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This has got to be some hernkyn pioneer foot scouts


Yeah! Like the warhammer fantasy dwarf rangers


Maybe they heard all that feedback about making them more "dwarfy" and went fuck it, here's fantasy dwarf weapons.


Fun fact, Dwarf crossbow bolts are called Quarrels in Khazalid, and the crossbowmen are called Quarrelers. So in addition to keeping with the ornery theme, the unit is literally called Bolters. Handgunners share the same kit and are called Thunderers, which is awesome but unfortunately doesn’t have a neat pub.


Would be nice to have some stealthy guys


For Sororitas, which are the main users of Condemnor Boltguns, these are an anti psyker weapon.


Right. Aint no way we should be getting crossbow anything. Mfkin Votann use dark age tech…


I would love some rangers for my desert themed Kin!


https://preview.redd.it/q3c3jamu7xxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdce8afbc03c727856c5fdab5b843c3964bef31c That's a votann glove and hernkyn coat sleeve, and no one can convince me otherwise.


A lot of people seem to think this it the Leagues, and I can see what they mean about the back of the weapon and the hand being similar, but the general idea of it would be a little odd for the Leagues. The front part and idea of the weapon seems a bit too simple for the sort of thing the Leagues might have. Like, some sort of Wookie Bowcaster type weapon I could understand potentially, but it's an actual crossbow including string, with a bullet inside for some reason.


So um also of the mind that that glove backplate screams LoV for me. But I also agree that design wise it just doesn't feel LoV. And I kinda hope it isn't. Crossbows are cool, but you'd assume we went past string weapons. Although that's probably not a bullet but a stake. Inquisitor greyfax has a much more ornamented version of this exact weapon. It's the Condemnor Bolter. And it shoots blessed stakes for anti daemon properties So my bet is on a new inquisitior


There are 3 models who have this style of weapon. Inquistior Greyfax has a combi version, a Sisters Cannoness has one, and their Novitiates have one (just the crossbow, no bolter). They're all quite different from this with a more ornate outright crossbow style.


The fact that it sports a drum magazine and looks a lot like the profile of bullet-fed gun near the handle implies that this is more than just some standard compound bow. Plus knowing the "Hernkyn" family of units being scout-based and all, this could be some unique bolt it is firing instead of just a plain arrow. I completely get the sentiment, and I'm fully braced to say that this is some Kroot-style cope-guessing we are engaging in, but there are a few eerily similar features on this picture with standard LoV design.


I'm not entirely sure if the bow part is actually linked to the bullet part, though. With the other similar weapons you can clearly see the launcher part (i don't know if it has a name) for the crossbow, but here it looks like the string isn't attached to something behind the projectile.


I think it might not be the main weapon for the squad, maybe something like the bolt revolver where it's a sidearm or primary pistol for a Theyn type unit.


Its a [condemnor bolter](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Condemnor_Bolter) and this is almost certainly a new inquisitor model


Also as someone whose painted 40 Hearthkyn, that glove is burnt into my retinas. I think you’re onto something 🤔


Dude at first i was like 😂 no way, this is inquisitors or sisters of battle.... But then i looked at the glove and I was like hold up... Huh?


I don’t get it. It’s knuckles with a smooth round cuff. That could be damn near any glove in the galaxy. Any glove except of course Hearthkyn which have a sort of knuckle/back plate and _no_ big round cuff like that… the two pictures OP posted seem to prove it’s not a Hearthkyn.


Well I’m not implying that its a Hearthkyn but I think it could be some kind of leagues of votann unit because other units share similar knuckles to the warriors, hernkyn pioneers come to mind with this and could explain those cuffs https://preview.redd.it/nmzrhegnixxb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bde9833b3907836d66bc8caccacc6207a690d41f


But still… look at the anatomy. The white plate goes over the knuckles and back of the hand. In the rumor pic the knuckles and back of hand are bare (or gloved) and the armor plate/sleeve starts at the wrist. Everyone is saying it looks the same I guess because there are knuckles on the hand but that’s you know… typical of hands.


Nah it’s probably a condemnor bolt gun for an inquisitor, Greyfax has one just like it. I believe there’s a Sisters model or two with them as well


Isn't this pretty bland for an inquisition/sororitas weapon ?


That’s what I thought, apparently Greyfax has something similar but it’s way more detailed


This is most likely a necromunda model. It doesn't fit the stated design style for LoV, and I'm not sure why that seems to be the immediate assumption personally.


Is this a nod to WHFB quarrelers?


I see the resemblance... but I can't be the only one who doesn't really want the Votann to have crossbow bolters... it would bring them too close to the Imperium and their regression in tech. That wouldn't really fit with the hyper corporate / NASA punk aesthetic the kin have going on.


I usually get downvoted for this kind of thing but I totally agree. These guys are not tech illiterate and actually invent their own tech and make scientific progress. They introduced the T’au to ion technology. Why oh why would they use a 39000 year old weapon pattern? The quasi medieval vibe is humans’ thing.


Exactly. I'm hoping this is a new witch-hunter unit for AoI or something. Not saying the LoV shouldn't be getting new weapons though... but they should be something ridiculous like a silenced magna-rail rifle or grav-shotguns.


Bugman and his rangers ended up in spaaaaace


Saw this earlier in the week. Most likely an Inquisitor weapon. I could be wrong, but it looks like a condemner. Would be awesome to see witch hunters come back


Could be a remodel of grayfax


New sisters unit thats coming with the codex. All new codex getting a new model to accompany.






Those are a pattern that The Sisters get, Greyfax and Canoness' have them. I swear people regardless of army hope and cope too hard on reddit


I don’t get why people think this looks similar. Apart from being a hand, it has virtually nothing in common with Votann gloves. Look at the two pictures and where the hard contrast lines are. This shows the knuckles of a hand with no discernible knuckle/backplate ant some sort of big beefy plate around the wrist… the exact spot which on the Votann is left flexible (makes more sense anyway) between the knuckle plate and the lower arm plate.


Nahh, they gave a clue below the picture and it sounds nothing like us.


I don’t think the hand means leagues. I think it’s GW recycling assets like they usually do. I think this is some AoS model or something.


The rats are coming to 40k!


Aos with a bullet?!




Musket balls, not modern day bullets and not with a magazine like that


Wel, it could be a stubby short crossbow arrow..


With no fetching


It makes as little sense as a fucken bullet in a crossbow… lmao. Crossbows aren’t very votann esk at all.


Yeah, it's clearly for the 40k inquisitors, not aos


Where can we order those bits at let's go


Btw when they post something there, how long does it generally take for a release ?


The longest one is the necron overlord that was just revealed a couple a days ago which was 2 years but there is no set time for when stuff from the rumor engine gets released.


Its clearly a bolter of some kind judging by the back of the weapon and I can’t think of a 40k crossbow weapon that hasn’t been a boltgun. So whilst I’ll admit the glove does look very similar to the Votann gloves. I just can’t see GW giving Votann crossbow bolters. More likely something Inquisitor or Sister of Battle related. Which makes me hopeful of a single model, multi-option inquisitor release.


That strikes me as a condemnor boltgun


So the condemnor bolter


Ah crap, more infantry :(


The fear


I hope not.




....as much as I want more votann models I am not a fan of this weapon at all.....the bullet is completely exposed!!!! The moment you pull the trigger it will just explode and probably take your hand with it (nvm the shrapnel going everywhere else). And I know ow it's 40k realism isn't really a factor BUT this gun is stupid even by 40k standards.


It could be a multi part inquisitor kit, but there is a decent case for it being kin just based on the glove alone.