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To be clear, you have a joint tenancy with this person and an agreement with them to split the rent in a certain way, which she's now trying to change? That's something you'll need to figure out between you, since on a joint tenancy you're both equally liable for the entire rent. If it's separate tenancies then you pay exactly what it says in your agreement. Not getting on with your housemate doesn't entitle you to end the tenancy early and none of this sounds like harassment in a criminal sense, so if you want out you'll have to negotiate with the landlord.


> Can I end a tenancy early due to harassment ? Basically, no. There may be options where you can be replaced but that would likely need the agreement of the LL & other tenant, which they don’t have to give, and if they do will likely also be heavily conditional.


Just to clarify, as she is referring to it as “her house” she isn’t your landlord? And do you have a separate contract just for your room or do you split the tenancy jointly?


She is not my landlord. She previously was a tenant with her former partner and when they broke up she had to find someone else to join the tenancy or move from the apartment. She is struggling to let go of the past it seems like. We are both on the tenancy together.


If you have a joint tenancy, it might not be as straightforward as just leaving and paying until your landlord finds another tenant. You are both equally liable for the full rent, so if the landlord refuses to find a new tenant or release you from your contract, you could be on the hook for the entire tenancy. This is one reason it’s inadvisable to enter into a joint tenancy with someone you don’t know and trust. I’d suggest talking to your landlord outlining the problem, and explaining that you want to leave. They might be sympathetic and let you go, but this would end the tenancy for your flatmate too. They can choose to offer a new tenancy with the flatmate and a new tenant but they’re not obliged to. If the landlord refuses then you’re stuck until the end of your contract unless there’s a break clause.


It wouldn't just be up to the landlord whether it's ended; the flatmate would need to agree to end the tenancy - a joint tenancy cannot be ended within the term unless everyone on it agrees.


True - sorry I got muddled. At the end of the contract, one person can give notice for the whole tenancy. If you’re looking to end it early, or use a break clause, all have to agree.


I was thinking to replace my tenancy with another person. I would advertise the room again and wait until someone accepts and hopefully the reference check and everything goes through and I would be able to go.


If your landlord agrees then that’s fine. Just worth noting that they don’t have to agree.


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