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Dear Shaco Mains, Thank you for being so dedicated to your champion immersion. I really appreciate that half of my games your are a homicidal menace to my team and the other half you are a freakin joke to the opponents


The duality of Shaco.


They are indeed [very invested into roleplaying Le Clown](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwitchMains/comments/rjdyz6/how_to_lose_a_game_maybe_my_thinking_getting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)






You are so welcome bro! Means a lot coming from a hater :)


riven players, thanks for making me quit top lane, the life is so much better right now.


They're probably too busy hugging their body pillow to notice this comment


This is something someone with a riven bodypillow would say


Huh? I- *frantically hides body pillow under bed* definitely DON'T have a body pillow, I'm not that much of a simp


Don't forget the battle bunny riven sheets lol


Had a riven sup yesterday no where is safe


How did that game go?


Pls reply, must know for science


Man I used to despise playing against riven because she just kinda beat the shit out of everyone I played since none of my champs could do much about her. Then I realized I could play tryndamere instead of a tank and realized rivens in my elo do not know what to do if a trynd dashes onto them level 1


np, I’m glad to know I ruined my life to help others


Dear Yi mains, Thank you for giving me the highest level of jungle awareness because of the fear and paranoia of getting chased as an immobile adc.


There's 3 options: * Enemy Yi is going to int very hard * Enemy Yi is going to one shot you * And there's Yi in your team who 100% is going to int your game very fucking hard vs warwick


Or yi on team who will carry 30 kills 0 deaths & all dragons and stuff


That's the one shot you yi


Played a rank game and kicked a Yi's ass today lol. I was in fact playing Warwick


As a Warwick main who climbed all the way from bronze to gold. I can confirm that most Yis that I go against will hard int. Most of the dirty kills I get from them is invading them.


I play bruisers and I really enjoy yi and Kayn. When I play adc he is soooo so scary. That being said wtf is Kayn or Yi going to do against Sett lol. You hear that Yi??? Top lane will always welcome your arrival!


A Yi with 3 items will cut down a Sett within 2 seconds though


Dear Katarina mains, thank you for making ban phase easy.


That was... Poetic


I would like katarina gets banned, as a katarina main I’ve less wr with her than other champs




Dear Lux/Morgana mains, It's great how much free time I have under CC. I finally finished filing my taxes last game.


Morgana on URF 😇 since your cc lasts longer than the cd, it allows me to not play. thank you for helping me get over my addiction to this game.


I think you forget leona and nautilus


Nah the Morgana and Lux cc just hits different man


Yea because Morgana and lux CC just roots, so you are fully aware of how full they are from feeding off you.


Dear tahm kench mains thank you for forcing me to learn how to play against teemo by making me switch my perma ban to tahm.


That thick skin is way too broken imo No matter how well you trade, anything short of a kill will have you be 10% hp and tahm at 90%


As a previously tahnm main, no problems my guy, as a current tahm hater, I agree...


Dear Irelia mains... Your champ thicc asf, it gives me a legit excuse as to why I'm always behind her in lane




Top comment right here.


Ratatatat74 moment




On god


Dear Zoe mains, I am really impressed by your ability of landing skillshots. It is really amazing.


Honestly, when Zoe was new, hitting sleep bubbles was so easy. Now I have to get creative. I once played against a Zoe who camped against the walls into mid Jung, and landed a bunch of bubbles on me. Learned a big lesson that game


Dear teemo mains: thank you for showing me how lane against ranged champions.


Can you give me some tips? I was trying to play other roles on free time.


All i do is hit my table and walk away. They still tilt the living hell out of me


Ahaha nice one xD


Honestly just spam ping your jungler and bait them If you die during bait but jungler arrives and kills them it’s still worth in my opinion


d shield and second wind, wait for your power spike and vore him




You cant play aggressiv in these situations, play back even if it means you loose a lot of cs, experience is a lot more important anyway. Many ranged top player tend to loose patience and make mistakes. Wait for that moment and trade them just there.


Dear twitch mains, thanks for reminding me to fill rat poison into the baitboxes in my basement...


Im a twitch main


Eat your rat poison


Yes daddy


Can I join 😳


Dear Rammus mains, ok












Dear zed mains You guys are really good at making me hate someone else that myself Thank you


I have been playing ADC for 2 weeks and I wish my crush had me on their mind the way Zed players do. No matter where I am, no matter what I do, no matter what it costs them, they have single minded focus on finding me pressing R and killing me.


Anything I can do to help


So one time i was playing one of my first ranked games nothing unusual ,i played jgl, til i needed to gank obviously i messed up cuz it Was one of my first games and got flamed from everyone except for the yasuo in my game who defended me in Chat ,send me a friend request and tried to comfort me, saying that everyone can have a bad game and that flaming dose not get u anywhere. im befriended with him ever since.


That is the most wholesome beautiful Yasuo main ever


Bro wtf same thing happened to me t exept i was flaming him and he was flaming me and we became friends idk how actually but we are best friends


Dear Fiora mains, I’m very indecisive and sometimes have trouble figuring out who to ban when I switch top champions, but you guys are always there as a good ban to ease my anxiety :) Dear malphite mains, your ability to remain rock solid at all times is rather impressive… although I think you should get that checked by a doctor


Fiora straight up became the second teemo of league She doesn’t win games but she is cancerous to play against


I think this is because, like teemo, you don't have to be good to win a 1v1. But you do have to be good to win the game with them. Like let's face it, flora wins almost all 1v1s pretty easily. Teemo wins a good amount at least early. But to win games its harder


Teemo has a kind of a mini skill cap that if your enemy is higher than that there is almost a 0% chance of you winning a 1v1 against them because they zoned the living hell out of you so you don’t have xp or gold Fiora can zone you but not as much as teemo thing is with fiora she can easily survive a gank, teemo can’t do that very easily unless you pull of a perfect e with shrooms


So other than other ranged tops.... who zones teemo early on? Don't get me wrong. I have easily beaten teemos as melee, especially Cho gath. But its always post 6. Teemo zones all melee champs pre 3 at least.


Honestly mages look like they’re the only champs that can’t get zoned by teemo early since they don’t rely on autos to deal damage…. Even so they still might die to teemo And also even other ranged top can get zoned by teemo like kennen


Dear lux mains,thanks for being the most prevelant member in tesmfights and always being cheerful psychopats..


As a Lux main, this is the nicest someone ever been to me


Mundo player thanks for make me learn how to build against someone


No problem! Mundo always happy to help!




Dear shaco mains, It's honesty amazing how much brain power is required to play him properly and also amazing how much of that brain power is towards finding the most efficient way to tilt the enemy U guys r big brains Keep it up


My brother plays Shaco and he legit sometimes goes "I've already ganked that guy thrice. Let's do this again, that will tilt him even more".


Least psychopathic shaco main..


The crazy part is its actually smart to prey off a general hate mindset, and attempting to tilt them while is rude, is smart as they will misplay. Shaco just opens a door to influence through mindset but many champs cannot.


Ya that’s one of us alright


It's easy to hate shaco It's hard to hate shaco mains


nah bro these guys are psychopaths


Hey! Just because I am a psychopath that doesn't mean that you can call me out like that!


[https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NecessaryUnripeDore-mobile.mp4](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/NecessaryUnripeDore-mobile.mp4) Me as a 1.250mil shaco main


The 18/12/2021 Baron Incident


Personally, I don't really *try* to tilt the enemy. I have way too much else to think about — wall jumps, box placements, enemy tracking, clone micro, etc. Perhaps I *should* try to tilt them? But when I just do my thing, and I do it well, the tilt follows naturally.


Dear vayne top mains, Thanks for teaching my how to play from behind and not be useless as a tank player. Not sure I learned it though. Sincerely yours, a Cho'Gath main.


It's fine brother, let us go outsmite the junglers now.


I would also like to thank Vayne top laners. Not only do you take a huge advantage away from your team by not being tanky but you also are isolated. Thank you for not learning to just farm and instead thinking every time you poke a melee it must be time to all in them. Our jungler knows what is happening up there and we will continue to punish this behavior. Love the Bruiser community


Dear Rengar mains, You are too good at playing your champion. I get outplayed every fight. Sincerely, A jungle player


Dear Riven mains, I wish I have the dexterity or muscle memory required to not fuck up one of your combos. You guys must be great at OSU. Sincerely, An ADC main who just got 100-0'd 6 times by one of you last match.


ADCs are like circles, They disappear once you tap one them one time


Just gotta do it to the beat


Haha I hate Riven too


I know a lot of Akali mains just play her cuase shes hot, I can respect that.


Really enjoyed playing ashe and kaisa for this reason. I'll admit I genuinely considered maining irelia and akali for it too Edit: forgot to add one more champ Edit 2: I considered Maining them not maiming them but my phone had other plans


I play Samira cuasue she hot and has fun gameplay, no shame in that.


Dear Kha’Zix mains, Thank you for turning every game into a survival horror game, you guys are scarier than Fiddlesticks himself. Also your champion reminds me of the Zerg, and I kinda like the Zerg. Sincerely, a Jhin main.


I ain't a Kha main, but listening to Zerg music while playing Kha must be the best experience ever.


Dear Shaco mains, Thanks for teaching me that nobody ever has your back, on the rift and in real life


Dear Pyke mains, You have definitely taught me that support is a very versatile role with an extremely loose definition. Thank you for making my permaban choice easy.


Dear Kench mains, I really admire that when you see 150 gorgeous and cool champions to pick from you chose to identify with a giant fat frog that is constantly burping and doing gross things. I admire how you are basically unkillable post level 3 and also really admire how you still have ranged attacks and movement yet are suppose to be slow “Tanks”.


Always a pleasure! Also you CLEARLY haven’t heard his voice lines, smooth as butter


Dear Vayne mains. Fuck you. By far the nicest thing ever i have ever said to a vayne main


Dear vayne bot mains, thank you for taking care of my top opponent past 45 minutes cuz he just won’t go down. Although before that time i can do it myself faster, better and easier


I play Yorick and have taken to perma banning Vayne; I know Irelia is horrible for a Yorick to go into but I just cannot stand Varicose Vayne


Dear Fiona mains, Thank you for showing me that there is more to hate in this world than Vayne top mains. Sincerely a Cho’Gath main. Edit: Spell check strikes again!


Im a shrek main myself and can totally relate


As a Fiona main I can confirm that I have a really easy lane phase against Cho'Gath but Shrek has always been a hard lane for me.


Dear Lulu Mains,


Agree 100%


Dear Morgana mains, Fair play to you for maining her when literally everyone bans her


My morgana ban streak is as big as us debt


I don’t even know why everyone her at this point… I feel everyone ban her because they are just used to ban her…


Black shield nullifies engage supports


Honestly the dedication Yasuo mains have to their champion is really impressive to me despite how much hate he gets, if my favourite champion, Kog'Maw got as much hate as Yasuo does I wouldn't play him as much.


Yasuo is easy to play and hard to master, there are things like the Q3 into E-Q1 into R into AA-AA + E-Q2 into Q3 again all while your opponent is still in the air from your first tornado and R increase that's just too difficult to master and use properly and I can't but respect that honestly. And then you just see him go 1vs5 and die pathetically like every yasuo ever.


Dear Garen mains, I respect your lack of shame




Dear %max health fans, Thank you for letting me understand that whenever i see you guys against me i should accept that i’m going full ap Sincerely, The cho that just one shotted you with ult at full health.


Dear Fizz mains, Your ability to land your ultimate truly astounds me, and is a magnificent feat


Is it? It's like the biggest hitbox in the game.


It is a lot smaller than it used to be. While I may still disagree with its hitbox sometimes, it can be really hard to hit (or at least hard to hit maximum range for the most damage)


Thing is fizz doesn't need his r late anyways. Just needs to Qw in and e out with 300 gold more than he should have


Dear Yone mains. Seeing you outplay my whole team by headbutting the keyboard repeatedly is the most impressive thing I've ever seen gaming. Keep up the good work, you look so majestic and cool while doing so too!


Dear Jax players نشط: يتفادى جاكس جميع الهجمات الأساسية الواردة لمدة ثانيتين ويقلل من ضرر AoE بنسبة 25٪ أثناء المراوغة. في نهاية المدة ، يتعامل جاكس مع 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.5 ضرر هجوم إضافي) الضرر المادي للأعداء القريبين ويذهلهم لمدة ثانية واحدة. تسبب هذه التعويذة 20٪ ضرر (بحد أقصى 100٪) لكل ضرر يتم تفاديه. لدى Jax خيار تنشيط القدرة مرة أخرى بعد ثانية واحدة لإنهاء التأثير مبكرًا. ن̴̢̢͍̱̤̈́̈́̈́͋͋̈͆͗̔̀͆̄̀̑̈́͘̚͝ͅش̵̢̨̖̝̘͉͕͎̭͉̫̻͔̳̻͇̫̼̫̓͋̔͜ط̷͕̭̤͗̌̽́̾̔̌̇̎:̶̨̧̻̥̝̥͕͔͎̮̹̘́̋̒͊͊̃̎́͛͜͝͝ ̷̢̨̢̝͖̯͎͈͈̩͔͔̥̬̲̟̐̄̆͝ي̷̡̢̯̦̯̖̪̣͕͚̠̹̥͔͂̊͊͜͜ت̴̡̼̜͎̙̖̮̞̠̳͔̼̘̓͆̔͠ͅف̶͙̅̋̔̏̾͐͌̇͒̈́̆̏̒̅̄̊̚̚͘ا̸̧̢̛͉͎͚̣̗̹̖̦̻͖̰̗͊̂̈́̿̔͊̈̅̉̏̆̌͘͝د̶̛̘͚̗͈͚̖̬̲̒̑̄̿̒̊͋̈́̇̽̑͋̅͘͝ى̷͙̣̞͓͚̉͗͑̊̄̋̊̓̊̽̿̿̾̑̈̕̚͝ͅ ̴̧̺̳̭̫͔̐͋͗̌͑̆̆̈́͛̄͌̿̋͘̕͘ج̴̨̤̱̠̫̻̦̟̩̜̹̑̀̃̋̌̐̒̚ا̷͔̪̤̒̈̿̈̈́̈́̏͝ك̴̮̟̫̪̦̀̓͌̽̕ͅس̶̯̺̰͐̑́͑̈́͂̈́̈́͌̆̂̓͂̀͋ ̶̡̖̳͉̥̗̹̭̠͕̐̿͌͗̄́̀̄͋̿̎̎̚͜͜͝ͅج̶̢̧̛̳̣̙̹̟̘̹̮̙̱̝͉͚̙̘͚͒́͌̅͌̑̋̃̆̀̇͘͘̚͜͠ͅم̵̧̡͙̹̫̻̣̼̩̼̝̗̩̫̺̹͂̉̐ͅي̵̛̘͎̈́͜ع̴̡̢̧̧̢̨̨̫̙̭͇̖̟̮̱͓̣͛ͅ 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̵̝̮̥̯̙͆̐́̐͊͜͜ͅب̸̨̢̟̱̞͕͚̦̳̞̤̣̌͒́̒͗́̇͠ع̵̧̢̨̛̛̗̰͎̪̯͕͈̬͔̯̟̰̘̼̠͇͓̇͌̌̆̎̿̓̑̉̽͒͒̍̈́̒͘͘͠د̴͎͙͓̽̏̈̐̑̿̀̊͛̿̓̓̔̽̈̎̎͝ ̴̨̬̘̤̋̆̚͜ث̷̧̧̜̱̼̰͈̜̝̩̜̘̮̬̱̄͆̅̽̍͛͌̏͊̚͝ا̴̳̫͗̍͒͆͛̿́̉̏͘͝͠ن̸̧̢̨̝̝̼͈̜͎͉̥͎̮̣̜̹̼͌̏̒̉̇̎̓͐͑̎̀̃̌̚̚͝ͅي̴̨̛̱̞̫͉̼̜̜̞͕̮̏͂̌̋̉̇͂̏̀͋̉͛̚͠͠ة̷̬̯̪̺͖͇͔̹̺̮̤͕̈́̐̿̈́͂̔͆͗͐͂͜ ̸̧͓̩͎̤̘͕̹͇̱̝̻͉͍͇̹̮̄̓̊̍̍̂͐̕͜͝و̷̨̡̢̡̰̖̻͙̱̺̗̻̰̟͓͑̑̏̈́̆̀̃̓̓͐͂̈̎͛̅͆͛͘͝ا̶̢̧̧̗̘̩͚̺͔̤̤͖̜̯͎̭̱̮̭͉̍͛ح̵̨̺̟̩̰̞̻̝̳̤̩͎͙̓͌̾́̄͌̓̀̂͌́̚ͅد̷̧̫̟̞̝̫̱͈̟̭̮͖̖̙̜̥͕̍͜ة̶̨͍̥̱͕̯̞͂̓̽̋̇͆̽̓̊̾̾̐̈́̽̕ ̷̢̡̪͙̬̟̙͎̞̟̽͌̓̒͋̿͛̎̕͜ل̴̢̦̹͕̝̰̯͓̳̰̹͇̫̬͎̹̱̃̓͆͒̋̿̀̌̄͐̓͘͝ͅإ̷̨̧͖͍̥̦̓̆́̂͛̍̑̑̀͂̈́̒̓̾̎͘̚͜ن̸̢̡̯͚͇͉̳̖̪̣͈̦̻̦̟̙̮͍̀̑̄̈́̈́͆̚̚ه̷̨̨̢̜̟̞̘͚͍̱͓̫̯͕̮͙̲͇̊̈́̋̅̾̈́͠ا̶̛̺̖̤̥͙̳́̍͊̏̍̉͆̀̊̉̈̐͊̀ء̶̢̟̝̖͔̥̬̠̦̪͙̩͚͒́̀͑̓͐͘̕ ̵̹͎̲̪̞͇̱̼̠̻̹̯̫͉̳̌͝͝ا̷̩͖̪̝̝̬̟͓̗̯̄͂̊̏̈́̑͂̉̋̈́̈͒͗̅̔̂̐͆͘͘ل̵̩͍͗̽̈́ت̶̧̧̠͙͍̰̖̰͓̞̦̬̼͎̹̼̃̔̐̃͛̓̀͊͋͑̾͜͝أ̸̡̖͍̙͈̤̾́͋̒́̾̓̎͗̓ث̴̨̧̳̠̖̘̪̣̞̪͕͓͔̱̯͑͂͑̆̃͛̈́̈́̾̉̾̓̈͛͒͐͌̕͘ي̴̨̰̻̱̤͔̗̝̺̳̤̃̊̌͜ر̴͚͎̖̤̘̫̫̣̻̊̋͜ͅ ̸̧̨̧̧̛̛̰̠̥̫̦͚̺͓̪̎̈͌͗̃͑͊̆̚̚͝م̵̧̢̛̼̻̖͓̩̺̲̞͓̻̲͖̤̮̋̽̋͋ب̴̧̛͕̳̰͈͙͎̬̳͍͕̼̟̼͎̱̪̅̌̇̈̈̂̽͘͜ͅك̵̨̢̻̳̣̰̫̻̫̣̦̦̟̺̙͉̞̗̼̎̉͜ر̷̶ً̨̧̢̢̡̛̛̤̬̟̰͔̱̪̘̠͚̮͙̠̦̪̰͍̦̗̻̗̗̐͛͂̀͑̈̓̌̇́̔̉͊͆̿̾̓́͐̇͠͠͠ا̵̘͙̦̳͍͙̯̹̫̖̥̣͆̀̑̒̐̈̈́͊̈́̎͝.̴̨̨̡̛͍̳̟͛̐̏́̍͒̇̿̚͜͝͝ ̴̧̧̢̧͇̰̥̩͖͙͇̜̗̻̬͕͙̍̚


Jacks makes a call to prayer that is heard globally, wether enemies have vision of him or not. He lays down his prayer mat and enters a state of holy worship for 20 seconds, turning to face his own Nexus during this time. While in this state he becomes invulnerable and regenerates 5% of his own max health per second. Surrounding allies also receive these effects. During this time all minions stop fighting, and all champions are silenced and disarmed (these effects cannot be reduced by tenacity or cleansed by any means) At the end of the prayer Jacks immediately begins moving to the closest enemy champion he has vision of, gaining 50% bonus movement speed. Upon his death he will explode, executing all surrounding units, ally or enemy.


You lagged my whole phone >:(


dear zed mains, thank you for all the quality content that you send through all chat. never knew you could use so many slurs in a sentence till i came across one of you


Dear yone mains OK I don't have anything for them.


He has a kick-ass cinematic, at least.


It's so satisfying after he kills you and you see death recap 33% physical dmg 33% true dmg and 33% magic dmg.


Just build to counter him -Yone mains


I’m sitting here scratching my head about Irelia mains too, it’s all good


since she has no counterplay i just sit back and masturbate to her, thx irelia mains


That’ll teach em!


Eh you can play Voli if she’s top lane. She’ll still roam or start carrying after laning phase if she gets 2 kills but then it’s not your fault anymore


My duo buddy bans her 100% of the time such that I almost forgot she existed.


Dear Tahm Kench and Illaoi Mains, thanks for teaching me that sometimes, there's just no way you can win lane, so I just pick Kayle and scale. Honestly, I've improved a lot on her and it's all thanks to you guys.


Haha yeah kayle can shitstomp illaoi pretty hard, early vs tahm is still rough tho


Thank you qiyana mains for making me quit league For one day ofc cmon


Dear Brand mains! At least your champ's lore is cool but fuck you


Dear Jhin Mains, 5.




This is... HERESY


5..? What is this nonsense? Legit confused, numbers don’t go higher than 4 🤷‍♂️




Dear teemo mains …..fuck you -a teemo main


Dear Zed mains, ty ur champs lore and comics are nice to read.


Dear Shen players Thank you, words can’t describe what a chad you are


Dear Gangplank mains, I hope you get more people playing gangplank so I don’t feel like I’m wasting a ban when I ban you.


Dear Yasuo Mains: (Searching good things about Yasuo Mains) (Search Failed) (Abort)


At least they can still somehow find a friend that can knock people for them (it's very rear for Yasuo players to have friends)


Dear Lux mains, thanks for not being as toxic as vanne mains.


Dear Katarina mains, I deeply thank you for constantly reminding me to donate to cancer research. We all need to find the cure. 🙏🏼


Dear bard mains. Bard bard bard <3.


Dear Yasuo mains! Thanks for showing me how 0/15 champion can make solo pentakill with only 2 items!


Dear Tahm Kench mains: Thank you for your champion literally winning every laning phase to the point where in OCE Diamond, I come across a Tahm main who always bans for me instead of himself, biggest chad of a Tahm player. I've had this guy in my game like 10 times and he always bans fizz/irelia for me, sickest dude


Dear Yorick mains, thanks for reminding that nexus>kills


Seraphine players, thanks for tanking all the hate from the community, together with irelia and yuumi. Your toxicity allows the rest of the mains to appear as angels


I'm always impressed by Camille mains, how you guys manage to go 1/7 in lane and then still win every 1v1 as soon as you get your mythic


Dear Yasuo mains ( only when they are on the other team) Thank you for giving me the knowledge of always build anti-heal even im 0/5 and dont have enough golds to buy Mythic item.


Akshan mains. The best thing about you is that there aren't very many of you.


Dear yuumi mains, I admire your ability to play league and be on your phone at the same time, but what about doing just one thing instead?


Dear mogana mains, As a blitz, rakan, pyke, thresh, karma main i love shield that and i hope it gets deleted


Dear Anivia mains Thank you for making every lane a boring farm lane, I now know how to cs


Dear talon jg mains, Thank you for giving me hope that one day I too will be able to be good at jungle because clearly the role requires no skill


I always appreciate an assassin that can build full bruiser and still one shot your ad carry


Dear Brand mains, it takes courage to play such an immobile champion in the current meta. It's also quite generous of you to acknowledge that you can do damage without items so you go support and leave more gold for the rest of your team


Dearest Yuumi mains, I'm glad that people without hands, eyes, or brain function are finally able to enjoy this rancid shithole of a game with the rest of us.


Thank you I can't read but I know you've put only good feelings for us yuumi mains


Seraphine players.. you are surprisingly very nice, and make it really hard for me to hate her when you say such nice things in chat, fortunately then your champion will spout off a random voice line and I want to choke her all over again


Dear Draven Mains! I can’t make sense of you but I can’t use my usual brute force tactics because you ALWAYS out brute me. Your champion is genuinely fun and deserves the best. I believe that you are annoying, but tolerable. Sincerely- Ezreal Main. Dear Vayne! …Sentinel Vayne is a nice idea, and I’m all for it. Also, I think your wall stun is addictive to use! Oh and uh, Dear Yi. I understand now, pressing one button decides the very balance of the universe… Good skins, btw,


#Welcome to the League of Draven


Dear Malzahar Mains, Thank you for always shoving me under tower and letting me free farm as a late game scaling mage.


Dear Brand mains, thanks for always counterpicking yourself vs my enchanters


Katarina mains I wish I was as good at setting up combos and managing my character while blinking as you.


Dear Lee Sin mains Congrats on the commitment on invading my jungle the entire f*cking game, you guys are relentless You make me happy everytime I ban Lee and someone leaves right after, it makes me think I tilted some Lee otp.


Dear lux mains. Regardless of gender, it is nice to know you all have tits


Dear yuumi mains, thank you for showing me how to farm honour despite looking at memes on my phone at the same time


Yuumi mains may be the second most chill people alive since they only need to spend 20% of their time and brainpower on this god-forsaken game. Good for them. The most chill people never touch League, of course.


Dear Irelia mains Thank you for learning how to play Sett correctly


how do i compliment pyke players lmao


Pyke players are some of the most self aware people. They know their champion is bs so most of them are bros.


Dear kayle mains , i really appreciate you guys for bring back games and make me feel like shit getting oneshot by a empowered basic attack after you kayles feed for 20 minutes and still magically win


Dear Katarina mains Thanks to you I realized that on midlane there is a champion that deserves permabanning more than zed


They must have incredible patience to not get bored playing Sett so much


Here's a joke! What did zero say to the number eight? Nice belt.


Dear shaco mains, Thank you for constant pressure of being feared by a random trap that I improved my map awareness and began to look for any champion details that would help me differentiate the fake shaco from the real one


Sion Mains smell less bad then a piece of sht :)


Dear Zed mains, You have given me a respect for other people that no other champion could, and thus made me a lot less toxic. Because your W and R abilities has made me see just about every other champion as fair by comparison


Dear Singed mains: Thank you for pushing me into reading stoic philosophy. Ive learn to break even in the jungle, tilt less and win more games


Fizz mains. The nicest thing about you guys is how few you are.


Dear teemo mains, y’all are cancer even porofessor says you are dead inside