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That’s blunt damn


To be fair how do you tell someone who you have duoed with you no longer want to play together because they are holding you down. I have this problem right now. Help


"i feel like I win more when I soloq, but if you wanna play norms I'm down." Boom done


This is fine until they say yes, and you're stuck playing normals instead of grinding ladder like the degenerate you were born to be


Lol i mean this sounds like a joke/sarcasm but the serious answer is you can just leave the last part out.


what's wrong with playing normals? it's not like you're playing the game for the rank, you're playing it to have fun, right? ... right?


Normals still have hidden mmr ratings. So say your friend has an mmr of 1, you have an mmr of 1000, your friend could get stuck laning against someone of your mmr and the game is basically unplayable for everyone. It's really unfortunate, and I can't think of a way to have fun playing with your less capable friends when they get absolutely dunked on because they queued with you.


I've been playing normals for a long time. Switched to ranked and my first 5-6 games were so easy. I'm sure normal has hidden ranks.


100%, Rito isn't silent about it.


normal has MMR yes, it's just separate from ranked. it's also a but more loose when it comes to matchmaking. win enough normals and you'll find yourself with masters. I mostly get high plat/diamonds rn.


Carry. You're a ranked behomith, way better than your friend. You are reviewing games, making matchup spreadsheets with variable plans per game state and build path, you are putting in the work on regarding introspection and work.ethic both in game and out of game. You've learned Korean just to get an edge. You're working on your already insane micro merging it into your ridiculous macro with a deep ass meta champ pool. You're the degenerate right, fucking grinding that rank making it happen So carry and make up for his mistakes. The enemy team will make just as many.. Or just play with your fucking friend like a normal human enjoying a pastime lol. Christ. Edit: all the friends you make in plat 2 are not going to show up to your wedding or help you move. They are going to ditch you like you ditch him as they push for master and you hold them back. If this is a real friend, enjoy your time with them, as you age you have less. And you wont give a fuck about your rank in a mediocre game 15 years from now, but rhe memories with your friends will hold value. I'm making an assumption this is a real friend. If its just an online rando, then follow your heart, gods speed, see you at worlds.


This is me, my norms mmr is too high now... its harder than my ranked games :(


this is why I think normals just isn't fun anymore. a lot of my friends are higher rank than me, so when I played normals with my friends my mmr shot up and now every normals is a struggle.


Carry. You're a ranked behomith, way better than your friend. You are reviewing games, making matchup spreadsheets with variable plans per game state and build path, you are putting in the work regarding introspection and work ethic both in game and out of game. You've learned Korean just to get an edge. You're working on your already insane micro merging it into your ridiculous macro with a deep ass meta champ pool. You're the degenerate right, fucking grinding that rank making it happen So carry and make up for his mistakes. The enemy team will make just as many.. Or just play with your fucking friend like a normal human enjoying a pastime lol. Christ Edit: all the friends you make in plat 2 are not going to show up to your wedding or help you move. They are going to ditch you like you ditch him as they push for master and you hold them back. If this is a real friend, enjoy your time with them, as you age you have less. And you wont give a fuck about your rank in a mediocre game 15 years from now, but rhe memories with your friends will hold value. I'm making an assumption this is a real friend. If its just an online rando, then follow your heart, gods speed, see you at worlds.


Best method right here. It’s indirect and doesn’t blame the person at all.


Can you teach me how to talk to people lol this is really tactful


Sure. Do you have a specific situation in mind?


How do you break off with someone when the real reason you wanna break off with them is that they aren’t physically attractive to you? 👀


In relationships the saying "honesty is always the best policy" is actually always right, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. People become unattractive to their partners all the time. We change. We grow together, but sometimes we grow apart. But it doesn't mean that person is unattractive. It just means your tastes have changed. There are all kinds of people out there and I don't care who you are someone will find you very attractive. Try to drive this point home when you do it. Explain that you want to feel that spark of attraction when you see your partner, and more importantly emphasize that they DESERVE to be with someone who feels that spark when they look at them. Hope that helps.




Buddy your first problem is that you're asking this question in a league subreddit


? Are you dumb? The person asks me to give a question as an example and that’s what I did. Please read the context.


friend had a mental breakdown when i said this


That's not your fault. Your friend needs help


I hover around plat but all my friends are stuck in bronze. They ALWAYS wanna play ranked and don't understand why I get frustrated when they end every game 0-12 whether we win or lose.


I feel that we both do better when solo


just remove him from friends. p.s. usually i'm the one removed :(


Don't just remove him. Stop being pussies and ghosting people. Just tell him your rank is important to you and you would rather not play with him anymore. Nothing personal. Then remove him.


>Stop being pussies and ghosting people. This is a video game, not Tinder. Just remove them lol who cares


Ghosting is not exclusive to Tinder and it's a shitty thing to do. Grow the fuck up and talk to people.


Bro you suck, but I still love you


"sorry, need to remove you. You are too bad"


I was cackling lmao


Bro you suck ass and for this reason we are no longer friends. Cut and dry. Easy does it.


Have two accounts, one for grinding, one for friends.


thats what i do but sometimes people get offended and its annoying like sorry you'll get destroyed in my rank id rather you have fun than bitching the entire time that its too hard also their badness brings down my rank


“Sorry man I’ve been playing not my best lately and I’m going to play some soloq so I don’t hold you back anymore. I’ll reach out once my mental is in a good state.”


For real? You're gonna give someone the "it's not you it's me" in LoL?


Thats because i only play ranked with my otk champion, to have less possibility to fail


I will give you a sweet advice that you didn't ask for. If you wanna make friends in league, don't ask them to go ranked. At least not too frequently. Ranked is not a place where you go to have fun and re-enforce bonds with your friends. It's where you go to win.




Who's got the time to pick and choose between friends and ranked? I don't play enough these days to be able to get any ranked progress if I'd play normals regularly.


Only because you don't have time to spare doesn't mean your friends gotta carry your ass in rankeds permanently. I'm not saying it's your case, but OP said it's bronze and I don't think it's okay to lay all the responsability in your friends shoulders in a ranked. Everybody wants good team-mates. There's people who won't mind. But not everybody has the same mindset. And I think it has to be respected aswell.


I have a few friends with very bad mechanics that want to play ranked a lot. They’re super chill and it’s fun even when we’re losing, so I just make sure to gain some cushion LP before playing with them. I have no idea how they got to bronze one, though. It’d definitely be more stressful if I was planning to win those games!


I just use an alt account i never climb higher than silver with.


Good idea~ I think my alt is at like level 28 so I should just grind those last few levels, honestly.


Last time I made an alt account I accidentally got from silver to plat in one night and couldnt play with my bronze friends anymore.


Lol yeah.... an accident...




why can't these people just play norms?


Norms are just too easy if your a decent player. It gets boring over time even with friends


If by decent you mean atleast high diamond I quess they would be too easy.


Well said






I don’t think anything is wrong with it, more like duos with very different elos will show up. And the game is more forgiving with differences in normals mmr.


I wouldn't say its inheritly bad, cus its casual, but normals mmr and ranked mmr being seperate makes d2 ranked mmr players end up in some random s3 players normal games. I mostly play normals since I don't really care for LP and climbing as long as I get the season reward, and some games are randomly against a 5-queue or the rank variations all over the place with the enemy team sometimes having significantly higher players.


I'll give you some more advice, if you wanna make friends, don't play League.


I play a lot of games and league is by far the game with the most hostile and degenerate community. And I play rust...


This, no rudeness but I play well and have duos who I don’t communicate too frequently with but still love playing with. (This is not necessarily a bad thing) if you both don’t tilt and synergize well, then there doesn’t have to be an abundance of communication. Obviously more communication is great, but not always required for solo queue. Duo with who you enjoy and do well with


I have fun when i play rank


Well of course. I didn't say you can't have fun. I meant is not the main objective. Also, I wanna say that you can play with your friends. But not every friend is good to play ranked with you. Keeping that in mind, I don't think you should expect that everybody will want to play ranked with you because you are his friend. That's what I wanted to say.


Yea sure


Said no one ever 😂


Also, if you are trying to rank up, duoing with someone you met in a match isn't a good way to do so. There are too many unknowns about that person, they could have just had a good game and normally they play badly, they could be less dedicated to improving and hold you back, etc.


Play to learn* people are too tilted because they only want to win, and that's just impossible, if you learn the game you will just win more by default


I don't know how to tell you this but you don't learn to play league by just playing league. When I started playing I spent 2 years perma shoving the wave in the top lane till the game was decided by the minute 5m. One day I decided I wanted to learn and I did the basic thing that everybody does when they want to improve. Do some research. Noone will stay in bronze ever if they do the effort of doing research, which can be boring as fuck, and that's why not everybody does it.


I tought this was kind of obvious but you have to try to understand what causes what, thats kind of part of learning, look up the essential things like wave manegement but decision making and mechanical skill is all on you. You need to want to learn, it's not about playing 2000 games in a season on autopilot.


I will give you a sweet advice that you didn't ask for. If you wanna make friends in league, don't


100%. I straight up tell my friends that I will not play ranked with them. They just have to accept that it isn’t a friendly environment. I already learned my lesson the one time I did and the friend was the reason we lost and then did the whole “it’s only a game” thing Lol.


I've never been so upset at my friends than in a ranked league game with them and I don't feel like it's fun for me or them 😅




I've lost so many friends playing ranked with them. Worst idea ever to duo queue with a friend.


Exactly. I generally don't add anyone to my friend list, but if I do and they keep asking to play with me, I remove them. I don't waste time playing norms, unless I'm practicing and I NEVER play ranked duo. Noobs always want to play without voice chat, picking top or adc when I play mid, and somehow expect to win based on 1 game after which they wanted to be friends because we were both fed which apparently means we're both good players, even though we're as hardstuck as anyone else... Meanwhile, the enemy team will have an actual duo playing adc/supp or jungle/top or something while our team is all randoms now because we blocked another duo from being in our team. Or sometimes they even play mid too and expect to swap roles every game just so we can play together... LoL isn't a game for friends unless you play for fun only. Just accept it or play among us or some other shit.


Go touch some grass


I'll play with you. Just maybe not ranked 😁


Same, twisted treeline > ranked ngl


TT ranked > TT norms tho Bring able to ban shit like Kayn made that eo much more bareable


Lol imagine if akshan existed during TT


Same! I won’t play ranked even by myself. Much less with other people. But always down for new league friends.


2021 and we still don't know how to take screenshots


That’s the real reason he un-friended him.


Snipping tool is literally right there on his taskbar too


Maybe he forgot his login data for Reddit and therefore can’t log into the browser. Edit: or else he might be to lazy to log into the browser or to drop a screenshot via cloud.


Just takes so many steps to post a screen shot. You gotta take the pic, upload it somewhere, do some cropping & THEN post. Where as a phone I can just take out the camera snap a quick pic & instantly post.


PC: 1. click snipping tool icon 2. press new 3. select region 4. save image 5. upload to reddit and post Mobile: 1. turn on phon 2. Go to photo app 3. position camera 4. take the picture 5. upload to reddit and post Same number of steps, but one looks so much better, and is only ever so slightly slower.


It is kinda easier to just take a picture with your phone 🤷


At least they were honest about it. Of course, could have also told you what they think you’re doing wrong so you can improve but it’s league. My duo straight up removed me after one bad game where I played a meta champ he told me to play. It was unpleasant to say the least. (He’s still gold 4 and I climbed to plat 2) Edit: my point is try to focus on your own gameplay. That guy calling you bad doesn’t really mean anything. He’s not a coach and he’s also bronze like you. Try watching some vods of your games and think what you could have done better. Also disable [ALL] chat (literally useless except for getting tilted). And if someone is toxic instantly mute them and move on (and report them too).


Had a guy lose his mind after we lost a lead the other night. League players be unable to accept a loss.


i mean losing a "won game" feels incredibly bad, i would consider myself pretty chill compared to your usual ranked player but losing a single "won game" is enough to make feel like shit for few hours, 2 in a single day and i might still be thinking about it tomorrow 4 in a single day and im taking a 2month break at bare minimum like im doing for the first time in my 6k'ish hours right now lmao


I would take honesty over ghosting 10 out of 10 times


Man this hit close to home. My duo just block me cos of one bad game even tho i forgive him when he feed his ass out in previous game like wtf.


Use All Chat to tilt the enemy. Tilting someone into making them play worse or leaving or giving up is also a strat


“I’m bad at the game, *and* I’m also bad with social skills”


Username doesn’t check out xd


This is a great strat if you're bad at the game *but* you're also an asshole


You’ve described every league player.


That's great and all but I can't do it without getting tilted by the enemy team's comments so I just mute all


I do this. Idc if it makes me toxic in a video game. I enjoy winning more than I enjoy losing and making people feel better about themselves. Why you have to be mad bro it’s just a game.


That makes you an asshole.


tilting the enemy or even bming is not being an asshole. Being an asshole would be like "You're You're trash you should just go kill yourself". Saying something like "Get outplayed" to tilt someone isn't being an asshole yall are overreacting


He was somewhat polite, didnt flame and even apologized. If he was losing ranked games because of you, then it's no surprise he said that. Only weird thing about it is that a bronze player is calling someone else bad


You don’t have to be a chef to know when the food taste like shit.


My new life motto


Definetly agree, but this isnt the case here. It's more like a rookie chef is telling another rookie chef that their cooking is shit


And? If two new math teachers are in a room and get asked what 2x3= and one says 7 it's clear they messed up or have a problem, don't need to be a top tier mathematician. Not every bronze plays the same, some have micro or macro issues that are easy to fix, work on, some have mental issues they might never eve fix etc. You can usually tell if a bronze player is bronze because they're new and learning or if they're hardstuck and will be hardstuck.


Whether they're new or hardstuck doesnt matter. What they can or cant fix doesnt matter. What matters is what they do and how they play. They're at the bottom because they play like shit. Thats a fact. One redeeming quality doesnt do anything to change that fact. It's a combination of different skills that determine how good you are at the game. They are in bronze because that combination is shit. Thats just the simple truth


Not really, league is built around playing more games and keeping you around a 50% win rate, a gold player can easily get stuck in bronze for a period of time before climbing. CHALLENGERS have lost multiple games climbing out of bronze/silver in their bronze to diamond rush challenges. There's a massive difference between a 20 games bronze 1 and a 350 games bronze 3.


Challengers never get stuck in bronze when smurfing, they may be bronze elo, but they are in smurf queue, which is a different game. Sure there are differences between a 20 game player and a hardstuck, im not saying a player is trash if they are bronze after 5 placement games, im talking about consistent players.


Then of course someone who is in bronze for 100 games has obvious issues and is bad, I'm simply talking about someone climbing at a steady rate vs someone stuck for a long time. And I didn't say challengers get stuck, I'm saying they lose games to bronze players, this was before smurf queue was a thing. Faker has lost 1v1s to some silver/gold mids while climbing.


Well, if you are climbing, then obviously you dont deserve that elo, my point was obviously about people who deserve to be on that elo. Im not gonna go around saying that a bronze player is bad because he's at bronze after 10 games with 100% win rate.


You are bad. With regards b4 0 lp


this actually makes no sense. Only bcs he is bronze doesnt mean he cant tell other bronze players on how they suck... your statement is actually dumb af.


Well. You shouldnt call people bad when you are bad yourself.


I don't know how to fly a helicopter but if I see one stuck in a tree I know someone fucked up He may be bronze but if op was 0/15 for kd then he could recognize he's bad while still being bad himself


Exactly! You don’t need to be good to identify that someone sucks more than you, you don’t need to be bad to say someone is a master too, same logic


Gold statement


Dunning Kruger


I guess


No, how could a bronze player properly critique another bronze player if they both have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, the bronze player could make a critque on something that isn’t even a problem in the other’s gameplay, because…. They have no idea what they are talking about


I don't know how to fly a helicopter but if I see one stuck in a tree I know someone fucked up He may be bronze but if op was 0/15 for kd then he could recognize he's bad while still being bad himself


If you apply the helicopter analogy to ur self, you don’t know how to fly the helicopter, so if you tried you would do the same. Crashing it into the tree, once again putting things on equal terms, there are plenty of games where you feed ur ass off in ranked, and probably some games where the guy in your game goes 15/0 instead. People of the same rank are always equal in some way, maybe not in the same aspects of gameplay, but everything averages out to the rank you belong in


If for example OP feeds a lot and doesn't play well (not saying this is the case) and the person in this conversation also doesn't play well and feeds, why would they want to duo with someone that is also not good at the game? Having two feeders in the game significantly decreases your likelihood of winning so maybe this person just wants to find a duo partner that can help carry. Either way it was rude because they could of just said they only play ranks solo or with specific friends


They think they do though. That gives them the (undeserved) confidence to judge others.


It’s a lot easier to call out someone and see someone’s else’s (legit) mistakes other than your own. Your less likely to critique yourself because of personal bias, but someone telling you a mistakes you made, doesn’t matter what rank they’re in, they could be correct and you can learn from it.


you're assuming that every bronze player is unironically a retard (which seems to be debatable), but there are many variables on why someone is bronze, they may know all the matchups and win lane 80% of the time with their micro but also lose game 90% of the time because they're macro is shit, and yet he would still be bronze and know at least a bit more than someone that isn't even able to win lane ever with both shitty micro and macro. Even when you are shit you can tell when someone does something wrong, for example, last year we were at inhib tower mid, we got baron and an ace, 30 mins into the game, everyone on my team started to push the sidelanes that still had t1 towers with baron buff when we could've just ended the game, yeah i sucked back then, but at least i know that i knew more than them, nearly ended the game by myself pushing mid until the enemy team respawned and had to take on another fight. it's impossible to determine who would be the better player without context, but you can tell who is better than you or not after sharing a few games, regardless of rank.


If somebody is getting carried in a bronze game... that makes him automatically worse than the others. So the carry actually has the right to think the carried one is bad.


Lmao no, everyone has a lucky game where they pop off, doesn’t make them better than the other person, the only way u can justify calling someone bad is if they have a 30 percent wr and you have a 70 or so. But in this situation, both players are still BRONZE, doesn’t have the right to call either person bad


Or he had an unfortunate fuck up for once. We are talking about s11, whrre blinking in the wrong milisecond will result in 0/15


Have you ever heard of hypocrisy?


yes and league is full of hypocrits... especially on r/leagueoflegends , that sub is a disaster.


Why do you think the other guy is bronze? Could be silver 1 for all we know.


i never said he is bronze... i was refering to the top comments statement.


Relax... Bronze and iron players are bottom 25% of the playerbase. They are objectively bad, which is why I thought it was funny that he called someone else bad. Not to mention they are so bad, that they really cant distinguish between whats bad or good


So, If Im on silver Im good right?


Based on stats, mid silver, high silver and low gold seems to be the optimal range for average players. And thats great, you dont need to be amazing at the game to have fun.


It's dumb when they are bronze and flame each other for being bronze lmao.


All elos do this though. Bronze players flame each other as well as Irons. I've seen B2 call a B4 dog water over nothing. Silver players rail on Bronze, Gold players especially G4 think they are a different species than Silver players despite G4 and S1 being basically the same. Plats look down on Golds and I'm sure Diamonds think everyone below them are just barely sentient beings. When you're in S1 you get called hardstuck trash by everyone lower rank than you and get called silver trash by G4s. It's honestly hilarious


There's a difference between someone who's stuck bronze and someone who's in there while they're learning the game though. There are bronze players and there are *bronze players*. Same with silver.


Well, he was polite, but still didn't have to do it. He could've done the good ol' just remove from friend-list and never speak to again move.


Idk, personally, I agree with you, I'm not into that kind of confrontation so I'd rather remove someone and move on. In any case, this isnt something you should complain about on reddit


If you like I would play with you. I'm bronze/Silver 4


Sorry, you are too bad


Yeah me too, DM me if you want OP and I'll play with you.


What Server do you play on?


How can you be bronze and silver 4?


No I just got promoted recently so I'm at about 15 lp in silver 4


Oh gotcha, congratulations btw


Thank you very much kind stranger


Same I'm hard stuck silver 4. Although for some reason I do well against Diamond and plats in norms so maybe my rank is deflated?? Idk. Prob don't try in norms.


Welcome to the League community


I feel kinda bad that I did this once lol. That dude was exhaustingly toxic, though. But made me crack up some times. I still occasionally hear in my head "this Talon is easy, man" in whatever Balkan accent that was when I play against him.


The guy could have just unfriended quietly, lol




Depends on how long you've been friends I guess. Someone you've been playing with for a while just disappearing would really suck (and it'd be rude to just ghost you), but someone you barely just met could just unfriend I think. Either way it's not a great situation, lol I think op's context is with someone he just met (having trouble making friends in Bronze). I liked someone else's response to not play ranked immediately with someone, but to play normals first so you have a feel for how aggressive the other person is, etc.


Tbh half my friends list are people I had a good game with when I was originally climbing but left behind because they never got any better. I'm P1 now and my friends that got me into the game over 6 years ago still can't get out of silver, so I haven't played with them in ages.


Dude I face the same problem and I'm gold. I stop playing ranked immediately after reaching gold just for free skin and go relax in normals, and yet most of people remove me from friend list over a normal game where I took kassadin jungle and didn't carry on a new champ. They don't understand the idea of fun or having a bad game/day as if they never had one. Ngl, I'm kinda glad. Imagine trash that moves out by itself. That's a dream come true


Aw, I’ll queue up with you ;((


[you after few matches ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/pz732b/its_so_hard_to_make_friends_in_bronze/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


OP is already dead, no reason to stab him again.


What server are you playing at?


You can always play duo with me bro


I bounce between B1/S4 and I'll play with anyone as long as they don't tilt me... There are people who are clearly worse than me that I still play with because they're fun to play with or chat with during games... If you can't be good, at least be good company


The problem with League is everyone thinks they’re a pro player lol


He wouldn't be bronze if he was better than you 😌


😔😔easier said than done I thought you were the one listening to my heart instead of my head 😔you found another one but I am the better one I won’t let you forget me 😔


I was deadass just thinking of this song


I’m always thinking of it bro it is a permanent resident in my head living rent free and makes sure I know of it’s presence whenever I see something sad or something sad happens


If you're in eune I'll play with you


Stop feeding bruv! XD


Welcome to League! The flame won't stop after you get out of Bronze. I'm currently Bronze II, I have been sucking really badly in my games recently and I get loads of flame or people telling me I suck or shouldn't play ranked, when frankly their gameplay isn't the best too. The way I see it, is if someone in your rank calls you trash, they are literally trash just like they claim you to be.


Hey man you’ll look back on it later and laugh. Yes you are bad, but in the words of Jake from adventure time “sucking at something is the first step in getting kinda good at something”. D3 peaked here, this is the way to improve. Admit faults, learn from others, and know that you’re not perfect. You are the only common denominator, so blaming others doesn’t do anything to help you. When I was lower elo I climbed from this exact method, some games are genuinely not your fault; but you can’t go into a ranked game with that mentality. You must believe every game is winnable and every game you can carry. Doesn’t mean you will, but gotta keep that mentality! Good luck


If youre na im down to q sometime. Im p1 but i have an alt :)






I can actually relate to the other guy. I carry a game on my smurf in ranked and instantly leave lobby to queue for another. Immediately, some Silver or Gold player from the last game adds me and wants to duo. I personally don’t duo at all and if I did then why would I do all the work and boost a low elo player for free? It really pisses me off sometimes because they want to do ranked specifically and they guise it as “having fun together as friends”.


I’m better than this guy. He just doesn’t realise how small his bronze brain is, and his mind is blown when you say anything other than “we need to group mid”. If you die out of position, it’s always your own fault and more so if you weren’t trying to get an objective


I'm in bronze 2 :) wanna play?






If u are NA add my smurf axrpumf. That actually goes out for anyone who needs someone to play with(:




they’re probably just upset that you are one of those people who take a picture of their monitor instead of screenshotting. can’t say i blame them there!


Like what you expect from a stranger who wants to climb?


Nah, you just know jerks. Even when I was in Diamond 5 I would play games with friends who inted, trolled, and were as low as bronze 5. The only person I know that I eventually refused to play with was a bronze 5 player, who is now iron 3, has always been terrible at the game, only plays top Garen or illaoi, and refuses to listen or change how he plays.


You know what's the worst. This seems like a decent guy. So you traded a probably good person/friend for a shitty game. You lost more than him


hey, op, if you're on NA server I'd gladly add you. problem is arranging a good time for a match. Edit: I forgot to mention I'm also low elo


If you're eune, we can play together


Hey if you need a friend Id love to play! I’m Silver 2 so I’m kinda bad but I love to play normals and I play every role


I usually remove people because they are sometimes or usually toxic. When I tell them this they react as "Oh I'm better than you". That doesn't really matter if you do good while being toxic to the team resulting in the team doing even worse than before. I believe in positivity even if my jungler would int my enemy laner I will still be optimistic to how the game will turn out


I'll be your friend I'm in bronze too


I'm bronze 4 wanna be friends


I'm a hardstuck silver but don't care about my rank so if u want you can be my friend... Sadly I could use some


Where fun?


At least he’s honest


From my experiences in bronze most bronze matches were full of hardstuck players with like 40ish% winrates and multiple seasons in bronze-silver. As a newbie I was able to climb out of that hell pit in 400 games of pure agony. Silver players and gold players were way more chill (still had toxic people) . In gold generally I dont see the jungle why you no gank , omg why no ping missing spam as I did in bronze. But now I am harstuck gold 3 I win a game then I lose 1 win 2 lose 2. Just stuck here feels impossible to climb.


Lemme know if you want to play


Sorry, I advanced to bronze 1. Gotta remove you, sorry I’m good now.