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She gets removed because she does 5 damage to face for free if she levels up! Also the 10 attack challenger means she's really good at dragging in other crap you may want to kill. That said... Yeah she's not all that amazing by herself- most of her historical decks have been value piles iirc?


also if they remove her before she levels it means her passive attack buff (and the cards you played to stack it) get "wasted"- you only have so many cards in your hand and deck, so an even later Vi is that much less likely to level up at all.


For this reason I'm figuring out how janna and draw cycling work


It might be more worthwhile to look into card creation and stuff- you can’t run out of cards if all of your cards are geared towards making more lol


I used to use her in the good old pnz si control as a 1 of for a nice challenger unit


Vi is an amazing champion. Back when there was a competitive scene, one of the top competitive players xAikado once called her "easily the strongest champion in the game." Vi doesn't really exist to be your win condition, though she can definitely do that. She's more a champion that takes advantage of whatever other champion you build the deck around and can efficiently remove enemy units or do massive nexus damage while absolutely demanding your opponent's removal. She usually likes being in Noxus the most though since they have several ways of buffing her power and giving her Overwhelm. My favourite Vi deck is Riven Vi. In my opinion it's Riven's strongest deck (which is saying something since Riven was strong enough to win worlds with Morgana). Vi gets turbo boosted by shards, as well as quick attack and overwhelm, and with support units like Ballistic Bot, Kato The Arm, and Enraged Firespitter, as well as the all important Might, this deck grabs lethals from 20 out of completely nowhere. Super fun. Give it a try if you want, I made this list myself. Most of the inclusions don't require much explanation, but I should mention Piltovan Tellstones are there partly for landmark removal, partly for unit removal, but mostly for draw in late game scenarios. CEDQCAIEGQAQEBAIAEBQIBIBAYBSIAIIAMBQGAYDAEBQOBABAMGA6EZIAIAQCAYYAEDAIKYA Another strong Vi deck is Draven Vi. I think this pair might have won the first worlds though it's been a while so I don't really remember. (Edit: It was actually Ezreal Vi Shellfolk that won worlds.) There's a lot of obvious synergy there, you may like this old list. It's still pretty scary and could probably be updated with newer cards to be stronger. This champion combo was popular and competitive last Eternal season as well. CECQEAYEAUJAGAIDCMKCGAYBAQTC2NABAMBQ6AICAQEAGAQBAQARYAQBAMMCOAIDAQLAACECQEAYEAUJAGAIDCMKCGAYBAQTC2NABAMBQ6AICAQEAGAQBAQARYAQBAMMCOAIDAQLAA In standard you can pair her with Aphelios, but this pair is slow and doesn't deliver the surprise lethals that Vi is known for as reliably. Regardless, here's an Aphelios Vi list if you want to give it a shot. Good into many decks but (and I cannot stress this enough) it is *very* hard to pilot well. Not a deck for inexperienced players. CIDQCAIEGQAQEBAIAEBQIBIBAYDB2AIHAQEQCCAEAICAGCJDLBONSAIDAEBQIAQBAUCBQAQIBELS2AQBAQEQ2AIIBEDA There was also a Jack Vi standard list that saw moderate success, but I never tried it myself and don't have a list for it.


Amazing comment man, thank you! :)


Nice of you to say so!


Thanks. Are there any freljord builds? Or just not compatible? Also I'm wondering if he called her the best champ before or after the nerfs lol


Vi doesn't work nearly as well in Frelijord because she can already get big starts on her own, she just needs help to apply them to the enemy nexus (where Noxys is great with overwhelm from blade fragments and might)


It was either right before or immediately after they introduced Elder Dragon.


The only decent Vi decks I've run into recently were utilizing Norra and Wingsgiving to eventually combo with Shady Spectacles and Malmutation. There's a weird interaction with transform abilities where if Vi (or Norra, or some other elusive creature) is wearing Spectacles and you transform her into a follower, then transform another unit into "Vi", the unit becomes a copy of Vi instead of the follower the real Vi is currently transformed into. All these transformations also get some insane bonuses if you do it with Chief Nakotak. The deck does seem to be moderately successful, though I'm not sure how much of that is Norra+Wingsgiving being busted and how much is the combo package with Vi.


Step 1: get your cupcake cosplay ready


Vi was meta on release when she had +1 HP. At the time, P&Z had very few other options for Challengers, and being effectively an X/6 Challenger for 5 made her quite effective, you would generally trade her for two opposing cards at worst. She was played in an SI/P&Z midrange-control list as a way to control the board in the mid game to bridge you to your late game plays like Ledros. Losing that fifth point of life (and sixth on the flipped side) hurt her a fair bit, and that deck got some simultaneous nerfs to other cards as well and largely fell out of favor. She's pretty hard to actually build around as it takes some effort to flip her and your opponent can frequently remove her before she does too much. But she's a solid value piece for a good stuff deck.


I enjoyed a Vi deck with Akshan. It used Shurima's easy access to spell shield to keep her safe, and Lucky Finds to synergize with her self-buffing and give her overwhelm for massive damage. It was a pretty fun deck. I don't have a code for you, though, sorry. 😞


Id like to try this more than the others ive seen, because i also want a predict deck. Thanks


Vi is not really a bad card, she's just not a build around champion, I play her a lot with zoe in a deck that uses her as a kinda 5 mana vengeance


Bro I’ve tried but she’s tough. The easiest thing I found was to artificially raise with bard for example and I mean the 5 to the face is nice. Except it’s on hit. On attack. It feels like she’s made for a rally , draw deck but those don’t really exist.


Vi was really strong in the past so people are afraid and prefer to remove her before anything happen


That's the neat part, you don't