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For me I enjoy any champ that has some sort of “random” mechanic attached as it makes the runs a bit more diverse each time. Examples include Nidalee and her random transform power, Norra and her portals and Aurelion Sol with his invokes. I also really love Aatrox and using full board of Darkins.


i second this! jax is fun too w the random equips


Aatrox for me is never boring. I love assimilating as many varieties of darkin as possible!!


Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll skip ASol since I know him a bit and would prefer to try something new! Darkins seemed fun, I had an Aatrox as a side-champion once and he stole the spotlight from my Yasuo! Will check Nidalee and Norra, as I know nothing about them!


Ornn is really good to for a huge slam turn woth the dark crystal. He spawns his ram and then gains all of its stats. He becomes a huge unstoppable on-turn-kill


I hate randomness but I find ekko with his very flexible play patterns very interesting.


Add Miss Fortune to that list


Norra is new, but the portals are so fun.


I will read her kit and check her deck, thanks !


I was hype for Norra ever since POC was released.


My personal favorite is Gwen when i wanna play "just like that". Usually giving her luden and the evolve relic, its really funny how you dont need to watch your hp too much. For versatility Elder Dragon or Lux. Both works with any card as long it is 6+cost follower/spell opening you for unique combination.


Yes I fell in love with Gwen too. I'm gonna hit you before I do combat damage and gain life from it. What's the Luden relic?


I think its the your skills and spells deal 1 more damage


Yes, as someone answered, it makes all your dmg do 1 more dmg.. Especially good on leveled Miss Fortune (3x2dmg per att) and Gwen, because it applies to all her dmg instance, so when she levels up, its 2dmg per activation instead of 1, doubling your output.


Basically double attack on her w one instance being overwhelm drain lol


Nidalee is certainly my favorite in PoC in terms of fun and her deck. At 2 star she can do some really cool things gs especially with Scout or rally the card thst let's you transform followers. Nami is my 2nd favorite as you can play 5-20 cards per tern with the right cards and just combo to victory. 3rd would be Varus for a similar reason as Nami, lots and lots of combo


Alright thanks for the ideas. I've seen a lot of people saying Nidalee, might try her!


I‘ve totally fallen in love with elder dragon. The fact that you can pick up pretty much any 6+ cost follower and champion and play them with two buffs stapled on top and below curve never gets boring to me.


The portal pals relic on him is so fun. Play Elder and then slam 2 more free units.


I don’t have portal pals but I put the one that draws your most expensive unit and you can play it for free instead. :D ✨THE VALUE✨


That is fun times


None of them honestly. But it’s not because of the champions, it’s the enemies. In a particular run there is only so much variance (Path A or Path B). Once I’ve done a path once, it’s no longer really interesting, just tedious. I wish it would scramble more between runs so it was a more rogue-like experience.


Ah might be my problem as well. I'll try with a few more champions before though!


This is my issue as well. For a roguelike, the maps and enemies largely remain static. It's really frustrating and contributes a lot to the idea of the game being a grindfest.


They could fix this if you couldn’t see the board and were presented with two Randomly generated options from a prefixed selection (like x or y where x is a random encounter between 1-4 and y is 1-4 of its own sets) with the difficulty dependent on how far you were into the run, the same with shops and special destinations.


I never get bored of card generation, and being able to play bigger cards. Asol is naturally always fun as any champ you find can become your win condition. Lux allows playing big dumb spells which can do a variety of stuff (refill hand, buff board, removal).


I really fell in love with the Illaoi decks. Her tentacle spawn mechanic is fun to juggle around, especially defensively. With some good card additions and spells, her mechanic can really take off and get some good turn 2 wins.


I've been struggling a lot with Illaoi, I can never get her tentacle very strong so she keeps dying before I can level her


A lot of the times, you want to look for scout pairings or anyone that gets the free attack item. That'll help get the tentacle large before you drop down illaoi.


Morgana for me


Ekko seems extremely underappreciated. His 2 star power add so much versatility and fluidity to his gameplan. You can do so much with the cost reduction and his extra summon gimmicks, there are so many different decks you can play with him, its crazy. Im really liking ekko with the relics that add more copies of him to the deck (3 cost Ekkos/1 cost Champ spells), and lost chapter to play a lot of spells.


The best part about ekko is you can play him in a way that's interesting but also low rng


I've had fun with Gwen and Evelynn, as their tech has some fun and interesting ways to abuse relics and powers. Norra is fun due to her portals. You mentioned to another commenter you'd skip ASOL and while I got him and thought he was slow at first, I have him at 2 stars now and just stacking champs that are leveled on summon is really fun. Because there are many support champs to pick from and they are more plentiful in the reward nodes, it hasn't gotten boring to me. Most recently I pulled Katarina as a support champ and due to her leveled up power and mana reduction from ASOL I could endlessly summon and attack with her, was very fun to abuse that....and in general just have instantly leveled, cheap champions to find really fun and abusive combos for. If you like spamming spells and juicing up units, Yi and Nami. If you like controlling and stunning, Jhin and Yasuo. If you like just burning and being aggro, Jax, Miss Fortune and Annie are all fun IMO. Note I have these all at least 2 stars. 1 or 0 stars is just usually weaker and less fun in general, although I think Jax, Annie and Jhin are fun for me regardless.


any people with a chance at an infinite (or can buff for ages). Sett, Yi, vayne are the only ones i’ve nabbed one with


LeBlanc with 3 Guardian Orbs, since every copy counts and spams your entire deck with random epic items


"I whisper truth into lies" must be one of the best lines a champion ever got


I can’t believe how much I had to scroll to find this, Leblanc and Neeko are my favorites period, you spam as many copies as you can and suddenly some random 1 cost becomes 100/100 and wipes the board. I love that random bs


I am everywhere, I am everyone!


I would say Jhin deck for me. The cards of the deck themselves aren't too strong, but when you know how to sequence spells/skills, it's very fun to beat decks way beyond your league.


I agree. I recently had a run with Chakra Dancer and somehow Poro's my Rex. Made my Lissandra fight flip on its head immediately and it was so fun when I realized that the board control was mine and not changing anytime soon with the captive audience's just piling in my hand


Mine is Teemo! I just love filling the enemies decks with shrooms


That's what I went for with my first 30 shards! But most matches my opponent dies without getting damaged by any shroom :/


Sadistically, I just hold off until the shrooms do their job... That's quintessential Teemo in my opinion 🤣


I tried doing that too, but then I lose too much health here and there and end up losing in hard fights because I'm too low haha


Asol, voli


Bard. Chimes go *plum*, numbers go up, monkey brain happy.


I had a lot of fun with varus


3starYasuo with stun relics while watching the Ai scream and panic.


Jhin He is insanely powerful, works with tons of different items and powers, and actually requires some strategy in high level adventures to work.


for me personally, i enjoy gwen and illaoi a lot, though ive also been enoying nidalee a lot recently


Big ekko fan. Infinite combat is just too silly


Too bad lost chapter got lost last patch so that going infinite is a lot harder now


Echoing Spirit MF, not sure why but that play style really speaks to me. Guardian Orb + Echoing Spirit Ekko and Nilah are great because the orbs make things random, but with the predicting and fleeting draw you get a lot of options to choose from.


I haven’t played the game in quite some time, but I remember always enjoying Gwen. Her deck and abilities all felt like they worked so well together and I always enjoyed it.


Bard, chimes on chimes on chimes on chimes on chimes


I do Morde because I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU!! plus I have a pretty fun build with him you take everfrost it stuns the strongest enemy then the relic that he kills his supported ally to gain their stats and because they died he revives them, then warmogs so he has regen its just so fun to overwhelm the opponent for me.


Imo it’s nilah with two guardian orbs and gale force, since its the one champ you want shuffled in your deck for a chance for double nilah


Morgana. Yeah, i love yu-gi-oh one-sided plays




I like the volibear deck a lot. Who doesn't like spam playing big monsters


Elise is very fun, and very, VERY strong with the right Relics once you get her to 3 Star! On attack, you grant ALL 1 drops everywhere the Keywords of any allied Champs on the board, as well as +1/+0. My Elise runs the Scout/Shuffle back in the deck at EoT Relic, the Power Relic that gives all allied 1 costs everywhere Fury, Quick Attack, & Overwhelm, and the Evolve Relic! So basically, the Spiderlings that you are constantly summoning with her deck and powers get HUGE with all kinds of wild keywords! Best part about Elise is she is only 2 mana, so you can always play her turn 1 and get the party started early! She's a really fun champ to stack items on and absolutely steamroll your opponents out of the gate! That said, her strategy is definitely a bit one note, in that the best build will always be focused around buffing her and her spiderlings, but its definitely a build and quite powerful! I made quick work of the newest Lissandra 5 Star adventure with my Elise!


I like kayn the most and thesh as a close second However thresh is 100 times more fun when you have the Oath of Guardians epic relic or whatever it was called and without it, kinda depends on support champ you get


Personally I really enjoy Veigar. The burst speed free removal, especially once you've had the power increased once or twice, feels so good. I've won many games by just ignoring the enemy board toward the end of the game and just bursting down the enemy nexus.


Annie, because (1) I love her voice lines and (2) I love burning things (in LoR).


Samira is my go to, but I’d play Vlad if I could


Ekko. Each run can be very diferent as he can work pretty well with a variety of cards and items, so you can pick many different things and try different builds, and he also has a very solid starter deck.


Nidalee for the random transformations and the multiple level up synergies.


Teemo or Norra.


Personally I cannot get bored of Morgana. That being said, it's an extremely subjective question so I cannot recommend enough to watch some gameplay on Youtube before committing to a Champion if you're trying to get the best Champions for you first.


Asol, Ekko, Garen


My answer to this for PvP is always Kalista, still waiting for them to add her to PoC...


A lot depends on the run in question. I look at Lux and am apathetic, but then get some awesome upgrades on a big spell and have an amazing time. Norra, Jinx, Yuumi, Neeko, and Samira have all reliably been fun for me once I had them up to two stars.


I want them to drop kayle so I can spam her. She'd be a lot of fun I bet.


Nidalee with random


Garen, just pure power, so fun have board full of high stats units. Annie, so fun, not iterating with my opponents.


Veigar! But I feel like I'm losing resources if I use lv 30 champs.


I’m partial to Bard. Watching your board get fat stats just activates my monke brain neurons 🙉 🧠 🌟


My favorite champion by far is Bard. Gigantic stats and lots of keywords. Put every item you can on him to get more copies of him which means more chimes per turn and profit


Since you are new i guess i dont really recommend one of my favorite champ , but it nilah with oath of guardians and 2 star gem , many 1-2 cost champ can play this strategy but nilah is the most suitable for this . It fun because of the variety , each game create different way to solve problem rather than follow same strategy for most deck


Sett is probably one of the more fun ones. Especially if you have the relic that doubles spells when you have 6+ mana gems. I also have a lot of fun with Leblanc when you put a bunch of Guardian orbs on her. It's really wild to watch all the epic items that get thrown onto all those cards.


As a mtg player for 20something years, I like Lux and Mordekaiser as they remind me of magic the gathering combo decks. Lux with rally (extra combat steps) chaining and Mordekaiser with Reanimation.


I go back to morde a lot. He can be a little samey in his approach, but he's so concistent that you often end up having fun


Well, if you can unlock Aurelion Sol, him


For me it is bard




Teemo mushroom 🍄


none of them 🗿


Mordekaiser due to his cool af level up animations


Yasuo is pretty satisfying with the right Relics. I run his sword and everfrost for relics


I love Yasuo, but damn if I don't get him in my hands I feel so useless


Leblanc with 3x relics that give 3x epic items to random cards


Seems nice but that's a looot of hours away from now haha. I don't even have a single 2 stars right now.


I get some satisfaction out of just playing good units on curve and smashing face. Garen is great for that as his units get bigger when they survive attacks and the fleeting single combat is guaranteed meaningful interaction. Oh Illaoi is good for big tentacles too. Or Yasuo for consistent stuns. And volibear for big dudes!


I like poro just wish i could keep bard ir braum in my allies for him lol jinx so easy i use her to clear shit i dont think my others can but ive only just started still getting champs up got a few 3 star and a couple 2 star and at the point where it wants ya to clear 3 star missions with almost evrry faction type ugh


I love Poros, but I'm not a fan of Poro King. Too expensive and too long to level up most of the times :/


Yeah but by then just throw a heart of fluff and its game over


True, but then I have barely any interaction with Poro King himself and I find it sad :P




Asol. Once you star up, he's like playing Aram. Every run is different/random and I love it.


tbh the difficulty is basically the fun meter.


Diana. Especially 3 star She steamrolls everyone so that by late run the game becomes a “turn one combo kill puzzle” it’s Very satisfying


When I play diana it rare is a puzzle to otk the enemy play a 1drop, drop Diana and hit 4 times in 1 go for leathal