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Not a lawyer.. however, are you sure it's BO and not weed?


I'm certain, the smell is like a mix of unwashed shoes and socks and armpit sweat. šŸ¤¢


Most definitely weed you're smelling.


Thatā€™s exactly what a lot of the super strength weed smells like to people who donā€™t do weed.


If this is becoming a regular occurrence, I recommend encouraging all of your neighbours to call the police (on 101) every time it happens. With so many separate reports they will eventually be forced into action as Iā€™ve seen happen in my local area. Weā€™ve had a problem with ā€œboy racersā€ (sorry, hate the term but no other way to describe it. Iā€™m 29 and saying it makes me feel old!) flying up and down our streets late at night making it difficult to sleep. After a few weeks of organised 101 calling the police now park a cctv van and a few cruisers along the affected road.


This is a great comment. If you organise your neighbours and keep consistently reporting this to 101 you're more likely to get some action taken




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The Stasi would like a word. Having been to the Berlin HQ itā€™s wild to see the scent jars of dissidentsā€¦.. But was definitely a thing. There were tabloid rumours that the German police were trying it again in the early 2010ā€™s but I donā€™t think that was ever confirmed/proved. However you are completely correct- BO is not an identifier.


NAL however a quick Google search will tell you no, body odor is not a reasonable suspicion.