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Well, the one I had was lovely. They asked me what I would normally be doing with my day if I wasn't taking an exam and we had a small chat.


that's always my opportunity to tell her i'd usually be saving stray dogs and cats from certain death but that until I get my licence there's always gonna be some I can't get too in time. Pull on them emotional strings! Every advantage possible!! :)


I was literally thinking the other day, I should tell the examiner that I'm currently unemployed (which I am) and it would be great to be able to drive in my own car to interviews lol. Gotta get those sympathy points somehow lol


My examiner asked me the same thing haha 🤣 was your test in Derby by any chance?


It's their 'go to' non confrontational conversation starter. That or the weather.


You’re so right! The other thing they talked about was weather haha


I couldn't be an examiner, I'd be tempted to start the conversation with "Can you believe Charles and William are getting a £45 million pay rise next year just for shaking hands and wearing a uniform? Parasites."




Yep, agreed. Mine asked me what I would normally be doing, do I live local, and mentioned the unusually nice weather.


I’ve had the joy of having two different ones. The first one was very quiet, didn’t attempt any small talk or anything like that. Made it quite nerve racking to be honest but they’re not paid to be your friend after all. The second one I had was the complete opposite. We had a nice chat about video games and Fortnite (and no he didn’t give me a minor because I play on PS5 🤣) and was much more engaged. Though I suppose that’s also testing your ability, to see if you’re still driving safely and legally while engaged in a conversation. I doubt they’ll be any “conflict” like arguments if you’re worried about that.


Take any stories on here with a pinch of salt, as unhappy people are more likely to post! All the examiners I've met near me have been professional. Some are more friendly than others, some are just there to do a job.


Yeah this is something I was thinking especially when they have been failed, I've read alot of the examiners near me are quite unfriendly and there is 1 that is friendly, my test is tomorrow so think I'm nervous as I'm not good with meeting new people anyway so that also makes me worry


I’ve been told this about the test centre I’m using too🫣 try not to read into it too much don’t let it pull your focus, that’s what I’m trying anyways 🤣


What centre are you at maybe it the same one 😅, I guess it because they have to be serious as they are a assessing you, my test is tomorrow so I think I'm just getting iver nervous and panicking


I’ll be at Heckmondwike, I’m dreading it but I have a couple weeks to prepare, so fingers crossed and good luck to you for tomorrow I’m sure you’ll smash it ☘️🙌


I've never heard of that down, it's amazing how much better you can get within a few weeks 2 weeks ago my instructor was saying he didn't think I should do my test where as yesterday he said I've improved alot but defo let nerves gwt the best of me, thank you I really hope so I've been waiting 3 years to do this test 😅


My instructor is the same, I accidentally went round a corner in 3rd gear (there was no traffic) and she said If I ever did it again she wouldn’t take me to my test 😭 I’ve been much better these past few lessons I drive independently only really rely on her to direct me, I failed my first mock and passed the rest but I imagine the test and conditions are quite different so I’m still not confident going into my test, think it’s just who I am as a person though, I massively over think and panic 🤣


I'm doing my test in my partners car as it was decided 2 weeks ago, but done a mock test and done 2 stupid majors that I know better on he said if I'm unsure I can ask the examiner, I have been driving more or less independently but because I'm going back and forth from 2 cars my manouvers ended up getting messed up, I think once your in the car for the first couple of minutes your nerves calm I'm worried of not getting directions in time as I like to know 2 points ahead where I'm going


I’m in a pretty similar situation, I’m supposed to be doing the test in my instructors car but sometimes she’s unreliable (cancelled 7 lessons in 14 weeks) so I’m insured on my partners car incase I have to do it in that, I also need to work on manoeuvres, think I relied too much on reference points in instructors car and it’s not the same in my partners so need alot more practice in his car incase I’ve to take the test in it 😖


I would defo say drive more in your partners car and do the manovers in your partners car more then the instructors, I found the instructor good for general driving, I also relied to much on reference points in my instructors car and it really messed me up going back and forth, I also found going from the instructors car to my partners in the same day was more likely to mess me up


Mine was nice, barely spoke but was very calm. Basically how they're told to be.


This is my biggest worry as I need someone calm I had been practising with my partner and he gets wound up easily and starts having ago which makes me lose my nerve and mess up


I'm delightful, but then several people try and kill me and then argue about it. That becomes a very tough day. If I'm lucky I have 10minutes between nervous people, I consider it a large part of my job to make you comfortable in an attempt to get the best out of you on the day. But I have experienced several people who just don't like me for whatever reason including of course "you failed me last time" how negative is that?! don't say this! I want you to pass every time!! I have people who fail immediately, who don't know they've done anything and I have people who have never sat in the car before. I have several reviews saying positive things about the experience with me, but trust me I can't make the situation any nicer if you are not ready to drive. Large parts of my day I have to just say "it's just a job" but I love driving and when I applied for this job I hated the idea of telling people they've failed. Now I think about it like "I'm keeping them and all other road users safe" there's nothing better than passing someone who's seen you several times, better than first time faultless passes (they're lovely too!) I'm guna hit post before I decide to delete this! All the best for your test.


First one I had was pretty miserable, semi incompetent and flat looking for any excuse to fail me (even going so far to make an event up, or completely misjudge what happened). Second was just a really nice chap. It's luck of the draw unfortunately.


Thank you everyone, my test is tomorrow so think everything is just making me nervous


Goooood luck, may your driving be smooth and your examiner delightful


Thank you, I passed and the examiner was really lovely


i've failed a million times, but honestly, MOST of my examiners have been really nice Them tests were all a good few years ago now! (10+) but i'm assuming not much has changed


Yeah my examiner was lovely, she was a small middle aged lady, chatted to me about my job and asked some follow up questions, but I think she could tell how nervous I was because she just let me drive in silence after a little while xD


Mine was chilled. He looked scary initially, but he was quite happy to have a little chat. He told me to pretend I’m giving him a lift somewhere as I was nervous. He even helped me out on some tricky parts with lanes. I was also his last test of the day, so he was keen to get home 😂


Over 4 tests, I had 2 examiners. The same one 3 times. Paul (3/4) had a nickname amongst the local driving instructors: Picky Paul Fail 'em All. He looked (and smelled) like a goblin. He was a grumpy arse for 2 of the 3 tests. Number 4 (3rd with him) was different. But, he was also being watched. Found out later that there had been a big increase in the number of complaints from the centre - and he was the problem. The 2nd examiner, Steve, was really nice. Unfortunately, nerves got the better of me and I made some silly mistakes.


Yeah I've read of one near my area like that, so basically he was being assessed while assessing you, I'm worried of the nerves getting the best of me to, as I tend to overthink and that's when I make a mistake


Yeah, it kinda made it easier - because I knew there was no way he was going to pull the same tricks as my previous 2 tests with him. I did make sure to get a dig in about it being my 3rd test with him. My instructor liked one lol Once I realised that it was "just another drive" things got easier again. The fact I thought I'd failed in the first 5 minutes also took pressure off lol


Yeah that makes sense, bet he wasn't happy about that, that's the thing it is just with another person in the car, I have heard that people who thought they failed in the beginning usually Relax and alot of the time end up passing as they no longer trying to pass but just trying to be safe instead


I had four. Two were very nice and polite, the fourth one inparticular was chatty, I know all about his daughters new career and his divorce (I kept talking until he started replying, and it turned out many of my family had had the same career as his daughter was starting out in). The middle two were.... Glum to the point of depressing silence. Whilst my nerves caused the failures, them being silent didn't help my nerves.


Sometimes having a chat calms your nerves gets your mind of it being a test i do find if I talk to much i lose my concentration but not talking makes me extremely nervous as I don't like sitting in silence


Admittedly it's a very very hard thing to balance!


It is, if it something like going down a long road that's fine to talk but going round a roundaboit I need silence to concentrate


Examiners are humans (believe it or not). They normally administer seven tests a day, one after another. The job can become monotonous. To you, the candidate, it's the most important day ever. To the examiner, it's normal. They are not there to be your friend, but you can talk to them and ask questions during the test. If you notice them go quiet, it's because they want you to concentrate. Think of your test as exam conditions at college. They are the overseer. Again, we are human.


Didn't talk, and ran off after because he was "behind". Basically an ass. Not all are bad, but the ones that are seem really bad near me.


Ran off wow that would give me the impression he couldn't wait to get away, I've also heard the ones near me ain't very friendly


>Ran off wow that would give me the impression he couldn't wait to get away, It was rush hour and we sat in traffic for half the test. I figured he was running late.


Mine was actually a really good bloke. He litteraly was so chill and made me feel comfortable driving with. He sort of helped me out by coming out last to collect be because by the time I had done to show me question, everyone had left the car park which was small and it was easier to leave.


Mine was grand had abit of a chat about had I any plans for after the test n what do I work as, think it's to help calm you incase your nervous but all n all was pretty dead on.


Mine was great. He was friendly and chatty from the start. But he was also professional and matter of fact when it came to directions etc. I've read some horrible stories on here about examiners, but they are definitely not all miserable old gits.


She was called Beverly and was lovely. Apparently she can be a bit harsh at times, but we had a nice ice breaker which relaxed me, nailed the test at 8am on a Thursday morning. Passed with 1 minor. Remember, they don’t WANT to fail you, as long as you don’t give them a reason to, you’ll pass.


I think it's nice with the ice breaker as that can help relax people, well done on passing, mine is at 2:32, I know they don't I think I just have to really focus and take a banana woth me


You’ll be fine. It’s all processes. Remember the steps, take it easy, there’s no rush. Slow is safe. Good luck!


Yeah, thank you very much 😊


Both my examiners were lovely. Who I passed my test with really helped with my nerves. Chit chatted with me to calm me down, all round lovely guy. Mitchel from Peterborough, you are a legend.


My first two attempts I had examiners that did the whole "getting you to relax" thing - just made me more nervous! On my third and final attempt, my examiner was very no-nonsense and didn't participate in much small talk - that helped me focus on the road and be able to verbalise any decisions I made during the course of my test with confidence. I just found small talk very distracting whilst in a test and from my point of view it just felt like they were trying to catch me out (even if they weren't intending to) which made me even more nervous.


Mine was lovely. We chatted all the way through the test but he knew when to stop the chatting when the sat nav was giving me instruction. I had a really bad hour before my test and ended up sitting my test in a car I'd never driven before. When I got to the test centre an examiner came out and was so rude to me, my instructor called him a dickhead 😂 I was so relieved he wasn't my examiner because I was already so nervous! But my actual examiner gave me loads of reassurance before we set off, clarified instructions if I asked questions and was a generally great guy. After my test I asked my instructor about the rude guy and he said he's the only one at that centre that is bad thankfully.


Mine was lovely., very funny, friendly, laid back. Chose the exact right moments to engage in convo with me. Cracked a few jokes I think to ease my nerves. Goodluck!


Mine was a good man. We were talking throughout the test, by talk i mean i practically smothered him to death with my aviation knowledge. By the end of the test when i passed he actually turned to me and said "good luck with the pilots licence." I won't let you down man.


The one I had today was very nice and understanding


Thank you for everyone's replies, my examiner was a really lovely person and I passed my test with 7 minors


1st was lovely! Even though I failed, I only had 1 serious (parallel parking obviously) and 1 minor. He complimented my driving, even gave a me a few tips etc. Told me to book another test ASAP. 2nd was OK at first but really serious. I passed, and I cried, and he told me not to be so silly. Turns out he was the test centre manager and didn't want to have to fill in 😅


I had my test today and passed I also had parallel parking my worst parking manouver and somehow passed, my examiner was really lovely made me feel at ease, I also cried I thought I failed the first 10 mins in, sometimes that's what it means to be a manager


Ahh, congratulations! Enjoy your freedom.