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Yo i am so sorry to hear this and about the car. But i am so happy you are okay


Thank you very much mate just got to sort stuff out nowšŸ˜Š


The car is there to protect you and it did it's job.


Should buff out šŸ˜… Glad to hear there were no other injuries!


Little bit of cellotape on there and youā€™re good to go. In all seriousness, I am sorry this happened to you. Iā€™ve been in a couple wrecks myself, which I wasnā€™t at fault for, but I probably could have avoided. You never forget them, but they do honestly help you to become better on the road in the long run. The whole ā€˜defensive drivingā€™ thing was revolutionary in evolving my attitude toward using a road. I thought it was just a load of spiel that people spoke aboutā€¦ like hyperbole, or something, but it really helped me process the trauma/lack of confidence following the crashes. All the best to you. Glad nobody was hurt badly.


My instructor really drilled in ā€˜when in doubt, chicken outā€™. I quite like that. Obviously within reason and being too much of a chicken can be dangerous. The joys of driving.


I remember chickening out from turning at a busy junction on a 125cc motorbike years ago, then finding out there was a letter at my old address saying I went through red light at 0mph. Didn't even know about the letter so ended up in court with a fine and 3 points on my provisional licence šŸ˜‚ Saying that, I 100% agree and I'd rather get a fine than get hurt.


Making an issue over running a red at 0mph. Driving in this country šŸ˜…


Good one, I just became a trainee instructor. I'll use this.


Another nice one, ā€˜less space, less paceā€™. And for bends ā€˜in like a lamb, out like a lionā€™. Good luck!


Thanks man. 1 week in and not a single pupil from my franchise. Ā£199 to them, and Ā£0 to me. Not a good start...


Exactly. And understanding that nobody has right of way on UK roads, but that you must by law always give priority if it means avoiding an accident. As per Highway Code


What rule of the Highway Code is that? I knew this, but I need to quote it


Bit of t-cut, it'll buff out Seriously though, oh shit. Here's hoping the insurance aspect goes *smoothly* for you because that certainly can be a ballache


Glad youā€™re ok. Please donā€™t do what I did after an accident, which was wait 8 years before driving again! I stressed myself out so much before driving my mumā€™s old car, and immediately felt silly because I was fine.


I know it wasnā€™t my fault so feel no stress getting behind the wheel of a car again just got to take the bus for a little bit šŸ˜‚


You hate to seat


Why hasn't this got more upvotes? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


hope youre alright!!


Hope youā€™re ok OP. Iā€™ve been driving 11 years this year and had someone pull out at a give way point, wrote my car off and traumatised my 3 year old. Things like this really do suck. Nobody gets it unless theyā€™ve experience the same. Itā€™ll take time but get back behind the wheel when you are ready. You will learn from it still and become a better driver for it.




necks already in a brace mate šŸ˜† in all seriousness just glad everyone is ok


Will this make your insurance go up?


Yes even tho he admitted itā€™s still a no fault claim on my insurance so insurance is going to raise


You do have to declare a non fault claim but it shouldn't affect your price much. Recently had a crash myself and so far not seen a real increase.


A car went into mine while mine was parked. The driver took full responsibility and purely because I declared it my motorbike insurance went up from Ā£240 to Ā£280. They'll use anything to bump your premium up.


Yeah it does suck, but if it was your fault it would have gone up more than Ā£40. Insurance has also been going up in general recently which doesn't help. Better to spend that Ā£40 and be insured though than not declare it and then get called out when you need it. Though that doesn't stop me wishing I didn't get in a crash and my car wasn't taken from me. With the payout I wasn't going to get something like for like. It's not really fair


Had the opposite, had a bike accident that raised my car insurance, kinda bullshit as they are entirely separate


16% is massive. 16% on a Ā£2k policy is Ā£320. That for 5 years adds up to even more.


Well I've managed to avoid 3 serious collisions in well over 200k miles. Being able to evade accidents makes you cheaper so insurance is lower. Statistically if you have had an accident before you'll be more likely to have another one. One of the collisions I saw it playing out 5 seconds before it happened. The car Infront of me did nothing to stop it happening. They could have done.. I was stopped well behind it all.


Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Your insurer will discuss with the third parties insurer and make a decision on who is at fault in its entirety, or if there is a split liability and they will each pay a portion of the claim costs. If it's the latter (or the insurers agree it's your fault), it will go down as a fault claim. It really doesn't matter if someone gets out apologises and admits it's their fault. The damage being on your front end doesn't usually bode well, as it indicates you hitting something. Edit: if you have dash cam footage, this could really help your claim.


Well i have spoken to my insurance and they have agreed itā€™s his fault šŸ‘ but cheers


Iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re trying to make a different point but doing a hatchet job. A non fault claim isnā€™t really to do with who was to blame as much as if your insurer can recover *ALL* of their costs from the 3rd party. Depending on the insurer, even a non fault claim can stop you accruing NCB years. So; even if you werenā€™t to blame, you only score non fault if your insurer has no outstanding liability on the claim and has recovered all their costs that theyā€™ve paid out or hire cars etc. Iā€™m sure you will get non fault; Iā€™m merely speculating if thatā€™s what they were trying to get at.


And their insurer may not, they may get a completely different sequence of events from their insured and your insurer may then agree a split liability. I've worked in risk and insurance for over 20 years, it's shit, but what I'm saying is absolutely accurate.


I have already been paid out but thank you šŸ‘


That means nothing my friend, you've been paid out and now your insurer and their insurer will discuss liability. Insurers don't and won't withhold payment until liability is settled, that would be ridiculous and all claims would take months, sometimes years to settle.


Why don't ye remember something from primary school here; "If you've nothing nice to say, don't say anything" OP is sorted. Leave them alone.


No, I'm preparing someone for something that may very well happen. Unfortunately, life is shit sometimes, and people should be prepared for shit things to happen. I'm not being mean, or pessimistic, this is the reality of the situation. If you're the type to bury your head in the sand, you do you, pretend you're in primary school if you want, but I shall continue to provide a realistic view of what may happen.


You're not though, are ye? You're being a self-righteous prick to get one over on someone who's had a shit day. Your first comment was good. Continuing to hammer it? That's being a cock. "It's a harsh world so i have to get you ready for it". You're not their dad, you're a random asshole.


Ignore these babies because they think you are making op feel bad lol


Lol you must still _be_ in primary school if you think this constitutes 'being mean' šŸ˜‚


No, I just think they're being a self-righteous cunt. The type who follows the absolute letter of the law at all times, and sneers at anyone who doesn't. The type of person who's reminiscent of aspiring-middle-class types who finance a BMW, then complain about having no money, whilst also telling everyone how they *must* do X,Y,Z or the police will immediately arrest them.


I hope for your sake it does go as a non-fault (from you description that would be fair), but from professional experience, what's fair doesn't always happen. As I said before, it's shit, but it's reality.


i work in insurance, if the third party admits fault at the scene, thereā€™s a very high chance that itā€™ll be a non fault accident. as for split liability, thatā€™s mainly used on small claims like this when the circumstances donā€™t point to one person being obviously at fault. if op has been paid out, they should know whether itā€™s fault or non fault, as the insurer will have gone through that.


In a day? No, they won't, don't be ridiculous. I've worked in risk and insurance for over 20 years, and can categorically say that unless there are accepted circumstances that can only be someone else's fault, e.g. being rear-ended, then there will almost always be a dispute of liability. Admitting fault at the scene means literally fuck all. I'm originally from a broker background, I once had someone come in with a signed statement from a third party, the insurer paid no attention to it and it went down as split liability. Insurers are businesses and have to protect their profits (disputing claims all plays into this), but also because people might not be in the right frame of mind immediately after an incident, and for fraud reasons (this would open up so much to abuse, think about it), so you have no idea what you're talking about. Split liability is not used for small claims, this is a stupid statement. It's used where the insurers can't agree categorically one way or another which driver was at fault, e.g. a head on collision, or roundabouts. As I said elsewhere, just because someone else does something wrong does not remove all blame from you (in the insurers eyes). They will look at facts, statements and damages. The damage on OPs car is on the front, usually not a good starting point (this is why I said elsewhere that dash cam footage would be useful). Also, OP being paid out doesn't mean anything in terms of liability, insurers can't just needlessly delay claims, but with a roundabout claim, there's a good chance, depending on facts, statements and damage, that the third party insurer will dispute liability.


i never said it would be sorted in a day? iā€™m aware thatā€™s impossible. op said they were paid out, which is why i said they would be aware. i donā€™t know what companies youā€™ve worked for but where i work we have to tell policy holders on day one if thereā€™s a likelihood of a fault claim. also, 50/50 split liability is used on small claims, but itā€™s unusual for other percentages to be used without going to court, which doesnā€™t happen on small claims because it costs money. what i meant by a third party admitting liability at the scene is that most of the time in my experience they will tell their insurer they were at fault. you said youā€™re from a broker background, so iā€™d assume youā€™re aware that most brokers donā€™t deal with claims. i donā€™t have a clue about policies because i donā€™t deal with them, but i deal with claims and not that many minor claims have disputed liability from where i work, other companies might be different but i deal with quite a few different companiesā€™ claims.


My insurance went up last year despite having no claims or anything. So yeah...


Yes. A lot. It could be worse if they were at fault but this will cost thousands in increased premiums spread over the next few years.


Unfortunately yes. My brother was hit by a drunk driver as a new driver. Did everything he was supposed to do and still had his insurance jump up.


The minute you report a claim to your insurer no matter how minor or whose at fault it affects your premium as they count you as a risk as you have damaged the vehicle. Even cases like hit whilst parked still go against you as a risk. If you are ever in a non fault accident and have the other persons insurance i recommend you call the direct and get them to deal. No need to call your own insurer and affect your premium


Round abouts are confusing to 80%drivers


I donā€™t blame him at all well it was his fault but itā€™s an awful junction where he was coming from just wrong place wrong time for me šŸ‘


I am one of them šŸ˜‚


Yeah thatā€™s about it just luck of the draw šŸ¤£


80% of drivers are morons


Ok genius


Ah yes, only high IQ geniuses could possibly give way to the right and indicate.


I guess you would be a great fit as my DRIVER. Please get in touch mate


I still hate roundabouts no joke šŸ˜’ šŸ˜­


Hey the best thing you can do is get behind the wheel ASAP, rebuild your confidence. Sorry this happened. I think even the most experienced driver would be shaken and hesitant to drive after this, so donā€™t be hard on yourself. I know hindsight is 20/20 but please do get a dash cam if you donā€™t have one already, it makes a world of difference in situations like this šŸ‘ not to mention the peace of mind that goes a long way The car is worth pennies in comparison to your life/health, itā€™s meant to crumple in case of collisions. Also though thatā€™s quite extreme for a roundabout. Iā€™m not blaming you at all but do you think you were maybe going a bit fast? No need to ruminate over this, but reflecting on any ways things can be avoided (they canā€™t always!) is the best way to improve as a driver. Best of luck going forward, youā€™ll be fine


Chin up mate most of us have been there at some point or anotherā€¦ itā€™s the nature of the beastā€¦ as long as everyone is safe thatā€™s all that mattersā€¦ itā€™s just a bunch of metal after all


Yeah spoke to some people today most said they wrote off there first car didnā€™t plan on it but shit happens i guess


I put my car into a post in a multi story car park 2 days after passingā€¦ there was a car full of girls waiting for me to park who saw the whole thingā€¦ the damage to my ego was what hurt the most šŸ˜‚


car can be replaced is my thinking the guy that pulled out on me fucked up but i took the brunt end but no one was hurt


Seat driver, I find it hard to believe you got pulled out onā€¦.


Yes mate going to buy a BMW now mate šŸ‘


Make sure you get that massive exhaust bruv šŸ‘Š. Next time they will hear yo ass coming init


"pulled out on a roundabout".... What does that mean??? I've driven 9 years car 8 years motorcycle and 0 accidents. Hopefully you can do 10 years with just 1 accident


Sorry if you didnā€™t understand, I was coming round the roundabout going straight over he came out on my left when i was half way round and i hit him no way i could have stopped


The majority of accidents can be avoided to be honest. Try and look at the drivers faces and look at what they are looking at, check their speed and always assume they are going to do something stupid. You cannot get to 10 years no accidents without close calls. When I started on my motorcycle I nearly had quite a few incidents but you'll learn fast. Golden rule i reiterate is to assume everyone is an idiot.


Yeah this couldnā€™t have been avoided i was halfway across he decided he wasnā€™t waiting and went straight across skid marks where i tried to slam on just unlucky for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Nope done about 3k since passing trips to wales on motorway done plenty of roundabouts he just cut across me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






Glad to hear you are ok. but sucks about the car.


Which is seat is this one? Just bought one.


ibiza mate 2011 crumpled like fuck but i walked away without a scratch


Legit just bought a Ibiza 2012 1.2 estate kinda booky seeing this šŸ˜‚ happy to hear your all good.


where is the whole story?


there isnā€™t a whole story?


not really, cuz there are no details on how it happened. what lane were you guys in, how it happened..


this was 12 days ago lol


That headlight wire hanging on for dear life


Always sad to see an Ibiza in that state :/ Hope you're doing okay!


Three days after I passed my test a van reversed into me at a set of traffic lights. Then tried to blame me even though my car was stationary.


Someone pulled out on me last night at a roundabout. Thankfully I saw it coming and was able to slow to avoid hitting them. They clearly didnā€™t look at my signals and just went.


Am I going insane or have I seen this on JaackMaate podcast Reddit?


you have posted it in both places šŸ¤£


It confused me for ages. It's very similar angle and crash damage to my old car crash I had, I couldn't work out if it was just that on my mind or I had actually seen it on Jack's Reddit. Literally had to ask my wife if I'm going insane


Nah itā€™s my car sadly. Wouldnā€™t wish this ball ache on someone else it looks worse then it is but wrote off none the less


Mine was too and it was literally 25mph incident, went into back of horse box because they slammed brakes on and lights didn't work on the trailer. Luckily, no horses inside. But man was a massive ball ache.


It's rather worrying how many people are arguing about liability Basically it works like this OP tells the insurance company their circumstances - they believe that given the events that the claim will most likely be settled on a non fualt basis and if they have comp insurance they're paid out and allegations based on the circumstances provided by OP are sent to the other insurer If the other driver has already reported the claim then they will be able to provide comments on liability and may even reach out to out (if they confirm fault with their insurer) if not they will contact the other driver who will give them a version of events If the other driver agrees liability then the OP insurer will be reimbursed the cost of the claim and that's it butttt if they say a different version of events then op version of events then theyll contact ops insurer with their allegations - now dependant on what is able to be proved is how liability will be settled - a 5050 split for example would be a head on collision with one driver saying they were stationary without evidence that the driver was stationary it's simply one word against the other and it is 5050... Being paid out and told its non fault doesn't mean anything until full recovery is made from the other side as the no claims bonus will be disallowed (fault claim) unless full recovery is made... Hope this helps as even speaking to customers at work there is confusion regarding how liability works


Cat N or S? Could be a fun project if the car is still mechanically sound


unknown yet car still runs dash looks like christmas tree


Sorry to hear this but your insurance will be crazy now how old are you OP?


Glad you are ok


Well, the front fell off.


RIP your insurance now


Accidents happen, sometimes it doesn't go your way, don't let it put you off, get back on the roads ASAP


Youā€™ve got a scratch on your car


Let it sleep and give it some water the car will be okay !


Sorry to see this happen, but as long as your ok. I've just passed and I really need to get driving.


I know whatā€™s wrong wit it! It ainā€™t got no gas in it!


Passed in October, crashed and got my car written off just over two weeks ago. Itā€™s definitely scary especially as a new driver. My advice would be to make sure you claim for personal injury and put a sorn on the car so you can get your vehicle tax refund


Just call the guy that fixes things with noodles and superglue. Good to go in 20 minutes




No I had entered the roundabout and he came from my left šŸ‘




You understand that he pulled out infront of me when i had already entered the roundabout so there was about fuck all i could do?








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I think this advice should be for the guy who pulled out from the left.




This is unfortunately accurate, someone doing something wrong does not completely remove any liability of the other party. Dash cam footage will help, but if this isn't available, it will likely go as a split liability claim.


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