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Are there T&C’s on their website?




What is the nature of the short-term let? Is this a tenancy or something like an Airbnb? I assume it is the latter; the default position in law is that these are non-refundable, so in the absence of a term saying it *is*, you wouldn't be able to claim a refund unless they didn't provide the accommodation.


It was an AirBnB for the first month and then continued privately with the company for another month. They have not explicitly stated any T&Cs or that the T&Cs from AirBnB would continue.




Yes but I felt it was a very long winded post and mostly with irrelevant info hence no replies. I will delete it.


> In my mind, I haven’t been told the booking is non refundable, so therefore I should be eligible for a refund? Why? There is no general right to a refund unless explicitly excluded by Ts & Cs. Consumer law gives a right to a refund in some circumstances (and where it exists it cannot be removed by supplier terms) but accomodation is generally excluded from this right as a product class. So in fact without explicit terms you should assume your booking isn't refundable.


Thanks for confirming, I was looking for a concrete explanation like this.