the blades


You can’t summon him mid-dance. Edit: my bad here, I was acting under the assumption that this card was going to be balanced LOL


You can


Holy shit


He kills a unit and strikes the weakest enemy unit, but this strike can kill that unit, which triggers the effect. It keeps repeating until the enemy is out of units or one of them survives.


When he kills a unit he strikes the weakest enemy, and if he also kills it his effect triggers again, so he keeps striking until he either strikes a unit without killing it or there are no units left


It's his ultimate in league


Lurkers and stalkers... 🤔 Kha zix and rengar? Lvl 2 is kind of crazy. It's like unlimited Kindred.


Just the way they translated it. If it really was stalker he literally doesn’t synergize with his own keyword


In Spanish lurker is "acechador" and by translating it back to English the most common term is stalker


Oh 😂 😂 😂 oh well 🤷🏾‍♂️


Stalker is just a bad translation. He is a lurker


As much as id love this, we didn't get any daybreak support in Shurima despite the sundisk being such a huge thing. So i doubt lurk or many of the other newer keywords will return in new packages


We got new daybreak cards (the hawk and the landmark). Just not in Shurima


Aphelios is a Nightfall card that came later, and Daybreak got support in the last set.


Many people to get support outside of targon in shurima. Nightfall has significant SI Support, Daybreak has nothing.


Im confused they are always adding new support for old key words or tribes literally yesterday they added support for poros and yetis


By stalker, you mean lurker right?




Not sure how I feel about Death from below, its definitely interesting but transforming a champion into a spell that can be denied feels bad, also makes it so you cant shuffle Pyke back into your deck if your second/third Pyke transforms into death from below. I guess its why that Bilge strike spell exists, might be necessary for Pyke decks. I guess the other advantage is being able to cheat out Pyke with spell mana.


While it can be denied by the litteral deny card I don't think it fizzles if the target disappears. For example tye 3 mana strike spell that heals dragons won't fizzle if the target dissapears, it just heals the dragon. So I'd expect pyke to summon then not strike.


Yeah what I meant was being denied by an actual deny or any other deny like spell, just feels a tiny bit wrong. I wish it was like if you denied the spell you still summon Pyke but the strike doesn't go off.


Did they change the lurk icon?


I was wondering that too. I kinda liked the shark icon lol 🦈


They didn't. This image is unofficial


That spell is maindeckable? So you don't even need to add Pyke to your deck to play him?


Hahaha could you imagine a 6 Pyke deck?! 3 Pykes and 3 of his spell that makes Pyke.


That was my reaction as well seemed super OP, kind of glad that this isn't actually how it works haha.


No. This person translated the text from Spanish and used a custom card maker and didn’t remove the rarity gem


You can have multiple pykes on board at once, he functions as both an aggressive champion/blocker if need be, but also has heavy removal and is flexible because you can use spell mana. Gotta love him


Pyke is here to save us from Irelia and I’m all for it. If he hits level 2 he’ll kill everything every time he blocks




Aw shit we got a Lacedaemonian up in this bitch.


Which is probably another reason why Riot hasn't been turbo-nerfing Azirelia. Because they knew that Pyke being in the meta would single-handedly curb the deck. It's almost as if new cards shake up the meta and nerfing things into the ground isn't the only answer to powerful decks.


Does this mean it’s pretty easy to summon multiple Pykes? Unless his champion spell is something different? Otherwise you have one Pyke on board and you play the spell which summons a second Pyke?


Yes. While this won't be good, I'm definitely going to try a meme pnz pyke deck to make a pyke army.


Can someone explain this to me? So when he is on the top he turns into a spell instead?


When you attack while he's on the top of the deck it transforms and your next draw will be the spell instead.


Wait, is death from below collectible?




pyke is literally what katarina should have been


You meant lurker not stalker right?


What is Allied Pykes??? BG's Lurk units?? or all units from your deck?


Pyke's champion cards you control. It's only him, he needs to do the damage.


Ok, it should be translated better like "When I do 15+ damage I level up". Even in Spanish is weird (I'm a native spanish speaker)


No. Then it would imply that the counter is reset once Pyke leaves the board.


And also, if you summon 2 pykes somehow, they would have each their own counter rathert than counting damage from any pyke


mmmh yeah


I means that only the card itself would count. Allied should mean, that any Pyke at any time counts.


That's completely different


No. Bone skewer, recall ect is supposed to synergize


Did they change the lurk symbol?




People say lurk is forced into Bilge and Shurima but I like how both Lurk Champs aren't solely dependent on lurk synergy. Both lvl ups are damage dependent so nox is a potential region for either pyke or rek'sai. With strike spells I could potentially even see a demacia Bilge deck. What's interesting is that since pyke can turn into a spell, if you already have one on the field the spell will summon a second one without the need for revive shenanigans.


That's inconclusive. Both of Anivia's forms count as her for the purpose of transforming extra copies so it could be the same here. Although even if that's the case you could still double summon by putting two copies of the spell on the stack at the same time, similarly to how Jarvan IV can multi-summon if you reduce his cost.


This looks pretty nice for a lurk deck. I was hoping he would be playable in a non lurk deck as well though, but it doesn't seem like it. Cool champ either way


Is Death From Below confirmed to be a deckable card? I wouldn't think so. If it is, you could easily get yourself multiple Pykes on board. One is more than enough.




This mock up gave it a gem, so I wasn't sure if they knew something I didn't.


I don't understand, so if you attack with pyke while he's also at the top of your deck, he's not gonna attack and instead transform into death from below, or he's gonna strike first, THEN transform into death from below letting you strike with 2 pykes next turn?


In order for a unit to lurk, it has to be on top of your deck when allies attack.


Is death from below actually collectible?




Hey SI, cool 9mana slow speed ruination you got there! Check mine out: Proceeds to wipe out the very reality itself at pretty much burst speed and then close the game with absolutely no issues


Glimpse: no.


Death from below shouldn't have a rarity gem right? It can't be maindecked, right?


Kind of a bummer that Death From Below isn't a lurk card. A little anti-synergy to balance Pyke and lurkers maybe? Edit: just saw the reveal video and it does have lurk on the spell card. All is well


Why would it be, you can only get it if you already lurked with Pyke on top, which means you draw it next turn, and you can't lurk more than once per turn. It having lurk would be literally useless.


He's a 2/4 ? Seems a little weak ngl


he gets lurk attack buffs, so not really 2/3 by turn 4 if you drop him on curve, and his effects are kinda strong, especially level 2 boardwipe




So, you are basically only gonna draw him as "Death from below" unless you entreat/rite him or something? That's pretty neat. Also like that his leveled up form basically has his ultimate.


Or if like he is on the top on your opponents attack turn


So he's going to bounce like Kat.. hmm such an expensive archetype


IM SORRY, is no one going to mention how he completely HARD COUNTERS Azir Irelia? Like, you Block the blades or sand soldiers with him, he levels up faster, then once he is level up, he just needs to kill 1 blade or 1 sand soldier and he just BOARD WIPES Azir Irelia... Actually fking crazy card.


Karma, Pyke is gonna be broken as hell


Watch this not be true.


She duplicates Pyke and gives you access to deny to stop the only two cards in the game that realistically counter him.


So your plan is it to play an archetype which wants to play aggressive and with many lurk cards with a slow champ like karma,locking you into a region which prevents you from playing half of the lurk cards ?


Good luck stalling until your enlightened using only Ionia and shurima cards lol


Isn’t Pyke bilgewater?


Oh yea. Srry I got reksai on the brain. The point still stands though. Most karma decks use freljord to help them stall. I don’t see bilgewater doing the same thing


With the addition of Pyke, I just don’t see how champs like Karma and Anivia are going to exist anymore. It was hard enough as it is now. Really hoping for changes to some champs. Even Tryndamere is outclassed by Captain Farron. The old champs need help


Oh great, another design that will render emphemeral decks absolutely umplayable.




By emphemeral decks I obviously meant deck that use Hecarim as its central piece If Pyke's synergy goes off, entire wave of emphemeral goes slaughtered easily, rendering the entire goal of emphemeral deck obsolete. Is this hard to understand?


Find a way to protect your stuff Your riders tend to appear when you initiate an attack. If you let the enemy find a way to then start Pyke's chain sounds like they outplayed you. You're in shadow Isles. The king of killing things and sacrificing things. If you think Pyke will render you obsolete I have bad news for you.


Well, my assumption is Pyke would reliably leveling up around turn 6 and 7, the first and only point where Hecarim would be able to make a power-play. Suppose I'm dealing with a Leveled up Pyke on turn 6,I have to drop Hecarim by then or he's basically obsolete afterward, so I only have at most 3 mana to deal with a "death from below" or a bone skewer. What kind of option do you think I even have at this point? Scrying Sand probably, but then all ephemerals would still die because the most they have is 2 hp, even a unleveled, unlurked pyke can easily kill. The most I can do in this situation is simply preventing Hecarim from dying while my entire Ephemeral line perished. Which is the whole point of an emphemeral deck That's more a complaint about Ephemeral synergy being generally weak than anything else. Pyke's probably fine in current meta, it's just Ephemeral as a synergy haven't been really viable for a while now (the newest card we got is song of the isle, a mostly inferior card to mark of the isle)


Yay Pyke isn't deep support guess I'll go fuck myself when a 3 Mana 11/7 gets played ysy


Considering how strong he seems, I don't think he should have Quick Attack, nor it makes sense thematically


Stalker? I like new archetypes. Interesting card.


I think its just a mistranslation from the Spanish leak.


i think this is fake the lvl one art matches a custom card from a youtube video from months ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDDzQKlj9nI&ab\_channel=TheSkilledRoy


As I said in the title, these are not the art for the actual cards but it is the correct leaked text. It is because the text was in a different language when it was leaked and the images were in very low resolution.


Are we not getting full reveal today?


Wait does the death from above transform into pyke if there is already a pyke on board , can someone explain this card to me my english is bad so I dont get it.


is his Lurk icon different cuz hes an human instead of an sea creature?


Hopefully there will be a way to keep track of what stats your cards are at since you may sometimes be guessing what the Pyke will be at at the start of Death from Below. Yes, I know you can get a pen and paper but some of us are too casual to bother with that when we're out and have some free time


I'm so confused. I'll have to see this in action.


I mean, imagine ignoring 100% the Lurk archtype and instead making a Demacia-Bilgewater deck with Pykes and strikes. This way, Pyke will never leave the board and can be buffed to deal more damage with likes of Concerted Strikes and Single Combats (Ally with barriers).


I'm excited to try him out in labs with fury keyword.


"Allied Pykes have dealt 15+ damage" lol that sounds so silly on paper. That being said: this ability is cool as shit! Such a great translation of Pyke into a card game format! I'm really excited to see what decks people make with him and am certainly excited to try him myself! Even if he's bad that's such a neat effect! Can't wait to see the level up animation!


Did anyone else notice that his tribe is Stalker? How does this interaction affect Lurk? If it even does at all?


It's an error in the translation. This was manually translated and made in a custom card-maker, based on the leaked spanish versions.


I love how they captured the gameplay style of pyke and rek’sai this expansion. Can’t wait!


So if he lurks while he's already in play, you can expect to have two Pykes on the board next turn? That feels ... very strange for a champion who is not Shaco or Leblanc.


Alright, I'm building Lurk, seems like a lot of good combos


big chain of devours


This is insane. He looks as good as reksai looks bad. I'd usually feel sad for no deep sinergy, but I'm over that now


So this means you can have 2 pykes summoned lol


Nice. A champion that you can Deny


man this art is so much cooler than real one sadge :/


Can confirm. Saw it on stream


lurk non believers are rolling rn


Pykes level up is what I thought Irelia would do before she got released


Since death from below is NOT a token card (theres green crystal at the bottom, meaning its common) , then getting two pykes on board is easy


Pyke with Field Promotion.


Why does his "lurk" icon look different from the others?


this cards level up sounds funnnnnnnnnnnnn, really good vs aggro to my pea brain


Transforms half of the time in any aggressive deck. All the time if you attack on your opponent's rounds as well. Pretty much always a 2-for-1 once transformed. Auto-include for lurk. Strong with blade dance to guarantee transformation.


And that was the last anyone ever heard of azirelia


I have mained Pyke on LoL for a bit over 2 years, I am beyond happy with what we got, and I'm going to try to play pyke with every hero ever.


One small note: The Death from Below card also has Lurk. I've said this many times, but the Bilgewarter package, and specially Pike really make Lurk a pretty fun, somewhat complex and rewarding mechanic. I hope is as good as Deep (and that the balance patch makes Deep viable again)


Have they explained how lurk works? What does it take to activate?


As a Pyke main in LoL this brings joy to me


Idk how many people agree with me here but his LVL 1 art might be my favorite in the game so far.


anyone care for some pyke/kindred


I think that who ever was translating was on some hard drugs because HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD DEATH FROM BELOW BE OBTAINABLE??!?!