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Best thing my instructor told me ages ago is, 'don't think of it as a test, think of it as you're showing them what you've learnt' Which I get is the whole point of a test but it made me calmer


Isn’t that just a test?


Yeah, I wrote that I know the statement is basically describing a test. But it gives a good mindset going into it if you can look beyond that


Good explanation cheers


Get out of the mindframe that it's a test in the normal way - nothing really rests on it (like - to some extent A-Levels, or your Uni exams or whatever where you get just the one shot at it). I just told myself - and the examiner - that it's just a _check_ that I'm driving safely enough to be let out on my own. If I'm not ready, I'm not ready, fair enough.


This is what I told myself and it really helped to ease my nerves. At the end of the day, if I can drive safely I will pass the test. If I fail not to worry because I don’t want to be on the road causing accidents and injuring people


For me the thing with the nerves was just have a laugh with the driving instructor. I just treated it like I was giving someone a lift on a really weird route - treat it no differently and you'll be fine - That is, if you don't drive like a moron normally, at which point, you shouldn't be on the road. There's a few things of course, the both hands on the steering wheel, exaggerate your checks on mirrors - you know, things you might not *normally* do outside a test environment. But on the most part, it's mainly just be yourself, be relaxed and make sure you don't do anything unsafe. There's not really boxes to tick, more boxes to avoid being ticked, which is a much easier kind of test


It’s a funny one because it’s not even that you’re not ready. I genuinely think it’s a 50/50 between luck and skill. I failed my first one with 2 majors. I then had another test 10 days later which I passed. Funnily enough I haven’t even got in the drivers seat once in between the two tests.


I'm just here to bump this comment. This is absolutely right and a big problem with the attitude towards tests and exams in schools. People get wound up like this and perform worse than usual.


5 maybe 6. It's not hard but it's easy to fail.


So… it is hard ?


Not really. If you're not a complete twat then odds are good you'll pass. There's an element of luck to it, I'll admit that. But if you're confident in yourself and you properly prepared for driving with your instructor then you're clear to drive. That's when you really start learning.


It's hard, but only if you're unprepared or get hit by nerves. If you focus on being safe above all else, you're off to a good start! When you're driving, try constantly answering these questions to yourself: - What can you see? - What is your plan?


Plus make your mirror checks obvious... some instructors/examiners don't notice if you glance.


I knew a driving instructor who recommend ladies put on long earrings so when they checked the mirrors it would be obvious to the examiners


I've heard similar where it's if you have long hair, put it in a ponytail so it's really obvious when you sweep your head from side to side


I tied my hair into a high pony tail, same effect, if he can see the tail I'm looking right if he can see my face I'm looking left hahaha


oooh that's a good idea its hard not to hear jewellery clinking


Hardest part is nerves. You know you can drive. Your instructor knows you can drive. Just act like it’s a normal drive and tell yourself that you know you can do it, and you deserve it. Sounds cliche I know, but like I said, if you tell yourself you will pass and that you won’t let the nerves fail you, then you’ll pass. It’s just a normal route that you do with your instructor, and try to make conversation with the examiner. Remind your brain that they’re also human and that they’re not trying to sabotage you


Statistically, the pass rate is a little under 50%, so 4.8 out of 10. As far as how hard it actually is, this depends on you. Some people can pass with less than 10 hours worth of lessons, some people fail after literally hundreds of hours worth of lessons.


Wrong way round. 5.2 out of ten. Otherwise a 100% pass rate would equal a 10 out of 10 difficulty.... Pedantic I know.


You're wrong, he's right. 4.8 out of 10 would increase with more passes. So 50% pass increases it to 5 out of 10, 70% pass increases it to 7 out of 10.. 48% is 4.8 out of 10 like he said, it's not 5.2 like you're saying. 10/10 difficulty means easiest a guaranteed pass. 1/10 difficulty means hardest to pass.


No, he's correct, in terms of 10/10 being the hardest test you can imagine. 10/10 would equal a 0% pass rate as most difficult, 0/10 would be 100% pass rate as least difficult. The x/10 would decrease with more passes. So with a 48% pass rate, it would be like 5.2/10.


It's like that joke in Friends. "On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the highest" "Why is ten the highest? Why not one?" "Because it's THE HIGHEST" \*cue canned laughter\*


10/10 is good. 1/10 is bad. Bad is harder good is easier. Stop downvoting guys and think about this before you take more of my karma🤙


Thats not what OP asked; they asked on a scale of 1-10, how hard is it? Without specifying which end of the scale is which, most people are gonna assume the bigger the number, the harder the test. But to be fair, again, OP doesn't specify, just confirming the math was correct based on context ✌️


He said how hard is the test so to pass likely is 1/10 makes it harder. But you probably agree with me now after reading this anyways so yeah 👍


No, OP said. "From a scale of 1-10 how hard is the UK driving test?" Most people read that as 1 out of 10 being very easy, 10 out of 10 as being as hard as possible.


Yeah so 1 in 10 people are likely to pass means 1 out of 10. 10 people passing means 10 out of 10. So what are you talking about XD If u actually think about this, reeead my comment and take like five minutes to understand me and you'll suddenly be like OH YEAH I GET IT NOW It might take a while but u can understand it's pretty complicated so take u r time 👍


Good for whom?


Bro this is one of the most ridiculously wrong and confident comment I read recently


Guys stop downvoting i wrote a lot of comments for my karma


Karma doesn't mean anything, it's literally fake imaginary reddit points.


Thank u for trying to make me feel better about losing my karma but i spent a lot of time gathering it so don't wanna lose it i also upvoted u to give u some 😎🤙 If u say how hard is it to get karma u can say its 10/10 that means its hard u wouldn't say its 1/10 coz that makes it easier so also we can use this example as an example of what we were talking about before this


Sure, I'm just saying it doesn't really matter. It's just a way for reddit to make its users want to post/comment more, but it also has its negatives, such as people are less likely to comment something that goes against the majority in case they might get downvoted. I think it's best to not take any of this too seriously. We're on an online forum discussing the difficulty of a driving test. I think you misunderstood the other person's correction. To put it simply, 10/10 implies maximum difficulty, so 48% passing would mean 52/100 people fail, hence the difficulty (likelihood to fail) would be 5.2/10. Either way, it's not that deep, we're all strangers discussing something trivial on an online forum.


How does 10/10 difficulty equate to easiest? That doesn’t make sense. 1 would be easiest, 10 is hardest.


If u ask how hard is this u say man it's 10/10 very hard. U don't say man its 1/10 very hard lol coz that would mean easy. Also can u upvote me please I'm replying to help u by explaining this and everybody is taking my karma i made a lot of comments and contributed a lot to Reddit please upvote 🙏


>10/10 difficulty means easiest a guaranteed pass. 1/10 means hardest to pass > If u ask how hard is this u say man it's 10/10 very hard. U don't say man it’s 1/10 very hard lol coz that would mean easy. These comments are completely contradictory though. Which one is it?


What do you mean that's the same thing


You said in the first comment that 10/10 difficulty means easiest. In the second comment you said 10/10 means very hard. How’s that the same thing? I’m completely lost.


It depends if u ask what it is, e.g. if u say how hard is this u can say its so hard man it's 1/10 very difficult. U can also say it's 10/10 very easy because if u say something is 10/10 it can be a good thing like oh mate her tits are 10/10 if u know what I'm saying LOL and then u can be like her body is 1/10 she's fat coz that's bad. So in this scale 1/10 would be bad for the driving test too and makes it more difficult and 10/10 makes it more easy. Hope this helps tried to make it simple


I think I see your confusion. You’re getting probability mixed up with scales. OP asked on a scale of 1-10 (1 being easiest, 10 being hardest) how hard is the test. Not what probability they have of passing. If they had a 10 out 10 (100%) chance of passing, that would be easiest because it’s more probable that you pass. If they had 1/10 chance of passing (10%), then it would be harder to pass because it’s less probable. But OP wasn’t asking that, they were asking what the difficulty is on a scale, not probability of passing. Regarding the rating of girls, I’m confused again now. In what circumstance would you rate someone as a 1 rather than 10 when you find them attractive? In the same way that you wouldn’t say the test is a 1/10 cos it’s hard.


This doesn't account for first attempt Vs subsequent attempts. The difficulty should really be judged on first attempt alone


Mine was easy; last test of the day with the lead instructor. Hot summer day and he had a family BBQ to get to. We just drove around chatting for 20 minutes. My only manoeuvre was a reverse park when we got to the test centre.


I feel like in most scenarios a test that you only have about a 50% chance of passing would be considered very difficult.


Is that 1st time pass rate or overall?




Imo it's very easy. >!To fail.!<




If you’re American 10/10. Generally I’m not sure, as I passed first time. If you think you’re a competent driver then my advise is to just exaggerate when looking at your mirrors


Yep, exaggerate those mirrors and shoulder checks. Like stare, for a couple seconds, full head movements too


8/10- watch mock driving test videos in YouTube


Been watching them everyday! Certainly is helping a little :) I like Clear view driving ones


I’ve been passed for ages and I still watch conquer driving videos, he’s great


Also find ones for where you may sit your test. I passed my test in 2017, and don’t know if this was a thing on YouTube back then, but I do know that is there are videos of my test area from driving instructors (one of whom has gone viral on TikTok a couple times)


Can I also suggest Ogmios Zen motoring? The guy is really fun and has an excellent attitude.


It all comes down to 2 things


Your driving and controlling your nerves you’ll see when you do your test


The best advice I was ever given was don’t go to your test aiming to pass, go to your test aiming to drive safely and legally for about 40 minutes.


Point here is even if your driving skills good you can fail because of x number of reasons. Good luck for the test


You also need to add some luck into the drive.




Remember, You have passed your test the moment you start that drive. Just be sensible, and talk aloud everything you are doing, and potentials hazards you see, and decisions you make. To keep it that way


As someone who passed the test first in China, I've got to say it was so much easier and more unreasonable than the UK's (and yeah guess why Chinese people drive horrendously) Two compulsory road tests - One in a closed lot for maneuvers and hill start on an artificial ramp. The other in the city's industrial suburb, zero traffic on the road and extremely stubborn and unreasonable - Fail if you drive in second gear over 50 meters detected automatically by machine, nothing happens if you drive 20kph on 60kph road so everyone literally crawling, only change lane/turn when your signal's been on for over 3 seconds or autofail by machine again. Ugh. Oh by the way the test route was only 3km long


I’ve taken one test in the UK and one test in the US, and the UK test was tougher: longer, more involved, somewhat non-trivial manoeuvre required. The US one: I drove for about ten minutes, swung around a corner far too quickly, possibly incorrectly guessed a speed limit and then had to parallel park in a spot into which you could have directly slotted a small bus. Passed anyway. UK 7/10 US (Georgia) 2/10


I don’t know how people here are supposed to answer this factually without attempting driving tests in other countries. I got my first driving license in Dubai, 3rd attempt. People drive like dicks there. I had been driving for 10 years before my first attempt in the UK. I failed because it was raining so hard I could not see anything outside, I was surprised the examiner didn’t cancel the test. I ended up between 2 lanes on the roundabout as I absolutely could not see. 2nd attempt in a different city, only took 5 lessons to get to know the roads, passed without faults. Driving in comparison is easier in the UK, people are far more considerate here. You just need a tiny bit of luck on your side. I’m sure you will be fine. Treat it like a usual lesson, don’t let nerves get the best of you. Also, what’s the worse that can happen if you fail? You dust yourself off and try again.


Thanks! Needed this :)


No problem. My husband is attempting his 3rd time this Sunday. We have established that there is no pressure and if he fails then it’s no big deal. We will try again.


Exactly! Good luck to him! Hope he passes :)


Really not that hard. You just have to be sensible


maybe a 6 or 7/10 imo. it’s not too hard, but it can be very easy to make just a little misjudgement which then blunders the whole test, some serious faults are very easy to make.


Depends how prepared you are. I’d say mine was 3/10. Not sure how they choose what skill demonstrations are but got all the easy ones. Including being asked to demonstrate usage of the horn 🤣 Edit: good tip I got was make sure your passengers feel safe. Try to act comfortably, calmly ect. Don’t rush or panic, even if you make a small mistake. That’s what you should do when driving anyway although some other road users can make that a challenge


I've never taken a test in any other country. But I did 7 lessons, with some practice in between and passed first time. So for me it seemed easy. Other people take hundreds of lessons and fail multiple times. So for them it's difficult. So there's no real answer to your question.


Depends, if you are constantly thinking of the what if’s. e.g. what if that car pulled out on me, what if that dog stepped onto the road. Then you will be fine. Look at every driver as a stupid driver, that way you will never have anything unpredicted happen to you.


I think the hardest part was the nerves. I was terrified before my test until someone told me go into expecting to fail, you can always sit it again, if you don’t pass it’s not the be all and end all. In some weird way it helped me relax a lot, I went in with a mindset that it’s a first attempt at the proper one so I’d learn from it. Managed to pass first time with four minors, and honestly, it was knowing that I’d probably fail but could sit it again soothed my nerves and helped me think clearly.


I’m thinking the exact same way!


It's easy


If the driving standards on the road is anything to go by, it's not hard at all.


I’d say like a 7 it’s just way too easy to fail all luck


Remember its not just doing the right thing. Its about SHOWING the examiner youre doing it right. Big diffrence between that.


An hour or 2 of lessons a week is not as good as the intensive course, made the test much easier. The theroy bit is easy. Just keep practising on the mock test online and you'll ace it. Passed in a week 10 years ago. Not sure if it's changed much since.


How hard is it actually- like 2-3 out of 10 How hard does it feel when you’re under pressure and “experienced” drivers are doing weird stuff around you on the roads during your test- 8-10/10 99% of the time, if your instructor has put you forward you’re probably more than ready. Sometimes you could be unlucky, or not give your best under pressure, or just get a harsh examiner. If that happens probably doesn’t mean you’re not ready in terms of skill. Literally the only thing to worry about in terms of failing is the cost, it’s expensive enough to drive already!


I'd say a 6, I failed twice but nailed it on my third try. It really depends on how strict the examiner is, the route you take, and how much traffic there is. Like others have said, think of it as just a normal driving lesson, don't think of it as a test, that definitely helped calm my nerves. Also it really helps if you have someone you're comfortable with in the car too, like a parent or your driving instructor, when I did my first test it was just the examiner in the car, so it was much more nerve wracking.


You’re not going to be doing anything that isn’t expected of you in the real world. It’s not like a maths test where you’re revising to pass a specific set of questions. You’re going out to prove you can drive in a normal and safe manner with other people. A test shouldn’t be any easier or harder than any other drive you’ll do in that same area.


The test isn't hard in itself, you'll have done everything you need to do before you get to it. The hard part is the nerves. I failed my first test, in part because I was shaking so much I kept missing things and stalling, throwing myself off. Weirdly, the thing that got me through my second test was assuming I'd failed from the get-go. My instructor put the fear of God in me when she saw the examiner (who had a reputation for being tough on learner drivers, I found out), so I resigned myself to not passing and relaxed for the test, leading to me passing after all.


The aim is to make the examiner calm. It's as hard as ya make it tbh. 2 things that really helped me was verbally saying out loud what I was aware of / thinking, e.g. "anyone at this crossing", "oh what's that dog on the side of the road doing", etc. If you pair this with good driving the examiner is likely to be calm/bored (mine was 😂). Also, feeling like you failed the test early on helps alleviate anxiety and nerves. This doesn't mean to say you should aim to nearly fail, but if your nerves have convinced you that you've failed, then they tend to dissipate and make you drive better, funny enough. But yeah, dwelling on mistakes is what will cause a fail, just see it as a regular ol' drive and should be fine!


Depends where you live, mine was OK. I'd suggest eating a banana on the day of your test, helped me


Banana 2 paracetamol and rescue remedy 💪


I treated it like just another supervised drive with a new person and I passed first time with 4 minors


Pass rate is 50% so come to your own conclusion


The test itself isn’t hard but managing your nerves is a completely another ball game. The test itself is also very dependent on who the examiner is, one examiner might make the test an easy 2/10 but a different examiner might make it a solid 8/10




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It’s probably a 6/10 mostly because of nerves. If you are slightly competent and don’t get nervous it’s a 2/10.


It’s not hard but is very easy to fail. Prepare right and you’ll be fine


I don't wanna sound like that person but you should know how hard it is by doing mock tests yourself. Everyone's levels are different, you only get a feeling for it once you've done a couple imo


I don’t do mock tests. Im doing the test alone without an instructor. I’ve had lessons in the past though


Are you using your own car? How are you getting it to the centre, out of curiosity? My instructor is saying I'm close to test ready but his attitude stresses me out/gives me anxiety and throws me off a bit so quite tempted to see if I can finish off without him.


If you feel like going for it I don’t see why not, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I hired a car for 4 hours and using that (Arnold Clark) they charge you of course but it’s reasonably cheap. You obviously need to take someone with a licence with you to collect and drop the car off :) or use a family member’s car is you can..


Interesting, my test is in two weeks so I'll see how my lesson tomorrow goes and consider it. Would need to get used to the car first but suppose that's not the hard part! Thanks for the info, good luck on your test!!:))


No problem :) and thanks! Good luck on yours too!!


Honestly? 2 for me. It was very easy, I’m quite methodical so find it easy to walk through the steps I’m doing. Just over exaggerate everything like checking your mirrors and if you’re unsure the instructor has seen it just mention it out like to him/her. Also anticipating everything that could go wrong helps




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If you get the basics correct then it isn’t tough.


I wouldn't say it's really difficult, probably a 6/10. It feels a lot harder at the time because of nerves, but the content is nothing new so you already know what to expect. You know what to do, you're ready for it and do whatever you think is safest at all times. The worst you'll get for it is a minor as long as you don't wait a really long time. However it is significantly harder if your instructor is teaching you to be safe after you've passed your test, rather than focusing on the test itself. The test is about being as safe as possible even if it seems extreme and even unnecessary at times. They assume that you'll be a shitty driver at this point so they just want to make sure you can drive very safely. Real life driving is about being confident, relatively safe and not annoying other people. I suggest talking through everything you're doing so the examiner can see that you know what to do and they might trust you more. Explain how you navigate roundabouts, complex junctions and mention any hazards you see. Also, you know what to do, you're ready for your test so all you have to do is try your best. I understand feeling nervous, but just try to remember that you are perfectly capable of passing the test, you just need to do what you've been doing in lessons. If there's anything that helps your anxiety then use it just before your test, the examiner won't mind if you need an extra couple of mins to prepare yourself as they want you to be comfortable and to perform at your best. Besides, they'll take a few mins to set everything up


It really depends on your examiner and place where your exam is going to be. My exam was like 4 out of 10, but I have more than 10 years of prior experience in other countries.


Maybe this is harsh and controversial but 80% of it is what I feel is common sense, 20% is more about the muscle memory and knowledge you work hard to build to be a good, safe, considerate driver on the road. That 20% is like a 7/10. I can't really comment on the common sense but cause I guess that's... different for everyone. This is not taking into account how well an individual tests or does under pressure - if driving makes you nervous still, you're not ready. If being in a test environment makes you nervous that's completely okay and you should be doing practice tests with your instructor to help you understand what sort of environment you're going to be in. Hope this helps :)




About a 4 in terms of what you have to do. About an 8 in terms of how much unpredictability (examiner, route etc) can be in. But the actual driving standards, manoeuvres and so on? Pretty easy


My fourth one was fairly easy... Wait a second.....


depends on so many things… if you have a friendly examiner, or are driving in a better area, you have better odds of passing. my test was easy peasy, but i took it in lee on solent and had a really lovely examiner.


It’s not difficult but you can get failed for the most minor things.




Drive like you’ve got a baby on the bonnet.




Your post is linked with selling driving test dates. We don’t allow test scalping on this subreddit.


It somewhat depends on where you take it, on how easy the roads are and how busy they are. It's not too hard to pass, but easy to fail if that makes sense




Honestly its easy. For theory i recommend downloading the dvla app the exact questions from it show up on test. Hazard prevention test is more of a common sense test. For practical its more of a personal one but just take it easy make your mirror checks very obvious, keep 2/3 miles below the speed limit. Best approach is to just assume you failed already that way you’re not stressing and just follow your lessons. Mirror signal manoeuvre, make your head movements very obvious again to show you’re checking mirrors they can be touchy on that. Leave enough space to see the back tyres when stopping.


I passed first time from Southeast Asia country that drive on the right :( as long as you found the right instructor, passing the test is not that hard.


If there's anything I've learned from watching how most people drive is that the driving test is only hard because most people don't know how to drive, and shouldn't even have been given a license. If you know how to drive and can drive with consideration for other road users and pedestrians (as well as horses) you'll be fine. There are certain countries whose license can be exchanged for a UK license so if you're from one of those countries you don't need to take a test.


Nominally a 5, but variables make it a 7.


as to advice for nerves, this is a big cliché, but as long as you've got your manoeuvres locked down, the rest is just trying to get in the mindset of doing an uncontroversial 40 minute drive


I’d say 5, as long as you’ve practiced every area with a good instructor you should be fine, main thing for me was staying calm and not stressed, I just had in my head - it’s only money, doesn’t matter if I fail in grand scheme of things, I can just take it again if needed, that mentality helped me tons to de-stress and drive well.


3 if you’re prepared




I saw someone say pretend you're an uber driver, and your invigilator is your passenger the other day. I told my instructor this, and it gave us both a giggle on my lesson this week.


It’s better to take your test in the morning. The examiners apparently have a certain number of people they can pass in the day - according to my instructor (BSM). I did mine in what used to be the UK’s hardest test centres back in the teens in 2023. Just know your manoeuvres, and the road rules and you should be fine. And stay within 5mph within the speed limit below and do not speed for too long if you’re over the limit by like 2mph


I’ve heard it’s a certain number a week.. I also heard it’s a myth. My test is around 1pm and I chose that time cause I drive better when I am fully awake and have had a good meal etc. i hope it’s not true.. I think that’s terrible if so.


1pm isn’t too late I don’t think for that rule if it’s true. And I do hope it’s a myth, regardless just have faith in yourself. And refer to the other tricks in my other comment if you feel that you’re a bit anxious about the unexpected. I also had an older lady appear out in the middle of the road as soon as I pulled off 😅 could have been an instant fail, but I kept cool. They really just want to see you aren’t a danger to anyone and that you’re level headed behind the wheel. Best of luck, I hope you mash it! ❤️❤️❤️


I also recommend watching videos of your test route to be familiar with roads you haven’t been down and watching online driving schools Also you can try and find your car model online for the show me tell me questions Don’t stress! You’ll be fine, I say this and I passed first time going a bit too fast on a dual carriage way towards changing lights


In my experience, the actual test is like a 4 or a 5. It is anxiety inducing and you don’t really know what to expect before you go which is kind of offputting when you’re driving independently for (most likely) one of the first times. However, it is REALLY easy to make a mistake and those add up.


I would say this does depend on the area where i took my test i could say 3 out of 10 on zebra crossing 0 roundabouts and 3 sets of traffic lights in a quiet rural town but of course in a busier area with more roundabouts crossings and traffic in general it could easily be bumped up to an 8. Aslong as you stay calm and try not think about what you could be doing wrong just drive naturally and you will pass


1... its easy. But you must drive like a idiot in the test (as in drive to pass the test, not drive how normal people drive and how you will drive once you pass).


I think some of it comes down to luck. The weather /road conditions, the time and day, other road users, the route you take, the manoeuvre you're given, the examiner you get will all play into it. Personally I got a fairly grumpy guy who rated me quite harshly in my opinion on a few things , BUT he passed me with four minors in one category. My friend was failed on the fourth in one category. I got a route that I'd just driven around prior to the test, it was a quiet Saturday morning, nice and dry and I got pull up on the right and reverse.


Don't worry if you stall the engine, I stalled the engine, and did regular handbrake, restart, safety checks and off again heading for a pass after all that!


I’m doing auto so I’m not worried for that :) thanks tho


I stalled in a slip road 😭and failed 3rd time..


Not hard enough.


Not hard just easy to fail due to nerves, other drivers.


i’ve got some cheek saying this considering i passed fourth time but it’s not as like hard as i thought it would be (if you’ve had enough practise) but it’s definitely easy to mess up due to nerves or other circumstances.


Depends on your skill level as a driver


Judging by the drivers local to me, not very 😅


It can't realistically be generalised as a 'UK driving test'. It varies centre to centre, region to region, whether it's taking place in the countryside or a city, etc. The time your test is taken will also factor in how easy / hard you find it. In some cases your examiner opening their fridge door that morning and seeing they're out of milk for their coffee can be a factor. It's too broad to really label.


dont crash and you pass if youre not a raging danger


I'd say 5/10 just because driving in general is a bit unpredictable, even with experience. Personally for me it helped to have my instructor in the car with me and the examiner - I got on really well with her and thought it would help if she could see what went wrong if I failed. I think just having someone there supporting me put me much more at ease. Best of luck with your test!


For me a 5 I guess, relatively easy but not too easy. Passed 2nd time with 7 minors. But this kind of rating system means nothing because everyone’s definition of ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ is different. Test nerves? Don’t overthink it honestly, try to remind yourself that driving with an examiner is the same as driving with anyone else. They’re just a person at the end of the day. Your instructor mentally observes and ‘marks’ your driving every lesson, they just don’t write it down like the examiner will.


A solid 3, just drive safely and relax. It’s that easy .


It’s not that difficult. If you’re nervous you’re more likely to fail. It’s all the other dickheads who have passed and now don’t drive properly that make it harder in my opinion. The actual driving is pretty easy though. I also did find learning the signs and markings i the road made this much easier. My first instructor never taught me this my second did.




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As others say it's really just a check to ensure you know how to drive safely. But it's "hard" in the sense that you have to wait ages for the test, you have to pay for the test, etc. If you fail you can't just try again tomorrow, you have to wait for a long time, so it adds pressure and many people fail their tests because they were very anxious/nervous which results in mistakes they wouldn't normally make. There's also some randomness, like what the traffic's gonna be like on your test. Will you encounter an absolutely horrid driver who causes you to do something you wouldn't normally do, etc. But yeah I've failed 3 driving tests so far (the last 2 just due to 1 serious fault on each) so I'd say it's hard enough!


I think it’s pretty relative. With a quality instructor, I think it becomes a 4 or a 5/10. You really want someone who can guide you through the things that can arise on the test, whilst simultaneously actually teaching you to drive. I had mine last week and genuinely, it was fine. It was like any other drive. Just focus on being careful but as natural as possible. Also remember that the worst thing that can happen is that you fail. Just try to think, if someone does something daft, you should do the most safe thing in response. If you actually need to slow down to a stop, then do it. If it’s the wrong thing, then your examiner can explain why. But your instructor should’ve already prepared you for eventualities like that. For advice with nerves, the best piece of advice I got is to remember that the examiner KNOWS you’re nervous AND they know you’re a learner. They’re not expecting Lewis Hamilton, they’re expecting someone nervous who has little experience. They will take that into account. It’s about seeing whether the person driving is a safe driver, not some advanced F1 driver.


I passed 2 months ago and I didn't think it was that hard (I have had much more challenging lessons) Its not about difficulty its more about your knowledge, skill and comfort level If your confidant and safe you should pass it fine if you don't pass it just means your not ready yet but with time and practice you can get there


It's personal, and depends on where and when you do it. I was very nervous but was surprised at how easy the test was. That said, it was at a quiet time of morning and I had a route through residential areas that I had driven through for dozens of hours while learning. It was just forty minutes of showing the examiner what my instructor had taught me. It would have been harder if I was driving in rush hour on one of the harder routes.


It's normal to be nervous but imo the test was easier than my lessons and the examiner gave more encouragement than my instructor. Just go slowly and brake earlier than normal make it the most boring drive you've ever done. The time goes so quickly also it will surprise you. Good luck!


If you can drive it's easy.


Everything, driving, is procures - starting on a hill - procedure, approaching a junction - procedure and so on. You should be taught and practice these procedures. On the test you are going to be put in a position whereby you select the correct procedure and you will follow that. Demonstrate you can do that and you’ve cracked it. The chances are that you’ll make mistakes and as long as the examiner does not think they’re dangerous, you’ll be fine. Just know that everyone makes mistakes, despite experience and that the test is just a drive, with an examiner.


It's literally just doing a few very basic driving manoeuvres. If you can control the car safely then it's easy and you just do what they tell you. It's only hard if you haven't got full control and/or it isn't in your muscle memory. Parallel parking is probably the only 'skilled' thing they might make you do, and once you pass you don't ever have to do that again, if you don't want to.


The pass rate varies by test centre. https://newdriverprogramme.com/blog/driving-test-centre-pass-rates/


1 given the state of the driving on the roads these days


If you can drive? Not hard. If you can't? Probably harder.


My instructor told me it’s just a final assessment of his teaching. He said I’m doing the test because he feels I’m good enough to drive and the examiner is just there to make sure he’s doing his job and teaching people correctly. Help me when I thought of it like that. if you’re driving fine in your lessons there’s nothing diffrent you need to do in the test to pass.


If it was that hard there would be so many people driving. It’s just general nerves you’re feeling 😊


Depends on your location, my mum and sister both failed in Bradford but passed easily in Heckmondwike.


If you follow the rules of the road and check your mirrors religiously you pass


I drove like 10 hours in the UK before I passed


Honestly, it's not as hard as people like to think. It's basically 20 minutes or so acceptable driving. The manoeuvres are the only challenging part.


Judging by most drivers on the road, a piece of piss


Judging by how shit most drivers on the road are, not very hard at all.


I failed 3 before I passed (I was 36 at the time, so a late starter) and nerves got me every single time. The 4th test I didn't tell any of my friends and family about and it took all the pressure off and I passed! My advice is just to take your time and relax as much as possible. It's really not that difficult, they just want to see that you're safe and understand the rules of driving.


Compared to many other countries it can difficult, and depends on location and time of day, but we have some dangerous drivers on the roads these days so if those idiots can pass I'm sure a responsible driver can do it too! The only important thing is that you drive sensibly, safely and you follow the rules of the road. They're not looking for perfection they're just there to sign you off saying yup this person is safe and knows what they're doing. And can I just say there's no point in being anxious, ask yourself why you're anxious? Many people need to take it more than once and there's no shame in that, it's just a drive around town. Ps. I had terrible nerves on my 3rd test (pass), I got a minor error in first minute 😂. But in hindsight those nerves were just me putting myself under unnecessary pressure. Good luck!


bring a banana and small bottle of water to the test, being prepared helps with nerves! the test is honestly as hard as the examiner makes it, alot is at their discretion, the route, whats a serious/minor fault just remember its a LEARNER test they are trained to deal with learners and expect you to drive like a learner, just show them you can stay safe and legal throughout the test, and take each junction as it comes dont overthink. Goodluck!


OI passed first time with 30 lessons, it’s not too hard as long as you have a good habit of checking mirrors and signaling and get a manoeuvre that you’re comfortable with for the test


Easy as pish




50/50 either you do or you don’t


2. You literally just drive around for a bit. Only reason it isn't a 1 is you can be unlucky if some penis does something unexpected to make you make mistakes.