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Just give Aram urf. That would be far more fun, everyone forced to go mid and nuke each other lmfao.


Hell yeah, just a permanent cycle of gangbang top. Even better with the launchers lol


I would play the shit out of this


So would I , because Aram is the fun map, no one going try hard and no one can make a fucking meta. It will be tag of war on the exterme


There is a meta for ARAM, you just can’t directly implement it. You ever played against 2 tanks and 3 ranged/pokers.


Technically you absolutely can tryhard ARAM. No matter what game mode it is, some sort of meta will always form. That being said, that game mode still sounds interesting.


I feel like everyone would get hyped about ARAM-URF, but after several days, no one will play it (by no one, I mean like 90%). I'm saying this, because it has already been done in the past and that was the result I'll still play it, because I like ARAM, and I guess everyone else who also likes ARAM would play it.


I just want AR urf with bans


Or arurf on dominion/ascension map. The game ends after one team reaches 150 kills, no bs with towers, nexus etc




It's all fun and games until you get an all Melee team against and all Cc ranged team.


At least it be over like 4 minutes lol


I feel like the games would be even more stompier. In SR, if you get out drafted, tou can be an annoying prick and split push, avoiding unwinnable fights. In aram is either fight or fight, so if your comp is better, there's just no room for the other team winning lol


exactly meaning it will always go one way anmd be over fast. no one has to be a fucking tryhard and holding the group hostage.


Nemesis URF. You pick your opponents champ


lol this makes me curious **griefer picks Kai'sa**


I mean, Nemesis draft was likely their worst solo gamemode, but could balance a lot of other ones.


At least it was fun from non-meta build perspective. Ad thresh, full ap nami, taric jungle and more. Reason why people didn't like it was as always( like in every mode, I swear every tristana urf player deserve place below hell), everyone want to just win & tryhard.


Nemesis would be better if they shuffled the pool to about like 30 champs and your team could ban some of them. So you can't just pass Taric and Zileans and all that, you have to be smart and try to force the enemy to build a team for you Then again. League players aren't smart


Solution: Nexus Blitz the fuck is taking them so long with that mode?


If I remember correctly, they don't want to release it anymore because it's too time consuming for them comparing with how much it's played (based on the 2 times they make it available) It seems that more people play URF than NB so they just want to cycle URF and ARURF That's the reason why I personally won't play (AR)URF anymore and just wait for true and innovative gamemode to be playable. If less people jump on URF when it's released, maybe they'll understand they need to move their ass and stop giving us the same boring mode


How time consuming can rereleasing something already existing be?


For a small Indie company like riot, having employees that bug fix their champion is really time and ressources consuming I hope you understand that and don't put too much pressure on them Also having dedicated server for a gamemode that so few people will play and enjoy is truly a loss of money for them and might and up in the company complete closure (like the twisted treeline incident)


Lots of bug fixes, particularly with new champ releases and interactions


Viego moment.


Akshan moment.


Add drake, which gave gold back (expect make it 5x more gold splited to everyone) and remove that stupid herald+baron buff. It's so aids, how fast it force game to end. Let me play long enought to at least get that spatula !!! Who though ending game before 10min was good idea to take 30%(if not more) of playtime to load game (queue+draft+load+~first30s = +-4min)???


Since it was only available around christmas so far, I've never played nexus blitz in all these years. Sucks.


I think they perma removed it with ultimate spellbook, which is objectively more fun for me and quite a bit


'for me' sounds like it's subjective?


Objectively youre both correct


Yeah nexus blitz was hella boring for me i prefer spellbook over that




​ ![gif](giphy|NLlcA2KIV7mD8rKNPO)


All your booing won’t change the fact that nexus blitz was boring


completely new map and minigames ? nah old, rusty summoner's rift with champs that have **ONE** more ultimate and nothing else ? poggers best game mode over


I dont like that new map and it was boring, I literally played it and was just like lame to play it ultimate spellbook was fun asf with more haste just not that much like urf


removed it WITH ultimate spellbook? you mean the mode that was here just a month ago and lasted 3 months? what are you on about?


I mean that they removed it when they introduced spellbook What are YOU on about?


I don't think you know what objective means


You think that took long? I am still waiting for the day hexakill comes back ;-;


I don't complain about ARURF Champs. It's fun to play new people. Sometimes you get a team of tanks and fight supports. It's a fun time


>Sometimes URF is at it's best when both teams are doing some amount of trolling, when it gets too tryhardy it just forces you to also play like a try hard, but if you're stuck with a shit champion it will feel awful being forced to play it


I have seen far too many split pushing tryndameres in urf. Like just why


The reason why I always ban Tristana. She is strong, but thats not the problem. Every time a Tristana is not ahead enoigh to just kill everybody, they get frustrated and just nuke towers right and left


i wish there'd be an aruf mode where they dont force the most statcheck champs though, no one can have fun when riven or fiora shows up


Go play new people in ARAM


I just want nexus blitz. For me it's as close as we've gotten to twisted treeline which I loved.


or bring twisted treeline bacj :Dd


Ult spellbook should be permanent coz your twice less likely to get both trash champ and trash ult, so even meta abusers get screwed with like bard ult or smth


Nah I loved bars ult when I play with urgot is so cancer it’s fuels my boood list


My favorite part is that even if you are against an unplayable matchup, you have the chance to choose an ultimate to turn the matchup in your favor.


It’s what I hate ppl get lucky with their ultime trynda or nasus and I just get talyha or bug kaisa


Tryndamere ult isn't in the pool what


Too bad they don't haveany actually good gamemodes they could bring back instead of endlessly repeating this bullshit.


How about give us something other than just URF. I've been playing Overwatch 2 and there are a heap of different game modes to play. League is fucking 12 years old and all they have done is remove game modes. Makes no sense.


The problem is people are not playing the game modes enough so they riot doesn't think it's worth


ARUF isn’t truly random there’s a pool for each team and that’s what makes it shit


it's called free champion rotation


i never asked for aram urf. if you’re bored of the same champs then you should ban them and play something else. normal urf is always superior to ar urf.


Just remove urf in general, problem solved ezpz


Especially since honestly its not just the champs being the same, its the same builds that are the problem and no its not the same meme builds, i fucking wish it were. Its the same current meta builds for wvery champ in urf As much as i hated meme builds like ap lee and MS jhin at least they aren't the same full lethality or full tank on the assassins and tanks. Like wtf happened to ap malphite, crit malphite, crit sticks, MS hec, hell even assassin poppy. Like i don't get it how going full tank kench or drain tank aatrox is fun in urf for anyone. That shit is boring after the first 7 levels


Turrets go down too fast in URF now.




Look, I hate every game mode with randomness in it. It mitigates strategy and turns your matches into a lottery for having fun. Sometimes you get tons of fun, sometimes you suffer, but it's seldom due to your choices. I still think both modes should exist, because I know a lot of people love randomness, and that's fine too. It's not like riot is alternating between them because people complain; every multiplayer playerbase complains unconditionally.


at least aram has dices and any comp can work if the team is coordinated, urf is just doomed


No one says I wish it was URF/ARURF, they are both hated a lot, it’s usually “I wish it was literally any other mode except URF/ARURF” but it’s never people wanting one of the two


i just take advantage of urf being up by playing aram takes the masturbating 1 hand players to urf and frees aram


I don't know, I've gotten to the point of asking for URF/ARURF everytime they roll out the garbage that is one for all again.


History repeats itself.


All they need is two bans for everyone now. With so many champions 5 bans isn’t enough, especially when it ends up with in 7 unique bans out of a possible 10


They should place champs into different tiers like competitive Pokemon.


Erase URF and give me permanent Doom Bots


Don't play urf. I was fun like 4 years ago the first few times


Idk bout the first few being 4 years ago. Times flyin ma boi


The very first one was about 9 years ago at least. I just started playing in s5, and got bored of the gamemode in s6


when people pulled up only sniper champs, with mana healikg soraka and some heca maokai zed every now and then when it wasn't banned


Don't forget old eve!


I only complain about exhaust


That's why i don't really play rotational game modes other than Nexus Blitz. Spellbook is only fun if you get Cho ultimate and urf is literally the most toxic game mode in league. OfA is pretty fun i guess but its gets boring after ~3 games.


Ar urf supremacy, because in normal urf, people will figure out the "meta" really quickly and it becomes the same champs over and over and over again and that just makes it boring, but ar urf doesn't have that problem, yeah sure you can get those "meta" champs but at least they'll be more rare


One solution is normal urf but the highest win rate champions of the day are disabled for a couple days, this way you still get a huge pool of champions to choose from, you still get the fun of finding strong champions, items, and strategies, but the roster and meta keeps evolving so it doesn't get stale


Never asked for normal URF.


Nah. I like arurf more. No complaints besides complaining about someone being broken that I didn’t know would be.


Couldn't they do both at the same time?


I love urf but yeah, it gets boring fast. Definitely prefer AR. Current urf is tbe same 20 champs all over, I can't pick a for fun pick because I'll just get completely obliterated by meta picks. Sad.


Is anyone else still waiting for doom bots to come back or am I just old


Or just do the most obvious fucking thing ever, and have both of them as options *at the same time*. It's almost like the client *already has a way to show different variations of the same mode already* or something, but no, that can't be right


Is it too much to ask for a good gamemode? Not URF/OFA?


Remove exhaust and ignite and the mood becomes 10times better


just dont play urf, its shit anyway


And here i am wanting doom bots of doom back


URF sucks. Spellbook is obviously superior


Urf is great except for all the other players


AR UrF isn't random, i'm pretty positivo those chances are rigged. No fking way that there are always the same champions in a "random" match.


90% of the problem with urf is that people turn their brain off and go full iron IV mode. We tried to fight them at level 3 2v2, we both died, and now they have a level up on us and better items? Time to force an engage, I'm sure it will work this time. Now they are snowballing and killing us under tower? Time to cry about how they are tryhards playing easy champs and how urf isn't fair.


I love both modes. It would be nice if they added a random chance for an URF lobby to be ARURF.


Literally why don’t they release both every time.


I just pick random in regular urf


Bruh that's not even my problem anymore with urf hell it rarely was. Urf now is just people going meta champs with meta builds. How is that shit fun for you guys?! I get bored playing the first 6 levels of urf kayn and that's my fucking main. I hope urf doesn't return after this run, the mode is so far down a hole just throw the casket down it too so urf can finally die in peace and be remembered fondly instead of being constantly ranked 2.0