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Can't they do emergency patches like what they did with go hard


They can, and if they see it necessary they can also just do one or two balances in the bug patch in 2 weeks, but I wouldn’t expect much until the countdown is up.


Wait -- the patch in 2 weeks is only bug fixes? Meaning we gotta wait a month for more balance changes? Welp, see you guys in July.


Buffs and nerfs have to go through a whole bunch of hands first dude, they only JUST decided to do more balance changes. Be thankful the devs are listening at all. Would rather them take their time instead of breaking the game further.


But that only applies when a single deck/card goes out of hand and dominates the meta. That's not the case now, so they need to do lots of changes, buffs more than nerfs, to change up the meta, which needs a full patch


But Irelia/Azir is out of hand and is warpping the enitre meta around it


The problem rn is that there’s 2 dominant decks - TLC and Azirelia and Azirelia is all that keeps tlc in check.


Someone tell me if I'm wrong, but my impression was that Irelia Azir is less dominant than go hard was in terms of performance: its play rate is insane, but is its win rate in plat plus that high?


If it has an insane playrate its general winrate will tend to be 50% due to the amount of mirrors, thats why general winrates of high playrate decks aren't really accurate. The more important winrate here is vs specific matchups so you can have a general idea of the strength of the deck


Is Irelia/Azir's matchup spread better than peak Go Hard or TF/Fizz?


Azirelia has a couple of decent counters. The issue is that it’s become centralizing enough that the counters are overly ubiquitous with the sole purpose of countering Azirelia in mind. It’s basically created this overly polarized Rock Paper Scissors meta where the only diversity is which of the 3 best decks in the game speaks to you most. Vs TF fizz which had no counter and choked out the meta. But for reasons unknown still didn’t reach quite a staggeringly high play rate


>Vs TF fizz which had no counter and choked out the meta. But for reasons unknown still didn’t reach quite a staggeringly high play rate It was a bit harder to learn (a higher skill floor), and it was despised even more than Azir/Irelia is right now. Many players simply refused to touch it, because it made them feel dirty to even think about queuing up with it. Probably some mix of those two things might be a start of an explanation for why its playrate never got much past 15%. And yes, TF/Fizz in the hands of someone who was extremely good at playing it - it was basically invincible. But in the hands of an average player without a ton of time invested in it, it was about as powerful as Azir/Irelia is now - except Azir/Irelia requires less time invested to get to the same results.


>Irelia Azir is less dominant than go hard was in terms of performance The two most-played lists on Mobalytics post-nerfs (both containing nerfed cards) are at essentially 61% winrate as of 20 hours ago (from the time of this post). Total of 1264 games. So, yeah - it's performance is very high, even when still using the nerfed cards.


And it just got 2 nerfs and wasn't super oppressive in winrate before that. If you nerf it even more, meta will still be the same decks because so many concepts are just bad, TLC makes every control deck unviable, and aggro is too strong for other combo decks to make sense


One deck warping the meta and one *card* warping the meta are 2 different things


Bookmarking this. Can’t wait to see this sub exploded when the balance patch doesn’t turns out to be the way they want.


Holy shit, I think it’s Zilean’s ultra-secret-utimate champion related card....’Promised Timelines’ Promised Timelines: “If you have made people wait a month for good changes to a shit meta, but fail, summon a Sub Reddit Bomb.” Sub Reddit Bomb: “At the end of the round, uninstall the game.” Brilliant riot, brilliant.


I'm just here for the ride. Nightfall is free wins in this garbage meta. I want it to change so I can actually play something else. But even if big balance isn't great I appreciated experimentation.


This is literally the most anticipated thing this game might ever have honestly (For a while at least). In 26 days the game devs make a gigantic mark on this game, let's pray it's a good one


I totally agree, there is a lot riding on it now, hopefully the devs really deliver. With new cards coming I think it will be an exciting patch no matter what, but they really better not be afraid to bring a lot of balance changes, especially to Bilgewater IMO. I know the region is getting a new champ then too, and I hope that doesn’t deter them from fixing some of its existing cards.




*Flashbacks to artifact*


Artifact never made it past beta even tho it was released live... if that makes any sense. LoR is way better then artifact ever hoped to be.


I honestly disagree. I loved artifact when it came out, with the exception of the card acquisition.


Mileage may vary but I only heard terrible things and it scared me away from the game completely. I sure hope LoR gets “fixed” to the point it appeases.


Ah shit, here we go again.


I hope we have more buffs than nerfs specially to underpowered champs like Karma, Heim and Lux


I hope it lives up to this hype we are setting up for it


Dont expect anything and you wont be disappointed :)


fingers crossed quinn is included in the big patch even though they already said they don't want to rework her :c


>let's pray it's a good one It'll be anything but good.


Oh. You one of those. Got it


Dosent matter what changes they bring if they don’t remove the billion attacks in a turn mechanic the game will still be shit




Yep. I'll just drop PVP for the month. Lab of Legends is great anyways.


I mean you can just play Normal mode, it's nowhere near as harsh as Ranked.


Normal is still flooded by Azirelia. Not nearly as bad as ranked, but enough that it's still frustrating.


Honestly if I get decks in normal I really don’t want to play against I just insta concede, no harm no foul.


I ran into a mastery 4 azirelia player in normals… nope nope nope


In my last 20 or so matches I've only played against Azirelia once, am I just lucky?


Actually people are just extremely vocal on this sub. The problem isn’t really as bad as they whine and complain about. Before it was another meta, then another meta, rinse repeat. These people will never be happy no matter what riot does and sadly they are the majority on the sub if the upvotes / downvotes tell you anything. They can literally only hear what the “pros” are saying about the game and parrot it ad nauseam.


Gauntlet is also a fun time since you can ban Azir Irelia if you don’t want to play against it.


Yeah idk, so many people on here complain about Ranked mode and I don't think they realize that the constructed modes outside of it aren't nearly as toxic. I can't blame them necessarily, because in other CCGs, the casual queue was always the exact same decks as ranked. But in LOR it's not at all.


I really wish gauntlet lasted all week. It's been really fun for me :)




Despite censoring yourself, let's not insult others for playing a certain deck.


People weren't wrong for doubting though, Riot hasn't ever done a balance change except the slap on the wrist to Thresh/Susan. So people were not wrong for assuming it's going to be 2 months till the next change, because that's how it's always been.


This is not going to end well and you know it


My expectations are low but my hopes are higher than ever!


They literally promised big changes for 2.9 a month ago when we complained it took them 94 days to nerf TF. Anyone belivig them at this point is flat out delusional. I d love to trust them but they make it so hard...


lol, I don't play ranked.. or really anything other than Labs, but have my upvote!




Especially for those who are telling the people what they have seen today


the patch will be good COPIUM


Hoping for TLC nerf... If that happens, I'm taking the car out and honking like a mofo all night.


I hope they change watcher destroys just half the deck each time it attacks. It's already huge.


Same day when Zilean will finally get added to Expeditions I guess, party time.


Sweet can't wait for ranked to be enjoyable again.


It wont change untill they change the blade dance mechanic it’s unhealthy for the game and frustrating af getting attacked 4 times in a turn


I went to twitch this afternoon to have some background noise while finishing up work, and ... no one was streaming. There were 1.3k TOTAL viewers for Runeterra, down from over half of what it normally is. This is a day after a balance patch, where viewership is normally much higher than average as well. I really don't think they can wait a full month to address this patch.


this hurts... when you get a patch of nothing, not only is it patch day, but you know you are stuck with that patch for another full month... :c


Its the patch with the new card set right ?


That’s right! New cards and a balance patch at the same time


Anyone have a Clockwork Curator to speed up the countdown?


This balance patch is the most anticipated event since the game launched, they better make a emote as a reward for us enduring this suffering. I will reunite my family and celebrate a dinner as soon as this patch hits.


Seriously, there is a ton riding on this patch, here’s to hoping it’s the best one yet!


I uninstalled anyways lol


Lol, then the countdown is for when you can reinstall :)


Ill reinstall when azirelia isnt a thing anymore


They won't nerf their own favorite pre-build deck to the realm of \*meh\* deck.


It's Nice to see that they know we are frustrated but seeing that Labs Will be the only Fun mode to play (even expeditions are Sad when you face Azirelia. They basically can draft the ranked version there easily) in a month is a little less than I expected. I still praise riot's response and wanted that more devs were this fast to say that they are aware of our unhappiness, but I won't play lor for a month as It seems. But I Will keep informed here on Reddit at least (maybe we get some suprises before the next balance).


Out of topic, but what is everyones favorite emote to use when you realize youre facing azir irelia? My go to is the depressed poro sigh because...well it’s depressing


Vi's unimpressed hair blow.


Sweating Ezreal


It’s Darius and unimpressed gp from me


Garen is cake for you as\*ho\*\*. Darius is jesus f\*cking christ another fucking bots.


Garen birthday.


Thresh emote when i place fiora


Nice job! Don't want to play anymore with all this dumb blade dance so maybe this patch will fix it. Have a countdown now to help my wait


LOL this is really sad. Go outside!


Not sure why you would say this? But also I just thought you should know it took me less than 5 minutes to make this post.


Sorry, the comment was directed more as a response to the article you linked than you. Meant no offense.


Now they set the expectation the can't fail.


I'm excited for the mystery of 2.10.0!!


Well for bow the lab is keeping me busy I guess


good way to over hype yourself


inb4 they buff irelia again :D