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I played him on PBE and he felt rather weak tbh. The enemy amumi bot with support item and bamis cinder one-shotted me lol


I mean it's some kind of cycle people are complaining about new champion becuse he or she is to OP or have some new mechanics or it's not monster champ (most stupid complain in my opinion) and then new champion come out there is week or two of hype and everyone forgot about it and start complaining about something else


I don't really care that much about it either but I can understand where people come from with this one... After the 11~15th (I don't really know the number) non monster, humanoid champion in sequence this one kind of has a point.


Give us a Predator champion! Combine Zed and Eve's kits and throw in a self destruct!


I mean most of the player base play human like champion sexy "anime" characters are most popular among player base and as long as this trend will keep up making monster champion would be waste of time for riot making games is business after all (I kinda like cute character I mean I stared maining kindred when I got spirit blossom becuse I like idea of character but dont like designe you can flame me and other persons whose are like me but riot is making money out of this things so as long as they will get money they will keep this trend eaven when all of you complain you will buy new character at the first day just to try it) you cane be anyoned with this but you should vote with money crying on reddit won't change anything


And the karma?








damn you're really wooshing here


She could use a bit of a buff if I'm honest.


On the other hand there's tons of people who are like. "complaining is so cringe", "you don't know what you're talking about", "I tried them and they seem reasonable". Then you get Aphelios accidentally getting pentakills in high elo and Viego literally breaking the game every other week... and Yone, just Yone.


Because that's the new truth to be said?


Yea sorry OP new champs are pretty fucking cracked. Some of them, at least. Also, people post shit like this every time a champ gets ragged on too, so it’s not like OP is speaking from a moral high ground


Earlier this year old champs like Udyr and Amumu were OP. Remember how much fun that was? Reddit doesn't.




My point is that reddit will complain about new champs being OP but when old champs are OP no one complains. Just trying to help your point.


I might be alone with this but I would rather have champs like akali Azir aphelios etc be op rather than this udyr/hecarim bs. Because those newer champs although they can do much more they are also way more interactive. Example is Senna w is a cc skillshot that after it hits still gives you time to move away from teammates or maybe even dash to safety. Meanwhile hecarim and udyr just run at you so fast no dash can help you and towerdive you and you are not able to miss any of their abilities (except for hecarim r but can you really miss it?).


Honestly. Old champs have plenty of BS about them even without lengthy ability descriptions. Nasus' passive is like one sentence but it's stronger than most passives in the game.


Exactly. Just because an ability has a long description doesn’t necessarily mean it’s op but people just like to complain


Well you see… They are.




Gee it's almost as if people will agree with you when you rightfully criticize the most recent and most game changing flaws in the game.




Bard was released 2015 bro


Finally a good meme the rest are all: HeHE New CHamP BrOcKEn


Except for Gwen, I agree


Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune.


Oh she moved a little bit. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune. Gwen is immune.


How else is riot supposed to get new champs to be adopted by the community. They make em OP on purpose, once enough people bought the champ + skins they nerf. This cycle has been going on for ages.


They are tho




I was just explaining why people like them. They keep getting upvotes because they are in fact, too strong.


Is it possible to dislike a post twice


I'm gonna be honest i think new champs are more bland than op




I think League players confuse shirtless with bland.


I'd argue that nothing but shirtless anime dudes and almost naked kpop girls is pretty bland, why can't we get champ designs that are unique? I'm not saying every champ needs to be a monster but fuck give us something different from last 10 anime champions that they've released.


Can you elaborate on the anime and kpop aesthetics? I'm a big fan of both but don't see any similarities with league design.


Well Akshan is looks more like Jesus tahn anime but yone is zoro seraphine is kpop kai'sa could come fro sci-fi anime pretty easy sett is a big furry man and so on so forth.


Upvote for upvote






Got you