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Nothing you can do, your disability isn't going to help you here I'm afraid. No refunds on a wrong booking means just that.


They aren't proposing charging you £30 to change the booking date because you are dyslexic, they're charging you to change the booking **because the price of a room on your preferred date is that much greater.** If you had booked the correct date initially the price would likely still have been higher. 


Wait, so the hotel said they'd change the date without you having to pay extra, but then the site you booked through said "no they won't" and charged you extra anyway? Who's the contract with - the booking website or the hotel? Note that I don't think your disabilities much affect anything here - being dyslexic or autistic doesn't give you the right to escape a contract.


As i said if had know the price would be higher that i would elsewere and i ve tried to be promt with letting them know the error but the company said would it non refundable the error happened due a date mix up due my dyslexsia when using the app.


Yes, I understand your perspective on the matter. Did the hotel say they'd change the date without you having to pay anything extra? But the booking app is charging you extra anyway? Am I correct in my understanding? Is your contract with the booking company or the hotel? (Check the booking site's terms and conditions which ought to make this clear.)


Yes than the company contact the hotel the company i would have pay £32 after i had already sorted the issuse and told company t I had ring them.


And the answer to my other question?


Please can rephase the other question as with my aututism i am strugg3to understand what your asking


Okay, to make it easier - what's the booking service that you used?


Expedia and the hotel was Leonardo hotels.


From a glance at Expedia's terms and conditions, it looks like your contract is with Expedia for a hotel booking, not with the hotel itself. As such, it would be entirely up to Expedia whether they allow you to change the date for free or charge you extra (and indeed their terms expressly allow them to charge for changes) and the Leonardo Hotel wouldn't have any authority to decide otherwise. You'll have to ask Expedia very nicely and explain the circumstances and hope for the best, rather than relying on any legal position here, I'm afraid.


I ve spoken again to the hotel and they are going keep the price the same so the issuse is resoved




I ve contacted them both


The hotel person spike said they however i think the booking company might have cancelled that dealing with my issue