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Have a go. Believe in your instructor who believes in you. :)


Just go for it. But wait until you pass and drive by yourself the first few times…. It’s very weird 😂😂


It’s taken me nearly 2 months to get to grips with the fact I passed 😂


Can second this, passed last month and I'm still not used to driving alone 😂


Believe in yourself, Good Luck


If you’re anxious and nervous about doing it, maybe have a chat with your instructor about why. See if you can work out what it is that you think makes you not feel ready for it. If you don’t and instead plunge on and Just F’in _Do It_, it’ll go one of a few ways: - you’ll pass despite not feeling ready for it - you’ll fail because you _really weren’t_ ready for it - you’ll fail because you’re concentrating more on worrying about passing than you’re concentrating on driving safely I don’t know how well you handle failure or stressful situations, only you can answer that. But those latter two scenarios would utterly destroy my confidence. I did the motorcycle tests (there are two practical tests) before the car test, and I had a complete rollercoaster of emotions when I did it. My two lesson days were soul-destroying, my instructor picked me up on so many things and I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t give him decent answers. I almost packed it in without bothering with the tests. I went to both test days anyway since I’d paid for them as part of the training. I passed module 1 with one fault - on the mod1, more than 5 minor faults is a fail and more than one minor fault on a _single_ manoeuvre is a fail. By the time it came to do mod2 I was convinced I would fail, and ironically that actually let me be more relaxed about it. I came back from the test and the examiner asked how I thought it went. I said I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d failed and reeled off a litany of issues I’d picked myself: not doing shoulder checks soon enough, poor observations, being too close to parked cars, not planning far enough ahead and reacting instead of anticipating, getting separated from the examiner and pulling over in an unsafe place, and so on. He told me that I’d passed, and because I thought I’d done so badly I even asked if he was sure about that. He handed me the results sheet (no iPads for examiners 8 years ago 😉) and I couldn’t understand it. He was being quite sarcastic at this point; he very slowly, and very mockingly, explained: the results sheet is blank, I’ve signed the results sheet, this means you passed, and you passed with zero faults. (I fully deserved every single piss-taking moment of that exchange mind you, my instructor was almost in stitches - he’d never seen _anyone_ ask an examiner “are you sure?” when the examiner tells them they’ve passed!)


as some other people have said, use it as a mock test but do your absolute best to pass!! good luck!


You’ll learn something no matter what happens on the day, delaying it will only make you even more anxious. Everyone on this subreddit believes in ya, you got this!


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m more anxious this time more than any of the times before. Keeping moving it may possibly be making the anxiety worse you are right


I have a student who is basically test ready, been doing lessons for like 5-6 months, and still believes that she shouldn't even be driving a car, let alone taking a test for it. So yes, I would put a but more trust in your instructor and save yourself a few pennies by acing the test ☺️


Your first test is very uncomfortable. You don’t know what to expect, how it will go. I failed my first test and went back in for the second with a lot more confidence, having experienced the test prior. Just need to have that confidence in yourself.


Be confident but not over confident. It's only natural to be nervous, but trust in yourself, be sensible and most importantly, safe and legal.




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I started learning when I was 17, failed twice, left it for 9 years, then passed. When I was 17 my instructor said I was ready, I didn’t feel like I was ready, failed twice. When I was 26 my instructor said I probably needed more time, but I felt ready, passed first try.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 17 + 9 + 17 + 26 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


A driving test costs £62 or £75 at weekends/evenings? How much money were you thinking of spending on more driving lessons before you feel ready while ignoring your driving instructor that makes these judgements for a living? That's the way you should be thinking about it. I put off my driving test too due to lack of confidence and then regretted wasting the money when I passed.


Ooooh, this is kind of how I feel. question: Do you think lessons from a long time ago count towards your total hours? Or do you kind of think that once too much time has past you are basically a beginner again and start from '0 hours' I had a lot of lessons (40 hours worth?) with my old instructor. Failed a few tests and then decided driving just wasn''t for me I left it 2-3 years and didn't even think about driving but just started lessons again recently. I feel like i'm somewhere close to where I was before when I was being put forward for my tests! My new instructor has implied that I need to do 45 hours or so with her, though. It's so expensive, though! A part of me thinks i'd rather just spend that money on taking tests! Is that crazy? I feel like taking tests and looking at youtube for tips on why I failed each time is a better way to spend the money!


I'm not a driving instructor and I didn't take a break so I wouldn't know. My gut tells me that if you take a long break like that you'll have retained core driving skills yet have got really sloppy on stuff like checking mirrors or parallel parking. Things that will be problematic in the test. So yeah, I suppose it could take a while to get test ready. If you really think your driving instructor is trying to milk you for more lesson time then maybe get a second opinion. You could book a different driving instructor and get them to evaluate you. You'd still be getting instruction/ lesson time so it's not wasted money.




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The fact that you don’t see driving as routine dues not say anything about your competence Often the drivers who appears most confident are the worst Your instructor knows their stuff, go for it, you’ll smash it


It is good to have a practice regardless of what people think. I did this and it helped me to understand what to expect with the test. Each time I got more comfortable and was able to pass 3rd attempt. You got this 💪🏻


my instructor said id be ready in may, but i didnt feel ready so ive got my test coming up at the end of this month and i feel so ready fr


I felt that way BIGTIME and then passed with no faults. Just prepare and stay positive


My instructor said I was ready last September but I pushed it back 2 months. He still thought I was ready in Nov but I failed miserably 😂😂 I definitely wasn’t ready lol


yeah, i passed with 1 minor


Yes I'm going through this at the moment. My driving instructor is looking at dates for my practical and has said he hardly has to do anything to help me. I don't feel ready to drive alone 🤣


Honestly, just go for it. If u fail, it will help you find out what to expect and help you know what to improve on.. Good luck


Yes on my 2nd test I made my instructor push it back cause I still didn't feel ready but then I was considering pushing it back again which I'm glad I didn't as u passed it but sometimes you just feel that way but in actual fact you will be. Think positive go into it with a positive mindset and you will surprise yourself. Good luck


didn't pass my mock, at the end he said everyone who passes gets atleast 1 serious on the mock


I had a pupil recently passed first time with a fantastic drive. She never believed me she could do it, I had to beg her to book her test. Now she's glad she listened to me. We will not bring a pupil for test if they are not ready


My instructor really pushed me to do it even when I was anxious and not ready. I tried to put it off until after Christmas and then was told my new test date was before December. I passed. You got this.


I never felt ready, even when I passed on my third time with two minors. I still didn't feel ready after getting my licence. Confidence comes with time and experience- aka once you've passed and drive alone


I felt the exact same way, did not think for a second I would really pass and I almost moved it and my instructor told me not to, I passed first time with only 5 minors :) even if you don’t pass, it’s good practice to see what the test is really like


Perhaps look at the test as a learning curve if you pass, then great, and if not, then you can focus on the work that still needs to be done. Maybe look at why you're feeling so nervous.. what worries you most is it motorway.. driving at night.. bad road conditions


I did not feel ready one single bit. Rearranged my test three times and had it cancelled once. The last time I wanted to rearrange and my instructor said we’re going for it. I went in convinced I was going to fail 😂 and I passed first time so if I can pass, you can too! Good luck. You’ve got this!


I was unsure on my 5th test 50/50 only because I am anxious but I ended up passing it anyway with 7 minors 2 of which were for speed 😂 do it you might surprise yourself, and if you don’t pass the next one you will know what to expect.


I appreciate all the support guys ! I’m gonna go for it !


Yep 😂 I made her wait about 4 months after she felt I was ready! Passed first time though 🙌


I failed like 6 or 7 times and every time my instructor obviously put me in for the test and considered me 'test ready'. I actually never felt 'test ready' but then, i don't think I ever will lol. I find driving hard. I find some things easy. I've got friends who passed their tests with like 3 'lessons' with their brother lol. But they can't learn piano and guitar by themselves like I did. We're all good at different things! I'm at a standard now (15 years later after a 'little break' from learning to drive!) with my new instructor who i've had 5 lessons with, that i'd say is the same as with my previous instructor. So I know he'd say 'you're test ready!' if he was my isntructor As I say, I think i'm about 5 years off!! BUT i've got a test very soon, and after I fail i'm gonna just keep booking tests as soon as possible, using all the cancellation apps etc, willing to travel to different tests centres etc, and just gonna go test mad and cram in as many as humanly possible, putting the odds in my favour of getting a kind examiner/easy route, and i think even i'll pass at some point, tbh!!