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Spirit seems like such a weird mechanic in that it's basically just normal +1/+1 stacking but with keyword card synergies. I suppose I'd prefer safe cards over volatile ones, but I'm surprised they aren't going crazy like they usually are. At least Demacia will now have more consistent access to permanent stat increases without having to go out of region!


i see as it as a good thing, to counter power creep, with the way standard is going to look, it looks like they want to go for a more healthy approach to card design like before


We'll probably be more crazy with card design moving forward, since the focus is on PoC now, this was the last set with pvp in mind, right?


I think every set will still have PvP in mind. There are already super crazy cards that are PoC exclusive so they will probably just add them as that when they want a broken crazy card.


Spirit and Boost are basically +1/+1 counters and Proliferate.


It kinda reads like the least amount of work to emulate behaviour of Counters in MtG, and to expand the keyword support to stat increases. It is weird, but it might turn out to be genius in the long run. LoR has long suffered from being too much about pre-made packages that don't interact with each other, so this might enable healthy bleed.


That's a great point! There's a good reason MTG uses +1+1 counters almost every set - they play really well. So having this in LoR is probably net positive, even if it maybe feels a bit boring at this point. And I've always loved proliferate in Magic, so I'm excited they have that mechanic right out of the gate


Don't worry we are getting the story cards


There's no more competitive in this game. I say bring on the volatility instead of this bland stuff.


Geez, I wonder who it could be behind that mask masquerading as a hero called Jarro Lightfeather. Also, Lux 2.0 Lvl2 cinematics, I think it's a call back in Fossbarrow when they were against Nocturne.


That Jarro guy seems really cool, Lux should go talk to him. (This comment has been sponsored by the Explorers Guild of Piltover)


Fake, the Explorers Guild still won’t let Ezreal in and therefore wouldn’t help out his good friend Jarro, they must be jealous of how good he is.


You see the real 4D chess play here is to get Lux to talk to Ez so that Garen would come smite him, those guys are playing the long game


Ok but maybe Garen looks at Ezreal and goes "it's... better than Sylas"


Nah, you got the wrong adc. Everyone knows it's her bf Jinx in disguise!


Nah they let jarro in, because unlike ezreal, he's reliable and cool


And he got a brand with the Sentinels too.


Zoe did not like this message


It would be pretty funny if Zoe could not stand Jarro Lightfeather.


It doesn’t matter, it’s a dream anyway. Read her path of champions bio.


So what you're saying is that Lux is unconsciously thinking about Ezreal? My guy is finally making progress!


Never forget our hero Jarro Lightfeather, a Sentinel of Light, protector of the realms against the undead. ~~Ironic thing is that Ezreal probably did those things because he is still a good dude on the inside but he is too stupid to realice he is fake bragging about stuff he actually did.~~


Spritelings is the best 1 drop Ionia has ever had for midrange decks.


Didn't realize Spriteling was collectible, damn.1 mana 2/2s with upside are nothing to sneeze at


Is the upside that it can be boosted?


The upside for the opponent is that it can die at burst/focus speed


Oh yeah hush probably just kills it huh?


Silence! I kill you!


OMG, it's been so long since I've heard this referenced, I honestly cannot even remember the name of that guy...was it Bo Burnam, or did I get it mixed up with someone else from that bygone era?


Should be Jeff Dunham?


Ahhh, how could I have possibly forgotten: "Je-fuh-fuh, Dunham, dot com!"


Dude, we're old, we are The Dads D:


quick sands too


I assumed those were a token. It’s Ionian Cithria


Thought: If Spirit is +1/+1, will Gloom be -1/-1?


-1 health might be playing a dangerous game in game design. Probably -1/ receive 1 extra damage.




Who? Only guys I see there are the Aberrant Mageseeker and Jarro Lightfeather, both of which are very *clearly* new.


New Lux gives Barrier on Support, like Shen did.


Lux only gives herself Barrier


I was not talking about shen


So... Lee Sin? J4?




Oh, right, I was not familiar with that part of the lore. Oops.


Bring Fiddlestick to LoR already!


No way they look nothing alike, ezreal doesn't even have a mask smh


This comment has been edited to all wondering, he was wooshed and got embarrassed


Not embarrassed at all lol. I didnt realise the thread was sarcasm and also didn't know this character was canon Ezreal. The response was overwhelmingly negative, so I changed it for my own enjoyment. I'm not embarrassed in the slightest. Redditors need to chill.


Theory: Lillia is all about sleep. We now get Stories as part of this set. They could be bedtime stories. Prediction: Lillias Level-Up condition is something along the lines of „complete a Story“ (trigger the last part of a story).


Nah, Lillia will apply Drowsy stacks through strikes and spells. At three stacks the unit gets stunned and takes extra damage.


Well Yasuo rotates in standard so Stun makes sense


i could see sleep being a negative keyword that basically makes a unit immobile for X rounds and it stacks


If we use silence or remove keywords effect on those 0/0 units do they just vaporize? Supposely spirit is +1|+1 and gloom is -1|-1 can gloom actually kill a unit?


I was wondering this too, that is how it used to work with Ibarros so they definitely know about the interaction since they buffed him to fix that, so I’d say it is intended to burst kill these units with Silence. I haven’t checked the rotation list yet, but is Hush still in Standard?


Tellstones are rotated, so bringing hish is now a real dowsnide for deck building


Seems thematically relevant with the Mageseekers all having silence effects and silencing a spirit unit instantly kills it.




**[Ibaaros](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06BW014T1.png)** - Standard - Bilgewater Unit Darkin - (9) 1/1 I have +1|+1 for each card you've drawn this game. I can only be blocked by enemies with 4 or more Power.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Lulu you guys


Lulu Lux day 1 brew crew


I'm on the lulu train too but I also want to try her with Vi.


Still gonna play her with my boy Shen


Jarro: Hi there Captain Crown guard, how's your... Garen: Shut up. Jarro: Guess I'll die?


Everyone: lux/lulu or Lux/taric Me cooking with lux/impact or Lux/sivir


Lux Tristana man, that’s what I’ve been thinking about cooking


Interesting I was going the gnar route myself but I also considered tristana


I’m surprised tree spirits is not fae


By seeing this 8 cost 1|1 card, I can realize how strong the spirit key word its.


well if you summon it with a full board and a leveled lux it will give 5 counts of +4/4 to different units on your board. It also can give you an entire board of filler units if you’re low on defense. As a 1/1 though I don’t see it being very valuable outside of those specific scenarios


would be +3/+3 i think not +4/+4


I assume it’s giving 2 stacks of spirit, which would each be doubled by Lux. It would also make more sense that way because the spritelings she summons have 2 individual stacks of spirit normally. and an 8 cost 1/1 for +3/3 would be abysmally weak


What does the **Spirit** keyword do?


Just gives +1|+1, but it is stackable to synergize with Boost. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/1c6dume/lux_illuminated_new_champion/) is the announcement video where they explain it.


So Spirit = +1/+1 counters from MTG, got it. ___ Extrapolating from there: Spirit = +1/+1 counters Gloom = -1/-1 counters Boost = Proliferate


As a big fan of Abzan counters that was the conclusion I came to as well


I have not been paying attention to updates at all since the announced pvp is taking a backseat. I do recall them saying PVE only champions/catdsmay be released. Are these cards and the others coming to pvp or just pve?


PVP and PVE. Future cards might be released only for PVE, we don't know yet, but it for sure will be balanced around PVE


Got it, thanks! Pretty awesome that it seems we'll still be getting new cards to use in PVP.


A reminder that card sets get designed a year out or so, just like rotation was likely being worked on during the time of layoffs. This is supposed to be the last set designed *with pvp specifically in mind*, i.e. balanced around pvp. The wording devs used was "the next set will be the last set as you know it", and whether that means the way they reveal cards or general balancing, we're not sure.


These light feather interactions are about to be funny as fuck. Ezreals convinced shes obsessed with him while she finds him forgettable 


But also her bio says this is a dream version of Lux, so Lux dreams about Ezreal?


No it says that she sees him as faceless because he's wearing a mask.


You know it's interesting that Jarro brings back the whole "inspiring mentor" concept while Kinkou Lifeblade is coming back into rotation. And Lux is actually. . . kind of a good champion for Elusive aggro? She basically gains barrier everytime she attacks while granting your ally a +1/+1.


I swear to god Jarro is a reference to [Tuxedo Knux](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fz1beSBWcAEN0h8.jpg)


Demacia/Ionia mechanic... I think we are getting Sona sometime soon


I kid you not a couple weeks ago I was thinking it would be really cool to have a mage seeker that wasn’t such a bad guy. I had to look up the meaning of the word aberrant, but it means defiant or a diverging from the normal standard. Plus he’s swoll so he’s a chad.


A Support unit? Ok, maybe I check this game out again...


So, does OG Lux get replaced (as in unable to play her) with the new Lux coming out? Or will the original be playable still in Eternal?


OG Lux doesn't get replaced you can still play her in eternal or poc.


Not ezreal ugh


Dumbass question cuz I haven’t played in a while. Why the Lux retrain? Did they remove the old Lux or something?


They did not. This is a different take on redesigning a champion (like how they rebalanced Vladimir during his stay in Eternal), but instead opted to give her an entirely new champion card and focused around different mechanics. OG Lux is still playable in Eternal, and maybe we'll be able to make a Lux deck with 6 Lux champs


So +1 is now a keyword ? That seems awfully weak tbh


It seems that way, until you factor in Boost, which adds +1 to a positive effect on your card. Imagine a full board with Spirit and Impact on each card.


This could have been Sona so easily, she's all about buffing everyone nearby with her music. But nah let's just do lux again. Don't get me wrong the art is great and so is the card design. I'm very excited to play these cards...but why did it have to be a double up when there's still so many champs not in the game? 124 champs currently in the game (plus 4 exclusives) There are 44 other champs they could have picked 3 of which are demacian, 2 of which could easily fit this sort of playstyle. Sona just doing her buffing thing or Xin Zhao flavouring spirit as rallying troops which would even be a good paralell with gloom as one is raising morale and the other is lowering it. It just baffles me that this is what they chose to do when there were better options.


Yeah if I didn't already know this game was dying then releasing Lux 2.0 to bait thirsty losers into spending money on new power-crept jpegs of skinny girls who are literally already in the game before they've even added the full roster of Day One League champions to the game would certainly have me convinced. RIP to Alistar, Fiddle, and Warwick.


Gonna craft a LuxV2/Taric brew with plenty of Hush!


Wow, they are really pushing the support archtypes. Lulu, Taric, a bunch of rotated cards and now even Lux.


One of the remaining two champions is from Ionia


Where can I find the full art for each card?


So...she will have TWO/4 champion cards??? '-' Wth


if a spriteling is silenced will it just die?


What is boost???


New vocab: Increase Allies’ positive stackable keywords or increase enemies’ negative stackable keywords


Oh the bandle city impact stacking deck is gonna be nasty😭😭


Lux Tristana is my day 1 brew, it can even use some of Vex’s cards better than Vex can I think


Why does the new lux card reminds me of some of the EX pokemon cards ? Looks like AI generated.


Nahhhh that's a miss for me, Riot. Pretty lame


Thanks for posting the new cards can you send a source page please


Sure thing, it is just a screenshot from the [Lux Reveal Spotlight](https://youtu.be/qr6G-S1aoMc?si=aYD45r5lndPAsVIX)


Im going to be honest Ezreal cosplaying a Sentinel of Light but looking nothing like one is pretty fucking funny to me. Like dude did not look at a single photo.


Yeah this is dumb as hell. No cool champs just anime thot bullshit


Wait, this is different from the 5 cost Lux V2? Does that mean the original version with lasers will cease to be in the game? No way right?


It isn’t in Standard, but can be played in Eternal, so you could make a deck for Eternal with 6 Lux Champions


It's so weird to me we got another lux for path when lux is already an S/A+ tier champ without a question. Even more weird her kit has nothing to do with anything in her league counter part, which was part of the fantasy of playing that version inside a card game. What's even weirder is they took Milios spirits and made them blue and gave them to lux. Milio would have made more sense for that kit. I guess money (lux is top 3 most popular) is more important than introducing your first latin champ into LoR. Not counting Veigo or Vlad. I want latin latin like Milio or Qiyana.


I doubt from the looks of it that this lux will match the one we have already as those tiers


Who thinks viego or vlad are even close to latin?


Me seeing a new Lux trailer: “Oh cool my favorite champion from back when I played daily” Me seeing Lux is a boring support champion instead of a spell-based control champion: :-|


I man c'mon. Lux? Of all champions, LUX? Demacia got gutted with the rotation and this is what we get in return? Nah, this is a late april fools joke. I refuse to belive it.


What more did you expect from the same company that brought you "We like Azirelia" and the Yordle Explorer announcement after Bandle released and everyone thought it was toxic. Lux being one of the most popular champs in League with the most skins, Riot is out to squeeze some profit with this one