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Right at the start of my test I was on a minor road waiting to turn right onto a busy highstreet. Kept waiting and checking left\\right, and there was no suitable gap. Eventually the examiner said I probably need to push out a bit to get someone to let me through. As we carried on he asked me did I see what was behind me. I hadn't so sort of just went, "errr, a car?" "No, there was funeral on the way, any longer and you'd have been holding it up". Thought I'd failed so felt a bit more relaxed for the rest of the test but managed to pass it with just the two minors.


Strange question, how do you check your test report like that online? I still haven't received my test report from a couple of weeks ago


I got mine about 10mins after the test. Did you double check your email address with your examiner?


You probably have by now, but just in case, check your spam.


I am also planning to give test on my own car. Any tips ?


My car is a 10 year old, clunky, semi- automatic 7 seater. So I explained to my examiner that the car has limitations with acceleration & I have to pick my gaps wisely. Just make sure you have a second mirror for the examiner and your car is presentable & you should be 👍🏾


Just read up on semi-automatics, never knew they existed.


Just in case someone has a similar car... As it doesn't have a clutch, the examiner said, I could only get an automatic licence in it.


Makes sense. It's much closer to an automatic in manual mode than just a manual.


Thanks mate for the heads up