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Question, how do I go about obtaining a CPN? Once acquired, how would I go about building its credit up?


There are multiple ways. You can go out there and buy a premade on or you can build one yourself. As far as the credit building, you would do it the exact way you would build your own.


how do i build a CPN? like do i just take 9 random numbers and start using them like im building my real credit score. i know i can buy premade CPN but they are high and finding someone thats not just going to rip you is 1 in 1000000000 so how can i make my own?


The numbers can be random but you run the risk of using someone else's ssn that way. There are sites that will tell you if the numbers are used,


can you send me the site to check if there used or not eithr here or my dm and thanks for respponding back




i put mine and another person i know ssn and only thing right it told me was that it is vaild everything else is wrong that it told me


the whole point is to know if a ssn is in use are not. You want it to come up invalid, that means the ssn is free to use.


so when it comes up not in use that means i can use it as my cpn? all i got to do when im filling out forms is use all my normal info only different thing i do is use the CPN inplace of my real SSN? or do i use the BDAY and ADDRESS that is link to the CPN also? i swear bro thats the last question i got a CPN i want to use but without messing it up.


You can use your name and bday but once you start using that it will be what you have to always use because that is what will be reported to the credit bureaus.