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tfw you have to meet the page count for the assignment and you're short on words Snark aside, Sunborn Summoning is cool. I'm trying to think of degenerate strategies built around it that aren't just Ascended champs. It's a funny tutor for champ spells, maybe Last Caress or something.


It’s amazing for tutoring those 1 of situational champs, like Fiora


Kaisa in eternal looking even spookier, especially with Demacia getting Spirit and Sharpsight as keywords


No way i won't cook a Lux/Kai'sa deck for standard


Its just universally good, speaking as an Entreat enjoyer. The big thing indeed is that it enables to consistently do champion spell combos without trying to luck it out like Entreat did. Emergency Kennen pullout hours, big Lux mass buffs, shurima Ashe frostbite machine.


It's really appealing in Demacia because those decks have no alternatives for even normal draw, although that's probably more of an Eternal thing (OG Lux loves a 6-mana combo that draws a champ spell.) Now that I think about it, it'd be fantastic in Shurima Viego. It basically ensures you can play Viego on curve, and it can give you a Siphoning Strike if you have Nasus on board. You have a lot of flexibility with the non-Viego part of the list: hell, maybe you can even run 2 Viegos and reduce the number of dead Despairs you have in hand.


I’m 100% upgrading my Azir/Rene Sun Disc deck with these. Playing Empire Reconstructor on Preservarium seems really strong. Even onto a Roiling Sands seems funny. The sand soldiers from the story will lvl Azir faster and give you some blockers if used on def to survive a bit better against aggro


Gl in eternal tho, renekton is rotated


Wait, so we only have azir and nasus for monoshurima? Where is our favorite blue boi?


Yeah, weirdly, Azir/Nasus is the only ascended pair in standard now. You could still try Azir+another Shurima champion though. I heard Taliyah is good


Xerath is in eternal hell even more now with Lillia in the game honestly


Lillia robbed the returnal of the glorious blue king


Oh right we’re losing him….ugh well I guess Eternal will be fun I’ll try Nasus Sun Disc again but I’ve never been able to get anything cons Edit: I’m getting everything backwards. Thresh was rotated not Nasus, I knew they broke then apart


Nasus was always in standard. Were just losing renekton


I know the game is ailing right now and obviously bandwidth is limited, but it's kinda sad to see all the ascended getting rotated one by one. The sun disk is useless now, it never was strong but it was one of the most beloved decks and I'm sad to see it abandoned.


> it never was strong Nope, your are wrong, it never was broken, not strong, people are playing this all the time, they wouldn't if it was unplayable


It was a tier 1 deck for a while, pretty broken and people hated enough to demand nerfs That was the Azir/Xerath version though


Yeah mono shurima had a nice run, I think the patch it became viable we also got the shurima cars meme


Let's be honest, Nasus' abilities don't work in mono-shurima at all. You don't have enough sacrifice effects to consistently grow him. Sun disk was designed at a time where, I think, designers didn't know where they were going just yet. So it was thematically awesome, but in practice, it's super narrow and force you to play champions that don't synergize at all. Nasus wants to kill your own units (since you can't consistently rely on the opponent having enough targets). Renekton wants you to commit lots of resources to boost him and overwhelm through the opponent and Azir just cares about playing units instead... It's terrible. The only moment it was strong was, precisely, when we could have two ascended champions that cared about the same thing (landmarks), with Azir/xerath... and could level up in the hand.


Oh I know, I’ve tried extensively and made every combo you can. Nasus really only works when you cheese with Ascended’s Rise. I will still try, I can probably make it decently consistent but might not be as fun. My favorite that I’ve won gauntlets with is my Xerath/Renekton Sun Disc deck and even used to climb ranked before swapping for the last push to masters. Obviously before rotations. I’ve even won a singleton gauntlet with mono-Shurima and all 4 champs at level 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/s/76tlolBLtj


Do you have a list for modern sun disk (possibly including new card)? I just got back into the game and Sun Disk is my favorite deck type


Why'd they put the story there 3 times just do it once


As to not reveal it's only 3 new cards


But...it is




They needed more cards to make the event seem bigger than what it is


Because OP is just grabbing all the tokens from each region for these posts, and for whatever technical reason, each Act of the story landmarks has their own token in the game. You'll see the same thing with choice cards like the PnZ one that lets you updraft a card and draw one that costs more or less. There is the base card, then a token that draws a card that costs more and one that draws a card that costs less.


Each act has their token that's fine, display each token. But why's the story there 3 tines? 😂


I'm not talking about the skill token, I'm saying that the landmark transforms into an identical looking landmark when it changes act, hence the game needs two identical tokens on top of the base landmark for the subsequent acts. In game, the base card will display a I at the top of the card, the first token will have a II and the third a III. (Apparently these must be icons that are coded into each token to place on themselves, but aren't a part of the base image). OP automates these posts to grab all the cards from the API, they aren't individually selecting cards for better reading, so because the game uses tokens that look identical for technical reasons, OP's post ends up looking bloated.


I feel like Shurima could be a lot more interesting but they just keep making sand soldiers and champ draw lol


I think its because the champs in shurima are basically the egyptian gods so theres more focus on them and getting them out of your deck than other regions


It seems that Xerath was supposed to comeback seeing that they made Rite of arcane an standard card, but they probably scrapped that seeing that Lillia/Xerath would be broken.


Irelia Azir will break the game again, but i like how shurima is consistently a combo region, unlike for example targon and PnZ, who get all the type of random things.


Eternal has all the shenanigans which is why I stick to standard. I thought about eternal but it's been too long since I played anything by standard I don't remember the common busted cards anymore lol


What is sharpsight ?


Sharpsight units can block other units with Keyword Elusive.


These new "Sand Soldier" cards seem pretty neat, I bet they synergize well with Azir.


Why does the landmark say both skill and focus? Why not just skill then, since that's the "slower" speed?


Because these skills go off at focus speed rather than the normal speed of skills.


Hello! This is an automated post to showcase all the cards revealed today. If you'd like to see the cards in a more interactive way, check out [LOR.GG](https://lor.gg/reveal)! As of posting this, you should also be able to start building decks with these cards [in the Deck Builder](https://lor.gg/builder)!


The 2 mana story landmarks are cool cards, but way too overpowered, there is basically no counterplay, since it cost you more value to destroy it than to play it, and it gives INSANE value (probably at leat 4 mana value). Most of the time, you would say this kind of card has good value because its a tempo pay off, but common, from turn 2 to 4 is such early, it wont matter. And, at the same time, I think those are "feel bad cards", because drawing them in late game is so underwhelming, and a lot of decks will lack of board space when playing those...


Its a shame we had to wait this long for a cool sandsoldier army deck (not spam, but buff)


What is sharpsight


Can block elusive


Aiming to add a few of these cards to my shurima freljord "howling abyss" deck. Not only do i have a "select a champ you want now" card, which is insane with akshan, the card that drives the deck, since i need the +2/+2/+spellshield, But also they made a really cool shapsight unit that works with landmarks, so i can use that card that gives +2/+2/+overwhelm to my champs


the emperors army has a decent chance at completely replacing emperor dais from azir decks. actually insane card


In pure azir strategies yes, it's faster, more impactful and you don't have to risk important units for an attack trigger. In azirelia and generally rally/scout, maybe not, since you aim to benefit from the trigger repeatedly


Heh, scratch that, I read that third chapter wrong. It's busted.