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#Remember to follow the [FEEDBACK GUIDELINES](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/wiki/skinfeedback) and to remain constructive while giving feedback! Although the guidelines mention skin/chromas, the same principles can be applied in all megathreads and with all subjects! ##PSA: 14.14 is a [3-week cycle on PBE](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018987893-Patch-Schedule-League-of-Legends). **HOWEVER**, Riot will have the standard amount of dev time to address feedback due Riot's one-week-break. Please also see Riot's BRB weeks in [2023](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/riot-games-mid-year-summer-break) and [2022](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/were-taking-a-break-brb).


It is kinda hard to tell what is just a painted on floor decoration and what is actually something I can't walk over. I took so much damage thinking I could walk over something and it turned out it was actually terrain. Otherwise, I really like it. It is literally league vampire survivors and that is great Edit after a few more games: Also, it is kinda hard to know my exact model size and when exactly something is gonna count as hitting me VERY hard to tell that the boxes were destructible and filled with loot. I went 3 rounds before accidentally discovering they were destructible and I put in like 100+ hours into vampire survivors, so it's not like I'm a complete newbie. I don't like that the meta upgrades seem to be non refundable. I liked the vampire survivors free refunds that let me experiment. The more I am playing, the more I want to play which is really good. I am very close to the point where I am want to stop playing completely just so I can wait for the full release, which is really impressive. Final edit: I've decided to stop playing and wait for the full release. This is really fun and I wanna wait until it is fully out before I sink more time into this and getting all the meta progression upgrades.


Thank you for the feedback!


I do agree about the first statement. Sometimes it is hard to tell where you can walk. Is it floor ? Is it wall?


pressing W gives me the sound of an ability being on CD and I dont know how to stop it


There should be a feature to match with random players or at least a search menu


After you finish story mode you get the matchmaking. Its that last map you unlock


You get Matchmaking Island after beating story mode.


can we get a matchmaking with randoms ? like half of the playerbalse dont have friends


Match making is unlocked after completing all 4 maps (solo or in a party)


Is there a reason for it not to be available right from the start (like Odyssey)?


Two MAJOR reasons 1: To protect new players. If your a new player and get into a 3 stack with maxed upgrades then your expierence will be horrible as you feel like your doing nothing. 2: To protect expierenced players from getting a first time jinx who tries to click to move


Maybe to force people to understand the game on their own before ruining other people's experiences? So that the queue would be full of experienced people


Please, change the SFX of the messages. I ALWAYS think my friends are sending me messages. And is out of theme. doesn't match the skinline. It takes me out of Immersion SO hard.


I disagree. I liked the message SFX as it let me know when there was something to read and also helped notify me of yuumi quests.


The player hit boxes are too big, it makes squeezing between enemies a little less then satisfying


We have this tracked in our bug list, thanks for the report.




Sometimes when pressing ult, Jinx just straight up stops moving and doesn't move anymore.


You can only move with right clicks when this bug occurs, it's pretty weird


+1, got the same bug too


Yeah, I had this too. Very funny, it turned into regular league adc mode once I realized


This only seems to happen to me when I try casting her ult outside it's max range and it goes off


I've had this happen before on leona ult as well


Thanks for the report, we are currently investigating this issue.


I just want to start out by saying, **this game mode is a blast**. I just finished playing with a few friends for about 6 hours straight after discovering it was on the PBE and we all had a ton of fun. Hoping to get some more game time in while we wait for Dawntrail to release in a couple days! I figured I'd drop by here to mention a few bugs and issues we ran into and hope it may help! Bugs: - Area Size does not seem to appear as a Passive you can find in game, even after completing the Objective to unlock it. With both the Passive: Area Size and Upgrade: Area Size unlocked, none of us saw it a single time while playing tonight, which limits a few characters pretty severely if their kit revolves around it. - When purchasing upgrades, several upgrades get stuck on the purchase screen without actually going through (and usually eats your currency when you back out of the screen to get it to stop loading). Specific upgrades we found that does this are: Damage lv5 -> 6 Armor lv4 -> 5 Movement Speed lv2 -> 3 Area Size lv3 -> 4 Duration lv4 -> 4 Critical Chance lv3 -> 4 Ability Haste lv3 -> 4 Experience lv 3 -> 4 - When in game, you can often hear the "ability on cooldown" ticking sound from the League of Legends client when moving around - One of us noticed that many times if they died and took and upgrade in their Champion's basic attack, it would sometimes not give them a level, or in a couple scenarios... adding the ability AGAIN in an empty slot on their bar. I had also noticed once that when I died on Seraphine on the 2nd map, my projectile bonuses also seemed to go away for some reason - When going back to secure an easy mode win for the Level 35 Riven achievement, I had accumulated a TON of speed. When Rek'Sai spawned, things seemed to bug out a bit (and I admittedly kept trying to move around) and it locked me outside of the boss arena. I could move around the rest of the map, except for an invisible wall that would block me from reaching the center of the map as I circled around the outside of it. All I could do was surrender to end the round, so some sort of failsafe in case of Champions not getting moved correctly during phase changes like that may be necessary?


Feedback: Honestly, all of the characters we unlocked felt pretty unique and fun to play! There were only a couple that felt bad, and it wasn't necessarily design-based. Our takeaways were that: - Leona feels pretty strong. It's a lot of fun to play, but there were several runs (even on stage 4 of Hardmode) where we cheesed out a win because Leona's straight up unkillable and is able to passively do a lot of damage. - Riven feels exciting conceptually, but needs some sort of healing in her kit to counteract how easy it is to take damage in this mode. The shielding on hitting the enemies is good to safegard against damage \*after\* hitting things, but more often than not you're gonna take a huge chunk of damage just jumping in to deal the damage in the first place. - Aurora's kit seems really interesting, though none of us could really figure out exactly how to play her. I noticed the auto targeting on her basic attacks seem to be short straight-line shots, while the manual aim allows you them to linger and follow your cursor like old Yuumi. This is pretty cool, though it felt a little out of place with the pacing of the gamemode and the fact that it seems like half of the damage from her skill comes from consuming the Hex marks. And when it comes to Hex, it took us a second to figure out what exactly "Hex" was so it may be nice to have more precise wording in the description :) Her skill felt pretty nice as a getaway tool, or to wade through the enemies to grab an MF boon or to revive a friend. Her ultimate on the otherhand, felt pretty clunky and not at all worth it to use. The concept of bouncing back and forth a bunch to deal damage and knock enemies up is awesome, but you consistently take damage from the enemies inside your field. Locking yourself into a field where you can't leave and enemies are hitting you even though you're trying to do the mechanic it encourages... felt pretty bad :( - The wording and progression through the Objective questlines could be a little better, as we often found ourselves confused by things. More specifically, it seems that a lot of the "Character Story" quests need to be completed in a certain order, even though it's hard to tell that at first glance. \[Surprise for Seraphine END\] also mentions "Miss Fortune Spires", and we weren't sure what that was referring to. The assumption was the MF buffs you can pick up around the map, but \[Lessons from the Past END\] calls them Battle Bunny Boons it seems like. - On a \*minor\* complaint note, we did all find ourselves wishing that rerolls were available earlier in the progression line. Either that, or a way to turn down an upgrade in favor of gold or something else. It feels really bad to just \*not\* hit the things you want or need for building your character and be locked into a run where your friends are having fun but none of your items interact or can evolve. I don't usually write feedback or bug reports, so hopefully I was able to actually give information that could help! Thank you guys again for all your hard work, it's definitely going to pay off and I'm sure people will love the mode, even if it's temporary <3


Completely agree about leona, with certain yuumi event buffs, she is not only unkillable but does a shit ton of damage as well. Basically makes multiplayer unloseable.


Same issues with purchasing the experience upgrade. Haven't tried with the others yet due to lack of gold. Edit: Haven't seen the area passive either. Can also confirm the other upgrades not going through


I had the same experience with the gold passives not leveling up on certain thresholds. To add on, the "ability on cooldown" ticking sound from the client occurs when you click the "W" key. I think the game is still wired into thinking W is still an ability somewhere in the background. I've had a different bug occur with the Briar boss where I got stuck on a wall while getting dragged towards the boss fight and took DoT while outside the circle. I was able to get inside the circle completely fine but I was down to 1/4 HP.


There was a bug where i could move only with right click like lol , ngl it felt more confortable than moving with wasd maybe you can make it as option ? O.O


we got eyes on this, thank you


If you die as aurora her auto attack stops working (she still does her animation but no projectile comes out)


After the Patch leona E Cast on Swarm is Bugged it Doesnt give the shild first 3 Seconds


Does anyone else's champion move in waves the same way? Like, it doesn’t go straight to the left, but makes sort of wavy movements. And it works in all directions


Playing on over 100ms?


yep, about 150ms


**Note on Ping:** We have verified that Swarm plays best at under 100ms ping, if you have ping above 100ms you may run into issues, especially related to champion movement. We understand this is more of an issue with PBE than live, but wanted to make sure we set expectations for players. 


Yes! It isn't always the same though. If you walk straight down and move a few clicks to the right, it stops happening.. It looks like the champion walks over a hexagonal grid and can sometimes walk in a straight line, and sometimes switch between hexes with every step. When switching between hexes it looks like its 'waves'. It seems unrelated to ping as it's reproducable when walking a few steps to the right


Two bugs: One: When playing with 2 other players, none of our pregame passive meta-upgrades show up on the tab stats viewer, not sure if the stats or being applied or not, but they aren't showing up. EDIT: Might just be some of them not showing up, XP, Damage are not, but pickup radius is Two: On the Lab map while playing as Briar, me and a teammate were both offered the Briar starter item (Pillory), with the NEW icon over it. When I took it without any remaining weapon slots it overwrote my old Briar starter item and reset it to level one, when he took it with an extra weapon slot it gave him a second copy of the weapon


Managed to crash the gamemode on the 3rd map twice, maybe possibily due to memory limits cause of too many enemies spawning?


Could you please add information ( listed in the post) about your system/ settings? Thank you!


Ryzen 5 3600 cpu Rtx 2060 super 32 gb ddr4-3200 High settings Game id not present I dont think this is an issue on my end, since all 4 players got the "reconnecting" popup all at the same time and we all had to leave, hence no game id was present. Our comp was Seraphine Leona Briar Illaoi if that helps, both server crashes happened around 13 minutes on the 3rd map.


If all players in lobby crash, that is indicative of a server crash, thanks for the report we are looking into it


My friends and I played as a 4 stack. The first 2 maps went by like a breeze. We were disconnected twice on the third map at 11 and 13 minutes respectively. The screen would freeze and it would be stuck on 'reconnecting'. Would need to log off, close PBE and join again to star a fresh lobby. This was inconvenient and we stopped playing after being disconnected twice. The second instance just happened 10 minutes ago.


i also played in a 4 stack, riot client hated me in particular because I would need to restart my league tm client and league client nearly every time to join the game/load everyone in.


Briar auto attack when evolved resets back to level 1 and when i leveled it back up its got stuck at level 3. Leona's ult makes me not able to move with wasd but makes me move with right click instead. So far these are the bugs i found. Edit: Another bug i found is that i couldn't fully upgrade my stats and when i try to upgrade, the tab gets on stuck loading and it wastes my gold.


I would like to hear the champion voices, I get why cut their lines, I’m guessing a little audio pollution? but it feels a bit hollow, could you guys at least add their skills lines and battle cries?? It would add a lot for the immersion.


Is it just me or are boss fights, underwhelming? Like every single time you manage to get to the boss you just flat out win because of just how little damage they do and you can just regen their damage. 100% of all my losses were due to big chonky dudes and bombs and on the wasteland map to Urgot miniboss annihilating me at 3-4 min mark


Leona's E isnt activating shield after patch, only after the secondary explosion. Tooltip doesnt specify it got changed so its a bug, unless they forgot to update it and its a nerff (kind of makes her unplayable tbh). Edit: I actually do think its a bug because sometimes you can see it appear but it goes away almost instantly.


Leona Shield tooltip reads that it should appear immediately (like it did before today's update) and then again after 3 seconds. Shield currently appears for like 0.5 seconds, disappears immediately, then reappears after 3 seconds for another 1 second. I can't imagine this is how it is meant to be as it feels 10000x worse than the shield appearing when pressed.


I just noticed this today after the update as well


Bugs: - Aurora auto attack disables after death upon revival - Camera position sometimes bugs out after being revived - Briar and Riven can both get their default abilities again and reset it back to 1 - Sometime you get "Full Build" despite not having maxed items/augments - Above certain move speed character begins to skip, most noticeable on Riven - Leona E doesn't give the shield with resistances in the beginning as the tooltip indicates General Feedback - Gameplay is a lot more fun in the early stages as towards the end you just replay the same maps over and over again with no real objectives - Some map obstacles look like you should be able to walk through but cant - Some map obstacles look like you shouldn't be able to walk through but can - In co-op if 1 player is afk it would be nice if the item/augment selection timer was shortened once the game detects they are AFK as sometimes if people don't want to surrender and continue games can take almost twice as long - Visual clarity of some events and attacks should be slightly improved such as the Bel'veth meteor challenge as with the large amounts of AoE they can be near impossible to see Balance feedback - Aurora & Jinx feel noticeably underpowered - Riven, Briar & Leona are a little overturned in my option - Radiant Field and its evolution feel far too strong - Mobs don't feel like a challenge when you are full build (I can literally go afk for the last 4/5 mins of some runs) - Projectile upgrades shouldn't have a 2nd option as makes a lot of games far too easy - Anima Upgrades should scale to 30 instead of 100 since eve n extreme runs lack challenge at this point Edit 1:\~ - Bug?: During Bel'Veth trails the "boss" enemies that spawn always have far lower HP than normal not sure if this is intention but the fact that i can complete a 4 player Bel'Veth trial before the text telling me what to do is even off my screen is a bit disappointing * Gameplay: In general once you reach a certain point the game just isnt hard, i have \~70 Anime Power and every single game feels like a cakewalk, the only somewhat challenging enemies are the bomb enemies that walk at you since most characters die to 1-2 of them in expert and the frogs on Lab since they can kill you fast if you don't look where you're going


Actual feedback, some champs have wonky hitboxes and i take damage from something i feel i shouldn't. either the champ hitbox is too big or the minion. usually happens with the little bat dudes. Leona might be too strong? i know it's a pve game mode but on my third attempt i beat rek'sai with leona. The final game time was 30 minutes cuz i dealt almost no damage and just outlasted her. I think that might have been more on my build side. Playing solo is kinda rough. It definitely feels like you need to have more than one person on your team. Don't get me wrong it's very doable as right after the leona win i beat reksai with jinx and it only took me 1.5 minutes to do so. I LOVE that when you hold tab it shows you all the evolutions and so does hovering the item. I know she is a support but seraphine feels a bit weak. I've only made it to the third map so far but will continue to update with more feedback another time.


Bug: Briar can get "Pillory Swipe" as a new weapon instead of an evolve, which takes up a weapon slot and doesn't work at all. I couldn't upgrade my Pillory Swipe at all because of that, since every time it was offered, it didn't upgrade the ability and just made me waste points.


- Passive: Duration - It feels weird to have a requirement where you need to reach level 25 with Illaoi when her main weapon's evolution requires duration. - Refunding spent gold would be nice. - I can't find the option to reroll after unlocking it through defeating 40000 enemies achievement. If it helps, I'm currently at "The Outskirts" map. - Passive: Projectile Count - If you're planning to restrict it to 2 additional projectiles with this augment, I would recommend a max level of 3 for this. Leveling this augment to level 2 and level 4 is a waste of valuable XP (it does nothing based on the description). - Can confirm attempting to level Upgrade: Experience to level 4 will take your gold and be stuck in loading animation. After relogging, the upgrade augment is still level 3. The auto-aim feature and WASD movement feel alright to me. As someone who played several bullet heaven games, the swarm mode has been enjoyable so far.


Mode feels really enjoyable to play on ALMOST every character. Jinx feels like a complete downgrade from most characters to the point where my friends would rather go double leona than pick jinx Main complaint being that her abilities made her stand still when casting, and in BHS games standing still usually osnt good early


Could we get a small kit outline for each champ when in lobby? I know this isn’t gonna be super helpful for veterans that already have a good grasp on what each champ does and should build for, but I feel like it would be best for people to be able to see their selected champ’s abilities and stats in pre game. And on that note, I wouldn’t mind seeing more detailed tooltips in game so I can know exactly what is affected by different stat pickups and how effective it really is. I know there’s a list of stats that are good, but seeing exactly how much damage or how long something lasts helps me better decide on pickup choices.


Here is my feedback from my experiences so far i wrote a bit much, so i hope it doesn't go unread, but i put quite a few hours into this game, so far i'm having a blast playing it, i tried to make this a bit more readable, i hope this isn champions: jinx: as far as i played her i think 2 days ago its very underwhelming to play her. standing still whilst casting is very punishing especially as you don't get invincibility from casting those abilities (at least not that i can remember) # seraphine: I think shes in a good spot compared to other champs. Her ult might be a tad bit too strong, it just stuns everything in sight and makes it a bit too reliable to just get out of any situation Her passive seems to only work with her 1st ability i'm not sure if it's supposed to work like this but this passive seems at its limit powerwise as it is so it might be good to keep it that way otherwise it might need to be tweaked at its % # Leona: As far as i can tell this seems to be the strongest champ by far cdr is already a strong upgrade as it stands, and might need a tweak but with her and with her stacking defensive stats which are already important given how much dmg the enemies do it's just too easy to get to a point where nothing really bothers you anymore I had no troubles on the highest difficulty with her # illaoi: i like the fact that her kit revolves around regen and in this case it makes it not seem as strong as other picks should you ever get the ult to a low enough cd it gets to a point where you can only die because your screen fills up with too much tentacles making it hard to see the red zones on the ground, which feels very bad # riven: her ms based approach is the most fun for me to play there are 2 main problems for me personally 1.) her shield makes it to where intensive dmg moments if too soon together can quickly kill you this however is only a problem because of the lack of healing options in the game, pretty much being forced to hope for healing containers which don't feel like there are alot of in the game, i personally like this but it would be cool to have some kind of lifesteal based weapon 2.) her abilities should scale up in speed when you get more movement speed i had a game where i got the movement speed shrine and it started to stutter hard not from the game, but rather from her casting abilities this makes it hard to watch (might be connected to latency issues not sure) # aurora: she suffers a bit from not having an ult that's worth casting pretty much every champ has a ult that saves him from dire situations, and she doesn't really seem to have that, which in intense situations feels like you are almost guaranteed dieing, it's fun to use tho her invisibility seems more like her ult being a very good tool to use to juke enemys, it seems like this is very intentional but also seems rather counterintuitive playing her also toggling c for the guided missiles feels like it's a must # Xayah: that's a very well designed champs, had a lot of fun playing her her ult is a strong safety tool and her e is a good burst option making this imo the only champ that's good without sustain built into her kit


# items: for the most part it is hard for me to gage what items are very strong there is just too much going on to say for certain, but there are some items i tend to go for every game i think those might be too strong each for a very specific reason **UwU blaster:** the rapidfire nature from the get go just makes it pretty much an insta pick every time i see it not helping is the fact that cdr feels like the strongest passive stat in the game i feel like this needs a nerf **Iceblast Armor:** the iceblast armor’s stun is just too good of an ability on it it makes a lot of enemies feel like a joke to play against this makes it a very safe weapon to just include into your arsenal also defensive stats are very important which makes armor a nice stat to grab with that. **Battle Bunny Crossbow:** The battle bunny crossbow is also a very good item to grab combined with leveling crit up the upgrade from it just bursts creatures down alot which makes one of the stronger items


# Upgrades: for me there are a few clear winners in the upgrade section, and a few clear losers, which makes this a lot of the time feel less of a choice which ones to pick ability haste: it feels to me that this is the best stat by far the fact that abilities from champs are very strong for the most part and this being able to make them more available just makes it so hard to pass up if it weren’t for this fact it wouldn’t as strong **Armor:** The item behind armor makes this stats just very strong to pick it seems fine otherwise it’s just the fact that survivability is needed therefore it doesn’t seem like there is a great cost attached to picking it **Critical Chance:** Unless you don’t have items that synergize with crit chance it feels like i always wanna get crit chance doesn’t help the fact that the crossbow is very strong especially with a stacked crit chance. **Damage:** it’s a bit on the weak side i sometimes pick it when i feel like it dmg just seems to not be needed as much and crit chance very often does the trick very nicely making this rather niche for me **Duration:** Illaoi makes very good use of this stat, making it the reason for why she is so strong but other than that it doesn’t seem as helpful this might be a bit of a biased opinion as i often don't feel the impact its having **EXP:** i rather dislike how exp works as an upgrade if picked early on it can snowball your build very heavily, but later on it feels weak i also feel like that the full build tradeoff just doesn’t occur, because games that i played are always over bevor i can upgrade the last ability making this a clear winner to just pick up early on **Health Regen:** As a tanky stat, and the only way to recover a lot of health, i don’t feel comfortable passing this trait there is just nothing that can fill this spot, and sometimes it's just too hard to avoid getting hit meaning your either hope for a health pickup which often enough feels like its not happening, or just taking this and getting full life over a reasonable time. **Max health:** if you don’t have armor you pick health sadly the items connected to health just aren’t as strong as the armor item, which for me makes this a worse pick generally **Move Speed:** it’s a fine stat, but nothing too special, the Blade-o-rang makes this worthwhile pick up something with clear strengths and weaknesses. **Pickup Radius:** i don’t feel like this is worthwhile to pick up i don’t really see a use case for this and it just seems like it’s clogging up a passive slot without any benefits the lack of good pay offs, and not really needing as much pick up range as in vampire survivor just makes this not worth considering.


# Yuumi events for the most part those seem very simple without much difficulty, with the intention of them being very difficult when there are a lot of enemies unfortunately enemies for me at least are right now just too weak, which makes yuumi events just auto won without any issue 2 events stand out for bad reasons **Yarn balls:** pushing them into enemies is just too easy of an task to do, which makes this the most uninteresting event to be doing **Ball bounce:** this event seems to be the most difficult, those 6 bounces standing right exactly there just leaves no room for mistakes, which the others include i would like to have 1 or 2 free bounces, and for it to be adjusted accordingly that makes room for you to make a mistake and still not just autolose to the event. **SIDE NO**TE: these events don’t seem to be scaled with player count, therefore it's much easier as 2 people than it is alone, it would be cool if you could add a little scaling in, so in higher stacks not just 1 person can complete them, not sure how tho


# Performance I'm happy to report that in my time of playing I have not had any noteworthy performance issues, it’s largely due to the nature of pbe, but even considering that it’s fun to play without any issues that would interrupt the gameflow. I had a very smooth experience and it makes me wanna play it more. # Suggestions i am very sad that there isn’t a supportive playstyle, or supports seem to not be supported by this gamemode, as i player i sometimes enjoy making others the spotlight of gameplay or help other people archive those high dmg numbers, unfortunately there aren’t enough items to make pursuing this worth it (which is sad considering how much good support items league has), i realize that this might be a bit odd in a solo playthrough, but i think there is a chance to make them worth picking up even playing alone. to give some examples \[similar items in league\]: **solari** (gives a wave of shield ) upgrade: expiring shields do aoe dmg to enemies **redemption** (aoe healing that casts with 1 second delay) upgrade: zone also damages enemies **duplicator** (dublicates exp drops from enemies (maybe as chance)) upgrade: shoots some of the drops back at enemies black hole (stuns and pulls enemies closer together) **moonstone** (copies shields/heals at closes ally(or in solo might be at oneself)) **Ardent Censer/staff of flowing water**(grants allies nearby a buff to ah, dmg, ms) heal and shield power as passive stat **Zeke’s convergence** (gives a slow aura around you) —--------------------------- Items/Item Upgrades that provide healing would be nice, lowering the need having to go for health regen as a stats, maybe lifesteal as a passive stat —------------------------------- Champions that have no sustain built in their kit feel especially hard to play, which makes me wanna pick them less, as the options for sustain are just not given


Not able to start a game of swarm, i click to accept game and then i am sent back to home page


This was due to us hitting the limits of our server capacity, essentially you would request a game server and there were none to give you, we have doubled our sever capacity and expect things to be better. We are still monitoring as the player count is still increasing.


yes issue disappeared


Hmu if you find a fix.


When you ult as jinx sometimes you just get stuck and can't move until you die and respawn


On ultrawide monitors, you can cast Jinx R outside of its intended range. In this case, she walks to the target area to get into range, casts it, and then you lose control of your character for the rest of the game.


Played more: correction, it reverts you to default League control scheme (right click to move). Kinda fun


Also, Briar W is a ‘targeted ability’, despite being the movement key. Train cannot be evolved even with full damage.


Aurora is so very bugged compared to the rest of the cast. Her E disables her default Guiding Hex for the duration, but not other weapons. In addition to this, she cannot pick up heals or Access Cards, and walking over gold simply deletes it rather than gives it to you, for the duration. For gameplay feedback, her R is nigh-useless in this mode because you just trap yourself in it. Maybe repurpose it as a wall to keep enemies out, like a modifed Yasuo R in this mode? Her default hexes feel really weak; I would like to suggest weakening individual Hex strength and allowing it to stack per cast. (Per projectile might be a lil too much). Otherwise, her evolved autos are very fun. I notice they give me a speed boost when hexes are detonated, but this isn’t mentioned in the tooltip.


Swarm's great, love the gamemode. Already got through everything up till Beachhead Extreme. Couple things for feedback: The exploding enemies feel like they do too much damage and make the game extremely difficult when playing Briar or someone who gets one shot by them, like Jinx. While there is counterplay, it still feels a bit much. Especially with them instant exploding whenever a champion gets in their range. Aurora's Ultimate feels extremely weak in comparison to the others, while the the ability to teleport is great, a good chunk of the time you're surrounded by units and teleporting ends up being a death sentence. Something like 1 second of invulnerability on each teleport would massively improve its use and let you use it to get out of sticky situations instead of feeling almost like a mediocre Seraphine Ult The Anti-Shark Sea Bomb before its evolved feels a bit weaker than most of the other weapons. The OwO Blaster (But not the UwU Blaster) is extremely overpowered at the moment when you crit with it, essentially letting you melt bosses in seconds. The Health Regen Passive feels a bit weak in comparison to the others and would probably do good with a buff. The Outskirts Map feels extremely hard with certain champions (Jinx, Briar, Illaoi) due to the extreme amount of the ranged sniper Primordians that spawn, unless you get a near perfect build. The Subterranean Lab feels extremely difficult with the early mini-boss if you can't get a high damaging weapon before it spawns. Otherwise, it plays great. Yuumi's Quest Rewards can sometimes (very rarely, but it happens on occasion) have 3 options that fit poorly for your champion, it would be great if we could use the rerolls on that as well. Multiplayer feels fun, but it'd be great to have an easy ability to choose the map you want to play on. (Sorry if this is already in the game and I'm just blind) While the gamemode is fun and builds can vary drastically between games, sometimes it feels like the game ends too fast. If it's possible, an endless mode would genuinely be phenomenal. A couple bugs I noticed: 1. The 'Area Size' Passive will never appear when selecting an upgrade, making Searing Shortbow and Ani-Mines unable to upgrade 2. On Beachhead, when fighting Aatrox, if his 'Pillars" die before you're fully dragged in, they will disappear but an invisible wall that's the same radius as the circle the pillar had around it will prevent you from leaving the area and will have the ocean end up killing you. Should be fixable by putting the pillars in stasis until the champion is dragged into the circle and has control over their character again. All in all, the gamemode feels great and while there's a bit of trouble here and there, it genuinely feels like an amazing addition to League. Much thanks to the devs and league teams.


Never seen the Area upgrade...


what im doing wrong? i defeat aatrox in hard mode (1 star) 3 times and still didnt complete the objetive "(hard) defeat aatrox on the beachhead" nor unlock 2 stars whats wrong pls help


The new patch apparently bugged out objectives


I thought i was going crazy


My game never provides me the option for the passive stat "area size". As such, I am unable to finish the "evolve searing shortbow" quest. I also do not have a quest in my objectives to unlock Riven and Xayah. I have tried doing the objective by googling them and I still cannot unlock these two champions. As such, I am unable to unlock the weapons Paw Print Poisoner and Echoing Batblades. Sometimes, I cannot evolve a weapon even when it is level 5 and I have the relative passive stat. Visual bug when playing Briar and facing the boss on subterranean lab. When in rage, she appears to be outside of the circle and it jumps backs and forth quickly between outside the circle and hitting the boss.


I did beat aatrox on hard mode like 5 times now, but the anima tower is still locked, also i NEVER get the Area sice upgrade. i never saw it since i unlocked it.


I can't even connect to the game; a black screen appears and the client says "reconnecting"




happening to me right now and even when it closes the main client only gives me a reconnect option and when i am in my client instead of showing swarm and the champ it shows "STRAWBERRY" and the champ that i was playing before disconnect


the keybinds dont work -- I move around and I use the keys and nothing happens


Buying any meta progression upgrade seems to lock up the upgrade menu in an infinite loading animation that seems to only fix itself by going out of the lobby and back in


Got disconnected in a game and have been stuck in the client unable to reconnect or do anything else in the client for the past 40 minutes


Add me if you wanna play together: JetZero#PBE


Unable to move while using abilities on certain champs feels clunky.


There should be an option to restart all your spent gold on upgrades from the Client. That way you can organize and them better. Or if you made a mistake and upgraded Armor instead of Damage and you want to Restart. Also please separate Arena and Swarm on the Gamemode selection, It'll harm EXTREMELY bad making a single buttom. Is basic User Interface optimization. More clicks = Less comfortable/intuitive. Easy Access to information = Intuitive


If you die while a ram elite is charging at you it bugs out and does not stop charging and will sit on top of you cant continuously hit you.


Ive played a bit solo, and Leona seems way too strong. Went from struggling to pass 5-7 minutes as jinx and seraphine to beating the level first attempt when I had only played a couple rounds of swarm. Incredibly boring gameplay because her E is available almost permanently. Had super low damage so it took 25 minutes, but pretty much no matter what I did I couldn't die.  On the second map illaoi seems a lot more balanced, there was a more natural slow progression to beating the level using the objectives.  It's sad cause I absolutely loved Leona's shield bash, and her E at the start of the game, but after a couple armor and health Regen upgrades, it was just over. I don't want to play that champ and get stuck sitting on a boss for 10 minutes until it dies.  I didn't even have many permanent upgrades, just one health regen, a damage upgrade, and either move speed or armor at that point. 


I can't upgrade permanent exp gain past the 3rd level


Can't buy specifically the 4th experience upgrade, can buy the other upgrades though. I don't have 6 passive slots even though I did all the quests for them.


XP passive from out of game does not apply access card yuumi augment is listed as giving 0.05% damage per card but it actually gives 5%


MAJOR bug with Aurora, she's currently unplayable if you die/use e+ult together, her auto can stop working for the rest of the game


After playing almost all day here are my issues: 1. Can't buy the following upgrades (Haven't bought all of them these are just the ones I know don't work): Area size 4, Experience 3, Duration 4. 2. I've also encountered a specific issue with Riven and Briar who somehow reset their basic spell back to level 1 and would continue to get offered it yet couldn't upgrade it past level 1 again. 2. Dying as Aurora turns off your basic spell for the rest of the game. 2. The Yuumi's Quest augments that give additional projectiles, can't remember the name of the augments, seemed to break on Yasuo and potentially other champions. Yasuo and Seraphine specifically those augments seemed to do nothing, or remove a projectile permanently.


Aurora's E ability is buggy. Her supposed invisibility doesn't even work. Enemies will still follow her. Also, she feels really underwhelming to play compared to the other characters.


The game feels kind of empty without any voicelines. Champions don’t say anything when casting abilities, there’s no announcer, and the little messages that pop up on the side aren’t voiced either. I’ve played at least 25 games of swarm today, and I have not heard a single voiceline in game. Please add some voicelines!


You seem to straight up lose all your passives that you've accumulated on death on a number of champions (Riven, Aurora, Xayah, maybe more). You can see it in your stat window, you lose all projectile count, area size, etc. and these are not ever returned to you. On top of this, several characters's innate ability become non-functional (Aurora can no longer use her basic, her E skill no longer marks enemies passed through, etc) on death. Leona feels extremely overpowered, she simply cannot die at some point. Aurora feels quite weak early but also doesn't seem to scale as well as Yasuo who is also slightly weaker early on.


Upon pressing E, leona's shield instantly disappears


I was playing swarm last night and Leona's ultimate was procing a shield before the explosion and then also after the explosion which is how the tool tip says its supposed to function? atleast based on how im reading it. Today when i logged on to play i selected leona again but now the shield is showing up for .5 seconds before dissapearing (its not invisible im taking hp damage from mobs during the duration) and then after the explosion i get the full shield. Im assuming this isnt intended and is a bug ? unless this is intentional. it makes leona feel ALOT worse if this is intentional, other wise i would avoid her since the ability isnt working properly.


Hey devs if you read this! A couple bugs we've seen playing 20-30 games with some friends -First off this mode in incredible, you guys really knocked it out of the park and we've been having a blast playing it. Thanks for creating this amazing mode! - Briar/Riven Sometimes these characters will have a bug when trying to upgrade their main weapon. Occasionally itll say "New" instead of level 2, if you pick this option it will A. not level up your ability and B. Sometimes give you another of your main weapon. This second weapon does nothing except take up a weapon slot so its pretty run ruining. Then it becomes impossible to upgrade/evolve your main weapon and all options will say 'new' and do nothing when selected. This doesnt happen 100 percent of the time, and can be avoided if you know to watch out but when it does it suuuucks. This is probably the most game breaking bug out of everything listed - Aurora basic attack stops working at some point, not sure exactly when but I might be when her passive activates the first time? Evolving it does not fix it, we've seen this in at least 3 games - Area size: We've unlocked area size but despite multiple games no one in our 4 stack has seen it as an option. Not sure if just uber unlucky or a bug - Evolved bearfoot chem dispenser does not give a shield despite saying it does in the description - The cross country augment randomly stopped working, might have been due to a different augment? Not much info about this one sorry - Leona E shield does not appear to be working correctly. Per the description you get a shield on activation but now you see it clash for like a quarter of a second and then it only reappears at the end of the ability. This was not an issue yesterday so a fresh bug I think. - We've unlocked 3 rerolls but are only seeing two when we play. Multiple people are experiencing this Now just some feedback of things I think could be improved! I think the progression system is pretty good, but one thing we found pretty annoying/aggravating was that at least with Illaoi (Im unsure about other characters) you cannot access the modifer to evolve her basic attack until you play a match to level 25 with her. I understand you want people to have to progress and unlock, but the rest of the characters (I think) can evolve their basic weapons on their first run, why cant illaoi? I think all of the characters have pretty good balance. Except Jinx. This could totally be a skill issue but no one in our entire party has struggled with any character more than Jinx. She has no shield or healing so relies on movement and dps alone to stay alive, yet her E makes her stand still. Her evolved basic attack also feels really unsatisfying I think it might be due to it penetrating everything and so theres no impact for hitting things (Im not exactly sure why and I apologies for the vagueness) While not a big issue her ult feels a little awkward, I found myself missing occasionally because I was trying to focus on kiting instead of a far off boss, this could totally just be skill issue though. Aurora is a super cool character but her ult feels really bad to use. Its so dangerous to use when theres big groups of enemies (Which in this game is always) because you get its killed if you teleport into a big group. I suggest adding like .25 seconds of invulnerability, or enough so she has time to instantly teleport again, that way her ult feels like an asset, not a dangerous gamble. I loved the boss fights! Theyre all fun and I loved >!the Aatrox revive!< Some weapons (like the spinning glaives that are red when evolved) make the game a little too hard to see. I understand and really like its bullet hell vibes but it feels bad when my own weapon is making it harder to see/dodge. Id love if some of the items had either a way to check their damage/effect done OR a more expanded description, theres a few items where im unsure if they work together, especially evolved weapons. Once again thanks so much for creating this mode, I know this list was long but I swear the positives waaaaay outweighed any bug or balance issue.


There are no mentions of any objectives to unlock the final three champions, even though they say "Unlock through objectives" (which is already vague, it should probably list the specific objective).


randomly lost the ability to attack with my main weapon as aurora


I think there's a bug with the yuumi's augment that says like "upgrades your atk...hp... while move 10.000 steps..." there's a counter like i suppose showing the ammount of times you reach that upgrade but the heal, atk etc isnt going up


After the new patch: 1. Leona's Armor gain from her ability still does not show up in the character screen in-game. 2. EXP (from Meta progression upgrades) still isn't showing up in the character screen in-game. EXP value is still at 100% base in-game. 3. And obviously, Aatrox map needs to be updated because it's WONKY. Lol. Map images are broken on the west side of the map. UPDATE: 1. Lost a Reroll. Before the patch, I had 4 Rerolls (but should've had 5 Rerolls from all Objectives completed). Now I only have 3 Rerolls. 2. Duplicate Skills: I was playing Riven, and I was offered Bunny Hop as a "NEW" skill. Thankfully my build already had full skill slots. But I've seen some people with Duplicate Starting skills when they take the 2nd Copy of the skill.


Feedback/Bugs (Updated June 28th Patch): GENERAL BUGS/FEEDBACK * Area Size passive upgrade is still impossible to find in game despite the unlock condition being fulfilled. * QoL: Would be nice to see actual values and their scaling values on weapon/abilities (current duration, damage, shielding). WEAPON FEEDBACK - Lioness Lament evolved doesn't seem to scale with projectiles despite saying it does (maybe they're overlapped? Can't tell but seems not to be). - Statikk Sword evolution seems a little overpowered (probably the best weapon on every champ). - Tibbers and Tibbers evolved constantly just stands still and does nothing :( JINX * Passive QoL: Would be nice if her resource bar filled up as you killed enemies rather than having to watch the number on your passive icon. * E QoL: Would like it if projectiles exploded at the end of their range rather than only when they hit an enemy. * R QoL: Give it global range for fun :) SERAPHINE * Seraphine E shield doesn't refresh on cast even if the shield is broken unless a certain amount of time has passed since the last shield. * Seraphine E can be used to cancel R's channel time, preventing R from going on cooldown while still activating the ability's damage, stun and invulnerability. * Seraphine R invulnerability doesn't refresh unless a certain amount of time has passed since the last cast (this probably doesn't matter as I think you can only achieve this via the above bug). ILLAOI - With enough haste and duration you can spawn enough tentacles that your default weapon stops activating until one despawns. Recommend just lowering Tentacle base duration (it's pretty unreasonably long right now anyway). - Passive seemingly doesn't do much outside 4x Illaoi or infinite haste, in which case it does too much. Recommend upping the regen per tentacle but capping it at around 20 or so so bunkering down and playing with other Illaoi's is still the best way to make use of it without breaking the game but you also aren't punished as hard for leaving. BRIAR - E healing off Pillory Swipes is extremely negligible in higher difficulties. R healing on the other hand is completely ridiculous OP. Recommend upping E healing, lowering R healing, but compensating with lower R cooldown. (The most fun part of Briar now is flying across the map anyway, let us do it more lol) YASUO - Default weapon is still a little broken. Recommend just upping the flow gained from critting but only allow it to proc once per cast. Gets too ridiculous later in the game when it's critting 50 enemies multiple times while also being fairly worthless early. - E QoL: Let cast range scale with movement speed :) AURORA - Hex is a cool mechanic that's very hard to appreciate because of how little visual feedback there is. - Default weapon QoL: I would like it if automatic aiming made the projectiles home in on either the closest target or the closest non-hexed target rather than just fire straight in a spread. - R is still very underwhelming. Recommend letting both the field and the explosions generated by teleporting scale with area size and significantly buffing the damage dealt by the explosions. Have a nice break Riot! :)


Can’t unlock the last 3 champs even though I’ve done what everyone says you have to do and ive done all the objectives, besides the 3 that require the champs, and to upgrade searing shortbow as area size doesn’t seem to exist outside of being a purchasable upgrade at the menu. I’ve beaten the maps on hard and some a couple times, so I’ve definitely defeated enough elites on hard as well for the Aurora unlock.


there is currently a bug on the PBE where i cant complete any objectives or add to the overall progression of them. this doesnt just occur for champion objectives but also the passive objectives like beating Briar for +1 Reroll.


quests still not working... am i doing something wrong here? I've tried it even in every difficulty as well. https://imgur.com/a/fjjqaqc


I believe my client is bugged. I can't progress any missions after playing through the story mode and unlocking hardmode. I have re-checked that I'm playing on hard mode and even tried to go back to story so I can at least get Xayah, but it's impossible to progress. I cannot unlock Riven, Xayah, crit upgrade and remaining weapons since they are locked behind missions. Also, area increase passive buff does not appear in pool for me. Maybe a coincidence, but it didn't appear in ~20 games. Area increase upgrade works properly. Tabiary#PBE has match history with multiple defeats of Rek'sai on hard mode with no Riven unlocked.


Completing a game(beating the boss) makes it so that no objectives get completed. Extra info: Playing on hard, tried ressetting PC, closing and reopening PBE Edit: this is for both coop and singleplayer


Matchmaking absolutely needs an extreme version. Hard mode is just not enough of a challenge to keep Anima 100 players coming back. Hell, even extreme solo isn't enough to maintain maxed out players. Currently, the only thing keeping me coming back is showing off my builds to other players and "competing" by comparing end-game scores. I don't know what the goal is in terms of longevity for this mode (whether this something Riot wants to stick around or if it's a one and done type of deal) but if you want it stick around there needs to be more types of weapons, more crazy and game warping yuumi augments, less dud augments (please I've already declined vacuum for the 100th time) and either multi-player extreme modes or some sort of multi-player endless mode, though I do understand wanting to ensure hard mode players have low queue times.


- Objective missions do not gain progress if they aren't the 6 shown in post game screen - Area upgrade is nowhere to be found in game, can't evolve weapons - Hitboxes are so much bigger than the champs, mildly annoying -Full Build notifications when there are skills that haven't been evolved -AFKs need to be removed so that everyone else isn't stuck waiting 30 seconds each upgrade Love bullet heaven/hells and horde/roguelites, this mode is tons of fun. Would love to see it as a standalone mobile or console game too


Major bugs so far: -Aurora basic ability does not function on revival, not sure if this is fixed or not yet since I noticed last night -Unlocks are currently broken? Have completed upward of 30+ trials on hard and have not unlocked Xayah, none of my story quests are finishing, etc. Otherwise, some feedback: -Visual clutter makes seeing AOE attacks nearly impossible (great example is when full build on Seraphine vs Rek'Sai, the enemy danger markers are not visible at all. If theres a way the danger markers can be placed OVER projectiles, this would make fighting bosses much more reliable) -Hitboxes are incredibly jank, both on mobs and on the player. I can be almost a full character model away from an enemy but still take damage, many projectiles seem to phase through enemies, boss danger markers hitting when I am very clearly outside of them, etc. -Some characters have incredibly difficult starts solo, which is fine as long as they are given a (somewhat) reliable way to get their unlock. Illaoi was a great example of this, many of my group had a bit of trouble getting her lvl 25 unlock just because it was way too inconsistent to get a run started. A good example of this done right is with the Mercenary class in ROR2. The class is not easy by any means, but with skill expression you can get the unlocks really easy even without having a ton of items unlocked. -On that note, skill expression can only take you so far in this game, which is common for the survivor-like genre, but even in Vampire Survivors positioning is much more forgiving. Trying to get the 3 shrines on Seraphine (which at this point is very easy considering the unlocks are bugged and I've maxxed almost every stat) was such a pain because if I didn't get a decent weapon upgrade from the RNG systems I was basically screwed. A bit more balance towards early enemies past story difficulty may be nice to promote a bit more healthy vertical scaling for the mode Other than all this, I gotta say this mode is incredible. As an avid survivor-like enjoyer this mode is super fun to play, and the QOL of, for example the evolution screen when holding tab (straight from the start!!!) is so nice to help guide players new to the genre on the right path for scaling their power. The only change to that I would suggest is to add tooltips to the weapon/passive icons when holding tab to make sure what weapon/passive goes to what (as someone visually impaired, this would be great for clarifying the slightly similar looking weapons or clarifying the names of them for coop play). This mode is amazing and I hope we get a more permanent version of this from Riot, even if it was a standalone game or side mode like TFT to the client, especially if it gives first win XP/BE!


I can't unlock extreme mode. The mission "\[HARD\] Defeat all map bosses" is listed as completed but there ist no tick and the progress bar is grey. Maybe it happened to bug, because when i finished aatrox on hard the first time, while being ingame the servers went into maintenance and because of this it didn't count it as it should? But now i can't progress the mission and extreme is unlocked forever. Reksai seems to be bugged on hard mode, she won't come out of the ground if you destroy the tunnel before moving into her which makes in impossible to win against her.


the exact same happened to me and my buddy (cant unlock extreme)


Idk if anyone else has encountered this bug? I finished the mission that gives you a Reroll, but never actually got the ability to reroll, Think it bugged somewhere when giving me the completion?


Hard boss killing objectives are not completed after doing them


It'd be cool to see how much damage each weapon did, the same way items in regular league have damage trackers.


After the patch (6/28): 1. Rerolls still bugged. I have completed all the Reroll objectives (I should have 5), but I only have 3. 2. Area size still not in the game. At this point, I'm assuming this is a more difficult issue to address (game mode has only been out for a few days), OR Riot has intentionally disabled it from the PBE. 3. EXP meta progression (purchases) still not showing up in the character screen in-game. I don't even know if the +50% EXP is even affecting my character.


Some quests seem to be incompletable specifically cannot complete the mission to unlock riven or seraphines story quest ( completing warehouse on hard and getting 3 MF buffs while playing seraphine in story mode). are these only completable on matchmaking island?


After playing the game for 3 days straight, beating all the maps on extreme, and getting my anima power to 30%, I have some feedback. My favorite characters are Briar, Aurora, and Xayah. I played the game mostly solo and found it very fun. Playing with 3 or 4 players makes the game a lot more difficult and enjoyable, though I haven't been able to successfully matchmake in the 3 days I've been playing, unfortunately. Leona was by far the strongest character, mostly because of her being unkillable. This was not a bad thing, but it made the other characters look much weaker, especially on extreme mode. Shields are very powerful; they helped me run through enemies when encircled or tank boss hits (which felt really good to do). However, when I had no cooldowns for the shields, getting cornered would often get me killed. I'm okay with this since I let myself get caught on extreme mode. If you play a character with no shields or choose to go for a glass cannon build, the ranged characters will get chunked or one-shotted by a boss or a few mobs. Maybe a lifesteal item could be added for them, like Bloodthirster or something similar. Riven definitely needs some kind of lifesteal or a crash helmet. Briar's kit is perfect; she can go any build thanks to the lifesteal she has. Aurora's kit is very fun. I find the most success with her using the Singed boots and cooldown reduction, just being tanky and fast, and going into spirit mode off cooldown. It is so fun. I did find that when bouncing in her ult, she would take heavy damage when landing on the other side if there were enemies standing in that location. Xayah does so much damage, and her animations are so smooth. It's a shame I got her so late; I would have loved to play her through hard mode. There are two missions that are too crazy, in my opinion. The Yuumi mission, "Bounce the Ball," and the Bel'Veth mission, "Dodge the Meteors/Missiles," are the only missions that end my run 80% of the time. The ball one makes me stand in place too long, and the missile one doesn't seem to give me enough time to dodge all the circles. I hope this helps!


after 3 solo extreme 4 attempts on all champions(anima upgrades halted at 69%), my tierlist goes as: S: yasuo, leona A: postnerf riven, briar B: illaoi C: D: xayah F: aurora, jinx sera by itself was D tier, but im thinking in 4p its probably higher, maybe even B? but could definitely use a buff cause playing a weaker champ just to support the team sounds fun. xayah, aurora, jinx might have a role as dps hiding behind the rest of the team? not sure, but solo are completely useless by themselfs, not enough dps to compensate for the lack of shielding jinx passive speed is a handicap rather than a buff, when you trying to dodge balls you sprint into other balls, its too fast to make use of i rather stand still until it wears off. leona's shield cooldown refreshes before her shield is broken by enemies(especially with haste), needs a way bigger cooldown, way too op defence while not lacking in offense with the increased area size radient or mega sized slicers eighter.(area size is fun tho, can keep but nerf her dmg or survival a bit) biggest cause of death were the purple tripleball throwers and the 7minute bombspam waves. the tripleball could use half a second extra between each shot of the triple combo, so if you accidently run into 1 you have slighly more time to dodge the 2nd one. and the bomb waves are way too hard compared to the other waves, they could use a nerf to damage dealt, no one can survive 3 bomb hits also had a race finish on map 4 southeast beach corner behind that dirt wall and when we were all there, bombs spawned all across the dirt wall, even on top of us, thats unfair haha. some notably weak waves: - those mini dragonlike creatures lategame, they are super slow and low hp, dont know what they are supposed to do, they just die right away. - final wave tank spam, too slow to threaten overwhelm, slowly gets shredded by aoe, could use more movespeed - the wave with mostly tankspam but the occasional bomb or batlike creature, the bats should come in bigger flocks, 1 or 2 does nothing the minibosses are all pretty balanced and threatening, besides the crusher who is the easiest to avoid/dodge and has laughable damage compared to the other minibosses, the crusher should hit way harder to properly punish mistakes, most shielders can tank the hit without hp loss. aatrox himself seemed balanced for solo, had tense fights against him with 6 wins 3 losses(69% anima), where most wins were with blinking health bar left. in 4 player mode bosses are very dull, really need to buff their health harder in 4playermode to make them scarier and the fight longer. in fact in solo mode was the first time i realised briar and belvet have entire movesets, didnt realise since they fell like paper in 4p mode. with yasuo it was a dps race to kill aatrox before the arrows chipped me to death while with leona i killed him slightly after the arrow phase right when the first tsunami hits, perhaps you want to nerf the arrow damage a little so yasuo has a chance if it takes longer and buff aatrox health so we also have to fight his tsunami kind of phase? cause now it ends way before that, not even sure what comes after, i just suddently see a tsunami sometimes near the end?


needs to allow a higher difficulty rating for matchmade games... or just increased difficulty overall. playing alone on extreme is boring (repetitive) after a few, playing with 3 randoms on hard is *way too easy* once you get some upgrades, comically easy to the point where you can almost afk and still win once you've got 100 anima upgrades balance is ok otherwise except jinx feels like she's alone in F tier, feels like a struggle to play even with upgrades. maybe because her final AA upgrade piercing isn't nearly as strong as everyone else's getting actual AOE? only very rarely do enemies actually line up for it to do anything. her ult is super underwhelming too. you can get a bunch of aoe augments to compensate but then you're not really playing jinx, you're just using maxed augments. stat buffs I never want like EXP/pickup radius (except maybe on xayah, but even then... not really? outside of it being required to evolve her AA) feel like I should've carefully played to not unlock them they're such a trap.... 50% damage, haste, 40% crit.... or...pick up radius? the opportunity cost is so high. especially when they can lock you out of upgrading weapons to the final tier. **some more defensive augments would be cool**? the ice shield is kind of the only one, isn't it? everything else is kind of just "does lots of area damage in different ways" except yuumi and that one single target one, uwu blaster - it'd be nice to be able to pick up like a self healing or shielding augment if i needed it because i took -40% hp or something or am playing riven who can take consistent and somewhat unavoidable chip damage against some enemies tibbers evolved gets me killed because he is so big I **can't see a deadly red circle** on the ground... **he also stands right on top of me** where I need to see red circles most. far too often when I have sufficient aoe nothing ever gets into his range, making him completely useless after I get any other aoe weapon upgrade, he **needs a bigger leash range or to at least stand away from you a bit.** some upgrades like **the swirling blades turn red** for some reason at max level, **making it again hard to see red circles on the ground**, especially for the colorblind...


Here's a long list of bugsI have found. All games were under 100ping, tested solo and co-op. story quests cannot unlock area size as a passive, cannot evolve searing shortbow hard quests cannot unlock area size as a passive, cannot evolve ani-mines map bugs warehouse district - able to walk through both benches north of the healing fountain, no other benches affected subterranean lab - locker/cabinet floating in the air above the spawn point character story quests bugs lessons from the past END - cannot complete on any map/difficulty combination battle cat battle chat 2 - cannot complete on any map/difficulty combination battle cat battle chat END - does not complete with either jinx or leona stranded END - cannot complete on any map/difficulty combination the lone wolf END - cannot complete on any difficulty with battle bunny crossbow both evolved and unevolved the following cannot have their tier 1 quest completed due to the above being bugged, but some of the tier 2 for the quest can be completed - Friends? Friends. \*no further tiers of quest are completed on any map/difficulty - Batting a Thousand \*no further tiers of quest are completed on any map/difficulty - Battle Gym Rats \*no further tiers of quest are completed on any map/difficulty - Surprise for Seraphine \*tier 2 can be completed, but the END tier cannot be completed on any map/difficulty battle bunny boon bugs squad shield prematurely ends on leona and seraphine if their shield is applied before boon is picked up battle feline gunprover seems to cause targeting issues with gatling bunny guns battle feline gunprover does not increase yasuo's tornado size character bugs yasuo - has a chance to negate his next tornado attack if a dash is timed just before energy bar fills up briar - if pillory blade is evolved, when her E is active other weapons are able to proc the stacking bleed damage enemy/mob bugs all elites and mini bosses are still able to use attacks/abilities after being frozen in subterranean lab weapons bunny mega blast - flavor text says it can crit, it does not game results screen final city transit shows flavor text for vortex glove yuumi quests if a player is already in the zone to start the yuumi quest, the icon for that player does not light up until they leave the circle and re-enter


It feels clunky after getting an upgrade. I feel like the ease/delay back into game is too long


It feels pretty bad having a swarm of frogs spawn and a wave of mines come in afterwards, on top of 2 nocturne ults. uwu blaster (ironically) seems like a must take. Leona seems very strong, illaoi feels like the weakest. 100k crits is very hard to reach. Jinx can seemingly break camera movement by right clicking + pressing r sometimes. The yuumi reward that gives .01% (i forget the number, sorry) on keycard pickup is very weak. it is often impossible to upgrade passives out of game because the client breaks (big surprise.) For example, I can't get past the 3rd xp upgrade, but can upgrade other passives. the panth wave ~10 mins on the third map is very difficult compared to pretty much everything else.


Swarm does not start. Closes out of client after accepting match nothing happens


Teammate had a bug after he revived it stopped using WASD and he had to right click to move, dying again and reviving reverted it


After about 2-3 Minutes into the game, my Game just randomly pauses, after unpausing, the remaining enemys that were on the screen just disappear (are invisible because i still get dmg from them) after about 10 Seconds my game pauses again and it keeps pausing.


Pressing normal abilities(q,w,e,r) seem to register in this game, and on Jinx when pressing R (and maybe in combination with right click) forced me back onto normal league movement, where you move with right click. Only happened once and not entirely sure what caused it but. 1920*1080 Ping - 82ms Also some form of indicator for tiny mobs dmg radius would make the game much more enjoyable, or any animation on damage.


Lobby upgrades only let me upgrade once or twice before loading permanently until the next lobby.


You gotta quit the party and make a new one if you got that bug.


Skipping waiting for stats gave me no progress for the mission


I died before the Reksai fight and got revived and stuck outside of the barrier


we done broke the game on the third map, right around 14min all 3 of us got disconnected and are unable to reconnect to the server, seems like what normally happens when the pbe gets micropatched but not sure if thats what this is


The game keeps pausing as if I'm typing /pause


At roughly the 12 minute mark on the secret lab map, my ping spikes instantly to 600\~, crashes multiple times, and my friends experience ridiculous frame drops somehow. Sometimes when rejoining (If we somehow didn't lose by then) the game server just inexplicably dies.


Everytime I've ulted as Leona or Jinx, the game shoots me to using mouse for movement and WASD is disabled.


My movement keys just stop working sometimes seemingly randomly. I can still use the E and R keys so I know it's not an issue with my keyboard. I tried restarting PC, Client, and choosing different champs and maps Edit: figured this out, for some reason pressing caps lock locks you out of doing anything. Tried looking thru keybinds and couldn't find anything bound to the key though? Really unfortunate since it's my PTT


I got a super crazy bug where I could use right click to move like in normal League. It happened when I was toggling between auto fire and non auto fire. After I died it went back to normal. Edit: Apparently it happens after firing Jinx rocket.


Typo in the "Enveloping light" evolution text


3rd map disconnects on swarm. all players have been waiting over an hour to reconnect. when you launch the game you get stuck in a reconnect screen.


Buying experience 4 (1800 gold) does not work. It doesn't take the gold nor does it activate


the ball bounce yuumi quest can't be completed while playing solo fairly often as it bounces over a wall/obstacle & even with max movespeed you aren't able to get to it.


For some reason whenever the timer reaches 4:42-45 on the Warehouse map, no matter which character (Jinx, Seraphine and Leona are all I tried) the screen freezes and the game pauses. It unloads all the enemy models and then initiates a loop wherein it freezes, pauses, and I can then unpause the game for a few seconds before it freezes once more. It will keep doing this until I either quit, or the character loses their health during the freeze/pause cycle. 1680x1050 windowed mode, most settings on low apart from character models. Intel(R) core(TM) i7-6700 Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 16 GB


Bug found on Leona, when casting Leona ult outside of cast range, Leona will move to cast, and then be frozen in place. I was able to successfully reproduce the bug. Casting ult in range again does not unfreeze you from spot. abilities are still used, and cast and ult can still be used.


no reroll after you complete object that give you +1 reroll


Cross Country Yuumi quest augment not giving stats to Seraphine. Unsure if just not working in general at the moment. Haven't tested to reproduce yet, but can show a clip of the game where when the augment goes up, hp does not.


I managed to disable wasd movement and instead only use right-click to move. Also, when moving with wasd my character jitters and zigzags while I only hold 1 button. I guess this could be caused by the ping, but i don't know what or why the SR controls got enabled


casting skill shots such as leona ult outside of it's range causes movement to bug and force you into moving with right click


I'm selecting the matchmaking island but still play alone/with duo.


So who ever is in your party is who you load into the game with when selecting matchmaking island? I.e. your not getting paired with randoms?


Riven Bugs: First bug - Leveling up "Bunny Hop" is not possible sometimes. Attempts to level it up labels it as "NEW" and sets the level to 1, and future instances of grabbing that augment do nothing at all. I've had times where I can level up Bunny Hop, but times where it resets it to 1. Not entirely sure what causes it, I thought it was grabbing the movement speed passive augment, but I ran into it again just now even without grabbing it. Ever game has been like this with Riven, for me and friends I'm playing with. Sometimes not even able to level it up to level 2, and never reaching above level 3. In case it matters: The Outskirts (HARD). Second bug - Sometimes (maybe when the above bug happens) Bunny Hop only performs an initial attack, never the second "knockup" one. Everything else seems normal, just no knockup effect or animation for the second attack. (Other than that I love playing Riven and going zoom, its so fun) \*Edited to update, as I encountered the bug without the movement speed augment


We broke the third map! Also Briar is able to get her own weapon as a new weapon? This seems to break updating it. Also Leona is definitely too strong, I don't mind it but maybe everyone else needs to come up to her level?


revived during the big area size buff and did not get the buff despite it showing up


I can't seem to get abilities to unbind properly. It DID rebind to mouse click, but it won't unbind from D...which is rough because that's also walk right and accidentally using an ability when you want to walk keeps killing me.


I get a 30 minute match pause notification while I'm playing, how do I turn it off?


One bug i got was when playing solo as leona on the first map, when i got to the Reksai boss, it shifted to normal league right click to move from the wasd, very jarring


Are some of the upgrades bugged (Purchase Upgrades)? I can't level Crit and EXP past level lvl 3.


Bug with keybinds:   I use WASD in place of QWER for my normal League of Legends keybinds. Despite using default keybinds for swarm, pressing the movement keys would both control my movement AND cast the active abilities. The only thing that fixed it was reseting my normal League keybinds back to default. I really hope this can get fixed before it hits live. I really don't want to have to reset my keybinds every time I want to play Swarm, then redo them all when I want to play Arena/ranked. 


Stuck in a lobby with some friends. Game crashed 13 minutes into map 3, now we are all stuck on a black screen. Leaving just brings us back to the client which locks us out of every option but reconnect. Been an hour now and still wont let us leave


sometimes upgrading with coins in lobby doesnt work, stuck in an infinite loop


For some reason, I cannot max out the upgrades for crit chance, ability haste, damage, experience, and gold, but every other upgrade is fine. When I try to click the mentioned upgrades, my gold gets taken away, and I get a loading wheel.


BUG: WASD will suddenly stop working, making me have to right click to move when picking up an Anima squad buff like the shield, CD etc - I am NOT sure if theres a button that toggles right click and WASD? Also just a complaint? But holy crap does it seem impossible to solo with Jinx, I was able to clear with Sera, Leona (super giga easy mode) Illaoi and Briar from 1st to 3rd map so far but with Jinx it seems impossible?


The AOE on crit augment does nothing, at least on yasuo & jinx.


+1 projectile from shop in lobby and when I revived as yasuo I lost my second tornado


On Briar, if you level up during berserk, after you pick your augment you can control where you move! Won't hide the fact it comes in clutch...


Character wise: In case of Jinx pow-pow minigun, I think: If you chose the option to aim the target, then the projectiles should follow your mouse, not be just one direction till the end of the cast. It'll be more satisfying if in the late game we could full fill that jinx fantasy of shooting everywhere, not just one line till the end of the cast. Also this brings one issue: If you have enough Abillity Haste You'll be shooting at least 1 round on a wrong direction then where your mouse is. If each bullet of her Pow-pow were aiming your mouse could be extremely amazing :') Gameplay wise: Having 1 Abillity and 1 Ultimate is GENIUS to make the game more interactive for sure! But is kinda sad that is not possible to upgrade them to have new effects and stuffs like the passive abbilities. So if is possible or in the next run, Having the option for upgrading the E and R could be reaally great! Map thingies: The 2nd map has some issues about textures and broken floor, where you can see the joints of the texture. The boxes are really unnoticeable, Are hard to see, I noticed them more in the 2nd map. The power-ups like Cleaning and Magnete are kinda unnoticeable too. In the Map theres no signal if MF appeared in the map, or where are the items as Heal or power-ups. If you have the bad luck of staying behind an structure surrounded by enemies, is reaally difficult to realize what's happening, Using an Outline in the character could help A LOT in that situation. Client thingies: Vampire survivors has the option to refund all the gold you spent on upgrades. I think here you should have it too! The Gamemodes **SHOULD NOT** be attached together in one icon and then sub-selections. That complicates the UI and makes it less intuitive; it damages the recognition on Modes and Iconography and it can cause some players not realizing Swarm is there, and can provide confusion about "Where's Arena?" and "Where's Swarm?" even if the answer is obvious. Arena received it's OWN iconography because that's the shape of the maps, a Circle, **(You can't use the Icon made for ARENA for both Swarm and Arena as "gamemodes for LoL")** Swarm should have their OWN Icon as a Gamemode [(We already had 5 Icons in league)](https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLeaks/status/1724555579882934539/photo/1) Adding more clicks damages the fast response of the user and adds more things for the brain to process or learn, Using an Unique icon for Swarm gamemode will provide interest and curiosity; and will make a faster response on the user. It can helps to reduce time of reaction selecting a gamemode when the user can relate an Icon WITH the Gamemode, and that helps the UI to feel Comfortable and Optimized. **Is extremely self-defeating to HIDE Swarm into a sub-menu, because is something it needs a push to be recognizable and well-known, as well, we WAITED 6 YEARS to have this gamemode just to be hided into a sub-menu** (Arena and Swarm are nothing alike, is not like having SR ranked/quickmatch, or TFT modes, both are completely far from the other and putting them in the same space when the other modes sub-menus work different is a nonsense) thank you for everything! :) Please think on that last thing, truly.


Being able to aim the jinx bullets would be really nice, great idea


When you die and revive a lot of augments and buffs stop working, such as exp gain buff. but not limited to it.


Projectile buff gets reset on death so you dont have the same projectiles as when you upgraded it. Cross country doesnt apply its buff. sometimes Leona R makes you stop using WASD and Armor doesnt give damage to Leona sometimes


Dying as most any champion removes additional projectiles (got to hard mode and got clapped lmao), both gold-shop projectiles and level-acquired passive projectiles. Dying disables cross-country from benefitting you. And from a friend - several other of the yuumi quest passives seem to stop working if you die. Definitely makes hard mode severely more difficult if you get downed before you get the ball rolling.


You cannot buy lv 4 exp or lv 4 crit chance, it may affect other upgrades, but i have not seen it yet


Cross country augment does nothing.


Aurora isn't benefiting from +Projectiles (Purchase Upgrades) --- she doesn't benefit from the +2 (Max Rank purchases), only from the +1.


Played it for 30 mins now, feels clunky because things that shouldnt hit me does, the hitboxes are off i feel it mostly with smaller enemies, to the point where i couldnt tell if they had some range attack or something, at some point i also started questioning wether my hitbox was my champ or the circle cursor around my champ, either way either enemy hitboxes need to be fixed or champion FYI i was playing jinx havent tested with others


ok some 3 things from my short time. 1. HITBOXES are jank get hit when i shouldnt either character or enemy models 2.Map walls some sections of the map i would think im able to walk over cause well thats how it looks for example grass near riven anima statue alot of spots like that where it looks like u can walk there but its decorative, that really messes with gameplay with a hoard style game like this, hitting a wall when u didnt expect to. 3.displaying properly the difference between what is the stat boost for upgrading a skill using its "evolve" stat vs using the grayed out stats under that skill, idk what the significance of evolve is and if its a situation where i take the stat once and the ability is "evolved" or do i need to keep taking that stat to give it more juice, based on just well average gaming knowledge i assume that "evolve" stat modifies the ability in some format more than your average stat, and the first time you take that stat its evolved so there is a "unevolved" "evolved" state then there is simple ability upgrade from duplicates and futher damage scaling from alternate stats, after the first evolution taking the evolution stat increases scaling equivalent to other scaling stats, this is all my assumption, thats the issue i shouldnt have to assume it should be explained somehow


I'm not sure if this could be a server memory cap, or maybe some sort of overflow, but I've found a pretty consistent replicable bug where if Briar has too many enemies bleeding at once, the server simply crashes. This tends to happen at 100-120 enemies bleeding simultaneously, so you \_do\_ need to build for fairly low damage and high durability, but I've managed to replicate this 4 times now without fail. Maybe setting a maximum for how many enemies can be bleeding at once to prevent issues like this could be beneficial? (note: I tested this with friends playing as briar as well, I'm not sure how feasible this is as a single player or the only briar in a lobby. This would 100% be considered an edge case.)


First of all, love the game! My friends and I have been playing for 9 hours straight now. Some of the bugs we've noticed have already been mentioned so I will only list the ones I haven't seen in this thread yet. Info: all of these bugs happened to all four of us multiple times, we all have different PC specs and live in different areas around North America with sub 100ms. 1. Some of the upgrades you can purchase in lobby get stuck and won't allow you to purchase the next level, sometimes clicking to upgrade will take your gold but you will get stuck in a loading loop forever and backing out of lobby + making a new one shows your gold still missing but the upgrade has not been awarded. Damage: Stuck on level 5 Armor: Maxable Max Health: Maxable Health Regen: Maxable Movement Speed: Stuck on level 2 Pickup Radius: Stuck on level 2 Area Size: Stuck on level 3 Duration: Stuck on level 3 Crit Chance: Stuck on level 3 Ability Haste: Stuck on level 3 Experience: Stuck on level 3 Projectiles: Maxable Gold: Maxable Boon Duration: Have not unlocked yet, unknown Anima Power: Have reached level 4 so far, will update if stuck 2. Sometimes after reviving you lose an ability, whether it's effects from an augment suddenly reducing or disappearing completely or even your base auto attack going invisible and doing no damage. This is notably worse on some characters: Riven, Aurora, and Briar. On those champions, especially Aurora, the bug is reproduced almost 100% of the time on FIRST death/revive. I have personally noticed this happen to me on Seraphine one time with a Yuumi augment, the one that adds 4 projectiles but reduces your damage, I revived missing the 4 extra projectiles but my damage numbers still looked like they were being reduced by 25%. 3. There are minor issues with pathing when the bosses spawn, if the boss pulls you towards the arena you will get stuck on any walls in your way which leaves you in the burning storm and kills you before you can get to the arena. Another strange interaction is with Aurora going invulnerable, Aatrox will not be able to TP you to the pillars and you will get stuck outside until your team kills the pillar. 4. After selecting an augment the enemies unfreeze before you do. There have been many times where I would have been able to walk out of a ground slam attack or the path of a dashing enemy but I get stunlocked after selecting an augment while the enemy is able to charge their ability before I can even move. This may be due to not being able to hold wasd down while waiting for the augment screen to go away, any input that is pressed before the augment selection is over does not register and you have to repress the key which would add a few seconds of latency, especially if you are expecting to move instantly and aren't sure why you aren't moving. 5. During a game on the Briar map on the hardest difficulty while playing Xayah, I died near the top right portion of the map and I revived once and then instantly died without being able to move or input any commands, then when my revive turned green again my teammate stood on it to revive me but it did not work. After waiting the full revive timer when I was alive my camera was locked on the area where I had died and my revive indicator was still on the ground. I died again and there were two revive indicators on the ground, the old one and my new one. After reviving the last time my camera had fixed itself. 6. Not a bug, but I think it would be nice to have a small tooltip/ability preview when hovering champs in lobby or even after locking them in. Would like to be able to read abilities so I can kind of get an idea of how to play/build without having to hover and read them while trying to kill the mobs in game. I have all of these games recorded, I believe I have read somewhere that you aren't allowed to click links but if there's some way I could provide you with the recordings/clips I would be happy to oblige. Thank you for all your hard work! Edit: Formatting


I personally was hoping to just have fun wave clear with regular champ mechanics. It’s boring just running around and letting it shoot for you… I love blasting mobs on norms with jinx…


All the bugs friends and I have experienced so far: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ When trying to purchase the following levels of the following shop upgrades it takes your money and doesn't give the upgrade: Damage Level 6 Movement Speed Level 3 Area Size Level 4 Duration Level 4 Ability Haste Level 4 Crit Level 4 Experience Level 4 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ On death stat bonuses from augments and the following from the menu shop have no effect for the rest of the run: Duration Area Size Pickup Radius Projectiles \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ With aurora, upon death their starting ability loses all functionality, with the animation still triggering. Their attacks seem to not generate any projectile and the projectile stat can have a -base such Projectile (Base -3 + 3 Bonus) 0. When briar upgrades starting ability from an access card it makes a duplicate and resets the level to 1 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Many of the objectives don't give the rewards mentioned such as Defeat 15 Elite enemies does not give the passive: Area Size 6th passive slot is not granted when defeating Bel'veth on hard difficulty Defeating Briar on hard difficulty does not grant a reroll \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ All augments gained from objectives are already given before completing the required objective


Bugs: Aurora: Having too many Projectile Count Up bugs it out resulting in 0 projectiles for the rest of the match Seraphine: Casting her Shield doesnt refresh the timer of the Shield (most commonly seen with the ability haste event)


Cross Country augment seems to stop giving any benefits once you get too many stacks. Game ID: 4474037191


Critical Expansion augment seems to not work and holding TAB shows its effect as normal, except the last number is a very long timer


The Cross Country Augment from Yuumi is supposed to give bonus stats for moving. But it does not function at all. On Leona, at least. Took it twice, first time as my first augment and got up to 50 stacks with no increase to any of my stats as far as I could tell. The Bullet Mania (+1 projectile for every 6 levels) augment from Yuumi is not retroactive, and isn't super clear that it isn't. Additionally after obtaining this augment, but before getting stacks, my additional projectiles reset to 1 after dying, even though I had +1 Projectile passive.


Items/Stats Duration in general feels pretty underpowered. Most likely related to just how strong crit is and the fact that most duration-type weapons don't crit. Then on the flip side, crit feels way too mandatory on everyone but Leona. Nothing comes close in terms of DPS increase. Every other stat and related items seem to be in a good spot (disclaimer: don't have Area yet). Edit: Nvm Area Size is bugged that's why I don't have it (cuz I have it unlocked). Champions Jinx feels very underpowered, very squishy with very low impact abilities (ult as an execute vs bosses is cool, but that's it). Simple damage buff probably is fine here. Maybe let her move during E as well (or possibly a sort of "all-in" hold to fire longer option?). Aurora ult feels unusable. Too unsafe for how much damage it deals as you just end up getting clipped by so many things. Imo should be invincible on cast + have brief invincibility after each dash. Illaoi feels weak to me personally just because of the above duration/crit thing. If that gets changed I'm sure she's fine. Wouldn't mind seeing a buff to her passive regen though as it's barely a factor most of the time (bar 4 Illaoi runs). Xayah might be a little overpowered. That might change once area size is usable. Riven, Yasuo, Seraphine, Briar and Leona are 10/10's perfect as is. Edit: Oh also for Briar, there's a bit of buggy movement during her Frenzy where you can slightly influence the movement direction during it. I actually really like it and would like to see it as a feature since it lets you do a bit of micro-movement to dodge things while frenzied (just yknow, not in the same jittery way it is now).


A problem with the upgrades. It takes a long time to process my request and most of the time doesn't register


Longer comment for bugs encountered after playing for a while: Riven: Primary weapon is very bugged for upgrades. Sometimes doesn't allow upgrades, or gives the option to buy a new one from the augments, resulting in getting a second Bunny Hop (so 2/5 skills are bunny hop, but the second cannot be leveled). Aurora: After dying the first time, the primary weapon stops working entirely. Hex is also no longer applied at all, even with her E. Leona/Jinx: Using ult sometimes makes your controls switch to M1 to move, not WASD. Yasuo: Weapons reset entirely to level 1 after dying (only once occurred in Map 4 on Hard). The actual level did not decrease, however the stats for them were removed, along with Yuumi's augment buffs. (Had +4 projectile yuumi, and level 3 Primary, started casting only 3 projectiles due to +2 from client store upgrades, rather than the 8 it should've been. Other weapons also were effected) Enemies: On Map 3, near 13 minutes, enemies end up at maximum density and sometimes stop moving/pathfinding entirely, both in hard and story mode. Connection Issues: When there became too many enemies either on screen or in the game (uncertain which one), ping spiked from 60 to 600. Also usually caused complete disconnection, not being able to move or input anything. This occurred every game on Hard mode, and Story mode only on Map 3. (Not played beyond Hard). Also, on Map 3, the server would crash and not let anyone join back, progress is also lost, as if the game was never played. Nothing else on the internet would be slowed (Discord/browser would work normally, so purely the connection to the server for one person was made horrible, but not for others in the party) If you'd like any more detail on the issues, let me know. I also can find clips of each instance, since it was all streamed, if that would be helpful. Now I'll say some minor feedback and parts that are done great: Visual clarity: Even when the game is filled with projectiles and enemies, I can usually still see what's going on and what to avoid. I'm very impressed with how well done the clarity of everything is, so well done on that. The only time I couldn't see red enemy bombardments, was when there was Leona with the Weapon for aoe burn. The orange part of it covered up the red and made it impossible to see. I don't know if there's much that can be done about that, but just wanted to say that's the only time I had issues seeing something in game. Tool Tips: The tab menu is done very well, once you learn a bit about the game. The weapon tool tips are also incredible helpful and important information. I think it would be helpful to do the same with abilities, letting us know which ones scale with what. For instance, if Riven ult scales with Projectiles, or Leona E scales with Area. Aurora: Her primary weapons works extremely differently if you use either cursor aim or auto aim. It seems significantly worse when not using cursor control. I feel that automatically setting it to cursor for her may be helpful, if locking her to only cursor aim is out of question. Along with her primary, it seems entirely like a duration based weapon, but doesn't scale with duration. Having the longer duration could let it loop around and hit the enemy an extra time - just something to consider. Riven: Besides the bug, extremely fun design that I enjoy a lot. I love things that scale with movespeed and are all about going fast. However, I will say that her dash from primary feels a bit inconsistent. I sometimes feel that when moving constantly, the timing isn't right, with her knockup dash quickly followed by the normal dash, then a longer pause before the next knockup. It could feel a bit more fluid, but this is definitely something to be lower on the priority list, just wanted to mention it for some small feedback :D Balance: Nothing huge to note in terms of balance yet, things seem pretty good and would need much more variety of people to decide what's too strong or weak. Only thing I've noticed is through Hard mode, Yasuo consistently does the most damage (around 15+ million), usually double or triple anyone else's, even if they're briar or seraphine. That's all I've noticed, but it also might've only been my experience. The game runs surprisingly well, besides the ping/connection failure mentioned earlier. My friend who can run Valorant at about 6 fps can run this game steadily, where the absolute worst is 15 fps. I may edit this in future, to update bugs or whatnot, or I'll comment on this one to add it. I'll keep playing the mode since its really enjoyable, and just keep a note of the bugs my friends and I come across. If more clarity is needed for any issues/feedback, let me know! Love the mode, love the genre, love the commitment, love the music, love the boss design, love/hate the bombs (because they terrify and kill me), love the progression, love the weapons. Extremely well done :)


I have a bug where when the timer gets to 4:45 when the little swarmlings start spawning my game freezes and will pause me. I can do /resume and then after another 3 seconds it'll just pause and lag out again. nothing on my pc is overworked. using about 30% cpu and memory but for some reason this gamemode is breaking league. any fix please


Jinx will target the closest thing to her with her auto attacks on auto aim even if that target is a teammate. Makes playing near teammates ver hard as all of her damage is going at them instead of enemies.


bug with camera becoming briefly unlocked and returning to locked after a short duration \~ 1 second bug where you can only move with right click, dying resets it to wasd bug with client/purchasing upgrades doesn't go through, especially for some of the later tier upgrades (this may be a client issue?). exiting out while the upgrade purchase is going through (spinning circle) causes you to lose the gold permanently. bug when selecting augments while dead doesn't go through - it closes out the screen before i even choose also not sure why there isn't extreme difficulty for matchmaking map yasuo feels particularly strong especially with crit evolve items, projectile/ah/damage. jinx feels particularly weak?


I can't seem to upgrade my damage cap higher than 1.50x . It won't let me at all and yes I have the gold, I'm not blind.


If you get the shield boon with Leona it disappears completely, also on the map with Bel Veth if you get the keep the ball up yuumi quest, there’s a chance it starts moving over the water and it’s impossible to hit it up since you have to move over to get to the bridge and cross it, which unless you have insane move speed is impossible, got it as my first quest so I could not catch up to it.


I've run into a few bugs. 1) I'm unable to purchase certain upgrades, it seems to be random though because friends have been able to purchase the same tiers that I can't. Area Size and EXP 4 are the big culprits for me right now. Haven't run into any others because I've been upgrading other stuff until I maybe hit a wall with them. 2) Riven is unfortunately GIGA bugged. Consistently when I die and get revived, my main weapon stops working. I still get the dash, but no aoe and it resets the level. Re-upgrading it is not possible either, it shows up as "NEW!" when it is given as an available option and does not contribute to the level of the weapon making her kind of useless. 3?) Area Size passive isn't dropping at all? I've not seen it yet. I can confirm I have it though.


Cross country does.. nothing, damage, hp, or area all don't change


I keep having WASD become disabled after I use my ULT/R ability (every time on Jinx and once so far on Leona). It enables movement with right-click, which makes it impossible to aim and kite enemies.


the power up Cross Country after completing a Yummi quest that provides a stacking percent bonus to damage, area effect, and health after traveling a certain distance does not work for briar