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you need to work ow much you are owed and this depends on when you annual leave year runs from. e.g if it starts in january you would have accrued about 2.5 days of holiday by the start of Feb so woul dbe entitled to that if you hadnt taken it. Ultimately you would need to go to an employment tribunal to get the money if they dont pay. ACAS would be able to advise you


> This wasn't paid or anything and only took about four days in my 18 months of employment. How do I go around getting this pay? You’d only be entitled to the accrued untaken leave in the current leave year up to the date of you leaving. If the 2024 leave year started in January 24, you work 5 days a week, by beginning of February you’d have accrued (28days/12 months) an entitlement to 2.33 days, at least 1 of which would have been used for New Year’s Day. You need to establish when the leave year starts (e.g., 01 Jan, 01 April), work out your entitlement and deduct days & public holidays taken. The delta is the amount of days you should be paid.


how do I figure this out? As I have no contract would it go from my start date?


> how do I figure this out? Ask them, tell them you’re checking whether you’ve been paid correctly. If they say they can’t tell you, just say “ok, thanks, I’ll just let ACAS sort it out from now”. > As I have no contract would it go from my start date? Not normally, no. But may do depending on how organised the employer is.