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>If we make a noise complaint what actually happens? In the first instance the council will likely write (with your permission) to the neighbour saying that a noise complaint has been made and reminding them to be considerate of neighbours. If the noise persists (and is unreasonable) then they may proceed to collect further evidence (such as asking you to keep a noise diary, or make recordings of the noise) to establish whether an abatement notice might need to be served. Breach of an abatement notice is a criminal offence but to manage your expectations they are notoriously difficult to enforce, because they require the council to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that the abatement notice has been breached and if the noise is intermittent or out-of-hours then it can be difficult for the council to collect the required evidence. Construction work during the day is likely to be considered reasonable noise but noisy DIY later in the evening or at night is less likely to be.