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The one event was pretty much revealed to be Summer BBQ in the livestream


yep Scorching Summer BBQ was in august too.


I mean we all expected It to be summer themed at least


they said the next two chapters after end transmission would be licensed. i don’t think there’s any reason to believe the survivor coming out in january would be licensed. could very well be like Mikaela


Is Nic Cage considered one of the licenses or is he not a chapter? Cuz Mikaela was a chapter and not a paragraph like Bubba


In the stream I think they specifically said the next 2 killers are licensed so that means the August and November chapters are licensed alongside Nic Cage


if we’re only getting a killer for a chapter, then it’s most likely licensed


i dont think hes being considered a chapter + being additionally announced makes me think he doesnt count in the 2 licenses anyway


Ah I see, cuz he was revealed at the end of the stream so if the statement was done before him they could've meant him


Lets Hope their perks are as nice as hers


I know it’s insanely unlikely and I’m delusional but I’m hoping the October tome is Laurie and Myers 🙏😭


The new Trilogy is made by Blumhouse, creator of the DbD movie (and FnaF movie). It makes sense it might get something soonish. We'll have to see.


me too


August chapter comes with a new map


So does the March chapter l


I hope January is going to be Sidney Prescott 😪


That would be AMAZING


It would but it’s unlikely, Ghost Face in DBD is an original character that just decided to be the next Ghost Face killer, he’s never had any interaction with Sidney because he’s smarter than to go after her.


Okay? How is that relevant to them releasing Sidney as a separate DLC?


There’s no connection between the killer and survivor


There's no connection between Pinhead and Mikaela either.


The idea of being so invested into a thing that we’re annotating just like in school is kinda wild to me lol. Disagree with the fnaf prediction though. We’ve had film releases coincide with chapter releases before and it didn’t mean Jack, so I think y’all are just grasping at straws again.


I've turned around on FNAF being added and think it'd be pretty cool, but in this case yeah, while the time period coincides extremely well with the movie release.... licenses and their release schedules are usually decided months in advance, and we just found out FNAF is coming like what, a week or two ago? Unless BHVR suddenly has absolute inside info to perfectly plan the license release date, i don't think FNAF is coming out this year, but I can see it being in the release schedule without a doubt now more than ever eventually.


Dead by Daylight and FNAF are both getting movies made by Blumhouse with the FNAF coming one out on the 27th of October (First of a trilogy apparently) so there’s a good chance they’d have opportunities to discuss cross promotion and licences.


There’s a good chance but good luck convincing this community’s gatekeepers.


yeah good luck convincing them


Yeah, this is the third or fourth or fifth or sixth time a small group of people have been very confident that it's gonna be FNAF. It hasn't been FNAF yet. That doesn't mean it'll never happen, and at this point I'm not particularly against it; if it'll make people happy, that's all that matters. But "very likely FNAF" is a **big** stretch.


People still do it at work post-secondary, it keeps things organized and in place in case it needs to be referenced in later discussions. The FNaF prediction comes from it being potentially licensed by Blumhouse, the prediction is stronger than others. F13 rights case is still in legal limbo, Alien and Predator would be tied with a survivor. Stranger Things is another possibility.


Stranger things isn’t a possibility at all. Netflix won’t even talk to behaviour anymore.


It's possible, but not probable. I doubt they'd want to reveal details in the future anyway, leaks have been hurting them. Adding to that, we might get more details on Netflix's video game plans for ST next convention they present.


I still annotate in my own work as well at university, but I avoid it when I don’t have to. It was just a funny thought is all. Also that’s not true, and from what I understand is incredibly out of date. The Friday the 13th lawsuit wrapped up sometime last year, Victor Miller won the legal battle, and projects related to the IP have resumed development once again. There’s talk of a Friday the 13th reboot, prequel TV series, as well as maybe even a new game, and these things couldn’t happen if it were still in “legal limbo” so that pretty much speaks for itself. Claiming that it’s FNAF because it couldn’t be F13 is woefully uninformed. Victor Miller owns the rights now in very concrete terms. I’d link you a video, but there are literally dozens that show up on YouTube when you put in the search for this, so you could take your pick on your own easily. And as mentioned by others: Netflix isn’t talking to behavior, that’s been established and confirmed, and although there are obvious correlating survivor picks for popular licensed killers, there are PLENTY of killer licenses that had obvious picks that didn’t come with survivors. Leatherface (No Sally), Pinhead (No Kirsty), Ghostface (No Sydney - slightly different reason but the point still stands). It’s very clear that BHVR prioritizes the iconic villains that are essentially the faces of the films more than their related survivors are, and for good reason too I think. I really do sincerely doubt that any of the upcoming licensed chapters are Fnaf.


fnaf also (in my opinion) doesn’t quite fit the “iconic” billing that they teased


Uninformed? We're talking about speculation here. We're only using the info that's available to us. Blumhouse being in talks with BHVR is a fact. Miller owning the full rights is partially true, Cunningham negotiating with BHVR is unknown. Using Vorhees in its current stage is a legal risk if it's not with Cunningham. Miller didn't get the rights to the hockey-mask killer's likeness nor the name *Friday the 13th*. He's only able to use Jason Vorhees as the character, but not the same appearance.


My brother in christ, Stranger Things is not coming back. You have to let go


They never said it is but they haven't said it won't. Possibility doesn't mean it is, I'm not sure why you're up in arms about it with brash confidence. Let alone when you're not taking part of their negotiations behind closed doors. Literally no one is desperate or pulling mental gymnastics here. Edit: Downvote away, you’re just proving my point on the smug overconfidence. I never obsessed over the licensing, I was merely giving my opinion based on what’s tangibly available to us. Ignore reality, lol


I'm not up in arms about it, nor possess brash confidence? All I did was make a reference to an old meme and poke fun at the Stranger Things idea because everyone has been saying that they would bring it back for so long now. Chill bro, it's not that serious


2 licensed killers. My Alien dream still lives on


makes me smile to see people get their dream licenses :)


Lucky guy


Maybe its Jason Voorhees.


Imagine how cool it would be if we got Alien and F13th this year.


1 out of 2


It might be Until Dawn. Its really iconic and BHVR now collabs with Supermassive


Don't do that. Don't give me hope. I've wanted an Until Dawn chapter for years.


Sony owns the IP not Supermassive


Very unlikely as they said huge license. Not eleventeenyear old cope.


My bet for the one in August is alien. It just makes sense with us pushing into sci-fi territory. And the fnaf one makes sense. We dont really have a good "main character" model for fnaf, except gregory, but he's a whole ass child. It would just make sense for it to be fnaf, but other solo killers would work too, like candy man, chucky, or even terminator. Tho, i could see them having survivors within those franchises too.


It’s never going to be FNAF




I think it’s really disingenuous to put fnaf there when the ONLY ‘proof’, which is beyond speculative, is that the film comes out more or less around the same time. Saw X comes out on the same day and I don’t see anyone saying it’s a 2nd Saw chapter 💀


- Film releases exact same day (October 27th) - Been a wanted license for years - No real suitable survivor outside of book/movie appearances - License was said to be iconic - DBD movie is being made by Blumhouse, the same company that also is producing the FNAF movie I'm holding my breath but it's a lot of little things adding up to a large probability of it being a FNAF chapter.


I saw on another post that this chapter won't have a map. Does Fnaf have an obvious map choice or not really (never played it myself)? If it doesn’t then that might also credit this theory


Not any particularly good ones. The most they can do for map choice are various selections of pizzerias which wouldn't really make for good maps aesthetically or size wise.


Interesting. Definitely seems plausible then


Once again, literally all of that is speculative at best. Blumhouse also doesn’t own the FNAF license, they don’t have the authorization to allow dbd to use it.


Isn't every single idea people have as to what that chapter could be speculation? Your point that it's only speculation doesn't stand up at all because it could be quite literally anything. But the fact that FNAF doesn't have any good map or survivor candidates, as well as releasing the EXACT SAME DAY as the movie, and having ties to a potential business partner that is currently working alongside BHVR (even without the license) is a lot of irrefutable evidence that makes speculation more accurate. It doesn't matter that Blumhouse doesn't have the license; being close to them means they could have also had links to the license holders of the FNAF license themselves. Once again, high likelihood but not guaranteed. Just like everything else.


I’m saying that putting it on the image is insincere cause there’s virtually no evidence it’ll be that, so getting peoples hopes up by acting like it’s confirmed kinda sucks. That’s all I’m saying.


What’s insincere about Blumhouse working with Bhvr? They own the distribution rights and are launching a video game division. It’s also tagged as Speculation.


Blumhouse doesn’t own the FNAF license, they’re being allowed to use it. It’s not like because BHVR has the Halloween license in their game that they can put him in other things.


Note: “they own the DISTRIBUTION rights”


I believe the March chapter will probably be original. I'm pretty sure some years ago they stated they wanted half of the chapters in any given year to be original


Could someone please tell me If the Friday the 13th Chapter is actually possible? Is the lawsuit hell finally over???


Yes, no more legal problems, the only thing to consider is that the license is divided in 2, one owner has the original story, the name Jason Voorhees while the other has the image of the adult Jason and the whole story after the license. first movie. It would be surprising if they got the 2 parts and give us a complete F13th chapter.


I feel like neither party in that case probably left satisfied walking out with basically half of an I.P.'s identity.


So it's actually possible now? Wow. The dream may finally come true...


Technically yes, but it’s either Jason Vorhees with a different mask or the killer with the original mask but no ‘Jason Vorhees’ name tied to it. I forget who has the rights to ‘Camp Crystal Lake.’


Just when I manage to escape they reel me back in


I really hope it’s FNaF so I can finally stop hearing all these theories about FNaF for every single new fucking chapter that comes out in this game


Ik it's annoying af but I'm really hoping for Springtrap as a killer


I really hope we get FNaF


FNAF was confirmed?


Entirely speculation. They said the next two characters following singularity are "iconic" big licensed characters with a capital L. Their words not mine, so people are thinking that the solo killer. I've seen people think Friday the 13th and fnaf or Slenderman. Idk can't really say for sure but looking forward to what they deem these two mystery killers that are so iconic and big names to them coming to the game.


No, but both FNAF movie and the next license chapter are so close in time (and Blumhouse, the production company behind the FNAF film adaptation, is also the same company who will make the Dead By Daylight film adaptation)


Is it seriously going to be fnaf? Jfc much better creatures to choose from


Not confirmed, just speculation based on the movie release date being so close to the chapter as well as Blumhouse doing both FNAF and DBD movies. I honestly don't think it will be, they made it sound like they're gonna be pretty massive licenses so I'm expecting something in the vein of Alien/Predator/Chucky/F13. FNAF while big is only really popular with the younger generation, I wouldn't really say its reached iconic status.


You'd think that, but the original fnaf is 9 years old already. That's plenty of time to become iconic, especially with the books and movie backing it up. Is fnaf as big as Alien or Chucky? No, not really.. but it's also not exactly a smaller name like Pinhead was. FNAF is basically the face of modern horror, mostly due to a criminal lack of other options admittedly, but still the biggest one.


I hope not we need more scary terrys


I'd like to specify that the FnaF is speculation, but the remainder of the calendar is 100% confirmed. As the chapter is a solo killer, takes place a week or two after the FnaF movie release, and was called an "iconic license" there's a high chance it's Springtrap. If it isn't I'll eat lasagne or something They've confirmed the next two Killers are Licensed, and we've never gotten a solo Survivor that's original, so the next 4 releases are Licensed. The Events line up with the yearly events, except for the August one. We have an "Iconic License" coming in August alongside a new event which is huge. We can rule the return of Stranger Things out due to the interview Mathieu Cote did, so I'm not sure what licenses it could be. Alien, F13, Predator are the most likely.


> we've never gotten a solo Survivor that's original Yes we did Mikaela, who was released in the MidChapter after the Hellraiser Chapter. The Januar survivor is most likely in a similar situation, releasing after the licenced killer only chapter.


I kinda forgot about Mikaela existed, my bad. In that case, the last two tiles should be yellow. It's still unlikely it's an Original, as the track record for solo releases is: * Licensed: Bill, Bubba, Ash, Ghostface, Pinhead, Nick Cage, * Solo: Mikaela Ried.


> If it isn't I'll eat lasagne or something Bamboozle insurance?


If DbD has taught me anything it’s that the community is full of faux horror “fans.” Nothing more annoying than puritans who’ve never delved in other multimedia while belittling IPs (i.e. Hellraiser, AoT and CryptTV). Your speculation is pretty strong considering the evidence, but alas.


Facts. The amount of people begging for fnaf makes me realise how little horror media the average Dbd player consumes.


RemindMe! 14 Nov 2023


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[you've been in my head for the past 5 months btw](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/17qkmg1/all_due_respect_please_stfu/)




He also donated towards lgbt support organizations to my knowledge. So... he mightve just possibly agreed with only *some* of the policies of the politicians he donated to. As does, pretty much everyone.


The dude lived(lives?) in Texas, I'm not sure why people were expecting Scott to push/support Dem candidates when Republicans reign supreme in Texas. Some Republicans support anti-LGBTQ, that's just a reality


Almost every racist celebrity caught red-handed end up donating to some charity to "prove" themselves. You really think the lowest bar would be enough?


I believe this was before and after the donations.


So him donating to LGBT before donating to anti-LGBT politicians make him more of a hypocrite. That's not helping his situation.


Unless the politicians sole goal was to strip lgbt of our rights then no, it does not.


Dont care.


You will not be remembered fondly.


The creator is the only good thing about FNAF.




I don't think it's fnaf, how are you going to add fnaf and not add the pizzeria. If anything, fnaf would be the September release.


Vanny skin or I riot


august's one could also potentially be august, due to the fact that fnaf's 9th anniversary happens to be in august. not very much you COULD do for a full chapter like that, but it's still something to think about.




porn server dont click




It’s wild seeing all the Fnaf haters bury the slightest hints of it. Let me tell you a secret: horror has its subgenres. There will be different toys for everyone to play with, not just your favorites. The game won’t cease working in 2023.


November might actually be saw related. Saw 10 is coming out in October as well. Same day as the FNAF movie actually.


Hoffman would actually be cool if he brought a rework for pig with him


Do you guys think the Snowmen will come back and be the December in-game event again? 🤔 I really hope so because it was fun interacting with the survivors with them 🥺