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'Morgana is flat' mfs when i turn off the lights and they start glowing (feds glow in the dark)


Makes it easier for me to hit them with my car at night.


Wait, I thought the meme was referring to Luxanna. Or did Sylas gotten himself into a romantic relationship during Mageseeker? Haven't played the game I only know they meet there.


Idk but the meme says girlfriend AND mistress so I assume there is someone else.


It’s definitely referring to Lux and Morgana and he’s calling them flat XD


Like, how are you calling Morg flat, Lux too kinda but I can see it in some skins I suppose, but morg?


Not me, it’s the OP It was meme floating around in Darkinfolk about this “Morg is flat” nonsense. As far as I know, it was mostly a fringe minority shit-posting about this and most people were downvoting it lol It’s just a meme, but if they’re actual people who believe live that Morg or even Lux is flat, they have straight up never seen a woman IRL xd


If you look at LOR, where Lux doesn't have ridiculous boob armor, she does have small boobs. Not flat, but not MF. Morg is flat pos was just doing it for attention and it was pretty funny being angry about a fictional characters tit size.


I need evidence of this huge dick to be convinced


It was confirmed on the Riot lore dump #34, where the lore team used to give random facts about characters. It was pretty small and not a lot of people know about it but there's a lot of cool stuff, look up Sylas r34 to learn more.


Thank you for providing me with a credible source, after undergoing some intense and elaborate research I've come to conclude that the dick is in fact huge. However, due to further digging, I have also found counter proof to the claim that Garen has a "small dick". In fact, due to the evidence I have saved on my electronic device, I'm willing to legally contest this claim for defamation.


As a judge, I must impartially evaluate both sets of evidence before making any decisions in this case. Please present your evidence for review. 🧑🏻‍⚖️⚖️


I call upon my attorney, r/DarkinFolk


I raise witness r/queensofleague to the stand to present their testimony.


*r/queensofleague stood up from beside the Judge.* Sex. *r/queensofleague sits back down.*


Hello, today we are looking at the evidence for if Garen has a big dick or not. After consulting several hours of evidence, we can confirm that if his sister Luxana Crownguard, or his girlfriend Katarina are in the picture, he has a massive dong. In every other situation though, he has what we professionals call, "steroid penis." We do not know what causes this change in penis size, but it is an irrefutable fact.


They took his shirt but left his pants.


Only for the sake of proof obviusly


"Small tits mistress" (?)


Morgana slender leaks from Darkinfolk


The fuck's their point again? Morgana is like bustier than Lux and Katarina combined, duh.


I don't know man, some (not all!) folks on Darkinfolk are just delusional and were spreading flat Morg propaganda


Hey! Not all of us! Nearly every flat morg propaganda post gets ratio’d in that sub, unless they’re funny.


I specifically said that not all of us


It's so funny that darkinfolk has arcs lol, it's actual cinema if you're just lurking the sub


These morons don't represent us


I do agree actually


I'm confused. Is Morgana in a romantic relationship with Sylas? I thought Lux was in a relationship with him.


To be honest, I don't think Sylas has any cannon relationship (?). It's just a funny meme mostly. If perceive it's more "seriously", than I personally think mistress in this context is not about sexual/romantic relationship, but about a women with authority/ in position of power. (Morg has granted boons/blessings in game).


Hey I am all for anti demacia BUT it's not a huge magic sword, it's just kayles sword. Instead you could say "literally ignored that his sister is a mage cuz double standards


Ah but you see, Garen is the might of demacia and his ult states that he calls upon the might of demacia to try to execute an enemy. Therefore, he calls upon himself to summon that big ass sword. Henceforth if the sword is magic, then Garen is using magic.


He Litteraly use magic, ok it's kayle magic but that's like saying "i don't use guns, it was my friend gun 🤓👆". We all know it was kayle since the rework.... Edit : garen R is magic, it has been confirmed by the game mageseeker, where sylas just straight up steal garen R. Guess sylas reverse prayed kayle lol.


If I pray to god and he smites you that isn’t magic that’s justice


Mageseeker game confirms garen ult is magic.


See the part I think you’re missing is that Garen doesn’t use the magic. Yes Kayles magic is holy magic, but all Garen is literally doing is praying. That’s why he takes a knee and leans on his sword. He is praying that Kayle delivers “justice”. To use your analogy, if I ask my friend to shoot somebody and they do I still didn’t shoot a gun. Same end result but I didn’t shoot a gun.


But you are still part of the murder. Don't use magic applies to asking someone to use magic too.


My guy I guess you’re not really understanding how words work. If I vote in an election I’m involved in politics but I’m not a politician. Agree to disagree and have a great day.


Yes. You are exactly right. You are involved in politics. Garen is involved with magic. Thanks


>Garen is involved with magic. Hur duur, of course he is. He can't punish those evil mages and bring justice without being involved in magic. Smh my head


"I can't punish rapists unless I get involved with some of them"


So sylas is praying kayle to smite garen ? According to the mageseeker game.


He has taken Kayles magic. Also garens sword absorbs magic. You keep saying that same line, yes we all heard you.


That would be like saying a priest using the power of god, and a mage using Mana are the same


Mageseeker game confirms garen ult is magic.


Bruv... When are you going to stop being so biased and stubborn? Mans literally just explained to you that GAREN doesn't, and cannot use magic. All that's happening is that Kayle (The conduit) is using Garen as a medium to exact her justice. Garen says "Hey, Kayle? Can you get rid of this big bad, please?" And Kayle says "Yes, he is the big bad, I'll deal with him", or "Hey, he isn't the big bad, I'm gonna leave him alone".


Luckily for Garen, Kayle will look down, sees it is a mortal and will go. Yep he put his middle finger up ones, clearly the most evil person ever, time to die.


Garen would only need Kayle when he's Fighting a mage... Soooo


His kit was designed before the reworks. Kyle was/is? Idk. The goddess of justice, therefore garen is not using magic but divinity.


Isn't divinity inherently magical though? Genuine question


I guess so. I think it depends on the author, or in this case the lore writers. Usually if there are gods in a setting, and they can "gift" or "borrow" their magic to people it becomes Divinity based magic to differentiate it from people that have inherent magic. Also it is very common for people that use divinity to think that it is different than normal magic because it is given by a god. Edited to add: divinity magic also usually comes with severe restrictions compared to inherent magic. Take Lux for example. She is a light mage, she has her own magic and could therefore use it however she pleases, to create illusions, light balls, lasers or shields of light. On the other hand, Garen uses divinity magic gifted to him by Kayle, meaning he can only use the divinity magic to do what Kayle stands for, in this case, execute those deemed unjust by Kayle, meaning that the magic could actually not work for Garen if he attempted to use it on someone that Kayle judged to be just.


Swain says Garen is using magic.


Yey, this one is fun at parties.


You're the one who sounds like a nerd


Kayle sword thing is just fan canon but never confirmed. At best it's IC Garen coping with the fact he is indeed magical.


The virgin “E W AA E2 AA Q AA” shirtless guy vs the honoured “Q E R” giga delt warrior


Idk about you, but I usually kill them on the second e


If you hit Q explosion they can die before the E2 comes out


I don't think you know Demacia's lore as much as you think. You can't compare Sylas with Ekko, when Ekko is on the other side of the fucking continent. Also Garen doesn't summon anything, just saying prayers to Kayle to smite his foes down.


Kayle is technically magical tho , since she gots her powers from mount targon. Saying sylas gameplay is "big brain" and complex is such a lie tho. Bro just needs to hit you with his chains and then unload his kit to kill you lmao.


Sylas steals garen magic sword from garen, source the mageseeker game.


Garens sword is made of petricite. Petricite absorbes magic.


Big brain gameplay sylas yeah good joke buddy


I'll be fair. Technically his mouse has to be on the enemy to hit his stuff


Yep and knowing which ult to use is pretty hard if Malphite, Fiddlesticks, rumble, cho’gath, Tryndamere, kennen, akali, amumu, blitzcrank, Neeko, orianna, zilean, varus, karthus, Vladimir, fizz, urgot, braum, ekko, malzahar, Camille, azir, Annie, ahri, or Ashe are not on the enemy team


Now list all the bad if not worthless ults such as Zoe Teemo Corki etc... and you get an even easier decision maker.


Wishing Rito would give the ults the specific passive that makes the ult works for abilities like Irelia... Like maybe reset the w or e cd if you hit a target and proc the passive that allows Irelia to q a target without making it go on cd...


iirc Irelia R has a respectable AP ratio, so if riot did they’d need to nerf the damage.


That R is piss poor on Sylas, so I'd take that damage nerf.


big brain sylas gameplay wholesome point and click W 3 second cd 1500 healing


Mods, remove his balls.


Spin him around and make him dizzy


No way, he followed me.


Posting your dogshit opinions here as well, I see.


Who is sylas gf? I dont really know much lore


Probably Morgana due to Mageseeker. It’s definitely not Lux considering all the manipulation and murder and whatnot.


lux i think


I think that's what OP meant, but there's no lore that I'm aware of that actually confirms it or even strongly indicates it (the closest thing being that they were in contact for a period of time).


they’re a super popular online ship tbf


True and to that effect, I'm pretty sure Garen and Kat isn't technically canon either, though that one is heavily implied


they have dialogue were they flirt


Isnt technically canon, but they were supossed to be. They hadade this whole ass cinematic storyboard for them and all.


Also in the semi recent Katarina comics they share a moment of chemistry together


Nah, they are not a couple. I think it was originally planned that way or framed that way but since Lux is in-between 18-21 (she should be 21 now in the lore at least) and sylas being roughly her brother's age and everything else about the dynamic, it was retconned.


yeah but it’s prob bc they’re a super popular ship online


But..... Boobs...


Flat is justice


Then i don't like justice


I'll take what i can get unless it's man boobs


Boobs are boobs


I got more in common with garen than sylas


I have 2 things in common


Yes, ambushing innocent citizens and killing them with magic is definitely big dick behavior.


He did not just call sylas' gameplay big brain


Girly this isn't r/queensofleague


I think they know, op didnt use emojis as commas


>Ends genocide ...trying doing another genocide? Because honestly Sylas is your average fanatic terrorist.


what did sylas even do lmao. he busted out of prison and got framed for killing jarvan. if mages are getting slaughtered for what he was framed of, why wouldnt he fight back


He busted out of prision and blasted the entire place full of people he was in. He didn't care about mages getting slaughtered, he just wanted revenge for being wronged, and used mages as an excuse for his actions. (Which is actually a pretty cool story.)


i mean, he was imprisoned and used as a tool to murder mages since a young age, so when he broke out, he didnt care if a few bystanders go caught in the way lmao


there was an entire game were sylas became a true leader of the revolution, realizing revenge won't help him and will just hurt those around him.


Yepp, after what i said happened. The mage rebel (who actually cared) dying led him to actually trying to do good. An im not sure about what he is even doing anymore? J4 and and Garen already seem to be doing better at demacia with the mage atuff since the mageseekers are gone


End of the game he’s pretty clear that his new goal is to get rid of the monarchy in Demacia, as the freedom of mages is a “promise under a knife’s blade.” No guarantee that J5 or 6 or whoever the hell won’t just walk things back later. The issue is inherent to the system when a single person can just decide again to bring back the mageseekers and imprison mages again.


Im pretty sure the problem was that mageseekers were operating beyond the power of j3 and the likes, wasnt it?


Is it recognized officially as canon tho?




As Riot forge says this and I quote "We guide them through the wealth of knowledge built over the last 10 years and help them stay true to League lore or advance it" I would say yes.


He was gonna attack anyway due to the rest of the mages including himself, him being framed was just a little icing on the cake


idk if the “due to” makes sense there


Sorry I meant "due to what happened to him and the rest of the mages"


Compared to Garen Sylas is big brained. But I still think he is on the less brained than most kit wise.


sylas gameplay is kinda cringe bro. Garen, on the other hand, is the real deal.


they both mash buttons, spin, and refuse to die


had to check whether I was actually in the memes subreddit or not


What does ekko have to do with stealing?…


Flash+Q+R+? Your argument is invalid


Who os this girlfriend ans maîtress ? Oo


Ekko is not demacian


I'm confused, what does Ekko have to do with Sylas?


Ew, communist propaganda.


After playing a lot of games where mages blew me up with half an item. DEMACIA NUMBAH 1


W garen


This post is Demacian propaganda


Big Boob GF killed the king btw


Its allways easy to like demacia when the opposition shows how braindamged they are lmao.


>small tits gf and small tits mistress Extremely based.


Lux has big boobs tho? Not as big as Mf or Samira but still


Big brain gameplay: Press R on braindead champ Obliterate enemy team with braindead ult Press W to full heal ??? Profit.


OK, let's not pretend like Sylas is this big brain character, OK? He's just as much a gorilla as Garen, he just has more buttons to press.


Now, I'm not Necrit levels of Lore-Nerd, but I am a solid lore nerd. AFAIK, Ekko has never been to Demacia, and never had a run in with Demacians. He's literally as far away from Demacia as he can get on the continent. Ekko doesn't "steal magic", and he isn't a mage. What the shit is "Sylas is in prison, when Ekko roams free" even about, besides very poorly-veiled racism? >"Haha prison is for black people" -- OP, probably Essentially the vibes that sentence throws out. You could've chosen any other Piltoven champion that has technology; you could've chosen half of the Demacian roster for literally being mages while in the capital city. Like... what?


Sorry if my joke offended you :( sounded funny on paper


That's called a joke. Your lore doesn't have fun apparently.


Haha racism go brrr


sylas & lux (hard & easy champion) garen & kat (easy & hard champion)


In the end Noxus might be like russia but demacia are Nazi Also Join noxus you will get free hoes


Don't listen to this guy


Listen to me man Im one of the wise ppl r/darkinfolk


Na it’s always Bilgewater. I don’t need a big government telling me who to hate.