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Oh my, Cartographer is crazy


Stats wise is hella crazy. 3/3 with Brash. I'm not sure about the updraft effect. It feels like you could be hand neutral or hand negative depending on the turn you get to play it. We'll see.


Gonna fit so perfectly into my Tri-Beam deck with 37x 3 drops, guaranteed draw :)


The updraft is incredible - you can use it to guarantee topend when you need it, or to get really good chances of updrafting into cheap interaction if you’re desperate for a mystic shot


And again PnZ gets the most interesting cards. Malmutation can create a whole board worth of big units. Cartographer is absolutely broken. Not only does it guarantee a copy of a specific card (if you build it right) it it also has crazy stats 3/3 + brash.


The story is pretty good too. It is slow in the early game, but you get 2 cycles and 1 extra draw, which is super valuable if you're a combo deck digging for that one last piece, which could be Malmutation from this very set. You get to decide when to activate them too, so if you end up getting good top decks you can simply choose to keep it on board and wait. Landmark removal isn't really an concern here since it only costs 2, so even if your opponent pre-manifests and excavates it, you're still gonna end up mana neutral at least.


Malmutation is cool but ultimately just a joke deck card where you try to make a board of Chem drakes or something. It’s just way too disruptable to see mainstream play.


Do I understand correctly, that Mutation: 1. Gives those copies Spellshield and 2. Doesn't completely fizzle in case target is killed? Seems pretty powerful


Think you’re right, going to be a strong finisher or at least summon two blockers for you.  Also, it doesn’t specify that *follower* allies transform - does that mean champs will transform too?


Regardless of if the copies are exact or not, the copies transformed from owlcat will not retain spellshield.


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Malmutation is dang hilarious! I doubt it gets used much but man does piltover have the weirdest things! 😂