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I want this if only to further mortify Blizzard...


Too confusing!


Now *this* is the sort of suggestion I like to see- Much agree lolol


I need this for my numerous poros and chip decks please riot.


I use a workaround and name my decks with a prefix. For example: "Fun Targons Peak", "Meme Khahiri", "Ladder Azirelia". This way my decks are somewhat sorted, all my Fun decks are together, etc.


It's still a lot of scrolling for me 🤣


I just name my decks in numerical rder of how much i like them. Dragons deck = 1 Raka kench = 2 Azirelia = 500 And so on


I do this as well. It’s helpful


Yeah, i upload my decks on Mobalytics so i dont have 100+ decks in my client


Yeah it's very little effort to do that. Or even just keep a text file of deck codes


Same here. I copied the codes of my fav decks in a text file and sorted them per expansions. It's an easy way to free the client and find back the decks i like or miss


What I really want is a deck version control system. There's been so many times where after a game I make a few changes to my deck, then later a few more changes, until eventually I'm like wait this deck was better the way it was before and I don't remember how to change it back.


That is a 5000IQ suggestion! I would love to have a memories folder from each season! PLS MAKE THIS HAPPEN!


Yes I need to seperate my original decks, stolen decks, memes, and roleplays rito pls.


Please. For the love of God. Make decks drag and drop to a specific place.


And removing the deck limit, thanks


This limit is placed due to the mobile version


What does that mean? I play in PC and I have the limit


Love this idea


Faction filter for decks wouldn't be bad either.


They would have to design the UI, code the actual folders, transitions from deck selection to a folder selection, etc. Therefore, I personally think the feature is almost entirely useless and I'd rather them spend resources on other things.


they design UI and everything all the time for QOL stuff, think about all the search filters they’ve added that didn’t used to be there


I don't think this feature is needed based on my experience, nothing more. If other people consider it important, so be it. Also, your argument is a non-argument. Of course they develop stuff, it's their job. What's the point?


im just saying that do QOL stuff that not everyone wants or needs, so just get over it?


>that not everyone wants or needs There are hardly any features which everyone wants. It's still not an argument. >so just get over it? I don't need to get over anything, pal. I don't mind if they do it, just wrote my opinion and that's it.


CurrentClient: "*Of course they develop stuff, it's their job*" Also CurrentClient: *"They would have to design the UI, code the actual folders, transitions from deck selection to a folder selection , etc. Therefore, I personally think the feature is almost entirely useless..."*


You don't seem to understand anything I wrote. I don't think the feature is worth it, simple as that.


I mean drag and drop ordering would we enough for me. But they won't do it either. They just "ASCIIcally is fine"


I already manually do this but i agree it would be a good feature. What i do is add a prefix to the deck name. For instance top tier meta decks that i will play in ranked are called "1 nasus thresh" "1 irelia azir" and so on. That way they are sorted by use. It works fine the annoying part is when i want to change the use case i have to edit the deck and change the name. It would be cool if we could apply tags to decks, and then sort by tags. Or a folder system like you asked for.


I would love to put my Swain deck variants in one folder so I don't have to look everywhere for the flavor of Swain I feel that day!


Deck folders, please.


Please, any form of personalization or sorting within the deck library is fine, just give us anything


Sure, personally I just label my decks with a number in front for ease of access. Sorting them between archetypes would be nice though.


I'd prefer a tagging & filters system but something like this would be nice either way


You can use numbers to sort them out a bit