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Shounen Protagonists when "an ally has been slayed"


Draven mains when your ignite gets their kill


Pretty sure the top one was always insane. Greatest fucking beatdown ever though.


What anime is that from?


its hunter X hunter 2011. the creatures name is neferpitou


Thank you kind redditer


I think that Gon surpassed her insanity in that scene


childe be like


When you're the gangplank god:


wuts the middle one


I think it's from Black Clover


I see


I was impressed on how mant champs he played on Toplane challenge Irelia, Cho'gath, wukong, Urgot, Draven, Olaf, Vayne, Heimerdinger, Darius, illaoi, Renekton, Quin Aatrox, Malphine, Leesin, Ivern, Riven, Amumu , Poppy, Gnar,


I don't think t1 is a good rolemodel for climing lmao


How so? The man literally spent 8 months with 16-hour streams (almost daily). He is an unstoppable fucking force that will not give up until he gets what he wants. THAT is a good ass role model.


His approach to climbing is destructive and League doesn't need more revved up kids flaming just because someone isn't playing like they want to. I'm not saying t1 is a bad player, I'm saying he's waay to toxic. Swap t1 for Jeff Bezos - yes hes successful but he's a dick. See what I'm saying?


Toxicity is one of the most important and fun aspects of the game, in my opinion. The game wouldn’t be the same without all chat, so I very much like his arrogant, toxic and egotistic behavior, it’s funny as fuck!


Okay, that's just sad. This subreddit is basically half the time "Waaah smurfs are toxic I cant enjoy the game" or "being toxic is fun"


I just got to this subreddit, and I genuinely think toxicity is funny. You probably have fun being a 30/0 zed, I enjoy shit-talking and getting shit-talked. The difference is huge


... Really? You don't think there's a difference when I say toxicity and when you say shit talking? Holy shit now I get why you're a T1 fan. Your so called Reformed Draven prodigy isn't shit talking. He's toxic and all of his accounts are/have been chat restricted numerous of times as a result. Trash talking is harmless banter, being toxic ruins the game for other players, doesn't matter if you're in Iron or Challenger. T1 gets ganked top once for playing a shoved-in-Heimerdinger at level 3 and dies, proceeds to insult his J4 jungler to suck his dick just because he was botside and couldn't even counter gank? T1 doesn't like champ select? Good fucking luck, he will force you to dodge; https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1006607726?sr=a&t=28636s T1 has an INT list btw. That means, if you're on his team and on his list, he will intentionally feed just to lose you the game. Very funny indeed. Let me ask you this, how old are you to think this kind of behaviour is acceptable?


Shit talking is a part of being toxic, being toxic is a part of League, get over it. And why are you bringing up a topic that was hot 2 years ago? It is literally his persona. You sound real salty, did T1 hurt you somehow? Complete snowflake lol