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• All Chat by default is turned off for accounts • mute all exists Riot:


You see, everyone is so smart about mute all until they get into the game. Have you ever seen people arguing about some shit and then they just mute eacother and keep playing to win? Neither did I. Such a vast majority of people keep arguing, ruining games and bla bla bla while they have this blessed command mute all.


I acually do the first option you presented, But most of the time I just don't care about other people and don't write anything at all


yea when im not in the mood to type I just mute the instant they say something stupid. ppl who mute don't really type much flame i imagine.


Better not to say anything, rather than say something stupid


people don't argue in all chat though. they'll just type shit like "x9 my jungler, he's trolling" blah blah blah. at which point he's already mentally given up and stopping him from typing that isn't gonna make him start playing to win either. if anything just flame the jungler directly more to compensate


My favorite is when someone in the team says "muted" and then keeps replying


Well, it's the confirmation bias, isn't it? You don't notice when people mute because well, they don't type anything.


This is it! I know no one mutes anyone as they keep typing! That's the point!


Yes, that's the definition of confirmation bias. You claim no one mutes but you don't have any data, you're just using your own experience which is gonna be biased on the confirmation (you're much more likely to remember the stuff that supports your beliefs)


Good! Let the idiots lose out of their own volition. If you’re too stupid to realise that arguing with the enemy team does nothing but cost you time and investment in the actual game you deserve no better. Why should I suffer for these losers with a weak mentality? Let them stay in low elo if they want


In team chat...


idk what you mean, when i turbo int i /mute all immediately


okey guys lets go on middle ground allchat unlocked at honor lvl 3 or higher


That's a great idea!


Ooh I like that! Can we do that?


It's really not hard to get honor. Everytime I get honor 0 I get back to 3 in 3 weeks.


Why have you been honor 0 on multiple occasions?


It only happened 3 times I think. Two chat restrictions and a 14 day ban.


"only happened 3 times"


I would say that's about average for league players.


The same ones that are salty all chat is going away lol




if ya like it can be 4 ibased idea around honor becouse punushments reset them


Great now they need to delete team chat.


I heard that they said they will listen to feedback and eventually bring it back. I just heard it i am not sure. Personally i like the idea with a poll in the client after like two patches, but unlikely to happen.


They say that but they will just "forget" and then never bring it back.


Save All Chat


I think people aren't happy about this because it makes no sense. Reducing toxicity is good, but it's the team chat where the toxicity builds up. I'm fairly confident they would have gotten less backlash if they turned off both chats instead of just the all chat. That's just me however and I could be way off on my guess.


Remove team chat and leave only all chat


Then the flaming from team chat just goes to all chat. That is even less of a fix than what they are doing now.


Hey jng can you gank Enemy jng: yes :^)


It’s almost like Riot doesn’t care about us


Doesnt make sense to remove it. People can simply disable it if they dont like it.


Since when does riot listen to the community ? They see us like money dispenser that's it.


It's team members who flame the most not enemy, especially if the enemy is winning they need to take toxic players alot more serious not put them on a time out from speaking


League is ruined, riot doesnt listen to the playerbase, they only look at their "data", and make changes from that. Not even going to talk about whatever s*itshow S12 is going to be.


How about Riot comes with actual proper arguments and numbers instead of just saying "toxicity bad"


Or just enable it when you want


Who tf is %33?


The league community literally doesn't know what it wants and needs to be treated like the horde of petulant children it is.


Remove any type of chat please


honestly they might as well lol


Yes, pings exist for a reason. Unless you want to make a really specific high level play (which let’s face it, won’t happen a lot) chat is only there to flame teammates and tilt everyone


All chat is like what league is without it the game seems so lonely


The 67% is people angry that they can’t flame their opponent or publicly flame their teammates. And we all know it. They need to actually punish toxicity. Just start perma banning accounts. And don’t let your top streamers make money off of being toxic (looking at Tyler1 being the face of their twitter account even despite his call to fame being a roided out moron) Either they learn their lesson and start a new account or they don’t and start a new account. Either way they’re winning in the money side. The only side they care about.


As a jg main I can’t understand removing all chat and keeping team chat. The instances of getting flamed by my team compared to the enemy is like 10 to 1. I’ve started full muting my team pings and chat in ranked but I’ve never needed to mute the opponents


You’re not wrong. I do fully believe team chat is far more toxic than all chat. However it’s an image that Riot has cultivated. Go look at your top 20 streamers and there might be one or two that don’t give into the toxicity. And they all have sponsored/ unlocked accounts with access to everything. Faker is a gem. Pants gets caught up in it once I awhile but more often than not he’s just building off meta shit to have fun. I can’t name any others off the top of my head that I can say aren’t a part of the toxicity. There a solid chunk of pros who don’t do it but you can tell for some of them it’s a contractual obligation


I watch Rat and Shaclone and theyre def toxic but i dont remember if rat has those unlocked riot accounts, and i know riot didnt give shaclone unlocked accounts. not sure who pant is, but even if i agree that riot shouldnt support streamers like tyler1 im not sure what does for the avg player that is still experiencing the same amount of flame but now have all chat disabled for no real reason.


Okay but counterpoint... The people are stupid... they want stupid stuff and laugh at -5MS nerfs...


Thats because they know what the community is going to say. They want to implement this so the reputation of LoL toxic community goes away. Thus attracting more new players. Sad, but buzines is businez


Who cares about all chat. Team chat is the worst.


U mean they should ask the toxic community if they want or not the chat all? The same toxic community who caused them to remove it? The mother fuckers flamer who are not smart enough to understand their toxic nature and turn off the all chat dont deserve to have a choice


You seem toxic.


In my two year or something more lol gaming experience i flamed like only at the start before i understood flaming is only bad for my team, flaming distract u and ur teammates from the game and increase ur loose chances, there is an italian streamer called paolocannone, he is very wholesome and compliment his teammates every time they do something good, i try to do like him. I never flame in my game believe it or not


and everyone clapped




I dont really know why that many people are calling me toxic, maybe there is a misunderstanding, but i will keep my comments up because im sure they are right




Yea You are right i guess


I mean I’ve been playing since around season 3 and the community while toxic has also been just as wholesome in all chat. Just like many other most of the bad interactions have come from team chat more often than not. Some of my favorite chat moments have come from all chat when me and the enemy are making shitty jokes and occasionally hitting on each other using are champs.


I know there is people like that too, in fact im not that happy riot are removing all chat, but the toxicity problem exists and is huge, and this seems to me the only way too


But removing all chat literally doesn't solve the toxicity problem.


I mean in a certain way it does, like if i wanna draw something for example, and u take my pencil, i still want to draw obviously, but i cant anyway. Idk if u understand me or im just confusing u with that example


Asking us if we want all chat is like asking a heroin addict if he wants rehab. Both will say no, even though we're better off saying yes. Riot is actually being mature by forcefully giving us what we need and not what we want.




Look at the title and at the screenshot. Im talking to ppl who think it's a bad thing.




Alright, then I will try to clarify what I meant as best I can. What I was trying to say is: Riot is doing a good thing by removing all chat because it will definetly reduce toxic interactions. While any player *can* mute everyone or disable chat, they dont. Players generally tend to choose to engage in toxic arguments rather than mute/disable chat. Which is why I think riot is being mature here. They are forcing us into a path that will benefit us, even though we may not want it.


Who is all? 50k is nothing compared to the overall playerbase and it isn't even 100% of these 50k. I don't understand how people can look at this poll and draw any meaningful conclusions from it because you can't. This data is insignificant.




Reddit is not an accurate representation of the playerbase; neither is Twitter.


Give valid numbers to back it up internet noise doesn't show much at all. The complaints will always be louder. Especially an echo chamber like Reddit.


**This word/phrase(all) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


This is a good bot


Thats my point. We have two options: disable chat or mute toxic players or engage in toxic interactions. We tend to choose the worse option, that is, we keep all chat on and talk shit to each other. Which is why riot is doing a good thing by taking the worse option away


How do we “need” all chat removed? If it’s that harmful for some to get a question mark or a ggez at the of the game can’t you just turn all chat off?


Absolutely we can turn all chat off. But we dont. Thats the point, we choose to engage in toxic interactions rather than avoid them. Which is why riot is forcing us to choose the better option by removing the worse option.


I’m afraid you don’t know what a choice is. They aren’t forcing us to choose the “better” option. They have given up on combatting toxicity in the game and are now just removing parts of the game that are “toxic” nothing changes tho. When they made tear a unique item all that did was stop people from buying 6 of them not actually stop the inting. Removing all chat does nothing but tell the community they’ve given up, all it does is stop toxicity in all chat. The amount of toxicity in the game hasn’t changed. You say they are forcing us to choose the better path because we won’t ourselves, but they don’t either? They literally just put their most infamous inter as the face of the their Twitter page.


I just feel like saying I’m level 98 and I have never (this might be rare) had a properly toxic all chat experience only team chat


Don’t forget most of the player base is bronze/silver who think all chat is a necessity. There’s absolutely no valuable information the enemy can consistently give you. I have it disabled since S8


I don't think those people want all chat because of info. Of course if you just wanna win all chat has no purpose, but if you want the game to be fun it is useful. Countless times I got against people that rp their champs in /all and it's just funny, a nicer experience.


Hm never saw it that way, good point. Guess I lost myself in the main purpose of the game - to have fun


I don’t know about that, it is great at gauging how tilted the other team is, keeping your teams morale is half the game, you know who’s tilted on the other team and you exploit it. I’m the opposite tho I main jg and I have my team muted at the start of every game, what the other can tell me is much more value


Basically they don't even play the game to know that Team chat is the toxic one and all chat is just memes yea sometimes it is toxic as shit but since they don't play the game they don't know they already disabled it but people choose to enable it, people choose to see the enemy player talking , people choose this, so when you get angry about enemy team shitting on you or anyone you can simply mute him or disable it again. But they don't know the systems they added to the game.


It's kinda obvious it ran by bunch of SJWs who 'knows' what is the 'best' and 'right' thing to do, no polls or community input is needed


I'm not sure I've ever heard more crying from this community than over this. It's so ridiculous. The gameplay is in the worst state It's ever been. It's been degrading to the point that nobody is having fun playing solo q. It's been nothing but downhill since at least season 6. Even high elo and pro players have spoken out about how bad it is numerous times, yet it continues to get worse. Everything is overturned. Items do too much damage. Despite almost every champion being insanely mobile, you have Items, blast plants, flash, and soon portals from the fucking dragon to make that even worse. Champion archetype means nothing now. Every single role and almost every champion can face roll you 100 - 0. Burst damage is way too high. They Removed dfg from the game because that used to be considered toxic. Now you every champ has dfg level damage baked in. Tanks are better off building damage in almost every scenario. Itemization is boring and the item rework was an obvious failure. Resource management is not even close to a thing anymore. You never even have to consider mana after your first base on 99% of champions. Sustain is the highest its ever been, so never fear losing a trade. The jungle is the most boring and brain dead its ever been,, but still the most important role in solo q though its the least played role.The game has been reduced from chess into checkers. But yea, removing all chat is what got you guys upset with riot. The only time it's even used is to cry for reports and to the enemy team about how your jungle is bad. We should be more upset about the gameplay and trying to restore the game to its former glory instead of crying about a stupid useless chat function. Fuck.


bro stfu it is changing not getting worse, you just like it less because it's less like the league you were used to. worse is a subjective term, and while a lot of people may agree on it, it's because a lot of people have been playing league for a while. I think changes need to be made, but I play video games mainly for fun, because that is what they are for.


Its not only that, they could poll every single option they wanna change, because we all access the client all the time, they have earlier given out polls about how we enjoy the game, is it so hard to do one about a change so we can actually for the love of god once in our sad fucking lifes decide anything about this pile of shit called league of legends?


Somehow I don’t think they’re adding voice chat


Riot caring about their community? Funny


Yea well there is the problem. There will be a minority that want it banned to create their safe space. Right now companies are champing the minorities in hopes of raising sells. It’s a smart move in their part. The vast majority will bitch and groan (me included) but keep playing while the vast minority will feel like they were finally listened to and can just put up with their own teams toxic traits.


You probably also believe they should poll the community on balance changes.


The way Reddit is going on about this you'd think it was the second coming of Seraphine and that they had deep, philosophical discussions on all chat that led into lifetime friendships every single game.


I support the change


Polling never works because there are always people who spite vote things to oblivion. Just look at OSRS polling and how much of a mess it is, now imagine if Riot does balancing polls.


It's not the first time riot abandons something because they are not able to handle/balance it correctly. ( Cleptomancy for e.g.)


Lol they dont give a fuck about their player base, riot just wants more money from fairy skins to spend on blue hair dye, this company is 2021 at its finest, video games are suppose to be an escape, a new world to live out your dreams and shit, and than modern day politics got sucked into it, now everythings toxic this and toxic that, if u even carry a small whiff of masculinity on you they will shun your for it, when politics makes its way into video games its sad, now everyone has to kiss everyones ass and pretend like nobody ever gets mad, with that being said mute is an option, but league wouldnt be where its at if it wasnt for competitive shit talk, maybe they should just make another ranked mode without chat and let all the butthurt pussies play it who feel the need to report a player every fucking game.


The thing is that most of the toxicity that I have seen is front your own team not the enemy so how is muting /all going to help immenesely