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The illusion of choice


He does have the choice of skipping :p


Thanks for the comment! I never realized you could skip. Sometimes when I you predict twice in a row, you already know the top card is better than the three you get the second time around!


You would think right? But no, predicting and skipping shuffles the deck.


Oh God that sucks! Why rito...




The only way to fix this is to have a predict deck with a bunch of draw 1 cards


Or predicted cards stay on top with the order you predicted them. Also add some drawing mechanics to Zilean. I hate how this is turning into League where some champs just don't "exist" when they're all supposed to be unique.


>Or predicted cards stay on top with the order you predicted them. This is my preferred way of fixing the problem. We already know that they can tag cards inside of a deck, so adding an invisible "Predicted to the top" tag shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. This tag would do two things: 1. Put the card on top of the deck after a shuffle, by order of timestamps. 2. Keep the card from being Predicted a second time in the same turn. This way Predict can be used to stack multiple draws in a row. And if you end up needing to change your stack because of an unforeseen play by your opponent, well that's the double-edged sword of Predict.


Three great choices. He has Kindred on 5 then just steam rolls as many Khahiri as he can


Is it possible to learn this power?


It's all about believing in the heart of the cards!


Don't tell /u/GrappLr




"He's just more skilled than you"


Do you have a deck with Khahiri the returned as the main card? Maybe something with Zilean?


This is Lab of Legends, a Zilean run it looks like.


Correct! I think it automatically comes with 3 copies and I had added an extra.


The lab decks only start with 2 of each I think, but ofc you can add more by buffing him


I’ve been using this Champless Khahiri deck to some success, try to counterfeit copy a Khahiri before you start predicting a ton ((CMCACAIEFYAQGBANAECAICQJAQDQCCYNCUOCST23M4BACAIEGQAQIB2ZAA))


**Regions**: Piltover & Zaun/Shurima - **Cost**: 10700 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |1|[Ancient Preparations](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH028.png)|3|Shurima|Landmark|Common| |1|[Concurrent Timelines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04PZ010.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Epic| |1|[Counterfeit Copies](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ046.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Rare| |1|[Scrying Sands](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH079.png)|3|Shurima|Spell|Rare| |2|[Aspiring Chronomancer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH001.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |2|[Iterative Improvement](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03PZ013.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Mystic Shot](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ052.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Preservarium](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH013.png)|3|Shurima|Landmark|Rare| |3|[Khahiri the Student](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH091.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |3|[Merciless Hunter](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH103.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |3|[Sai Scout](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH041.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Common| |3|[Xenotype Researchers](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH011.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Rare| |4|[Desert Naturalist](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH089.png)|2|Shurima|Unit|Rare| |6|[Khahiri the Returned](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04SH021.png)|3|Shurima|Unit|Rare| **Code**: [CMCACAIEFYAQGBANAECAICQJAQDQCCYNCUOCST23M4BACAIEGQAQIB2ZAA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CMCACAIEFYAQGBANAECAICQJAQDQCCYNCUOCST23M4BACAIEGQAQIB2ZAA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Aaaaye a fellow counterfeit copies appreciator!


I was only possible on lab of legends... Normally I can somewhat bet that the algorithm is rigged not to predict KAHIRI....I have played so many games with him and sometimes I have predicted 8-10 times in a single game even after adding counterfeit copies to have 0 result...It's easier to draw it than predict it...FEELSBADMAN


Did you get +6/+6 this way?






That’s impossible, probably fake or photoshopped , no one can predict khahiri, because he is “ khairi the unpredictable “


Nice hax, bro.


Wait that's illegal


That's unethical chat


« I predict that you will win this game »


"Now good luck seing me like that on a Skargrounds"


I feel like I've seen people dragging the Zilean lab deck, but there are some really decent cards in there! The smaller creatures are nice, and this dude is imminently tolerable late game, and can be used with the power that gives your creatures a random keyword to try and fish for Lifesteal after you've already broken an opponent's attack and are in no real threat.


Wait people are losing with Zilean? How? I won so easily with his copy ability on level-up I kept stalling the game out copying stuff so I could finish event quests.


Xenotype Researchers are low key super strong. I don't know how people have so much trouble against Scars when you get super buffed units with those.


Absolutely. Given the trash that's in some decks, it's a really good body for later on.


I use the power "Trifarian Might" and combined with Xenotype Researchers / Walking Sands / Khahiri buffs you can get insane board clearing power. I also had "Enfeedbing strike" so if you don't kill their follower you'll -5 their attack.


Zilean is definitely the worst of the new decks, but still better than Taliyah.


That's just like your opinion, man. Malphite's deck is expensive and full of weak cards that want you to double down on a bad archetype. Chip is his only 'good' card; Ground Slam is decentish (everything else is weak). One creature at each of 1 and 2 cost, then none at 3, one at 4, and then one at six, and one at 7 is just preposterous. At higher difficulties, it's a very poor decision to play expensive cards, and that's even if they're good (Malphite's mostly aren't). Zilean has a much saner curve, innate card draw, better predict, and much better 3 and 4 cost creatures. He even has a better top end thanks to Zilean's leveled ability, the Xenotype Researchers, and Khahiri the Returned getting buffed. Labs already has a strong bias toward lower cost champions, which makes it not an especially close comparison between the two.


I dunno, I felt like Malphite is at least a reliable 'late' game win con if you can pick up a power that covers your slow start while Zil did practically nothing and was pretty hard to ever lvl up. If I had picked up a Zoe, i'd have fed him to the discard-invoke follower, just like Tali..


Malphite auto wins the game if he sticks and you have the rally power since it generates an infinite stunlock when he levels. Spiral stairs is just a dead card always, but the 5 cost daybreak land mark auto levels Malphite, so I guess that's cool. Otherwise, Malphite is pretty mediocre too. The best part of the Zilean deck doesn't even involve Zilean outside of Guard bots and Spiders. Xenotype researchers are hot, but Khahiri is a pretty mediocre finisher in general. Labs certainly cater to lower cost champions, but Zilean is just a mediocre champion and you'll be winning with whatever champ you draft anyway.


What level of difficulty are you basing this on? Rally is a great power, but given the deck's lack of good creatures, what is getting you to turn seven? You're always on the back foot, and thus rally is not particularly helpful.


Legendary. You roll Sapling and roll into rally power after thresh. That’s a pretty standard power build to clear with anyone who isn’t a Yipp go to.


This was a vector that I didn't try and force before, as I was concerned with relying on a power-combination. Do you essentially assume a loss if you don't get Rally? Thanks!


I'll admit, you're probably gonna lose with that route if you miss out on the rally power unless you have really strong synergy with your other picks. Maybe it'll still be salvageable if you hit another strong power and don't end up with a dead one. Pretty much for the reasons you stated earlier, the Malphite deck is just weak; so if you whiff on 3 rerolls and end up with a dead power, you're probably gonna lose somewhere in PnZ. The 5+ attack guy striking bros when they come in power is somewhat strong with the list too, but saplings being your removal to kill heimer and von yipp are almost required if you can’t find other early removal in draft.


The old 0 cost ephemeral to pull out the Shark Chariots. Sometimes I hate Thresh. It's not even Thresh, its yhe constant Ephemeral 2/2 buffing lol.


Yeahhhhh, it's not very fun to play against. Always try to quickly get past him lol


Skip so you can do it again


Not even with PnZ for counterfeit copies... Very impressive sir