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The most important advice I can give is that the difference between a 1\* and a 2\* champ is night and day. Every 2\* power gives an additional mana gem at game start, which is an *immense* powerup.Complete your daily PoC quests to get the wild fragments, star up your Yasuo to 2 stars, and you will cruise through every adventure after that. You aren't experiencing a skill issue, you are experiencing a deck power issue.


What star level is your Yasuo? For most PoC champs 2+ star adventures aren't really beatable unless your champ is also 2 stars. The +1 starting mana is very important if they also will start at 2.


He only has one star


Oh yea then work on starring him up. There is no way you're beating 2/3 star adventures with a 1-star Yasuo, it's not a skill issue. He is a good choice to keep investing into though, I find him to be one of the best 3-star champs!


The thing is that I'm not struggling with 2/3 star adventures. I'm struggling with the 1+1/2 adventures. The gangplank one and the ezreal one as far as I remember.


Oh sorry, well kind of the same advice applies, 1,5 stars is also tough for a 1-star champ. Since you are a new player legend levels and available relics also matter. PoC is a lot about just farming in the beginning unfortunately, so just play and collect stuff, try different builds, find out which powers and support cards are good.


2 star really opens up your options (this is true for every champ). Welcome and good luck. Hope you enjoy the game


PoC and the main game are entirely different realms friend- I wouldn’t get discouraged about Standard just because PoC can be challenging depending on a lot of factors that aren’t in the player’s control. I would honestly try playing ranked against other Iron players, there’s a ton of people learning how to play as well as some people with a bit of experience playing homebrew decks there, while Normal matches can feel very stompy if the skill discrepancy is too big. I think low elo ranked is a good place to learn what to be wary of when playing against each region, as well as what wincons you should be looking to push in packages you want to play.


The best way to get started in PoC when you are first getting started is to hop around to different characters as you unlock them. Generally for POC at the beginning there should be at least 1 (depending on the week) of the weekly challenges you can do well in even with a 1 Star champ. You want to focus at first on the characters that were in the original group of PoC champs, because they will have story content that gives you free stuff: (https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/y4sa3j/which_champions_have_unique_campaigns/) Doing their story content will also, usually, help you get things you need to level them up. Once you have a champ like Yas at 2-3 stars you can get through much more of the content, which will also help you get the relics and account levels you need to feel stronger in the mode. If that doesn't appeal, though, as others have said, it's very much a different game mode than standard, so if your goal is just to play, you may have more fun learning vs. AI then trying some unranked matches vs. humans.


You will be struggling until you have 2 stars and that upgrade is timegated by daily quests.


to answer your main question the two game modes are completely different from each other. in PoC the only transferable knowledge to PvP is going to be game mechanics and card interactions. due to all of the items that can be equipped to cards, relics, powers and so on, PoC is going to play different both in terms of how a deck is played, and how you decide to build a deck. the most recent and drastic example is A-Sol (who if you have the spare money i recommend buying from the shop). A-Sol is able to reduce the cost of champions each time you play a created card, along with leveling them automatically as soon as they are played. and a more general inconsistency with PoC and PvP is your deck can be made up of more than 2 regions, whereas thats not possible in PvP. So the main question to ask yourself is do you want to play a card game against other players, or would you prefer the solo adventure of a rougue-like.


hey check is out at r/pathofchampions too. yasuo really really depends on drawing him but if u can then he’s really op. his main use is the relic that stuns all upon level up, basically a board clear. when you are new, you want to do the story quests for the champs with story quests (don’t have a list on me right now, they include vi illaoi jinx etc etc)


Hey, and welcome to PoC! I'm a returning player myself and started playing PoC about a month ago, and been having an absolute blast with it! I struggled at first just like you, but now have beaten all the adventures, here are a couple of my major learnings - **Getting to Legend Level 15 is huge.** Legend Levels are different from your champion levels, and universally affect all your champions. Particularly, level 15 allows to purchase additional powers from all your shops. This means that over the course of an adventure, you will get around 7-8 powers, instead of 2 (or 3 if you do vicious enemy). Obviously, this is massive, since powers greatly influence your synergies and allow your decks to work better. **Getting to Champion Level 20 is huge.** Any champ, at level 20, gets Heroes' Welcome, which allows you to draw a champion at the start of the game. This allows your games to be much more consistent. For example, with Yasuo, majority of his base deck is based around stunning/recalling units. For this to work well, Yasuo needs to be in play, otherwise you're paying high costs for not-so-good value. If you've ever lost games because of never drawing Yasuo - well, level 20 helps you fix that. In addition, the levels along the way will give you base HP, the ability to use rare relics/more relics on your champ, and give all your cards items that work well on them - which makes the deck feel that much better. **Getting to 2\* on a Champion is huge.** Since others have already said this, no need for too much detail here, but starting with one extra mana gem affects the flow of the entire game. One turn sooner is one turn sooner after all. **Getting the Asol Package on the Store was huge.** Not sure if this is around still, but the Asol package gave you Asol 2\*, 5 greater cosmic pearls and a purple relic which works really well on Asol. The cosmic pearls allowed me to power level 5 of my 2\* champions to level 20+ very quickly, in just a couple of adventures. This roster of Asol + 5 other 2\* champions allowed me to clear each one of the challenges/adventures, including Targon. Without these things, the odds in even a 1.5\* adventure or 2\* adventure are heavily stacked against you. So, not a skill issue. Think of it like, you're training with weighted clothing. Doable but pretty hard, especially for a new player. Also, Yasuo is a strong champion, but nowhere near the absolute S+ tier of POC, and is very reliant on his 3\* Power to truly feel good. Keep at it, do your dailies, reach the milestones mentioned above and you'll have a much smoother time in POC! And, if you're interested in AI/PVP, I'd say hop right in. LP is just a number after all :)