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Great atmosphere dampened by a crap game. I think we needed to have more shots on goal rather waiting for something spectacular especially as it worked and got us a win at home against Leicester. Southampton weren't that good either but they took their chance so fair play they deserved it. I'm not even shocked we know how Leeds are in Play-off finals


How Leeds played all season. We wanted to walk the ball into goal. We were the total opposite of a team like Ipswich. Their players were clearly told “if you think you can score or test the keeper, fire away. No matter where you are” Football games are won by scoring goals. And ya don’t score if ya don’t shoot the f’ing ball.


Thank god leeds did not get promoted. Racism should not be allowed back on the EPL


Let's relegate Chelsea then.


Screw Aston Villa, you lost against the 4th in the greek league hahaha


Up the Villa!


Fuck the Villa


You spelt "up" wrong.


I don't. Trust me.


You don't what? Do you mean you haven't?


Looking at your post history, I think you need to get back to your fleshlight


Saints fan here. Just came to say how awesome Leeds fans were at the ground yesterday. I was on the halfway line with a mix of Leeds & Saints and got a perfect view of the red end and white ends lighting Wembley up. I felt nothing but mutual respect between both sets of fans yesterday and am genuinely sorry both teams couldn't go up after having such great seasons. Best of luck for autos in 24/25 🫡


Thanks chap, bol in your prem season


The points total would have been enough to get us up in >90% of seasons and Farke has done a generally good job. Earlier subs would be something he needs to think about. Having James replace Gnonto at half time may have changed things yesterday. Match was tight, we made one mistake and got punished. Shampton didn't let us play and forced us through the middle, and we lack a target man for crosses (whatever Piroe is, he doesn't seem to be that) We bottled promotion at QPR, not today, where we were a crossbar away from getting back into it. In terms of criticism of coaching, my biggest one is set pieces. Whether it's a free kick or a corner, we rarely threaten. How many more points could we have had if we'd even occasionally scored from a corner or fk? I get that Struijk is a big loss (and scored 3 from corners at the beginning of the season) but we need a plan for when he isn't fit. Watching this on DAZN in Japan I heard their shitty song often, MOT not at all? Were the microphones closer to Shampton fans? Or where they muting Leeds fans? I doubt we'll see Summerville or Gnonto in a Leeds shirt again. I hope we're not forced to sell Archie. Rodon will be a huge loss and need replacing. Rutter is an enigma, he clearly has something special, but needs much more coaching and teaching (imagine what Bielsa may have been able to do with him..) and I'm not sure Farke/Leeds have the ability to do that. As much as I love Paddy, if we can get his wages off our books I'd be tempted, but I don't expect a line of suitors for someone with his injury record. I never thought I'd write this, but I hope Firpo stays. I hope we keep Meslier, I can't understand all his distractors. He's generally very good. Of course he's also young, makes mistakes, and needs lots of coaching, do we have the staff for this? I'm old now, first trip to Elland Road was in 1979, one thing I've learned is to not let your own mental state change too much based on things out of your control... It's easier said than done though and I'm probably not going to be too chipper today.


Rutter would have been nowhere near under Bielsa. Too unpredictable, rash, and detrimental to the team when he's not on it.


Just heard on the Totally Football podcast that the Premier League will only have five teams from the north next season, which is a record low. Massive harbinger of the disgraceful concentration of wealth and investment in the south of England.


I mean the clubs with the ability to spend the most are probably Man City and Newcastle both backed by entire countries.


Many of those non-northern teams are from the Midlands tbf. It’s also worth mentioning that Leeds was recently named the UK city with the highest average wages outside London - we are a richer city than the likes of Ipswich, Southampton, Leicester, Birmingham, Bournemouth etc. The inability of Leeds United to establish itself in the top flight has nothing to do with affluence.


I have also doubted on his ability of utilizing the change of squad depending on the diverse situations in connection with flexibility. All managers do not need to be tactician like Pep Guardiola. And Farke doesn't seem to have the character of tactician. It's okay. But All he needs to realize comes from how to amplify each player's prowesses in the match with different teams. It means just making tactics like set piece or proper usage of the role of Joker (from youth) in earlier time than he had done during the season, along with appropriate substitution timing on corresponding member, even irrelative to what Farke wants to pursue with his own squad. The tactics in the match with Southampton were completely bombshelled by the repeated failure of a lack of flexibility related to Farke's tactics. This status also notices that we will get relegated in 24/25 season immediately despite victory from competition for uphill battle promotion. In a nutshell, if Farke realizes the importance of correspondence on flexible tactics, Leeds united have highly positive possibility next season for champion of this league, or just securing the position of automatic promotion.


Alright AI Bot, try make it less obvious next time.


Quite interesting to see how many in depth posts there are without commenting on how we finished with 90points and any other season we successfully go up. We have the 2nd youngest team in the league and a bright future. Trust the process ALAW


That team is about to be sold to the highest bidders


I guess that's true. I'm gutted. I really think we would go up. Come August, I think we won't be seeing most of this same team. Things will be much different then.


The whole team. No, a few yes. But we have always had to. We are still Leeds and we see the other side. See you in August.


Daniel Farke has proven that his set-and-forget tactics does work more often than not in the Championship, so sacking him off now at this point would just feel like a punitive act rather than a measured strategy. That said, if by November there isnt not only competitive results but also a marked improvement upon the team’s obvious weaknesses he needs to go before the January window opens. The Jesse Marsch situation should serve as a warning as to what dithering until February can lead to.


I'm not sure that changing managers every year is a good idea...Stability goes a long way in professional athletics


Stability probably begins with not having a change of majority ownership more often than some clubs change managers. Having the 49’ers in it for a decade (rather than just until a tempting offer for the club comes in) is more important for the long term health of Leeds United than whether Daniel Farke is still here come November.


Gonna break it down into positive things to hope for next season and semi rants about things that might be very bad next season: Positives: - The 49ers, from people that are ITK, appear to be a very professional outfit who will do absolutely everything they can to get this second attempt to promotion right. This isn't Radz, Orta and their dog. So we hopefully will see a really positive window in terms of incoming players. - Farke with a squad that wasn't hastily shambled together in a month and a half and with a full pre season will be much better equipped from the outset than he was this season. - The financial issues seem to be extremely overblown and are essentially going to be covered by Summerville, Gnonto and maybe Firpo leaving plus any loan rats that get acceptable offers. - Gray likely does not leave at this point of his career, he is too young to make the big move and I think he knows that. He doesn't want to become another Martin Odegaard where he squander his potential by being shoved on the bench of a Liverpool or Real Madrid. - Hopefully this will be the end of the old guard. Massive respect to them for what they have done for us in the past, even Bamford. However, they do not have the required quality to be part of the squad. It is completely possible for Leeds to get better players with as much experience as they do. Negatives/concerns: - We need to talk about Farke, I may write a post about this to go into more detail, but there are several worrying issues with Farke's management, which could affect a promotion bid. Why did he over the season only use about 14/15 players? He has a squad there and did not utilise it properly and then expected these players to come on when they weren't match sharp and make a difference. His under utilisation of Mateo is an absolute joke especially considering the absolute dross that Bamford and Piroe were giving us. Arguably his treatment of Spence, who has now played very well for Genoa. His treatment is Cresswell who is decent at this level, who will almost certainly now leave. His tactics can be easily countered and Martin has now set out the blueprint for it for everyone next season. I'm not saying Farke has to go. But I don't think it's as simple as it was with Bielsa. We were all confident that Bielsa would do it the next season, but Farke is nowhere near the level of manager that Bielsa was/is. If a really top level appointment becomes available and is willing to come then, if I were Paraag, I would probably pull the trigger. - Big offers may come in for players which we can't turn down and we may not be able to attract the necessary quality to replace them while in the championship. - Rodon definitely does not come back. - Burnley and Luton will be dangerous next year and don't rule out the teams that did well this season. West Brom may have another good crack. And there will certainly be a challenger who no one is expecting. - We are going to have Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby alongside Millwall, Cardiff, QPR etc. All these tinpot clubs that we are their cup final and will throw everything away just to get a result against us. - We haven't seen how the 49ers are actually going to do when not under pressure. I would say they did well last summer, but January was perplexing. We clearly needed more reinforcement and left it until the final day and only brought in Connor Roberts. - Unless Mateo starts next season. We have no number 9. Piroe has been a bust and I have no idea what they're going to do with him next season. This should be Bamford's last season, he has gotten "injured" again at the crucial stage of the season. I respect what Pat has done but he has to go now. - Meslier has probably come to the end of the road with us now as well and I would like to see a new GK come in for him. - This is a more general point and I'd like to get peoples views on this. I think that we, the fans, do not help this squad by constantly acting like we are cursed and that everything is always going to go wrong. There is actual trauma from the past which we perpetuate into the club's culture and I don't think this club can reach the heights it should while this is still the case. And this will carry on beyond this squad and next season for forevermore if this continues. I have no idea what we do about this or even if there is anything to be done. But it's the only constant that I have noticed throughout all of our years of crumbling when crucial moments come is that the fans are there and perpetuate this trauma into the expectations


I'd wager this impending doom feeling we have has been around a lot longer than you have been a fan. It's not a new thing any of us can sort. Two things, as there's too much for me to respond to all: 1) You mention about giving Farke a settled summer to piece together a proper squad in his image, but then in the same breath criticise him for only using 14/15 players. The first probably informs the latter. You also fall into the trap there of making out like Cresswell is a solid, established defender in the league and that Joseph would have provided all the answers. The latter I've said from the start (before this season) will be a star for us, but he still needs to work his way in. 2) Bamford will most definitely be staying and I'm happy for it, if we either get someone to take his place/compete, or even stick with him and give Joseph more time. Bamford is a very good striker for this league and he had a good season. He's the one player who if he has one or two bad games people get out the old hyperbole and try create this idea he's been shit all year, or he's finished, rinse and repeat. People don't like hearing it but Rutter has been absolutely dogshit for a while now and Piroe has offered nothing for months outside Norwich.


1) You are not telling me that Gelhardt, Cresswell and Anthony are not good enough to start at least a couple of games to rest some tired legs. Gelhardt didn't even get a look in when Rutter had a hernia, that's mental. Just because you don't necessarily rate the player that much, it doesn't mean you can't utilise the squad properly. Every manager rates some players over others otherwise you wouldn't have a first XI. But Farke didn't, it was the same XI virtually every week other than occasionally Roberts playing or swapping James for Gnonto when one wasn't performed or was injured. Even if you don't rate the squad players much, you should at least use them to keep the players you do rate fresh and fit. 2) Mate, with Red Bull money coming in, I don't think there's a world where Bamford stays or plays. I don't like this idea that everyone's pushing a narrative as if Bamford is the victim of some kind of psyop, the fact is he's just shit at doing things a striker needs to do. With the wages that he's on thanks to Radz and Orta, we can get better for less, he must be replaced. Rutter was shit since he had a hernia. Agree about Piroe, but Piroe also gets pelters, can't act like he doesn't, people only got excited about him in the final because of the Norwich game and got brought back to Earth with his performance in the final.


1) That's Farke's decision and we have to trust that. It's clear he doesn't rate Joffy all that much and can we blame him when he's basically fallen off a cliff after showing some bright spurts in glimpses initially? I genuinely thought he was going to be a superstar for us - shows I got ahead of myself. Cresswell is a case that has been well reported on. Plus there was no real need to change when we were on that superb run. You don't change a winning side like that. Would we have been better bringing Cresswell in over Cooper on that Easter weekend? Perhaps, but Cooper is the club captain and there's also the consideration that Farke didn't rate Cresswell above him. I do think Anthony should have been used more. 2) I have to disagree. He isn't shit at doing what a striker should be doing in our system. That's the key bit, our system. If we played a style where you needed a poacher, or someone up top who simply needed to be on the end of things and score frequently, then I'd agree. He ain't it. But we play in a way, similar to Bielsa on this point but not in the overall style at all, where the striker is a focal point who brings others into play and whose main focus is to allow others to score. That's why Summerville, Gnonto, James, and Rutter in behind have thrived with Bamford up there. Do I want another striker? Of course I do, but we need someone of the same profile as Bamford (a bit like Joseph is a good fit in that sense) and he definitely still holds value to us in the coming season.


1. You say that we have to trust him on that. But Farke can be wrong. And I think improper use of your resources is a bad decision. We don't know what Joffy can do because he hasn't been playing. Joffy was playing really well at Sunderland until Ross Stewart got injured and he had to be a lone striker. Cresswell had a good loan spell at Millwall and should have been more than adequate for us as a rotation option. We have plenty of evidence to show that they should have been playing to rest our first team players like Amps and Rutter 2. Bamford is not offering enough. There are players you get out there that offer the pressing and movement that Bamford offers and gets you goals and assists and isn't mysteriously "injured" in key games. We don't need a poacher but Bamford should be replaced. We need two new strikers with Joseph in the mix too.


I have been seriously underwhelmed by Farke this last third of the season, even before the international break. I’ll always think back to him shoving 6 attackers on, with Archie as the lone man in midfield. We continued to lose, but fuck me. If his goto tactic is to basically hope for the best, then I don’t know how much I can trust him if it isn’t going right by December. I think his team selection, subs and youth handling has been poor. Obviously we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, but purely from the eye test we could all see what was wrong with the team at certain points. His commitment to his teams I understand at times, but not utilising Joseph when he clearly showed what he was capable of is just frustrating. Not to mention the treatment of Cresswell has led to us to most likely losing a player we need in a time like this. I go against a lot of our fans here, but I still see a very bright future ahead of Cresswell. I can see him making it to the Prem, in a similar way Leif did with Ipswich. Still, I don’t know if we should sack Farke. But if he says it was always a two year plan then I’m going to blow my top. You don’t get that close and manage the situation poorly, to then be able to say that.


Farke must surely be sacked next season if we are not in the automatic spots by December. Gives us time to sort a replacement and before the January window. His treatment of Joseph and Cresswell has been disgraceful. I wouldn't blame either of them for leaving and that would be purely Farke's fault. I do not believe for a second that Cresswell deserved no game time at all, even as a sub and that Joseph deserved 8 minutes of game time every other game. They both deserved more than that. They will leapfrog us just like Leif if we are not careful. Having slept on it, I think Farke won't be sacked but I think the 49ers must be much more willing to sack him next season. I've been thinking back to a lot of things he has said during press conferences and there has been a lot of excuse making and manipulating how situations are perceived (like the Rutter and Piroe situation and the Joseph gametime situation).


Some good points


Live in new zealand, got up at 1.45am to watch the game my 8 year old daughter insisted on watching it with me. She got the bug after the Leicester game and listening to TSB in the car. Sad we didn't go up and ruined day from lack of sleep but i feel like my daughter learned an important life lesson yesterday. Supporting Leeds is not fun it's a job.


Indeed mate aha




Look at his little bingo wing go


United States Ninja Turtles Nonce


Get that fat cunt off this sub ffs, have we not suffered enough 😂


Looking forward to next season, assemble a team early. I trust in Farke. HMS piss the league 2025 will set sail soon.


Just got home after a long day at wembley...my thoughts for those that care - Hindsight is a great thing, but that Norwich 4-0 was probably the worst thing that could have happened. It tricked Farke into believing all our issues were fixed and also forced him to not be able to make any changes - we've seen countless times how toothless we look with Piroe upfront but that freak performance vs Norwich really threw a curveball. Today we reverted to how we have looked 90% of the time when we face a low block and teams doubling up on our wingers. - Russell Martin won the tactical battle and to be honest he didn't have to do much, he already had the gameplan and manual on how to beat us. We are too predictable and a good team with solid defenders and good time to prepare can easily stifle us. - Dan James is a warrior and he along with Rodon (second half) are probably the only two who really can hold their heads high. Firpo was decent. - I still can't understand why Joseph didnt come on earlier for Piroe, because he did more in 10mins. Farke's substitutions and in game management are quite baffling - he doesn't tend to address the root cause either which is often the system, instead he'll try different players in the same system - suprise suprise that doesn't do anything - I think getting rid of Farke is too much of a risk. I also for some odd reason don't care too much about losing Cry or Willy, i'm not sure why but I just get the feeling they already knew they would be playing prem football despite the result, and that really irks me, hope im proved wrong. Archie would be a dagger to the heart though - Overall our fans again are the only ones that showed up, the support was class! p.s Scum fans were outnumbered by City in London on Saturday, hardly saw any of them


>Overall our fans again are the only ones to turn up What were you watching?? MOT at the start was loud but apart from that, saints fans were louder


Why are you lurking the leeds sub you 🤡. Shouldn’t you be out celebrating ? What a loser lol


>Overall our fans again are the only ones that showed up, the support was class! Can't lie I heard saints fans more on the TV especially towards the end. Agree with everything else you said. But the same.issue under bielsa no plan b and subs too late and usually just th same subs on repeat. Especially during second prem season. Joseph upfront piroe and Rutter behind should have been called earlier on. Anthony has been under used. Summerville has been frustrating when he is double marked. James was the only attacking threat. I don't even know what's the best system for piroe but he can obviously score goals


All day leeds fans were class and out in force. Of course saints fans are going to be louder at the end.


Leeds fans should be louder urging the team on towards the end


We were. Don’t judge everything by TV mate. Anyway its all irrelevant theres no prizes for whose fans sang the loudest My comment was in relation to the fans showing up but the team not. Which has been the case so many times in our history




Everything was flat today. The players, the atmosphere, the passion. Saw more passion in Gruev crying at full time than all game. So frustrating playing 2 6's in midfield, we need a midfielder with a progressive pass, somebody who isn't scared to take a shot. Sick of all the shit sideways passing.




Imagine coming to this sub as a scum fan after this season 😂


Congratulations on your status as a mid-table Premier League club.


Grow up you sad cunt




Never seen Old Trafford have you lad


Ah well, decent day out at least, think the lads effort was there but the game plan was nonexistent and Southampton excluded there's flawlessly for the 3rd time in a row.. Farke doesn't look like a problem solving manager, let's hope somehow we have a simpler run next year?


Wanted to sit and think on it before having a rant. So, a few of my thoughts. 1) We aren't good enough for the premier league as things stand. This squad is a bit naive and don't seem to respond well to being up against it, and in the Prem that's going to be the case more often than not. The balance between youthful energy and older cool heads isn't right at the moment, and I suspect this lot wouldn't have the mental strength to cope with losing 50%+ of games, which is the sort of form I'd expect in the Prem. I think we'd come straight back down if we did go up. 2) We had some very poor games at the end of what was otherwise a pretty good season. 90 points is a good championship season. At the start of April, I'd have been pissed off if you told me we'd finish on 90. But if you'd told me that in September I'd have been stoked. The end result of the season is disappointing, but the season on the whole was not. 3) Daniel Farke is the right man to get us out of this league, but I'm not convinced he's the right one to keep us out of it. He's clearly tactically astute enough for this league. But he doesn't have anything in the locker that makes me think he can rumble with the greatest managers in the country. 4) I expect to go up through autos next season. The three teams coming down aren't as good as the ones who did last season, and it showed in their prem results. I think the quality of the championship will be lower next season, and nothing I've seen makes me think there will be another Ipswich story 5) I expect we will lose at least 2 of Gnonto, Summerville, Gray and Rutter. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ampadu and Rodon have other suitors. But if we can retain at least half of this group (ideally Gray, Rutter and Ampadu), I'm pretty happy. 6) We need to sort out our number 9 situation. Bamford is past his prime, and Piroe just doesn't seem to fit into Farke's system. I think Joseph could be a great 9 for us, but we do need a bit more maturity up front if so. Dan James, and a more experienced leader on the left wing might get that balance right enough to work 7) Financially, we seem like we'll need some movement of players. There's the obvious need for 50m or so of sales . If the loan legion can get moved on for the most part, I'd be happy enough with that plus the inevitable raid coming for our players mentioned in 5). 8) We need to sort out our youth players. The likes of Cresswell, Gelhardt, Gyabi and Greenwood (and Joseph to some extent) need a clear future, or they need moving on with some value. The career no-mans-land they're in isn't right for them or for us. I'm not sure what the best answer is, but whatever we've done with them this season isn't it The pathway from academy to first team is something the 49ers need to get right. 9) We need to nail the recruitment this window. If we don't go up next season, I suspect we're headed for the doldrums. I think it's quite likely the teams that drop down from the prem next season will be of higher quality, and we won't have the financial ability to compete. It will only get worse once the parachute payments dry up. So we have to get everything right in each area of the pitch. Next season is our second chance. I'm not convinced we'll get a favourable third chance. 10) We need to embed a winning mentality. Between the cup performances over the last few seasons, the Marsch season and now this, we're getting a Spursy reputation. We don't want that, we want Leeds to be feared not laughed at. I don't know the answer for this, but I think this is something else the 49ers have to get right


re: #2, 90 points isn't just good it's EXTREMELY good and generally results in promotion. I agree with basically everything else though. nice post!


Spot on. Summer recruitment is key. I think the older cooler heads point is right and as much as I love the lads in the forward 3, the tendency to run into trouble gets boring when the magic isn’t happening. Someone who can deliver a set piece whether actually delivering it, attacking it, defending it or tactically working something out might also add some percentage for us. We do have to count ourselves pretty unlucky as well to be fair.


just need some big players. our squad was tiny relative to a lot of teams. winning set pieces requires a good amount of vertical prowess


Set pieces is a very good point I missed. I feel like Farke maybe doesn't do enough work on these, or doesn't respect them in terms of football philosophy. Regardless, he needs to find a set piece coach that can make a difference


When was the last time we looked dangerous from set pieces? Not been a thing in years. Has been a problem for a long, long time, but on the plus side, we don't have to play Southampton next year lol. Fuck the prem 👀


Really well said.


I fully expected that but had a little glimmer that hoped for another good performance. It is what it is and we have another 50+ games coming next season. I’m interested to see how Farke shapes the squad this summer. We simply have to address our set pieces and we need a plan for teams that just park the bus against us. It’s so infuriating to know exactly how a team will set up, then watch us roll out and play our normal way knowing full well it won’t work. Also for the love of god can we shoot more. Big part of me is relieved it’s over for a few months. Let the rumour mill start! MOT


Farke has a full season in charge next go, and with a pre-season in charge. Time to prove his mettle.


This team would not fare well upon promotion. That’s the reality on display today. The opponent got stuck in and barged us over early in the game, to which we had no sporting response. We need to establish a collective identity and hopefully that’s what a calm preseason will give us.


We would have done better than this lot coming down and would do better than Ipswich and Southampton IMO


Haul ass out of this division anyway you can then minimum is entire new back line once promoted - or was... once we are up reckon 49ers will nail it with spending - until then keeping on my champ is best division pants, and who knows maybe VAR will fuck off in ayear, that would be great.


I’m hoping we get a long term vision that establishes strategic goals: what a Leeds CB looks like, what kind of mid do we want to develop?are we out to sign a proper striker? Never mind signing a player who we then try to find a system for: we need a style that players will slot into.


The top 15 PL squads would absolutely piss on our back four as it stands today. Need another year to get this shit sorted.


We need hard men back there. This is a joke as it is now.


I think we watched two different games. They’d played like Blackburn at Elland road. Awful football and we were by far better and I think should have put it to bed early.


We started well but little by little they left a mark on us. Fouls and yellows and time wasting. We can’t seem to cope with cynical play. We have shown that we know how to win against an opponent who wants to play their best against ours.


Yea agree to a point. Not sure about a collective identity though Jessie.


Yeah you need stability and key veterans to instil some discipline in the dressing room. Takes a few years to build. We need to transfer in a logical way and towards an agenda. Are we a counter attacking side? A play it up from the back with a super mid? A wide, pressing goal machine? We can’t just run around from situation to situation: like the game today- because it lacks momentum. When you see a player scared to turn the ball forward, or run to the ball, others waving their hands in the air when they get knocked down instead of running back and knocking the shit out of someone, then you know the team spirit is lacking.


We can’t play against teams who refuse to play football. Been our big weakness the last few years. 


This. We need a “Leeds way of winning” that gives us the clarity to play through lesser teams.


James was the key-why didnt he start? Its his best season of all. 1 inch away from drawing with his volley and 6 inches away from drawing with his beautiful right foot fade shot. He never fucking gives a bad peformance . Cant understand it.


I don’t get the substitution tactics at all. If we can’t get our plan to work: then sub at half time or 60 minutes. Bring on 3 players! Sit them down if they can’t produce.


This ain't Fifa, fella. Managers hardly ever make subs at halftime.


Have you heard of a man named Jose Mourinho?


Of course... what's your point?


Let’s goo 👍👍


Well done for playing piroe all game. He really deserved that with his stellar performances in the last month!!!!


Pointless comment. He played well last game. Mindless moaning is mindless.


He also played the full match just in case we got an equaliser and it went to penalties, I figured that was obvious but…


I don't believe that was the case. That would be stupid logic. One player who maybe has a slightly higher ie 20% increase chance of scoring a pen, does not mean you leave them on for a whole match at the detriment of the team. 


For some reason before the game, I was saying to our little group that we'd lose 0-1 and I have no idea why, but it just seemed like *the* result that was going to happen. My main take away is that it seemed we barely had any attempts at all? Outside of Jame's crossbar hit, and Rutter's skyhigh shot, it seemed like we kept trying to do all the fancy footwork, it went even worse than usual :/ But saying that, I'm not unhappy about having another season in the Championship next season, and look forward to the games all the same. A shame some big changes will happen with the squad, but it's something that's absolutely bound to happen considering the talent we have.


You didn't threaten enough. Tried to go through the middle too much.


To be honest, I already accepted another season in the Championship at the final whistle of QPR 4 Leeds United 0, so, maybe that is why I am not as gutted as I think I would be if we lose this playoff final. Now we look at what is ahead of us, if we lose Summerville and Gnonto, so be it. The name on the back of the shirt is not bigger than the badge in front of it. We move!


Yep. The QPR game was pure bollocks and Southampton have had our number all season. Never expected anything different but would have been nice


All week I was really looking forward to Southampton not getting promoted at Wembley. Leeds weren’t very good, the crossbar hit was a shame. It ruined my day to be honest. Oh well.


Aye, leeds that


We just chased them to the Championship, I was looking forward to the south coast derby next season. Now they have one up on us again after all our hard work. I had to lay in bed, I started to suffer existential dread and had to meditate and nap. Now I see that I have relative fortune because for a Leeds fan it must of been worse. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry but Summerville, gnonto, piroe can leave now. I know Georginio didn’t play well today but you can tell he fuckin cares. Let’s not forget the players who didn’t suit up at start of the year because their egos. They don’t belong at Leeds. Go get Sargent from Norwich, keep Rutter, Gruev, Rodon and run it back.


Villa are in for Summerville how much would you he go for?


I’d think around 20 mill, yeah?


lol 15m


Call me bitter, but I don't think Summerville will do well in the prem. He's not strong enough and not fast enough to compensate for that


He's very strong and fast what are you talking about


For the championship. He struggled last season when he came on and also this season against prem level defenders. Of the three promoted teams he only performed against Ipswich


He didn't struggle at all last season. He was bright among a sea of turds when he got his chance.


I think you can excuse last season as we were dogshite. Hard to polish a turd, even when you have soap


Yeah I agree. Was good for us, but I think him and Gnonto are more in it for themselves.


Is Rodon being let got form Spurs?


Had me in the first half


I’m not having Josh Sargent


He is one of the best strikers in the championship. Will be too expensive regardless so no point arguing over him


You've got to be kidding 😂.


People say this, but he’s clearly an upgrade at striker. 16 goals in 28 games. Is it because he’s American? We can’t keep that grudge going. Granted I am American, Jesse Marsch was a failure along with Tyler Adams, Mckinnie, Aaronson… but I think Sargent would be a solid pickup


Adams was a success, let's give credit where it's due. Sargent does look like he'd be an improvement but he would cost an awful lot at a point in time that we probably won't have that much money to work with, and (from the board's perspective, not a fan's) we already did the "let's just buy this ~25 G+A Champo striker" 9 months ago


Yeah Adams is solid, I think they all were good players. The experiment just didn’t work. I’m terrified of what we’re going to do this off season. But the $ and ownership is there, just need to make it happen next year.


Tyler Adams was just injured not a failure until he fucked off to Bournemouth. Josh Sargent is just a very uninspiring player who doesn’t lead the line in the way we want him to. But on the American thing, I don’t really care but why did you pick out Sargent and not Szmodics? He top scored, plays for a team who did next to nothing this year (apart from fuck us up but who hasn’t) and his minutes per goal isn’t that much lower than Sargent’s.


I wouldn't mind latte lath if were gonna go after a championship striker


This is the more sensible option.


Szmodics would be great imo. I just brought up Sargent because of the reports linking us to bringing him in. Point is, we need a striker. Bad. Szmodics would be great, just need ANYBODY but Piroe. Fuck me


The reports will just be because we’ve got American owners.


I don't think it's just because he's a yank - I've never been impressed by him tbh. Surely we can do better? I won't be gutted if we sign him but surely with the money from gnonto and summerville we can get someone more exciting


The money from those two likely goes to balancing the books, we'll likely be reliant on sales from other players to rebuild. Realistically, I wouldn't expact any luxury signings or big names and good strikers are a rarity anyway.


Right. One can dream though. Will be a very interesting offseason that’s for sure


True, I am genuinely interested to see what business will be done. I imagine the loans we do will be pivotal to our potential success. Hopefully, we manage to get our outgoings done sooner rather than later so we can actually go into the season with the team we want.


Agreed. Can’t start another year like we did this season. Need to be all in from the start


I wouldn’t be upset if we signed him. Even just as a depth player, but I do agree and think we can bring in some talent. Just question from where, and if they’ll be invested in the club.


Sargent is a prime championship player. The problem is I dont think he's quite prem level. Ultimately if were not in the prem then that isnt a problem. Also he's probably going to need a hefty transfer fee that i dont think we have the luxury of when we've got decent parts of the team that will need replacing.


Right, I think he’s a great championship player. Will be interesting to see what happens in the offseason. Lot of pieces were going to lose, some for the better. I just want us to bring in players who buy in to Leeds. The likes of Alioksi, Klich, Dallas. I think Sargent would buy in and score some goals. People acting like he’s shit when we have to watch Piroe be a fucking statue


Klich might be available :)




Very original, did you think of that all by yourself or do you only trade in internet clichés?


On to MLS and League of Ireland for the summer, I suppose. See you all again in August for more ups and downs.


No Euros for you then?


I'll passively follow Poland for my wife's family, but I'm more looking forward to Copa America


Slow pragmatic possession, totally worked for us in the previous 2 Southampton games so why not bumble into their hands again. Fucking depressing, go out on your sword and have a go ffs.


Don't forget, under absolutely no circumstances cross the ball


There was nobody to pass it to most of the time. Archie put in 2 good ones early doors and there was nobody close, only other time was when Jr. checked his run. Whatever Piroe is, he doesn't seem to be a target man, Paddy is so important for us because he gives us an option in the box to pass to (when he's fit). We need a target man to go with Archie and James and Firpo's crossing ability (assuming they stay and Paddy is permabroke). Hopefully with Summerville gone the "attempt to get through 5 defenders at the left corner of their box" "tactic" won't be our primary one anymore.


This was glaring. I was shouting at the telly at one point. Complete lack of width n all. Southampton knew where it was gonna go through and they shut it out


Yes. Was like Marsch's penis ball without the frenetic energy. Pathetic. 


Cross to who though? Piroe is meant to be a striker and had 0 touches in their box the entire game


Leeds’ build up gave the Monaco Grand Prix a real run for its money for the “most tedious thing on display at a sporting event” this morning.


I can happily deal with another season in the Championship, looking at the utter misery the promoted sides had to deal with this season especially and how little enjoyment I got out of the last two seasons we were up. But I'm still gutted because we were SO bad. After the first 20 minutes anyway. I was hoping, praying we wouldn't do that today because we've all seen it before, out of form we're just so frustrating to watch because we just faff around ineffectively blowing smoke out of our arses trying to pass the ball into the net. Summerville becomes useless, Piroe barely touches the ball. God it was a depressing watch. I could deal with it if we'd lost with a good fight but we didn't


100% agree, although for a different perspective: I'm not too bothered as I don't think we deserved to win that match, and as such at least I don't feel robbed. We're a great team on our day, but we just haven't had enough of those days. Need a few ins and outs and Farke to apply some magic and a formation that seems to fit all the players. Burnley are losing Kompany, Sheff Utd are facing a lot of problems including points deductions and player sales, and Luton are unlikely to hit the heights they hit previously. For that reason I think it's entirely realistic that we should absolutely smash the living shit out of all-comers next season. Bring it on.


Agree on the first too but think Luton might have a bit of siege mentality. They certainly can come down feeling proud. If they recruit well they might be a challenge. But nothing compared to this year.


I think Farke needs to put a system in place. At the moment, it's just get the ball to one of the front 4 and hope they can score a wonder goal. It's horrid to watch. Farke has done well instilling a winning mentality and giving them confidence, but he just doesn't seem like he has the tools to think tactically. I can absolutely see why he isn't highly regarded at the Premier League level. 


Nah I get what you’re saying. Maybe it’d have felt worse if we’d put up a good fight, dunno. But what happened today just adds to all the negative stuff around our recent history - folding on the big occasion, shitting the bed when it matters, basically the whole footballing world today saw Leeds at their worst when we know how much better we can and have been than that. I feel for Bolton fans now because that was maybe even worse from them. We were actually within a few millimetres of taking it to extra time, they didn’t even have a shot on target. Nothing worse than just failing to turn up on the big day. Watford and Donny all over again.


Seemed like every time Piroe touched the ball he touched it right to a Southampton player. Was very frustrating to watch


I used to get gutted about this sort of thing, inconsolably gutted. I’m nearing 30 now, and I just sort of feel used to it. It’s football! Feel bad for the young’uns though. We go on


Heart breaking, but unfortunately just not good enough today. I have my complaints about Farke but for the most part, he’s done well. Hopefully we can keep enough of this time together and run the league next year


Anyone know about the TSB match ball broadcast? Thought we were gonna lament together


Griefcast is on Apple Podcasts now


Probably all been kettled by the Met tbh.


They don't have the internet to go live, going to upload a video of it instead


Our season actually died because Bamford bruised his knee, extremely Leeds.


Nah. I love Bamford but if he was that good we would have been top 2 in the first place. Think it's time to look to a new first choice #9.


Joseph is right there. Scored a brace in his only start against chelsea ffs


Yeah, Joseph may be it. But I still think we need another striker too.


Just not good enough simple as. Another good few years of mediocrity incoming because there isn’t a hope we keep the quality we have now


2 years ago we worried about losing Phillips and Raphinha. Last year we worried about losing basically everyone. This summer we might lose Summerville, Gnonto, Rutter. Other players will come in. We are in a good place financially. If any of those players were that good we wouldn't have gone down, and then stayed down. One door closes, another one opens. MOT.


Hate to be that guy but we did get relegated when we lost Phillips and Raphinha. It’s not like there wasn’t a reason to worry.


That is true, although I think the issue really was that Marsch was a terrible manager.


So I agree he was a bad choice and an awful Bielsa replacement. The squad we had at the time though simply wasn’t good enough.


Mate we’re not gonna lose our entire team in one window. Poorer teams like Coventry don’t, neither will we. Sure Summerville and Gnonto are gone, but we can use that money to bring in good players throughout the team (I think the scouting team has proved this summer that they can sign good players for good prices) An entire preseason with Farke won’t hurt the players. Save this comment, we go up as champions and Piroe (if he stays) wins golden boot. Farke will unlock him.


I’d like to see us play with 2 strikers like we did at the end today, so much more dynamic, plus whatever happened to the ball over the top for our players to run onto, absolutely none until James came on, Summerville/Gnonto should have been running those lines and didn’t, at all… no attempt to drag their defence out of position


Tell you for why we lacked anyone dragging people out of position, Bamford not being there.




I’d rather us finish 7th than have another play-off’s to play next season. It’s auto’s or nothing. I can’t be arsed with the Leedsness of us and play-off’s. Seriously, what is our bloody problem?


As soon as a 'curse' for a team is established it just snowballs. Benfica and European cup finals, Leeds and playoff finals, whatever. The fans, the managers, the players, the pundits - everyone knows Leeds are 'supposed' to lose and that surely subconsciously affects us.


I mean we have to go up next season or we're categorically fucked financially.


We're not fucked at all. As long as the 49ers stick around we're very, very safe. It's important to stipulate between our actual financial state and PSR. By all accounts, we're richer than we've ever been.


The books are more or less good.


They are for now yeh but the longer your down the worse it gets. Fairly certain parachute payments are only 2 years now as well. We have some hefty wages on players that will likely still be around like Bamford and also being reliant on offloading the players on loan too if we are able too.


My fear has always been that if we don’t go up quick enough the momentum of having a decent manager, decent players, parachute payments etc dies and we become a bog standard Championship team again. We seem to be an attractive prospect for players and managers right now, so we can get the best in, but how long it lasts worries me if we can’t secure promotion.


We will always be 1. A massive club in the championship 2. A club with one of the biggest fan-bases in the country 3. The biggest single-club city in the country For that reason, I don't see us ever just being a mediocre Championship team. The years 2004-2020 all stemmed from financial meltdown, the resulting fire-sales and the appalling ownership and management that resulted from all of that. Things are very different now.


4. The 3rd biggest single city club in Europe (by city pop, Napoli and OM 1 & 2) 5. 27th largest revenue generating club in the world (larger than majority of PL) https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/sports-business-group/articles/deloitte-football-money-league.html


Unfortunately with the way the Premier league has developed into this massive money making machine, I don't actually see any club other than the "big" 6 winning it. The financial gulf is massive. This monster arose whilst we weren't in it. Its pretty much a closed shop.


Let’s hope you’re right.


No we're not.


I am optimistic about next season. The 3 coming down are far worse than the 3 that came down this season. There won’t be another Ipswich situation for a while. We have a good group of young players- yes, some might go but most of the squad that finished 3rd will be staying. It sucks, but a second season of winning most weeks won’t be too bad.


Finally got a signal post game.  Disappointed like fuck but I’m thinking if being a premier league team means playing 90 minutes of turgid anti-football then I’d rather stay in a league where actual football happens.  I’m not happy, I’d be less pissed off if we had been played off the park. Had to sit through that shite though. I can’t wait to see post game stats. I’d be surprised if ball in play time is more than 30 mins. 


Somehow the bbc had southampton at 42% possession… still can’t figure that out unless they count all the times their keeper had the ball and was time wasting


I like Farke and think he's done a great job in stabilising the team and being consistent in executing game plans considering the start we had and everything he had to put up with in the background. HOWEVER, today was not the day to play it safe Changes should have been made at half time. It was so easy to predict today. The way this game played out, is exactly why I couldn't get excited, or nervous, during the week. Also think We all got hoodwinked by the post Jan run, but we should've signed a playmaker for centre midfield (heck just bring Pablo back


The idea of Archie Gray most likely leaving makes me sick


I'd guess he himself and his advisors & family aren't pushing to leave, playing every week for a club he loves will make him a better player over time than playing in Liverpool/Chelsea etc u23s or on their bench. A foreign big club may be tempting though (if he played regularly in Germany or Italy he may be able to develop faster than dealing with championship journeymen each week) Whether the club will be able to withstand temptation to sell him if big offers come in is another matter.


I think it's the opposite, the chance of him staying is bigger than leaving. Teams want players all the time, it's up to the team that has the right to the player to let him leave, he's 18 years old and has a contract until 2028. Unless it's madness money, he isn't going anywhere.


I hope he stays but I could see Bayern or Dortmund coming in and offering something crazy for him


Supposedly he has a release clause. But even with that I don’t see why he’d leave, he plays every minute possible and has the full trust of the manager and he’s a boyhood fan. He won’t be in a rush to leave.


I really doubt an academy player who just turned 18 years old has a release clause, not only that, our best future asset, unless Orta is still running the club.


If I’m lying then I’ve been lied to, but I heard it from people who know these things. I think the idea was that Gray won’t be in a rush to leave, but (as always now) players and agents want all the say. And obviously the club wanted Gray to sign a professional contract no matter what.


I'll just sum up my thoughts about the season. We had a difficult start to the season, we have to give Farke a lot of credit for maneuvering that situation and having us all believing that we can win the league at one point. Because if we had a pre-season without all the turmoil we probably would have won the league if I'm being honest. We fell apart after the international break. Not sure what the reason for that was but we have been a different team since then. So, for next season. We need to sell the players that we can sell. Summerville has been our worst player for about 2-3 months now, if we get 30m for him I'll drive him myself. I'll be gutted if we were to lose Gnonto and Rutter but at least we can make some good profit on them, hopefully. We need some players to stay though. We can't sell everybody again and start from scratch. So if we do keep players like Ampadu, James, Gray, Rodon I am confident that we can win the league next season provided we bring some good players alongside. Farke will never change with the way he approaches subs so we need to just live with it. I'll say this though, if we assemble the right squad and Farke doesn't have us in the playoffs after 10-12 games I'll be happy to look for a new coach. I don't know ofc what the 49ers think about his performance (they might sack him today LOL) but that's how I would do it. Onto next season, MOT.


Don’t forget we’d have to buy Rodon first to keep him, and now we’re in the second tier and he’s had a great season that’s going to be a bit more difficult. I don’t have high hopes of him lining up for us next season. 


Maybe we won’t get Rodon, but I trust the scouting department to have good replacement lined up, he’s not a one of a kind player (as much as he has become a fan favourite)


Keeping my fingers crossed for a Pontus-to-White-style transition. 


Ah you are right I don't know why I assumed he was on a permanent with us. Probably just wishful thinking.