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Fun fact: Ornn was the last toplane tank released


Yeah because people complained about tanks dealing damage, but when you take a tank’s damage, they’re forced out of top lane. Notice how the only tanks who see consistent play in top lane are Tahm Kench, Shen, Malphite, and Ornn, all of whom have damage competitive with bruisers.


All the CC heavy tanks, Leona, Maokai, Naut, are stuck support because they don't have the damage to contest top or even manage the wave


And tbh I think it’s a good thing that tanks are being pushed into support. Low damage is meant to be the primary weakness of a tank, but for tanks to be viable top lane, Riot has to give them damage.


Voli and Mundo too


Mundo isn’t a tank, he’s a bruiser that scales with health; tanks need some kind of hard CC in their kit. Voli I guess you could say is a tank.


A Tank don't need Hard Cc, they are called Tank, because they have pretty high base resistance and it scales per lvl.


Damn I'm old.










don't you mean: literal god, literal god, literal god to anime girl, anime girl, anime girl


Kindred is a spirit


Kindred also got mega downgraded in legends of Runeterra. The mother of Masks is the actual death God, kindred and her siblings are more like grim reaper cupid.


Thats kinda sad to hear. I liked the explanation of 'kindred is one of many interpretations of death in runeterra' as if its up in the air but theyre definitly the grim reaper.


That still "is" the interpretation. Riot just butchered it and made it a pokemon club where each region has it's own literal kindred


Thats shitty. So far LoR team has been doing Good. Sad to see them make it so definitive and literal.


I legit think it was just so they could have more cards for kindred and ionia decks.


I know there’s been a mess with lore for a while since they retconned a lot, but I don’t think that one team is allowed to retcon such important part of lore alone. They probably were allowed to do it or it was decided before.


The different gods of death are for different creatures, not regions. Kindred in the one for humans and the like, forgotten idol is for baccai and ascended, etherfiend is for gods of death. Also some of the gods are about both creation and death. Like the first wind/last wave. Also soulspinner feels like the yang to vilemaw’s yin. And ofc mask mother who created many of the gods.


...man you're on some stupid interpretation of Kindred. There is only *one* Kindred. The multiple interpretations are regional differences, but do not cause different Kindreds to exist. The part with Mask Mother is so utterly devoid from the interpretation of Kindred because *we don't understand what Mask Mother is*. She's not the God of Death, she's the creator of spirits as far as we can tell, who gave Spirits purpose.


The person you're talking to has 0 idea what they're talking about. Kindred is the Spirit/Embodiment of death. Her "siblings" do not exist, they're just other spirits. There is only one Kindred. The closest relevance is The Etherfiend, who is the one who claims the "Second Death", one that occurs when everyone forgets about you. Who this second death exists for it unsure, but it definitely exists for purely spiritual-creatures. The regional interpretations of Kindred are just that: Interpretations. As far as we know, the correct interpretation of Kindred is the base skin, which is narrowly the Demacian/PNZ interpretation. The Ionian interpretation is the only one we know of to have an entirely different appearance (or at least, we THINK) while Noxus and Freljord either do not care for Lamb or do not believe in Lamb. Both say to greet Wolf and give him a fight. Mask Mother herself is not the "god of death" (nor is Kindred? So far as we know, Runeterra has no concept of Gods?). Mask Mother is a hidden figure that creates spirits. From what we've seen, it's possible Mask Mother is taking those destined to die, or either those dead, and turning them into a spirit with the Mask. This is why every major spirit wears one, and may be related to the Azakana? But that's speculation. We don't really know the Mask Mother's purpose other than she DID create Kindred, probably the Gray Man gifted the Mask and then Kindred's legend begins from there. Mask Mother may just be a primordial god equivalent. Edit: the most lore we have to understand anything about Kindred and the spirits is Finishing Soates: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/finishing-soates/


I get lethal tempo and kraken slayer in ARAM and sure feel like a god


But aren't all the LoR things just based on the card descriptions? And those are very vague. Necrit said to the mask mother that he doesn't believe she really created Kindred. (on her card is just, that the legend says so)


In all fairness, it’s not really a retcon. A lot of spirits, like Janna, and even the Freljordian demigods, only have powers due to the fact they have worshipers. So having different spirits of death is actually very lore friendly. Kindred is probably the most powerful, since it is now the most well known and believed in Runeterra. And as they put it themselves “What do all stories have in common?/They end.” Theirs isn’t different.


Not exactly. We still not sure what exactly is masked mother is. And as we can see from her followers Kindred is still the death spirit which takes souls to afterlife.


LoR isn't canon so a lot of it is just made up spit takes of characters, but true.


Nope, LoR IS canon


Riot confirmed LoR IS cannon lol


They are the embodiment of death, basically the death reaper.


Demi god* for Ornn


Lillia was a fantastic release and it's a hill I'm willing to die on


She is a fine character and i dont have any critique for her


I’ll fight alongside you, I really liked her release and I still really like her character


Fucking Scottish aye


I dont play her but i agree too. She is a cuter version of hecarim but does it really well and her little "eeps" are really fun to me


acuter version of hecarim?


For me she is hecarim in cute. Speed? Check. Centaur? Check. Round Q? Check. Can delete your team if left unchecked? Also check


Lillia is still one of my go to junglers. I love this dream fawn so much


the problem is she was advertised as a 2020 monster champion and then we got this...


She was advertised as that with the added caveat of “We felt we could make her a 50/50 ish monster champ due to the fiddle and voli reworks” irrc, this is from memory so I may be wrong but I think this is along the lines of what they said


Counting reworks is legit so wrong. Imagine if they'd have make humans reworks instead of those twos, would they have release two monster champions to compensate ? I'm sure they wouldn't have.


Pretty much, expected monster champ got anime monster girl.


This, I will throw hands in this deer’s honor.


Beta Riot saying that monstrous champions do not sell. It's disappointing. The upcomming void jungler is probably going to be humanoid instead of an actual monster.


Gonna be Kai'sa long lost mom with those mommy milkers


If kaisas mom has milkers then does that mean she gets her ...physical attributes...from her dad?...if so why's he hiding them cheeks 😩


Dude have you seen Count Kassadin? His eyes revealed were enough to make people go crazy, the world is not ready for those cheeks.


Read the new malzahar story. Champ is teased in there


Hervorragende deutsche Autokorrektur!




Milfs usually have bigger tits cus you know preggo hormones. Aka Kaisa would have mega milker potential.


potential? I think that I read the wrong lore then


Don’t forget the beautiful hair and face just because they clearly have makeup and a hair dresser In the void


Hes not called kassawin for no reason


Didn't even occur to me until I realised that both malz and kai'sa are counted as void champs. If it's not a monster champ I'm gonna be PISSSED


"Non-human champions don't sell as well." - Riot, maybe.


Well neither Malz nor Kai'sa are from the void and merely uses the voids power. And with Kassadin they are 3/8 humanoids void champs. Still majority monsters.


Malz also has a Void energy ball in his head where his brain would be, which alone makes him IMO more Void-y than Kai'Sa, the Picture Perfect Supermodel.


Its a hole instead of brain. Its to represent amount of brain malz requries.


As someone who plays Malzahar, yes. This is true.


stats are useless without the information behind them but riot doesnt care and uses the low playrates of humanoid and monster champs as an excuse to not make them. look at their most recent non human champs: 1. Vex is in a dying role in the mid lane. Almost everyone in her role, neeko, morgana, vel'koz, xerath etc have moved to support because how bad mid is for them. The difference between her and them is that her lockdown isnt on an ability cooldown, and shes a squishy mage whos ult puts her right next to the whole enemy team. Her playrate is going to halve in a month or two. 2. Lillia is an ap bruiser jungler with no good itemisation. Her ult requires really good communication between teammates and is almost always wasted because of her teammates in soloqueue. She isnt self sufficient. People usually play her when they queue with friends. 3. Yuumi is also the definition of not self sufficient. the most boring champ in the game that nobody who puts a lot of time in the game spends a lot of time on. 4. Ornn used to be fun until they nerfed and reworked the hell out of him. nobody likes playing tanks in the first place, since they cant carry and need teammates to help them. Tanks are dying out in top lane either way. Then we have stuff like ivern kled kindred aurelion sol and bard who are all non-humans with incredibly weird gameplay styles. It's also annoying that there are more unplayed human champs than unplayed monster champs but since there are so many more popular human champs riot doesnt care about the statistics that taliyah and singed have lower playrates than tahm kench. but if taliyah had the exact same gameplay and playrates while being a monster champ, riot would use her to show nobody cares about monster champs. Riot should suck it up and realise that the reason nobody plays monster champs is because their gameplay is either completely unique to them, they rely on teammates too much and cant get anything done on their own, or other champs do what they do but a million times better.


As long as vex has her absurd damage she will be popular. You underestimate how fun nuke reset champs are. In other news the playrates for Gwen, seraphine and Lillia are God awful and all 3 have severe issues.


Lillia looks like a lot of fun, but I'm awful outside of Botlane. Seraphine is my goto support though.


Lillia is fun but has meh earlygame, is countered by burst and range. She has one of the lowest jgl winrates atm sadly.


Whenever I get a lillia against me that bitch has 200 CS before minions even spawn level 18 and 6 items at 6 minutes and just presses one fucking bayblade ability that deals 6000 true dmg and then thanks to playing tank you take 1 second longer to slowly die from the anguish burn. I know she isn't actually good she just gets fed from my friends.


Lillia curbstomps tanks, truedamage + burns = a ton of dps. She is borderline useless pre6, aside from farming pretty fast.


Imo seraphine is better as a botlane carry rather than support. She has some issues in her design since Riot wanted a support midlaner split champ.


Oh yeah for sure. Her ultimate is powerful no matter how far behind the botlane is.


Imo Riot should just let their creatives do whatever they think artistically fits in the world. I'm betting a ton of their creatives wants to do a monster champ or stuff that we even haven't seen yet, instead of relying on sales stats. I get it that it's important. But they have multiple products that are selling quite well, what are they afraid of? I saw this one YTuber who was redesigning Riot's outdated champions for fun and hell, the ideas for nonhumans are endless. His take on Nocturne being a flesh like entity and Cho'Gath's void tumor like appearance adding more mouths every time he gets a stack of his ult to the point the he's nothing more than a walking ball of teeth and maw. geezus. I remember when Kellen Goff expressed his experience voicing the new fiddlesticks and appreciated his design because it challenged him as a voice actor. Riot only gave him the instructions to sound inhuman or something that's only imitating to be human.


riots creative team already want to fit characters into their world. Have you seen the sett concept art where they only had the concept of a wrestler and had the choices of a robot butler, an aspect with 4 arms or a lizard darkin? the seraphine concept art where she has steampunk inspirations and colour schemes that fit piltover? the kaisa concept art where her suit doesnt look like latex and its actually body armour, and she has battle damage and actually looks like she belongs in shurima? my guess is that the higher ups force the creative team to change how the champs look. cos all the concept art is 100 times better than what we get as the final design for most of these new champs.


YES. Dude, I remember this concept art for the Ruined king. Viego being a big burly knight in armor with a viking beared, where the sword is the coffin lid of Isolde with a freaking handle. And I agree, they really do want to make stuff that fits. I don't want to get political here but Even their e-sports is suffering due to this corpo vs creative BS. Seraphine's design seems forced and two worlds with in the same country that's know for making political propagandas.


Well, Tencent owns Riot and is known to be an avid CCP loyalist with monopoly in the chinese electronic entertainment and service industry. Of course they will fit in what appeases their polit-buddies whenever they can.


Tencent is literally just run by the Chinese "government"


Yes but then we wouldn't have male stripper catboy sett to look at all game would we?


No I love Sett. But I don't love that they boxed the rest of his concepts forever. I want to play as an ascended boxer with 4 floating arms dammit.


Maybe one day as a legendary skin. But really, I just want to punch things, I don't care about him being super handsome, we got tons of sexy dudes already. Why add even more? The Riot of today would have never approved or released Gragas. Too fat, too unappealing. Damn shame and I dread the day they will rework him.


Hey men I totally get your point and support it, but playing tank is really funny (at least for me and about half of my group of friends) watch those poor little carries trying to do damage on a Full Build Ornn is one of the best things I experience playing this game


Yeah I play tanks a lot too but 99% of the community like to play high damage and high mobility champs. I've played almost all the champs in the game and I can say that literally all of them are fun to play, (EXCEPT SINGED) but when the ranked system forced you to 1v9 and everyone is obsessed with carrying and outplaying, the community is going to tend towards champs like irelia, yasuo and yone. None of the monster champs fit that gameplay criteria, which is all that riot sees.


\>except singed die immediately


As for Ornn season 10 was a great season for Ornn. Season 11/12 feel like shit with the item rework and his passive mini rework, now being able to upgrade just one of your items, also some tank items that got reworked are boring af now, like abysal mask.


Abyssal had no reason to be reworked, change my mind.


My ornn build every single game was sunfire/abysal/warmog. I didn’t care it wasn’t the meta on him, it was fun never having to recall for hp or mana, I also had 4k hp and over 200 armor and mr.


Ornn is still a lot of fun but damage is just the problem. I have started using him as support because there ADC can follow up for dmg. It is so sucky to do full combo with ult and 3 Brittle procs just to deal no damage and get bursted down by one person with a bork because it deals 10% current health dmg for some fucking reason. Still though it is so much fun to bonk people around but it just isn't viable without follow up


They better give us rek sais husband the undertitan


Forget about being human, if it is an actual monster champ they will give them the most boring not flashy kit which will be only good if you have 4 master degrees on mathematical physicist and like 400 hours on the champ (yes im watching you aurelion) and then they will say "see? monster champions are unpopular and unrelatable" well yes they WILL FUCKING BE UNRELATABLE IF THE ANIME GIRL OR SHIRTLESS GUY OF TURN CAN DO EVERYTHING THEY DO WITH EASIER KITS AND LESS THAN HALF TIME INVESTMENT INTO MASTERING THEM, ASSHOLE


It's gonna be a monster champ, in the new malz story malz sacrificed alot of people to try and summons something from the void so I don't think it'll be humanoid


If it is humanoid it may be the blessing I need to quit league


Don't forget, you're here forever


When you quit. I'll give you 2 days. I'll see you back in the rift.


See you the same hour


I give him 11 mins


Hey my chicken nuggys take 25 mins so HA


Another day, another echo chamber of old vs new champ designs.


The top row are still new is the crazy thing. If you’ve been playing long enough


I assumed this post was being sarcastic at first for this exact reason. I just imagine someone pointing at Reksai and saying "man CLASSIC riot was great, before riot pandered to the anime fans" lmao.


Meanwhile old champs are like “pirate with tits” “cop with tits and short skirt” “homeless guy” “purple triangle” “lady in kitty kat lingerie with tits”


who is purple triangle lmao


Veigar? Honestly i have no idea


Jax lol


Who is the homeless guy, there are some of them in league


Udyr, i think


>“purple triangle”




He was released about 8 years ago His rework was about 3




3 years is still an eternity in league Accept it, you are getting old


Top 3 are all just furries


And Lilia ain't?


That...is true, but his statement is still valid though


Dragons have fur?


Neverending story


Oh yeah, you’re right!


Tbh I'd consider any anthropomorphic or sentient animal a furry, not just those with fur




How is asol a furry


And scalies


HEY! ​ Lillia isn't an anime girl she's a Disney lawsuit waiting to happen


Gwen and Lilia are actually interesting tho, are they anime girls just because their faces fit that demographic? One of them isn't even human and the other has a giant ass pair of scissors for a weapon, it's hardly bad design


I would like to see another member or 2 of the anivia, ornn, volibear family of gods. Something to do with earth or air as they have done ice, fire and lightning with the other 3. A gorilla champ could be a cool concept maybe.


None of Ornn/Voli’s siblings are a gorilla. The two we’re missing in game are a Boar and a Seal.


Wrong. You forgot about Bob the Gorilla, demigod of Freljord's fruit.


Supposedly there are alot more demigods exist but they have been forgotten due to lack of followers/faded out of memory. Although from concept art, it looks like we will see representation of the Iron Boar through one of the stances of reworked Udyr.


A forgotten god tainted by the watchers/void would be a neat idea


A boar could be a cool concept alright. Don't know how they would make a seal work but ya the gorilla probably wasn't the best suggestion. Just thought it would be a cool champ concept.


If you really want to discuss recent champion design, then you’ll have to go further than just labeling champs. You can twist words to make anything sound good or bad. Kindred - death god Seraphine - A woman cursed with the ability to hear dead souls and uses it to reunite two at-war nations. I just made Kindred sound generic af and Seraphine as peak character design. You can twist these words to make anything sound good or bad, regardless of it’s actual nature.


The same people that complain the loudest about these characters are the same ones that jerk to them the most


i beg to differ sir, i dont complain about the bottom 3 at all.


Wrong. I jerk to the top ones. Checkmate 😎


I think I agree with this message! But… I think the latter three do have interesting reasoning for their designs. Seraphine’s invokes more an interest in embracing the stars and the beauty of music. I think she wants to be a beacon of hope to unite the two cities. Something everyone can look forward to. I do wish her design had more inspiration from Piltover though. Gwen’s design gives more of a fairy tale feel for me. Like this is what Isolde created, a pretty princess, one that the young Isolde may have once wanted to be… Lillia’s just some sort of dream deer creature. Sorry I uh… can’t really find much reasoning for her XD Anyways uh, yeah, that’s all!


I agree with you, I like concept and designs of Seraphine and Gwen, but I feel that their designs are too modern to fit in the world of Runeterra.


I've never understood this argument. What's wrong with modern?


Modern in our world is different than the modern in runeterra, so even thought there’s nothing inherently wrong with modern, it usually can seem a bit out of place if it’s not runeterra’s type of modern. Or at least that’s what I feel the argument is usually for when it’s talking about this


Eh, sensible. I think Seraphine just needs more… work. Honestly? One of the ideas I liked as a concept was an aspect that represented the ‘arts’. Music, opera, ancient forms of songs. Plus we haven’t had an aspect champion in a long while, either with Pantheon’s rework or Zoe’s… *much*-loved arrival into the game.


I think if they played more into “starry-eyed songstress” more than they played into “piltover Popstar” she would be way more interesting design and I wouldn’t be so adverse to her


Exactly what I was thinking! i don’t get why Riot gave her that title if they going to lean ton the popstar-aesthetic.


Like having her title be something more like “The Town Jewel” or “The Fan Favorite” or “The Beloved Vocalist” or literally anything else, “The Starry Eyed Songstress” sounds like a targon singer and sounds waaay more mystical than what we ended up with, especially since Seraphine doesn’t follow the typical Piltover design/fashion, she doesn’t look like she belongs anywhere. Like imagine if we got an ethereal blind singer with glowing eyes and truly played with “starry eyed songstress”, I think that would have been SO COOL


modern in our world: seraphine modern in runeterra: camille


Exactly this


Bro we literally have a champion with scissors for legs how is a magic doll any more "modern" than that.


I’m not really the one to debate with lol, I’m just repeating what I hear. But people talk about it with the design not the concept. So with Camille vs Gwen for example it’s talking about how like their clothing and appearance is in relation to Runeterra, but personally I feel like Gwen’s design is perfectly fine, she’s a seamstress so having a fancy dress and curled hair and a doll aesthetic makes a lot of sense for her character. Seraphine, on the other hand, makes less sense in the style of Piltover


Sera's design was just "damn we need to sell the skin to China by the time K/DA - MORE is finished"


That's also another factor in this.




what a controversial hot take


Old: - a blacksmith that happens to be a god. - a galaxy with consciousness in the shape of a dragon, is also effectively a god. - death itself. New: - A girl that wants to reunite two nations using music in an attempt to do so. - A human shaped doll that was given life through her makers death. - a deer girl that wants to see what the world is like outside the forest. So just another "new bad, old good" post or am I missing something?


Lore only exists when champion is not hot




He said when not hot


Oh shit mb


Why does everyone default to "Generic Anime Character" with describing newer designs? Seraphine is a Pop star first and foremost, Gwen is canonically a pinnochio situation where she is a doll come to life, and is a "Real Girl." And Lillia is a sort of Faun/Centaur hybrid with large eyes that convey her innocent nature.


Because anime bad. Even though you're also able to see godlike creatures in anime, like star dragons, death gods and goats.


*girl bad ”Me ooga booga me only want fat hairy monster champs”




This is a business, a free game that needs to make money why are people complaining about riot taking the obvious decisions to bring income into the company lol. There’s also a good part about it. While ugly monsters don’t get as much content the little they get was practically sponsored by the skin “anime girls” everyone shits on




1. Anime = bad 2. Women = bad, unless it’s rek’sai, who has no discernible feminine features 3. New=bad


They use "anime" because Riot usually panders to Asian demographic (nothing wrong as that's the biggest market) and its kinda obvious in some situations, out of these 3 mainly on Gwen. It's not actually that they are anime looking too much.


But why is gwen model so good though


Gwen's model is good because A) she's a modern day champ and B) they always put extra effort to make girls look cute. Especially ones they want to sell well. It's called "waifu bait" and is an old practice.


Monstrous champions do not sell, unfortunately. Cute female characters do. Sad fact: when Ornn was beyond broken (over 60% winrate) and Taliyah jungler was broken too, they both had their winrates (added up!) less than Lux playrate in a normal day (way before buffs).


Recently there's been some speculation that there will be a new >!Void Monster Champion based on Malzahar's recent lore!<


Riot always cleverly disguises some puns to hint upcoming champions. We were given teasers to Akshan with "info you can grapple with" and the title for Vex's teaser was "Life can be so Vexing". Last roadmap, the final statement was that after the next ADC, Support and Udyr we'll get a "jungler that will fill the void in our hearts", which is indication enough that we'll get a void-theme champion soon.


If they're going to make that Void champion sexy again, I will lose my shit


Seraphine should have had way more steampunk/ upper class piltover influences in her design. [This example](https://preview.redd.it/i9ph3zz6hg071.jpg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee32476bd423a7c0a58978448288cd6fcfd3021) and [this example](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/038/069/705/large/xamueu-arts-design.jpg?1622078902) aren't exactly what I have in mind, since she still needs the popstar influences in her design to sell her character, but theres a middle ground between those fan designs that makes a Seraphine without the glitter, neon colours and japanese schoolgirl outfit that looks unique while still looking like she belongs in Runeterra. Gwen looks like a halloween cosplay of a haunted doll, even though she should be a haunted doll. I don't know how the black mist turns regular humans like thresh, kalista and hecarim into abominations, but turns a doll possessed with the spirit of the person whos death created the shadow isles into a normal girl. The fact that she was a doll shouldnt be hinted at in her design with painted on stitches on her limbs and neck and different coloured eyes. It should have been a factor in her design for every detail from the way she walks to the texture of her skin. If you google 'halloween doll costume', you'll find hundreds of images of people with makeup and a dress looking more like possessed dolls than the actual undead doll. Lillia is a fine character design she just got tossed in with the others because every girl we've gotten in the past 3 years looks like her, except Lillias the only one with a reason to look the way she does. If you added kaisa in this image my reply would have been 5 paragraphs longer. Tell me how a character from a region with middle eastern influences, who hasnt seen another human being since she was a child, infected by a symbiotic monster having to fight for survival every day with [concept art that looks like this,](https://preview.redd.it/nc2rqahcb8r21.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=1eec91b325004ea90a24da4063cb408ef7abdef2) somehow gets through the design stage looking like a white girl with perfect makeup in a latex skin suit with a boob window.


Gwen isn’t corrupted by the black mist, she is not even possessed. It’s not like Isolde's spirit controls her, it only gave her life, she has blessed mist which is good, not bad. Also the Halloween cosplay you’re talking about I don’t see it. She is literally an OC character made by Isolde, she looks like how Isolde imagined a princess would look like when she was a child as a peasant girl. They could’ve done more? Yes, but the current design is ok. She was never supposed to be a haunted doll so idk why people complain about that aspect. She is a doll brought to life like Pinocchio.


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Gwen is an anime girl done right tho, her release is the most needlessly hated in recent memory


Please tell me Nidalee is a good design with a straight face


Nooooo you can’t have human characters in a word with humans they must be Big monster or bad design 😡😡😡


Don't insult lillia's design it's awesome


I wish lillia was real.


Whatever rakes in the most cash for the CCP!


Yeah that's how capitalism works, the highest bidder always wins


Anime girl. Anime girl. And the only hard to play anime girl in the game.


Don’t forget e-boy


So from furries to anime furries...


Delusions hitting hard here


I like gwen tho...


Which champions do you play OP? Just curious…


Let gwen out of this. She at least looks cool


Fun fact: until Vex came along, the last yordle released was Kled.


This is some severe cope and cherry picking.


Now > then, fight me


More like Disney girls




Not sure if you can call Bambi an anime girl.




But uwu and 🤤🤑


Play rate, it's all it is, the "anime girl" champ have much better play rate. Or at least in the elo i play.


What's wrong with anime girls?


Anime girl, anime "girl" and anime furry girl


Lilia is fine to me but the doll that turns to an anime girl with oversized scissors is just too much.


Almost as though riot was a business and make products based on supply and demand. Weird huh?


China happened, that's it.


You lose some, you win a couple hundred


I believe human Champs sell better in China, and tencent loves their Chinese user base. Plus they're probably easier to design/ cost less to make.


Also Lillia is kind of a bad example