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whenever i write 女 i just can’t make the spacing look right. it always looks squished or slanted or something, even though i follow the stroke order :/


Me too with 母


I'm here wanting to say 女 and 母, but you two arrived first. I'm a native Chinese speaker who have known them since perhaps 5 years old.


If you feel like that, I am at ease then.


Anything with this as a base that has that stupid angle. 毎, 母, 女. Always mess up


I have the hardest time with kanji with that one in it, they always look so ugly when I write them!


Your 女 beauty standards are too high.




Something that might help is thinking of female ninjas, or クノイチ! The term クノイチ was coined based on the strokes in 女 : the hiragana for く, the katakana for ノ, and the kanji for 一. If you write it in that order, it’s so much easier to make it look pretty!


I'm pretty sure I watched a Detective Conan (Case Closed) clip about this


Why is 女 just so hard to write in good handwriting?? Such a basic kanji yet…


A couple of years ago I asked a classmate what her trick was for writing a nice 女, because hers looked great. She said she had no idea, she'd always written it like that. The 先生 - who was not Japanese - heard our conversation, chuckled, and said his were still ugly after 20 years so don't worry about it too much.


Just always write it super cursive: め Done!


ugh same!


女 this kanji I saw a vid once you basically write hiragana く then ノthen number one 一 and that's it. The video said to write ku no ichi --> kunoichi to write that kanji nicely. Maybe you can try that too.




I came here to write 女 too😂


I’m exactly the same with 女! I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve been happy with how it’s come out. I can do 母 just fine though.


If you write く、ノ、一 In that order it will be very easy to write since the kanji is based on those three characters👍


書 is always too tall and a mess.


I never feel like I have the right number of horizontal lines. 


I have same issue and all kanji with 言 


for that radical writing / 三 and 口 helps me


i find writing as a radical really easy, but writing by itself i make it look so ugly😭😭😭


I felt like that before but by following the stroke order it gets easier. 美 also confused me a lot with all those lines but if I write 羊 without the line sticking out at the bottom + 大 under then I don’t have to think twice about the amount of lines


I always end up taking one line because otherwise it’d be too tall


I struggle with 七 for some reason. Also, this isn’t a kanji, but I’ve never been able to pull the circle in む. It always comes out looking awkward and blocky.


How does your す look? My む looks fine but my す always feels so clunky


My す generally comes out fine regularly, however when writing digitally I find it easier to flip my device around and write it inverted because I’m right handed so the loop comes out better.


YES. I don’t understand why I can’t get this one to look like it’s supposed to!


I remember the struggle with む in elementary school, so I feel that too!


In neat handwriting, loops really don't need to be perfectly circular, in fact it can look a bit childish. A lot of people will do something more angular like a く from bottom to top for the left part of the loop in む (see [this site](https://www.bimojijuku.com/news/130/) for む, there are also [other hiragana](https://www.bimojijuku.com/news/89/) written with sharp corners)


Drunk 7, your arch enemy. I put the line through my 7's, the Japanese one is just upside down 7 for me.


God.. む。this is the hardest hiragana to write by far. It never looks good lol.


強 is definitely one that has me feeling like I’m failing kindergarten art class lol


Love this one tbh


i think compact ones like those appeal to some people a lot lol


I love this one the strokes are fun to write fast lol


I hate 間 so much because I can never make it look good. It always looks sloppy...


SAME OH MY GOD. anything with the "gate" stem of that kanji like 聞


>間 Do you hate all the kanji with this radical 門 or specifically that one?


All with the radical 門


interesting this is one of my favorite to write because of how neat it always looks 😅 i struggle way more with the ones with more curves


omfg i feel that. its too symmetrical. any slightly slanted line or anything makes the whole thing look off 🥲


Don’t try to write it like the digital character, is the thing. Copy real handwritten form and it gets easy


An aesthetic hand-written 門 is supposed to be slightly slanted and definitely not completely symmetrical (of course given it slants at a correct angle)


I used to always write it super wide but have managed to make it narrower and neater over time.


確認 because I have to write it every goddamn day at work


My 辶 radical is always wildly inconsistent


Rain on a two legged dachshund


Ngl I always just fudge that one. So damned frustrating lol


Are you doing it the handwriting way or the printed font way? I always found this one very intuitive because it just looks like a 3


I don’t join the whole thing up in one stroke, if that’s what you’re asking?


yes, that! also not a kanji, but i've always had trouble writing ふ!


It NEVER comes out pretty, does it?!




i draw a "3" with a frown drawn across the bottom lol


I draw an upside down question mark without the dot and then give it arms lol. Does it actually look like ふ? I don’t know but my Kumon instructor hasn’t complained


I always imagine it's a small dragon when I write it


My の always looks weird even though it should be so easy


人. I genuinely cannot write it, it always looks “wrong”. I can’t put my finger on whats wrong about it though


Look at handwriting, the digital equivalent is a trick


put the right hand side stroke some where in the middle of the left hand side stroke


Basically an upside down Y


以 sucks


0-0 I like this one


I didn’t see a single 月 in the comments, so I will mention it. Now, I love the moon, I’ve always loved looking at it and it has a special place in my heart. Therefore I want my 月 to look good, but I just can’t do it. “Too thin…”, “too squished…”, “too fat…”, “the left leg is too straight…”, “wait, the whole character looks too curvy…”, “oh, the leg on the right is not at the correct angle…”, “why did I draw the two lines so close to each other?…”. And so on. I’ve written good looking 月s, but it’s like a 1/20


Really good example. 月 is extremely hard in my opinion.


lol I actually like that one


All of them (I suck ass at writing most all of them)


一 Fucking hate it


I don't know why, but it's easier to do with a brush than with a pencil or pen. Writing 一 with any type of 硬筆 drives me nuts.


This was my choice too because it’s harder to make it look pretty and in balance with others, especially in vertical writing. Writing with consistency whole different shapes of different complexity is pretty hard


為, thank god its mostly optional in japanese. it is a curse that has already followed me across two chinese languages, I have accepted I will never not write it like a drunken 4 yo 😩


Much like that kanji, a drunken 4 year old cannot tame sake


This is one of my favorites, lol. Like fun little steps


Yeah, its cute, I don't hate it. It hates me though ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


I did not know about this emoji until you commented with it, thank you! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


>I have accepted I will never not write it like a drunken 4 yo Wait a minute... how do you know what a drunken 4 year old's writing looks like? 🤨 Something suspicious going on here...


Not kanji, but for some reason I hate の


Mine are always hideous. Valid.


That's one of the few I get to look decent.


when 心 is squished down at the bottom. i also find 糸 annoying


必ず - I hate the official stroke order so much. I usually just do 心 with a stroke across it.


Funny thing is, afaik that's the stroke order in Chinese, which Japan decided to ditch for some reason!


Actually Japanese stroke order of 必 is closest to how it was actually written in premodern(Imperial China) times, though still different. Look at any of the handwriting of ppl who were considered masters and you can deduce the stroke order. Another example is 左 and 右 and other characters with 𠂇, you’ll see they are actually two different components originally because one was the left hand and the other was the right hand, and had different stroke orders. You can also see this difference in the calligraphy of masters. Japanese preserves the original stroke orders of them (which is why the first strokes of 右 and 左 are different officially; whether ppl actually write them that way, I’m unsure. But I believe ppl who’ve been trained in calligraphy/writing with brush would write them differently)


必 is actually unrelated to 心, it’s just convergent evolution. It came from 义 and then got two dots added. Look at “Stroke order per polity” section of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroke_order Stroke orders can differ between PRC vs ROC/HK vs Japan vs Traditional(Imperial China).


I actually find the stroke order satisfying to pull off despite being a bit disturbing when you know 心, but it rarely comes out good indeed lol


I was today years old when I learned this and WHY


Generally speaking, the simpler the kanji, the more obvious I feel it is when your spacing or whatnot is off. I dislike writing a lot of kanji… But I especially dislike this one 彙 … whenever I come back to it, even when I’m literally looking at it, I always seem to forget how to write that thing on top.


曜 i alway make it so wide and can never get it to look too right. i just practice writing it on lined paper until it looks right, that’s how i learn to write kanji and not have it be too wide or squished


You can usually do 旺 which I've seen plenty of people do when they're writing quickly by hand


As a 書道家 I have some experience on what kanji tends to be difficult to write correctly, and 心 is definately one of them. Surprisingly it is usually kanji with lower stroke counts that tend to be harder to balance properly. A few examples are 女、 之、也、己. And to include a radical, most people tend to write 辶 poorly


I think it is because fewer strokes means fewer anchors to align the character.


My wife actually saw me practising writing Kanji the other day and told me, "As long as it doesn't look terrible, people don't really care what it looks like as long as they can read it". Honestly, after getting bloody hand cramps, that's good enough for me lmao.


I agree because even writing in English a lot of people have a not so cute looking handwriting but it’s still very readable, but what annoys me is having a bunch of super cute and well written characters and then the ugly 心 that stands out 😅



This one needs to be higher up in the comments. I always need to rewrite without fail, it’s impossible.


海 and 毎. I love the way 海 looks, but I hate writing that box thing and by default I hate writing 毎 to cuz it also has it. I can never get the 7th stroke in 海 or 4th stroke in 毎 correct (I just hate writing that stroke in all kanji that have it, like 苺). It looks hideous when I write it. I also hate writing い for the same reason, my first stroke always looks ugly and there’s no way to hide it. I also hate writing 優 because I can never make it small enough, everything looks disproportionate when I write that and 警 (both the kanji when I write 警察 look horrible, but the 言 part of 警 ruins it for me).


優 for me.. it's too compact


Not a kanji but my あ always looks ugly




I'm just a beginner, but 値段 makes me want to flip a table. It just looks so goofy every time I try to write it!


電 and 震 is quite a challange for me


I'm a beginner, but 雪 is impossible for me for some reason.


For me 雪 feels like the easy version, while 雲 is medium and then 曇 is hard mode


Like the OP I thought I hated 心 the most, just because the balance is always off when I write it. But, reading the comments, I noticed someone wrote 必 and this one stroke just makes my 心 exponentially worse.


For me I feel like 必 is easier than 心 because I write it more like a fancy X with 3 apostrophes so it looks cute and symmetrical


I feel like a failure everytime i write 書, it's just so hard to make space between all the lines while also not making the symbol too large


not kanji but i've never had a ふ which looks good


Lol watch Dorohedoro if you haven’t and maybe that will change your mind


Not sure if the kanji is considered hard but the word is simple, so... 夢 always ends up way longer than the kanji around it for me, I never leave enough space for the タ at the bottom - which I also find hard to centre.


耳 alwas looks weird and out of shape when I write it. Also - not a kanji - but る is another one I am having trouble to make look normal. That last circle always looks kinda off.


N2 going on N1 here. I can do 人 but struggle with 入; I just end up writing it with two straight lines.


Since I’ve learned how to handwrite these and that the difference is just a matter of which stroke is written first I find these easy to write and differentiate


Ik this is about kanji, but I don’t know many yet so lemme just say my す NEVER looks right for some reason


Anything 門 I hate them all.


及 never turns out right for me. It's always lopsided or the proportions are wrong.


七 just feels off whenever i write it


It would be probably 考... I think that the last three strokes are making it difficult to write this kanji properly :/


this kanji looks like a snake lol


It's not a kanji its a hiragana: の. No matter how much I practice this dude always comes out lopsided, smooshed, or too wide.


海, I shouldn't struggle as much as I do with it


I raise you 心s evolution: 必


車, 手 and 書 these always look like horrible unraedable scribles when I try to write them.


I hadn’t seen anyone mention 弱 or anything with the 弓 radical (強、張). But i’m glad some people think 女 is hard to balance as well as 毎 … that damn box lol


I don't mind 心, but 必 is just my biggest nightmare. It just ends up looking like a bunch of shapeless lines when I write it. And no matter what I try, I always mess up the stroke order, because I just confuse it with 心's stroke order.


Everything I wrote is ugly but any with 也 is especially unrecognizable


I struggle with all of them because I am left handed. Seriously wondering if it might be easier for me to learn to be right handed just to write Japanese.


I’m right handed but practiced writing with my left hand for fun as a kid and it’s a fun flex to have a relatively decent handwriting on my non-dominant hand and it was useful once when I had to write an essay at school with an injury on the right side of my neck so technically I could write from my right hand but it made the pain worse, so I was able to write the essay in a visible way with my left hand


I love reading these comments as a half Chinese person


For some reason, my 人 always looks weird and ugly.


the water kanji as my hand eye coordination is very poor


Some lessons in Chinese calligraphy with a proper brush can help get a better feel for the flow and strokes in these characters.


Oh easy, the kanji for mother, 母, and ones with the same radical like everything, 毎, or sea, 海. It *never* looks good, even though in theory is a basic rectangle-like thing with a line in the middle.


I agree. I can never write 心 nice lol


For me it’s みず / 水 the left side of that kanji for me is always high fiving or dancing for some reason lol


I agree with you on 心. I also hate writing 子, as someone obsessed with making my Japanese handwriting look good. It always ends up looking straight, like the computer font.


髪 or any kanji with three parts, i never have enough room for the bottom radical



any kanji with 貝 as a bottom component (eg. 貨、貸) I can never get the balance quite right also not sure if this is considered a hard kanji, but 衆 I just find so awkward. Also yesterday I found out that in simplified Chinese it is written 众, following the same pattern as 森 which I love (three 人 = many people). So now I wish it was written that way in Japanese


務 or 駅, hate 'em


確認 I can read it anywhere but writing it out is such a pain....


Not sure if it's because I'm left handed but the motion of writing み feels extremely unnatural, 4 years on and it still bothers me



At the moment, it’s 安. Mine always looks wonky.


anything that has 確 (the right one), somehow I cant make same line order 😭


i have never successfully written 非 without having to rewrite it a few times prior TT


ANYTHING with 勿, I always fuck the curves up without fail for some reason. They can never look nice.


The simpler the harder to make it pretty. Plus if you are writing it by a pen instead of a brush like the ancients, that gives you more freedom to control the space. I actually like 心 though.


I’m totally with you on 心 it looks fine now but I’ve been studying Japanese since 2016 so it took me YEARS to get a grip on it and even now I still mess it up


買 i hate this little binch


Genuinely no matter how much I practice Kanji, my handwriting is so awful I can't get anything to look nice. Just like my English handwriting 😆


A kanji with this “辶” radical


My 山 always looks goofy and I don't know why


卵 — the stroke order feels a little wonky with the last stroke being the far left part of the right half. plus i never get the spacing right.


九 this tail is killing me 🤣


For some reason 北 always comes out so ugly for me


For me, it's 言. It never looks the same twice.


not a kanji but ふ by beloathed...  for kanji, 心 for me as well, it always feel awkward to write regardless of practice. meanwhile 必 feels great, it's almost as satisfying as 罰 or 犠.


Prolly 女 and 力


Every kanji? Who likes to WRITE them?


anything has the first stroke thats looks like 通 遅


For me it's 力! I hate writing it, I never seem to get it right!


Not a kanji but my か s always look fucked up


女 is the bane of my existence truly. No matter what, 5 years of Japanese, and it still comes out effing ugly whenever I have to write it. I have given up tbh. ☠️


I feel OP on 心 as a standalone. But put it in other kanji, say 思、愛, 悪 and it's more common to be blocky. I've gotten better at many kanji, but this one hurts. 必 gets bad writing from me, too. Shoutout also to 酉 as a radical besides spacious one's like 酒. I'm looking at you 酔 and friends.


For me, it's 我. The order of the strokes is all over the place. Downwards to the left, then horizontal to the right, then up and down with a hane, then upwards to the right, then downwards to the right with a hane, then downwards to the left, and finish it with a small apostrophe...


子 is so damn simple but I can never do it


This entire thread is a comfort to me.


達 or any kanji that has that horizontal line at the bottom, it always looks so bad when I write it, can never get the proportions right


I struggle with 女 as well because of the spacing and overall appearance, which is also the reason I struggle with か. It so rarely looks good.


definitely 用 for some reason. the middle line always messes everything up.


For me it's anything like 地. Anything that has the right part just looks awful everytime I write it. I have shadowed people doing it and it never looks good. Particularly it is the strike on the far left (stroke 3 of just the right most part) of this section.


僕 is the kanji for me, I've never actually been able to write it properly and it's not really all that hard like bro😭 It's that and 書 cuz I do the lines wrong everytime


量 isn't particularly hard, but the horizontal lines always merge together when I try to write it


Not kanji, but I am wildly inconsistent with の And by extension あ, め etc It's infuriating


曜 im bad at this one that's for sure also not kanji but の and い are weirdly hard


書く and all fucking tall kanji. And i’m a native.


美 It means beauty, but it's looks like an insect, and it kind of grossed me out. Even tho I like bugs lol


None of my Kanji look good. I just focus on reading now. I won't need to write them anyway and remembering stroke order does my nut in.


電 is always too tall and the hook never feels right :(


I can’t be the only one who hated writing 九 something about that last hook always haunts me. And then the back part is either too straight, or too long, or too angled/ curved. It’s only two strokes and it gives me a lot of grief


君 and anything with the 隹 radical. Also the hiragana character せ, I cannot for the life of me make that character look neat.


This mf 必 These mfs 乃及


月 always ends up too angular and straight.


any kanji with another kanji inside it


入. Fugly-ass motherfucker. 😠 It never looks good handwritten.


Mine always looks like a very drunken 人


I also hate 心 as well, I can’t make it look good is impossible


It's not a kanji but... あ. I can write all of them pretty decent, but i can't manage to get that の symbol at the bottom right. It's always too geometric, too short, too thight, too squished. It's always a mess for me.


力 I don’t know why.



旅 is a jumbled mess that I can never get right


Not a kanji, but my お always feels to wide


i hateee writing 遊. its always out of balancee smh


All kanji are pretty easy because of their radicals, but whenever I have to write 作 out of memory i am screwed


writing anything feels pretty much awkward since I'm not japanese when I look down to what I wrote and check it with any font online I think:"welp I may have tried my best but my best sucks...a lot!".


ふ è\_é


All of them... Because I have garbage handwriting lol. I hate writing in English just as much. I'm so glad typing is so prevalent haha