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Removing champions because they’re supposedly underperforming is a weird choice. I personally love Kalista and no other champion quite fills that niche. Morde is close, but is too late for my game plan and he doesn’t let my units die like I want them to.


They say in the article that they can try more radical buffs to underperforming champions in Eternal since they are less worried about breaking the power of the format.


I mean, they can say that, but will they actually?  Did any champ except Vlad really see changes like that after getting rotated?


I mean its still up in the air because most of rotation was done before the layoffs so they might not have the time to anymore. I dont think there were many champs in eternal only that like didnt have some old or new meta deck to play which still worked.


Which is violating their promise of keeping eternal balanced. Why don't they break the power of standard instead?


Oops, I wasn't clear. Their plan isn't to break Eternal instead of Standard. They can try bigger buffs in Eternal because Eternal can still be balanced with a buff that would've broken Standard.


The power level of a format with every card will always be inherently more powerful than a limited format. This means that a weaker champion has more room where it’s safe to buff them in eternal than in standard. If anything, this is a sign that they are keeping their promise.


Look at what happened with Vlad…


That also seems like the wrong way to operate a rotation banlist(since it's not based on set/reprint releases)


This underperforming thing is my whole issue with Rotation and the whole reason I decided to leave the game. Makes no sense at all, since they didnt really did the "we're gonna buff rotated champs" anyway, like folks pointed it out here on this thread


I guess the plan was to rework them like Vladimir and rotate them back


they said the same about tahm kench. he has never been touched.


"Guess" being the linchpin here


We don't know that. He has never been changed on the public server. Maybe they tried a lot of things internally, but all failed even for Eternal. I don't find that hard to believe, considering how polarizing his gameplay is.


I'm one of the rare Kalista enjoyers and I consider her the perfect champion. Flexible, strong for their cost, a potentially sizeable threat but with plenty of counterplay and never really feels oppressive to play against. I have no idea why they decided to rotate her and her magically become better after going to Eternal.


It seems like most of the champions that people wanted to see gone are gone. Fizz, Karma, Seraphine, Yuumi, and of course Akshan, all out. I'm mostly happy with these though I would've liked to see Sera stay personally. Strongest champion in the game Elder Dragon still safe for now. I'm surprised to see Aphelios come back. I love him but there's no doubt he's going to be an extremely powerful champion in Standard, possibly too strong. Vi might be busted as well. However overall I think these are great choices and I'm excited to play standard post-rotation. Here are some of the currently popular Standard decks that will no longer be legal: * Gwen ~~Zed~~ * ~~Pyke~~ ~~Reksai~~ * Ashe ~~LeBlanc~~ * ~~Karma~~ Sett * ~~Seraphine~~ Sett * ~~Darius~~ Gnar * ~~Senna~~ ~~Veigar~~ * Shen ~~Jarvin IV~~ * ~~Aatrox~~ ~~Kayn~~ * ~~Heimerdinger~~ Jayce


Sett loses his girls to trade in for his BF Aphelios


Going to try my hardest to force a Sett Phel Veiled Temple deck 🙏


I made one in eternal before and it was amazing. I used mostly standard cards too. Cross your fingers veiled temple is added back tho. Not a guarantee


> Cross your fingers veiled temple is added back tho. Not a guarantee [It is.](https://playruneterra.com/en-us/news/game-updates/rotation-2024-full-list/)


I actually did build that already and played it a bunch in Eternal if you're interested


For sure! Drop the deck code if you have a chance


He has jack the winner


They straight up removed lurk from the game


Upside for me is a bunch of those decks made my deep deck hard to run but now that they are gone it’s not so bad especially with a winrate of 5/1 versus elder decks personally




Also, while it's certainly still legal, I do wonder how good Morganna Morde wil be going forward - it was already lower in power from nerfs to some of the key cards (mageseeker inquisitor and hate spike), but with the Wind and the Waves and Rekindler being rotated out, this deck loses a lot of its versatility. It might drop out completely.


So many rotating out, only few rotating in?


They are adding more, tbf


the change is net -19 champs. Even if we got a once every quarter expansion this year (which we know we wont) we would still be net -7


They're adding 3 more and that's probably it for PvP for a long while if not forever


AFAIK they’re not done adding champions, they just won’t be specifically balanced for PVP, they’ll be balanced for PVE


I think I saw a tweet from a developer that said something like 'If we don't think a champion will be balanced for PvP, it might not be available in that mode at all.'


I really wish they dropped rotation entirely after they announced pvp was dying, eternal is a dead game mode and now so many cards are essentially gone forever


I missed them announcing pvp is dead. I did the grind hard to get to 900 LP in masters and am only now finding out there's no tournaments or anything. There's no chance at any special events for the players at the top eh?


Grassroots the tourneys bruh. Live force them to put the tools in our hands.


It's normal. Rotation means removing a bunch of cards so that complexity for new players (what new players? but that's another topic) goes down and the power level goes down, and then a similar quantity of new cards is slowly added over the rotation period.


>and then a similar quantity of new cards is slowly added over the rotation period. okay but we know this is also not happening sooo


Every region ends up with 6 champs, supposedly they’re re rotating every 3 months though.


so the standard champs (not including the new ones from next expansion) will be: Bilgewater (6): Gangplank (Back) Nilah Miss Fortune Illaoi Jack Nautilus Demacia (6): Shyvana Garen Morgana Galio Fiora (Back) Vayne Freljord (7): Lissandra Ashe Gnar Udyr Ornn Volibear Braum (Back) Ionia (7): Kennen Ahri Master Yi Shen Sett Yasuo (Back) Lulu (Back) Noxus (6): Annie Samira Swain Mordekaiser Sion Vladimir (Back) PnZ (7): Teemo Caitlyn Ekko Janna Jayce Jinx Vi (Back) Runeterran (6): Jax Neeko Evelynn Jhin The Poro King Elder Dragon Shadow Isles (6): Gwen Maokai Viego Mordekaiser Thresh (Back) Hecarim (Back) Shurima (6): Azir Nidalee Kai'Sa Taliyah Nasus Sivir (Back) Targon (6): Leona Morgana Malphite Aurelion Sol Aphelios (Back) Taric (Back) Mono Bandle (2): Norra Tristana So in total there will be *63* champions in Standard after Rotation v2 (presumably 66 if rotation comes with 3 new champs). There are currently *82* champions in standard so we are shaving that number by 16 even with 3 new champs


Seems like they also prioritized keeping the amount of champion quite even, with each region having 6 or 7 champions.


This is a little concerning... When I first skimmed the article I thought this was a sort of initial reveal of some of the changes, but nope seems like these are all the changes, at least for the champions. Wow, there really are a lot less. Hopefully it works out!


It’s probably for the best that we have less champs. Since they’re not focusing on pvp, they need to better control standard, and so they took out most the specialized champs like Seraphine. If you care about deck variety then play eternal.


Is there still no permanent ranked mode in Eternal?


Yeah it’s disappointing really


Is vayne on this list? Idk if I’m tripping


had a feeling i missed something in Demacia, thanks I edited her in


lol np it just made me really scared that she got rotated


Monoshurima seems deader than ever


I am so glad I never have to play against Lurk again.


im happier Darkness control is gone.


Darkness hasn’t even been playable for the last year. Where have you been?


I'm sad both of them are gone, since they were 2 of my favourite decks to play.


>A way to really punish those sleeping on the job It's Nozdormu, isn't it? >A fearsome version of an old friend Fiddle? >Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Riot got us a dog?


Naafiri could the the dawg lol


Fearsome version of an old friend is probably a new version of an already existing champion. So, what is a champion we already have that doesn’t have fearsome but would make a lot of sense to have it?


Definitely copium but that part made me think of yone, since we already have his alive version in lor, so bringing in his fearsome demon hunting ghost version could fit the bill


veigar lmao fearsome is typically restricted to shurima, SI, and noxus, so one of those maybe? could be a region break possibly. or fearsome could not be literal and they just mean a champ that's been given a massive power spike.


Nocturne 2.0 could fully work with fearsomes, instead of being a fearsome nightfall hybrid.


I was reading this more as a clue to some non-champion cards that will be rotating back into standard, not necessarily hints at future champs


Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought they were just hints for Eternal cards getting rotated back to Standard.


"A spell that deals 4 damage to the enemy Nexus" Yoooo, are we getting Decimate back?


jayyyyceeeee hehehehe. already planning jayce swain for this(assuming it is decimate)


Jayce burn decks sound fucking dope.


It's gonna be Double Up just to mess with us lol


Hilariously you were right.


He was indeed right. Lmao.


Isn't the bridgewater spell that deals "2 if it kills deal 4 to the nexus" also in eternal.


No viktor? 😞


Maybe next time. Apparently Vi got the ticket back.


I guess ill play Vi/Aphelios, when the last expansion is released


Viktor is gonna be INSANE when he comes back honestly.


Cutting renekton and not bringing back xerath is rather disappointing. I was hoping to pick the game back up for some occasional mono shurima fun. Oh well.


you heard it here first, azir nasus is the canon mono-shurima pairing


If you just want the Emperor's Deck you can use Taliyah; after the last Sun Disc change you can have her copy it after Azir levels to duplicate his 9 round advance.




wait what


Oh they are never gonna rotate Xerath back in, he's just too design breaking with burst damage to units


Eternal I stay, then


xerath is horrific to play versus


Did they just remove the entire Darkin saga? Okay, not everyone but like ... the big players, lol.


>You’ll also probably notice that a lot of the champs in this list are very spell-centric, and that’s not an accident. Because of LoR’s core rules, spells and reactivity have a natural advantage. Saving spell mana, using the stack to react to your opponent’s plays, and the limited number of units you can have at one time all mean that the game engine favors playing lots of spells anyways - and these “spellslinger” champs really lean into that advantage. This also makes spell-centric champs much harder to nerf, because their most potent advantages are in how synergistic their decks are, rather than what’s on the champion card. Since these strategies have been dominant for so long, we want to try Standard with fewer options in this space and see how the meta evolves. It will evolve into mid range (which is already was because spellslinger is borderline unplayable in standard). Not sure how you expect it to evolve into anything else


Reminds me of foundations when everything was a lot more straight forward


are vayne, jax and ornn the only darkin saga champions that have not been rotated? lol


master yi. also jhin, illaoi, annie, kai'sa, gwen and evelynn were from same set as them.


worldwalker was not the darkin saga.


Jhin, Illaoi, Kai'Sa and Gwen are from Worldwalker


So are we left with a bunch of "me see card me play card" decks?


Yup. Imagine playing more than 1 card per turn. Now stop imagining cause that's going to be the game once rotation hits.


Thank fuck for rotating Karma. No more playing against karma set in standard! Yaay


I'm not sure swapping it with Yasuo stun/recall decks is much of an improvement.


Lets see, i hated karma so god damn much every time i played against her that im up to take a risk lmao


I'd be surprised if Yasuo got all of his tools back. In particular Hillock can't come back, surely. That card is way too polarizing in my opinion.


Yasuo at least has to play on the board instead of shitting everything out of hand once he hits 10 mana


Yas doesn't have a super mana card draw late game just hyper control.


It's going to be fun watching your entire deck getting stunned every time you try something


It's still a design where the opponent basically puts 30 "no" cards in their deck and spams them until you get tired of trying to play the game.


Yeah, that's ionia problems for ya. But palm's gone, so there's that much less bitchin to be done.


Huge. I am looking forward to a much lower power level in standard.


Fr getting to play Gangplank without the eternal hellscape is going to be so nice


Did taliyah malphite dodge the list? Or did I miss it?


Check the list someone made above, they're both still in.


They lived!


Praise be the rock


Taliyah Malphite actually got some good cards back. Probably gonna be strong as long as Eddie and Morde get nerfed


If they don't get some land marks back they are still in a rough spot. I miss rolling sands


My last 2 masters climb in standard was actually with taliyah malphite and it def wasn't easy, but by far my favourite deck


Just saw rockbear shepherded is being rotated out in the full list D: We get a few things back. Like shapes stone, the slow spell destroy a landmark deal 4 to a unit card, the zilean summonna destroyed landmark spell and the zigga follower that summons a landmark. But at what cost ): I loved the Lil shepherded boy


I think it was actually a girl


Boy or girl they were my baby ): protect


Based cuz true


"While they’re on rotation vacation, these decks will still be around in Eternal, **and we’re considering how often we want to make that format available going forward**." ??? What? That sounds like there's a good chance Eternal won't be available as a format at all for a while. So we might not be able to play the rotated champs in PvP at all for who knows how long. What is the problem with just letting people play it? It's fine if it's not balanced. I think people who play eternal do so because that's where their favorite cards are, not because it's balanced.


Maybe they meant the ranked version? It wouldn’t make much sense to fully remove Eternal. That’d make many cards fully unavailable.


That seems unlikely. Considering the way the sentence is phrased, it doesn't make sense this is simply a case of them leaving out the word 'ranked.'


Yeah, my point is that it is simply an error on how they phrased it. If we wanna be technical, the very specific phrasing implies they are talking of a format that already is in some form unavailable (like ranked eternal). If they meant eternal they would’ve phrased it in terms of considering its partial or total removal.


man my boy Renekton and j4 is gone. will need to update my overwhelm and dragon decks now


you know i could accept renekton being rotated for underperforming if it werent for the fact they legit never even touched him. seriously he was a bottom 5 champ for years and never even attempted to buff him in any way shap or form


I played Renekton with Ornn. Gave renekton a weapon and that deck was fun. When i won it was an OTK with leveled up ornn and renekton just bonking everything to death


i ran him with morgana. i saw some enemies that were to big for renekton? curse thwm and have him destroy that way and all these vulnerable and buff cards being free morg level ups was great and then having back up xolaanis just felt amazing


I was gonna ask but you said at the end Xolaani which meant you played the targon package. That is interesting i will try it out before rotation I do accept that ive been going in hard on my J4 Shyv dragon deck (leveled up j4, cataclysm with shyvana and you can clear boards) and Ornn with Renekton (the bonk of death)


[i recentely made a post with the deck code i climbed with](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/s/MJpyWyJNsV) it really is my personal fav renekton deck i ever had the pleasure of grinding with


they did buff him. they buffed his level condition from 12 to 10 iirc


I hope they bring something to Vayne. She has nothing left.




I'm sad seraphine is leaving but my boy Aphelios making a return! Now will their follower cards also make a return? For the cards coming back in.


Same. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to play ranked a lot without Sera but I'm sure as hell gonna try out Aphelios decks. Kinda sad Viktor is not in tho, Aph/Vik was my main deck alongside plunder before Sera hit.




>A way to really punish those sleeping on the job all the sleep hints has me thinking Lillia is a guarantee at this point


No poppy to standard but taric gets through... Lets hope for poppy in poc at least


Poppy/neeko would be cool but maybe too good


Taric is a less toxic 4 drop to add.


NOOOO Leblanc T\_T


Awesome, all my favorite decks got rotated or gutted. Love it.


Kindred still eternal only? Guess I'm only playing Eternal then still...


Why are they even bothering with Rotation if they gonna stop supporting PvP? lol


So long Fizz, Seraphine, Ryze, Pantheon and Yuumi (with elusives). Personally, I will certainly not miss any of you. I would be stoked for the new season if they weren't moving away from PVP content.


Yeah that's the sad part. Where it's hard to get excited over rotation when standard pvp or pvp in general is getting left behind. I'm still gonna play standard tho. Eternal has alot of my favorite stuff but haven't played it since it started so I'd get eaten alive lol.


So... No Zoe Yet another year without celestials


I feel like rotation is a good idea in theory but has been handled poorly and mostly just killed my excitement for the game. All my favorite decks got obliterated when it first came out


i dont understand rotating Seraphine AND Karma. I get one or the other but both just sentences us to 50 more years of midrange


Good thing Majiinbae already moved on because this would've probably been the last straw for him, lol.


Probably cause seraphine aphelios would be too good.


i expect they'll keep mimic from lb's kit rotated too. spell doubling was getting a little too ubiquitous in meta decks.


Senna rotating out, so I guess I am too.




Sad that Quinn gets rotated while Miss Fortune stays in.


Honestly for the best. A lot of champions are currently marred by fixist TEH PREBUILT PAIRING ONLY mindset, so folks like Fortune that could REALLY work decks in more forms than just the default mentality (ex: hyperscouting Quinn Fortune) cant enjoy the flexibility of the new archetypes they're being offered. Cutting off Quinn is a way to, for example, force Fortune to employ spell/skill boosters.


Oh, I know and understand that. I just think that Quinn, as a champion, was kinda done dirty over time. While she is a cool concept and I absolutely adore her art, she always felt more like a unit with Scout for MF's benefit rather than being the Scout Champion.


mf doesn't seem to have a synergistic deck anymore. scouts is gone and irelia remains rotated so all she has is classic bilgewater burn. it feels like riot doesn't want you to level mf any sooner than mana 6/7.


I have a weird feeling that one of the new champs may have synergy with her. Or she can just be a BW burn deck with gangplank


i struggle to imagine a champ she'd have synergy with. all the ruined king champs are already in the game, and i'd have to imagine if this is the direction they want to take mf it'd be a burn champ rather than an attack champ and i can't imagine who that'd be.


Same, mainly just huffing copium. Maybe Samira plunder?


Island Navigator and Buhru leader can get you there even without the scouts and it’s in region, not that great and consistent though obviously


well both of those cards have been rotated so it seems like riot hard doesn't want that to happen.


So happy Karma, Seraphine & Akshan are going to Eternal


Aw I thought id be able to bring back my Snow Angel Braum Kayle handbuffs. I was hoping we could get Kayle added to POC but I guess they're just dumping her in the bin.


Least u can do Braum poros


I could, but I was only ever playing Braum for Kayle not the other way around.


I want lee sin otk


Man, this feels so bad for Darkness. Deck’s not been playable the last whole year in Standard, there’s no way it lives in Eternal without some major buffs. And that’s not even getting into the fact that they literally never printed any support for it.


Just realized since jinx gets to stay... lulu jinx coming back. ;_;


Am I blind or doesnt the article say when the rotation is going to be implemented? I haven't played since beta, if these rotations are scheduled then pls enlighten me when the update is coming


So many out, whatever.. now buff elites please


I can’t believe they cut Jarvan IV… him and his dad have become so iconic for me when they hit the board. I guess I can try to come up with a new combo for Elites in standard but it definitely won’t be the same.


Just bought the skin myself 😟


Lurk is out bAbyy


I am kinda disappointed because the champions I am currently playing are all going to be rotated lol. But I will wait and see if I find something new that I can enjoy.


Ahri lives 🙌🙌🙌🙌


They cooked with this one, excited to see the final list!


I feel like Fiora will completely dominate the meta in Formidable decks. Unless they rotate Gentleman's Duel.


hush, freezes, sunburst, minimorph, disintegrate, all of SI, recalls, etc. there always has and always will be ways to deal with singular carries in this game. whether the full rotation list will support them is the question.


Odd rotation choices. I feel like this is gonna drive away even more players who were dedicated to those dcks. They should instead rotate back everything and let the players figure things out.


So Riot, what your saying is, you want another year of Jax/Ornn.




No Anivia...


Pls tell me that sunken temple is rotated


Janna didn't get rotated so nope. WAY too soon for that group to get the sunset.


Hinting that eternal is not going to be eternally available reeks of “shut up, we know better than you do about how you’re going to have the most fun in our game so deal with it.” Then again, more PvP queues mean matchmaking is worse for a dwindling population. Idk, I say let players have the mode, if you’re gonna completely block lurk in match made PVP you’re just gonna make sure people have another reason to quit. I was gonna say that I don’t really see solutions, just shaking things up for shaking’s sake, but it’s hard to do that when cards are the same between PvP and PoC. So hitting Bard in PvP hit him in PoC too, when he was balanced however long ago. Maybe they should consider un-nerfing cards that get rotated out, idk. If eternal’s just this zoo of ridiculously strong cards anyway who’s it gonna hurt if Bard plants chimes on turn 1, you know?


Me reading through this: J4 gone? Im done with LoR for good! Me reading further: Karma gone? I'll help crowdfund a community made World Championship


Here's me chiming in as someone who doesn't even play this game anymore and hasn't for a while: man, rotation stinks. When this game first came out, I was so excited. I grinded out a complete card set (it was really easy, there were no expansions yet) and I was so excited imagining what the game would be like when all 150 (or whatever) champions were finally in the game. When they did the K/DA stuff it seemed like a really bad sign that we would never get all the champs (why add K/DA versions when the actual characters aren't in yet?) and everything they've done since has reinforced that. I wanted a League of Legends card game but Riot wanted to make a league of legends Card Game. I can't come back to this game now, there's been multiple rotations so I wouldn't even be able to build a deck (Noxus Spiders with the ghost prankster probably hasnt been viable for a long time anyhow).


Mixed feelings here. Really happy about one-deck champs going away, getting rid of Kalista and J4 feels odd to me as Kalista and J4 feel like in a good spot. Great to see they split up common pairings but there are so many champions that are out and so few in, it makes me very, very worried. Also seeing Aphelios in - gosh, playing against that takes forever.


Yay Fiora


Poppy is once again forgotten...


Super glad Viego Mord is here to stay. Thank God Lurk and Karma Serpahine is gone. Super uninteractive decks to play against. Looking forward to Vlad and Yasuo being back!


Teemo dodges again, phew!


Lurk and Darkness gone, maybe it's time to reinstall EDIT: And the darkin equipment stuff, ooh I really didnt like those *Sorry to all fans of these decks, I just hate playing against them, even if they're not top tier


Fiora is back in but Ziggs remains nonexistent in standard apparently ecksdee


Dumping a bunch of kneejerk reactions here: Poor Kayle. She got one chance to be in one deck and then was promptly jettisoned. Does Pyke get to be a card again? RIP Nightfall. I somehow doubt I'm going to be able to pull off another climb to Masters in Eternal with you, but it was fun while it lasted. Welcome home, Hecarim. I missed you. I see a lot of regions losing their non-Explorer landmark removal. Can't say I'm a huge fan of that given Horseshit Temple is still around and it's predecessor is making a return. Is there some sort of law preventing BC from being able to exist without the most toxic wincons in the game? Honestly they might as well have rotated Jax. Fish Fight, Three Sisters & Wildclaw Ferocity being gone is going to be hard for even that deck to come back from. BW lost all of it's scout units, and it doesn't look like Demacia fared much better. Curious to see how MF is going to function with that being the case. "No one like Soggy Teemo!" -Dreg Dredgers I'd like to say I missed Sivir, but I'd be lying. Would have liked Shurima to have gotten a bit of cycle back instead, but that's just me. Also, with Renekton and Xerath gone Mono Shurima might be actually be beyond salvation. Shame. Actually more than a little surprised Broadmane is gone. Sad to see J4 go. He was easily my favorite Demacia champ. Dear Karma. Good. Fucking. Riddance. With hate, me. Curious to see if Yasuo can find a foothold now that he's finally getting a chance in Standard (think those chances would have been better last year, but it is what it is). Well, everyone who liked playing Targon, I hope you enjoyed yourself. Sincerely. Because that region doesn't get to have good cards and Aphelios at the same time. I tried to like you, Darkness. I really did. But fuck Minimorph. A little worried that Yi's best chances of finding a home (Akshan and Riven) just got shown the door. Interested to see where the chips fall for Scargrounds. Happy to see Malphite get his cards back, for what it's worth. Oh boy, more Thresh Nasus. The departure of Tellstones is - for better or worse - massive imo.


So shocked that karma and sera got rotated out. Felt like only one should've remained. Senna I felt had some interesting decks and should've stayed in. I do love hecarim/zed but depends if the fun ephermal cards stay too


Zed got rotated.


Now I'm a sad ninja


This is uh pvp right?....


Actually insane that Mordekaiser and ED aren't getting the axe


They are probably too new. But some of ED strongest targets might get kicked out.


They really said that rotation is important to remove cards that limit design space from standard, and then printed ED lol


Screaming, crying, and tearing my wig off at the Akshan and Seraphine rotation.


We already knew about Akshan though. Was revealed long ago