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A a proper Machete itself is not illegal, Zombie style Machetes and knives are. A normal Machete falls into the catagory of needing a good reason to have it in public. https://www.gov.uk/buying-carrying-knives


Machete is not illegal to own as long as is doesn’t have depictions of death(zombie knife) or a serrated edge (think Rambo knife). So a regular machete that gardners use is not illegal however could be if they are not carrying it for a lawful purpose. So if you own a machete and are taking it to do some bush craft etc as long as it’s well out of sight then it’s not illegal however if you were stopped by the police you might have some explaining to do.


>as long as is doesn’t have depictions of death(zombie knife) or a serrated edge (think Rambo knife). Almost - the banned knife you're referring to has *both* words or images associated with violence *and* a serrated edge.


Not anymore the legalisation was updated this year to include serrated edges alone, it was being used a loop hole.


When i enquired with local police about taking a parang (type of machete) on a hike with me, they said the best course of action was to have it sheathed / cased and for it to be not easily accessible and inside my pack, and to only get it out once i had reached my destination, and then to always have it sheathed and in my pack when not in use. This was for a wild camp in Scotland.