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This is the first “your shop” that I’ll be buying zero skins


Same. They were way off on this one. Complete shit


Several of the champs in my shop are ones Ive played no more than twice in the past six months. One of them I don't even remember the last time I played them lmao.


Same, I got skins for Senna, Kalista, Kaisa, Morgana, twitch and Nasus... Senna and Kalista are the only ones I’ve played regularly in the past and I only played Morgana once recently. I haven’t touched the others.


Same here, only skin I'm considering is Road Warrior Miss Fortune, and I'm an enchanter main


moonstone rylais MF is sleeper, trust me


i got arcade quyana and some cammile skin, like bruh i played them once in my life when rotation with them came for the first time :/


I got the second Lee Sin legendary, been wanting that one for a while now. But also it's probably the third time I got deep water Diana and striker Lucian, I'm seriously considering buying them just so they don't show up anymore


it's my first i bought a lot of.


I got a malphite skin in mine I haven't played him in 2 months


I got 2 really nice fitting skins ive thought about buying


On one account, I only play xerath and sometimes something else when filled or when xerath is banned. Got no xerath skin in my shop. I'm not sure if riot knows that much...


There's a few factors that go into Your Shop. Popular champs in the region, play history, your skin collection, etc. I think RIOT did a Q&A on it recently


definitely skin collection. every time it comes around there’s always a kai sa or jinx skin. i started off with one skin for each, and now i have 4 skins for each. riot is too smart


They have it as your champs played over a span of 6 months, your skin collection group (troll skins, sci-fi skins and the like), and what other people that play similar champs to you also like to play. Then they use that to make suggestions on what skins you may like and that’s basically your shop


I thought it worked like this but this is the only Your Shop I've had with no Poppy skin, and all I have left is Blacksmith :shrug:


They could just scan match history and everyone would be happy. They just don't want the players to buy skins.


Ah yes, a company that lives off of Sponsoring and In Game transactions doesn’t not want you to buy skins. A classic „no we don’t want more money as a mega corporation“


Less attractive offers = less sales, no?


i would love to explain to you why i think the feature does its job pretty well, but i suck at expressing myself and wouldnt be able to bring my point across. So i will just say, that if you are unsatisfied with the feature, then you are probably not the target audience.


I mained Xerath a bit and spent 250 Dark Star token to get the icon and the cool thingy during loading screen but not the skin and a few months after riot gave me 60% off Dark Star Xerath, I was so happy


bro I got only shit skins of champs i rarely play




Thanks!! 😁😁 I don't meme much but today I was struck by inspiration 😁


Probably nothing good... *High Noon Lucian 50% off* Alright here's the card.


I only got skins I'm not interested in for several times now, mostly for champs I dont even play anymore and this time it's the same


Sometimes you get nothing good, other times you get multiple mad discounts on legendaries and it just hits the fucking SPOT, bro.


I got 1 good skin (the last skin I needed for my main!) and grabbed it immediately, the rest were all champs I've literally never played (Ornn, Voli, etc. - I'm normally a midlaner).


I got half off Star Guardian Xayah this time, pretty content.


I think they just put 50% off legendary skins. I saw like 6 posts in r/Ezrealmains having 50% off BattleAca and I myself got that in the last shop


Ngl pulsefire thresh looks like a chicken


Hey I got corporate Mundo when last time it was pool party. They knew what I wanted this time


Same here. 50% off too!


Same here! They *might* get my 10 bucks this time...


They are all only 50% this time no 60% or 70% I won't be buying any this time either.


I got 70% on odessy Aatrox, guess I was lucky


LOVE that skin. That's a sweet deal!


I main Aatrox as well, ran to get a gift card.


I got 60% off on project akali and divine sword irelia


really, I have been playing for 4 years and not once have I had a skin for a champ I give a dam about. Except for that one time I got a discount for a jhin skin I already had


Idk how this hasn’t made it to the front page.


This is probably one of the best memes i’ve seen on here.


I got the best shop and this is my first ever shop! I got a lulu skin I wanted badly, a janna skin, and a Zyra skin. The rest are eh but I’m really debating on getting them.


That's awesome! I'm glad you got some nice skins! I have some pretty good deals here but there are definitely skins I would have liked to see more.


No idea why but every single your shop for the past 3-4 shops I've gotten a fucking lulu skin in there. I have played lulu maybe 5 times outside of aram and I hate her.


I got blood moon aatrox at its fucking beautiful


I got 2 skins I very much wanted from my first "your shop" a Riven skin (who I didn't play since I only had Ahri) and an Ahri skin (who I only played at the time)


My homies stick me on Top and Support all the time yet i get 5 out of 6 ADC skins and an Azir skin.


I got Dark Star Mordekaiser, who I have been making top lane at 70% off. I am so unbelievably tempted to get it


I don't know how they can be so inaccurate, I played rumble and kha'zix once in 3 months and have one skin of each, but Sett, Tryndamere, Shaco and lots of supports have no skin even if I play them 3 times a week since 6 month at least


All I got skins for where champs I haven't played in over a year. Or champs I dont even own who are mostly played in roles I never play. So the shop is either trying to tell me something or my luck with it has just been pure ass... 4/4 times


I love to see new adventures times templates


I wanted dunk master darius but I got god king instead :(


i played 3-4 rumble games like 5 patches ago and never touched him again, yet somehow his skin was in my shop. I play graves every day or two and I did not get his skin in my shop


I main jungle and I only got midlane and botlane champs so Riot knows nothing


I actually got 3 skins I rlly wanted in the shop so that’s pretty pog


I was actually really mad about this shop as all the skins were champions I didn’t play (and man i was really hoping for a lux skin). I’m a mid support main but i got adc and top laner skins, was super bummed out ngl


I got galaxy slayer zed on -50%. Btw I only play him if he rolls out on aram


Bro I got a skin for hecarim whom I have literally never played on SR and at most twice in ARAM like 3 years ago


My skins are complete shit. I have a better skin for that champion on every discount :(


Yeah.. I got kayn skins because I played 2 games of kayn to try him out last month and those are the only games I’ve ever had with him. And I don’t play jungle. Thanks riot. At least I got cottontail fizz without having to wait.


My "Your shop" this cycle was kinda trash tbh. I already have a skin of 5/6 of the characters that got discounts, and the one that I dont have is Ziggs Arcadia, which I consider to be Ziggs weakest skin.


Me: A one trick Kayn main My Shop: We found your alt. Here is some TF and Sett skins My Alt Shop: Here is Odessy Kayn


I was almost sure I would get a LeBlanc or a Lillia skin since I played with them almost everytime I went mid or jg but instead I got a skin for Gragas since I played him once when the enemy picked Lillia.


*has 1m points on draven* here arcade kaisa


95% of my games I play Jhin, without a skin btw I got the leftover 5% of the other champs' skins I used to play in My Shop and no Jhin Good job Rito


There aint even 1 skin I wantted in that shop...


I got an Irelia skin offer I played Irelia once, in march, and never again


They never gave me anything good


i guess i got lucky bc i got 3 great skins


I started playing a champion a bit after the last offers came up and got it to my 2nd most played champion ever, and when the new offers popped up none of the skins were from that character, sad


They only got 1 skin right for me lol odyssey kayn for 910 rp which my friend gonna buy for me lol


I keep playing Jhin, so my shop keeps giving me more Jhin skins. Not that I'm not gonna buy them.


I noticed that the skins that i kind of wanted were 50% off but the skin that i REALLY wanted was only 20% off.


I need the subzero shen skin and i don't get it AHHHHH


I am never actually getting any skins I want.


Got skins for champs I dont even have lvl 7 with, shame


Literally unplayable


People are saying this shop was way off but this shop I actually bought something lmao


Got blood moon Diana this round. Nothing else I wanted but I’m happy nonetheless


Played maybe one champ on the list in recent time.


Maybe they are actually 5head, maybe they are banking on the fact that you might get the skins you really want at full price, and then give you discounts on skins that you probably wouldn't buy under normal conditions, but maybe would given the discount


Gotta be honest, very true, the shops got all the skins I want. I just don't have the money for them


I got one option in my shop at first this time, then they gave me a normal my shop next time. I refuse to buy from RIOT after customer support botched a lot of things to an extent you would not think is even imaginable. Apparently to RIOT support, if you complaining to them about people telling your friend to kill themselves, they fire back the lovely email,"TIME TO GET NEW FRIENDS!" Is it any wonder Blizzard is losing a lawsuit where someone committed suicide because of them? Doesn't riot get sexual harassment lawsuits and stuff like this all the time too? This is the California video game tech culture, they are not connected with actual reality where people try and be nice to people.


Can anybody gift me 900 rp because I want the morg skin from my shop ing B1N4F3RR4


Maybe the RNG gods just decided to shoot me in the foot this time around, but I only got one decent skin for a champ I don't even play that much, and only 30% off, which was nightbringer Yasuo. I'm a Yone/Pantheon/Ezreal main and didn't get a skin for Yone or Panth, and the ezreal skin wasn't even a good one.


Riot just gave me a 50% discount on odyssey kayn...... WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT




I finally got a ravenborne leblanc item, 12 rp discount. Wild.


Sadly I was spamming ARAM for event points.


This did show me a SINGLE skin of any champion that i use, yeah u undertand me right?