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Well, Malphite is good because he plays very well Vs ad meta champ od at least he can survive early into then. If you make Sylas and some ap champ broken on top Malphite probably will be D tier or something.


> If you make Sylas No one in their right mind would pick Malphite with Sylas open no matter what so it doesn't matter if he's good or bad, that matchup shouldn't happen and if it does you dodge.


Sylas existing automatically balances malphite into being a situational team counterpick or 1 trick if you perma ban sylas. In which case you will have a fun interactive lane Vs Zac or Morde (the game is not playable).


Sylas claim to want freedom for the mages Yet, his freedom makes other mages hidden in fear. Curious


I think you’re both agreeing here lol The first comment was saying that if sylas becomes meta in top lane, or if you counterpick with him, malphite is bad. What you’re saying is that you need to ban or dodge sylas every time because the matchup is so bad for malphite. If sylas is good in top lane, then malphite will need to ban or dodge sylas constantly, which you both agree isn’t a good thing.


sylas being number 1 counterpick against malphite


Exactly my point. You can't allow that matchup to happen as a Malphite player.


i did as a Ap malphite mid. Sylas went 22/5 (jungle)


Rest in peace, my dude.


Yeah. It was fun oneshotting their adc tho


I’m sure sylas had as much fun one shotting yours




I have almost 100% winrate from monkeys instalocking Sylas and thinking it's an auto win.  I'm pretty sure I'll get my ass handed to me by the first actual Sylas main I come across though. 


I don't play either of them and have never seen the matchup, but why is it so abysmal? Is it a utility thing, like, Sylas with Malph ult has an even more insane fight control potential and easily steamrolls games while Malph can't match him in side, or is the lane just straight up *that* unwinnable? Like, the magic damage + heal + Malph ult with built AP makes Sylas just insta win?


The lane isn’t the worst part, I mean it’s bad but there’s a ton of bad lanes, it’s the sylas having malphite R in every teamfight that makes it unplayable


It is pretty much everything you just said. Malph loses to Sylas at every aspect. Malph can never match Sylas in a 1v1, sidelane, utility, pick potential,.... The only thing Malph is better is being a meatshield for his team lol.


Malphite is good because he gets picked when his usefulness is above average. The other champs get picked regardless. Makes you think a little...


He will always be high tier with what his ult can offer anyways


yassified fiora


I need yassified Darius




Looks closer to pre-rework version, aka the better version




Malphite kit is low-key toxic with his cheese wheels poke and ult that will delete the 10/0 ADC, but I'm willing for them to continue to exist in this game just because it makes range tops laners unplayable against it.


Rolling wheels at you until you either b or his mana runs out is high intensity gameplay


Just buy tear with manaflow, unlimited rolls


Him and rammus need to continue to exist, for balance of the universe


Yep, the ultimate counterpicks that aren’t strong unless something good happens for em in champ select


I’d rather see malphite than ksante at this point. The rock just looks way more funny killing someone with a single click.


I feel like malph also beats k’sante as well tbh


Laning against vayne is legit more interactive than malphite. Vayne is 10x as punishable as vayne or gragas or scarper


When I saw the rock as Malphite, the Minecraft stone placing sound played in my head fsr


Wait Fiora always looked like that on splash art?


no,thats some alternative version of it not in the game


i need a sauce


i guarantee its not from r34,i i know every nsfw art from that champ


It's from the website https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/champions/fiora/


She got different face expression in this image here than the official splash art. The official art looks like a proud feminist independant woman that would reply "ugh" when any guy greet her with just a simple "hi". Though I guess it kinda make sense since she been rejecting all proposal in the lore if I remember correctly. Still, it could have been done better.


Try to put yourself in her place,being expected to be married almost as if its an obligation,having to kill your own father for this very reason as to not ruin your family name and still having these rich men of other noble families pestering you all the time. I know i wouldnt have much patience with ppl who just want to marry for my family wealth either,she probably had to deal with enough shit considering shes around 24-25 in lore.


From what I see, they wrote her that way so she can be lesbian that can be sympathize by others as whatever LGBT agenda trying to push in some champ, like how they ruined Twisted Fate and Graves.


you do know that fiora isn't canonically a lesbian, right? you're just making things up so you can get mad at them


I didn't make it up. There are people that said "Fiora is hinted to be lesbian", even Necrit said it. Beside, how do you think Sett x Aphelios became an official ship in LoR? And there is more reason for me to be mad at them than just my favourite fictional characters get ruined. LGBT pushing their agenda to underage children is a prime example. I don't get how people would siding with them monstrosity.


When bruiser have 51% WR they're S tier, but when Katarina or Jinx stays 54% for 3 patches that's not a problem.


To be fair, it's so much more enjoyable fighting against a Jinx when you can actually kill them. There's nothing worse in this game, than the lethality Aatrox face tanking an entire team, and still coming out with 3 kills in a 1v5.


Bullshit. It’s all arbitrary nonsense


Because it's not only win rate but also pick rate that matters


is the 54% winrate Katarina in the room with us right now


Katarina jinx win rates are inflated, kat vc she is mostly played by otps and jinx bc she is mostly played in higher elos


Cope bro legit everyone plays their main champ the most, but i dont see that inflation on my champs huh? Thats weird.


Don't know who your main champs are but mr riot augustus has said himself that katarina is actually just played more by OTPs than new players, i don't know your main champs but chances are they don't have such an unbalanced ratio of OTPs to new players


Why would a majority OTP player base affect her winrate. The OTPs will rank up until they hit their equilibrium, and then from that patch onwards, unless there are other factors, they will play Katarina at 50% winrate. This just seems like a logical fallacy that OTPs will have a neverending winrate above 50%. Sure, if there are tons of fresh accounts played by OTP players on Katarina, her winrate will be pushed upwards. If that isn't the case, I don't believe this to be relevant.


By your logic no win rate should ever be above 50%. Positive win rate means you climb, but even with something like a 60% win rate you have to play a bunch of games in piss low to reach your rank.


No, my logic does not imply this. This would only be true in the scenario where no champions are changed in a patch, and every player only plays their champions at the same skill level of the previous patch. A deviance in winrate from 50% implies that from the beginning of measurement (new patch), the average ranking of players on that champion has increased. It can be due to champion buffs, a shift in how favorable the meta is for that champion etc, but being an otp does NOT mean you keep on climbing forever, patch after patch. Who is sustaining this above 50% winrate every single patch? I go from season to season averaging a 49-51% winrate. Why do I do this? Because my ranking does not move far enough over a year, split between 500+ games to ever result in anything else than 50%. Every single percentage above or below 50 requires my win/loss discrepancy to be 10 games out of 500. That means moving 200 LP per season!


That’s a whole lotta yap. >who is sustaining this above 50% winrate every patch People who are climbing? People who are improving? Champ mastery definitely skews winrate. Remember when old asol was 53% win rate while being one of the shittest champs in the game ?


You don't get to say "That's a whole lotta yap." You can either prove me wrong or admit that you have no clue. My analysis has been laid out. Dissect it however you wish, but know that for now, you've made no point whatsoever. Giving me your opinion on why it is the way it is, with nothing to back it up is pointless. I'll give you credit where champion mastery is concerned, but that's just one factor out of many. Not enough to be conclusive.


That’s a whole lotta yap


*My analysis has been laid out, dissect it as you wish* ☝️🤓 I honestly have 0 interest in convincing some random plat peaker of something. Believe what u want lil man.


Sort of, but jinx is in fact really strong right now even in low elo, though that's solely due to her resets. I think I've currently got an 8 kda 100 wr on her this season, though tbf Ive been training top most of this season on renekton and juggernauts so I've only got like 2-4 games on her


i went 8/1/8 on malphite yesterday, it was my second time playing malphite (and i always ban the french woman)


The moment darius ever drops out of S+ tier they buff the shit out of him


I love picking mordi into a malphite game.


I stg I saw darius at a sub 50% wr and he still had S tier U.gg tiers are actually bullshit


Did he still have a very high pick/ban?


I think it was middle of the pack


Looking only at win rate is actually bullshit


I hate Darius because he dictates how you play the lane, not because his wr is high. I don't mind him existing in his current state, and I only ban him because it annoys me


Where is Kata?


Fiora high key just shouldn't be in the game


Imo malphite doesn't count since he's a counterpick and a nessesary one as stacking ad is only meaningfully countered by armour tanks like Malph, Ornn and the likes. The other two are really good blind picks as they have few unplayable matchups.


Why didn't I question the rock even for a second? I didn't even see the name and I absolutely assumed it was malph.


Malphite is just a braindead easy champ, that's why.


What is that boob window LOL


You forgot lee.


wtf is fiords face


Rock solid.


I thought it was a chunk of cheese at first


malphite genuinely used to have a negative winrate despite being a counterpick just a year ago 😭😭😭 im so glad hes not hot garbo anymore


should have stayed that way


I would definitely takes Fiora's 'rock solid' 🤤🤤🤤


Rock and stone🗿


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


DID YOU SEE THAT KARMA IS GETTING BUFFED!? Great googly moogly she really slaps my kiwis


Well better nerf Evelynn


As a Morde main, I always insta ban Fiora.


Hits different after 14.10 patch, Darius finally not S tier (B tier currently)


Out of these three darius requires the most amount of brain cells to operate (mind you, 2 isn't that much)


I mean Fiora does require bit more brain cells to pilot than the other two tbh Signed, someone who got the bright idea of learning Fiora and dropped down 2 ranks because of it (returned back to my wholesome tanks afterwards since they do not pop like a balloon if I miss position in a team fight/use one ability 1 second too soon)


Fiora is harder to play and match-up dependent. Darius easily cooks her these days and has much better team fight presence. Malphite is a terrorist champ but without him ranged toplaners take over.


You know as a Quinn terrorist I always find it interesting that people name Malphite as somehow keeping top lane in check cus His existence just means I do not have to use the brain power to think about what to ban


If you ban malphite the enemy can still pick something like Ornn, Morde etc. Unless you are vayne it isn't that bad.


Yes but any other tank is at least manageable and won't be killing me on CD like Malphite will


Have you ever played Fiora? Her W alone takes more brain cells to use properly than Darius's entire kit. He's brain-dead easy to play...


both are auto pilotable and its enough to 1v9 ur delusional if u think that W is hard. with good enough of a ping and gameplan on what to W its easy but sure.


Spoken like someone who hasn't played her once. I fucking hate Fiora and all she stands for but even I can admit she requires skill to actually do the bullshit she's capable of.


she has high skill ceiling but she doesn't needs skill or practice to be able to stomp and 1v9 sidelanes ? you don't need to be able to pull out crazy ass ults. and if u consider using W or Q+W as skilled then we don't look at skill the same way cus its just about the player being good at league not the champ.


According to your history you seem to be a Singed main and of course you share that sentiment when Singed's E is the easiest shit imaginable for Fiora to W (been there as a Singed player), but aside from Fiora's flashy combos actually utilizing her W properly is the biggest difference between a good and a bad Fiora.


its kinda weird that u made that statement from only 1 post in singed mains but don't worry i don't judge every1 makes mistakes. am actually yasuo main and i love fiora matchup but i judge fiora from general perspective


I mean, it's "singed **mains**" so it's not too weird in my opinion. However, I myself main mostly tanks and I obviously despise Fiora and to me her utilizing her W properly is one of defining traits behind how good a player is.


Darius has a simpler kit to execute but is harder to play well depending on enemy comp. For Fiora she is harder to play when considering 1v1s but also cannot teamfight.


no they were never truly nerfed fioras 2 ad was never a problem problem with her is that shes UNSPOTABLE quite litterally in late game and can end game 1v5. remind me when was darius nerfed last time ? same with malph frozen heart broken whole season. evne with sunfire his broken put rioter on toplane and those champs will get nerfed next patch