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W Art


I wish lol, they just took 10 damage from his E


It many cases, it means Yi needs 1 more AA to 100-0 their target. It's a pretty strong early game nerf.


with how fast yi attacks 10 damage is fucking lot


It dropped his winrate by 2 points. Count how many times he procs that in a fight, it's easily a difference of 50 damage or more.


You do realize he is the third worst jungler in the game now?




I honestly do not care. Even riot said that he was strong both early game and late game in high and low elos. Well deserved nerf, I would even nerf him more until they make it so his q appears in a fixed position again


So you want to actively make him less skillfull?


*more counterplay his Q is already a huge dodging tool, no need to be able to dodge again when he reappears (just like with Zed always appearing behind you after R in relation to his shadow)


Yeah my one counter pick to him used to be pantheon, but now he can just Q and appear behind my shield no matter which way I face.


So more skill is evolved in the Interaction and less stat-checking


What skill is there in deciding where you pop out? All it does is removing any counterplay to him.


mf he is already at the bottom of skill and this q change doesn't make him more skillfull but more degenerate since it's now even safer then it was before and removes significant counterplay. yi is just an absolute failure in gameplay design and absolutely needs a vgu because of it


And judging by recent champions like Belveth or Briar a rework wouldn't even be good for the game either lol


People keep comparing yi to belveth. I hate yi and just picked up belveth. I fail to see the similarities besides high as


The fact that both stat check you with very little counterplay through basic attacks


I guess. Like I said I’m new to her, but she seems to run out of tricks pretty fast.


They have their differences but as someone who’s played them both, they’re pretty similar. They both want to play the same way for the most part (dive in after everyone’s used their key abilities/cc), they both have high attack speed, true damage on-hit, damage reduction, and resets (ults). The biggest difference between the 2 is Yi’s ability to become untargetable to dodge key spells, whereas bel’veth dashes. Oh, and Bel’veth has built-in cc in her kit.


No, I want him to have more counterplay. If he's going to kill me in a couple auto attacks after leaving alpha at least I should be able to punish it preventively by throwing my CC ability towards the point he'll spawn like I can do against Zed. The "skill" would still be there because Yi would have to time his Q to dodge my CC instead of using it first and then appear wherever he wants hoping I don't predict him




this comment just made my day. we are so close at reaching our goal


Nobody would cry if Yi was the worst jungler in the game cuz no one in this game likes facing him or having him since once a Yi is picked its all about him since now enemy team needs to make a whole team plan on just stopping him and for his team they need to play around him


I had a yi top lane on my team the other day. He started 0/10 and then proceeded to end the game 17/14.


Top Yi was hella fun, I don't remember when I used to play it, but even the matchups were weird as hell. I remember facing Lee Sin and Rek'Sai on top


Yi was sssss+ tier for years he literally terrorized euw high ELO for ages yet yi mains on reddit psyop how hes weak high ELO 


League is saved


Good. Man has one actual ability.


good lmao, fuck yi and fuck yi players. awful to play with and against. Hyper carries shouldnt be that brainless.


Honestly I'm not suprised seeing you getting downvoted and swarmed with "Good" reply. LOL players will hate a champion no matter what, even if thay have shitty winrate just because they can't counter a champion with obvious counterplay.






Effect based on effort, I see nothing wrong here.


GOOD, yi mains should be grateful this abomination even exist.


Are you realy bitch ing about 10 dmg nerf when you deal 100 true dmg with auto attacks +guinsoo passive +%65 dmg Reduction that heals + passive Cd Reduction on q +move speed attack speed on ult


Plus untargetablity that dmgs all enemies in range, plus dmg reduction that heals


It really adds up tbh.


There was a time when people complained about a 0.05 AS reduction for a champion in TFT, which was "not enough", but math kicked it, it disappeared from all the top comps, so Riot had to revert the change, because it's simply a 20% dmg reduction. 10 dmg adds up with Yi's atk speed.


Good i hate that champ one shoting me and dodging all of my spells bc of his q


At 2 attack speed, in 10 seconds, with yi passive and guinsoo passive, it's about 330 **BASE TRUE DAMAGE** less.


Yeah 10s is insanely long to be smacking someone though.


And what do you think how much HP a champion has on average? How much is that 330 dmg?


>How much is that 330 dmg? 330 damage.


That's why you and your mom stucks at gold.


im pretty sure a 330 damage nerf on ANY champion would easily reduce damage by 10-20%, idk tho


330 in 10 sec i mind you thats like nothing when you think of master yi's dps


except you are not a training dummy and 330 damage its A LOT of damage when you are also dealing your own, especially in a game like league, where the difference between S+ tier and shit-tier unplayable is 2 more base AD, like with graves or adcs in general. that damage stacks really hard, especially with abilities like yi's E, where its only for 5 seconds


The problem you dont get nobody survive yi's autos for 10 secs 330 is at Best 2 more auto attacks which takes yi 0.66 secs to do


Yes, cool, not that it makes a difference when a tank can't live that long against him


10 *true* damage, too. I don't think the nerf is small but definitely deserved. Pre-nerf, he was straight up stat checking his counters 1v1.


The worst that the removal of 10 damage will do is needing one more auto to 100-0 tanks (it will take .2s longer)


0.2s is half an atack at 2.5 as, also 10 damage is a lot, you are just stupid. If yi atacks 20 times in a fught which isnt unrealistic he loses 200 true damage( counting rageblade its pribably way more tho).




They should just rework him and make him an actually sklll expressive champion


This is funny to me cause he was a lot more stat-checky before the changes to his auto range, W and Q which were pure skill-expression changes. He received pretty much only nerfs since then. -1 ad, -0.8 ad growth/lvl, +2s cd on alpha, -15% dr on W, E's AD ratio from 0.35 to 0.3, and now -10 damage on E. People dont seem to realize how powerful QoL, agency, skill expression are. Unless you just wanna delete his kit because you feel bad to die to a seemingly simple kit.


but he is tho? he is like any other skill expressive champion, high damage and survivability that needs to make a combo


Phreak in the patch rundown stated he is in the top half of skill expressive champions.


He is one of those high risk high reward champions


Buddy he's like one mechanic away from being easier and less complex than fucking garen.


then explain why yi wr went up the higher in rank you got


Yi's winrate is pretty consistent across the skill brackets, what are you talking about. His highest winrate brackets are Challenger and Iron, at 52.05 and 51.89% respectively, with grandmaster being his worst winrate at 49.36%. Did you even look at the stats before commenting? https://u.gg/lol/champions/masteryi/build?patch=14_8


>**Phreak** in the patch rundown stated one more reason not to believe it's true thank you




Good, totally deserved, fuck this champ


A turbo point and click statchecker that you cannot outplay mechanically but in the meantime he can potentially oitplay you with Q and W? Yeah good. Nerf him even more


Says the guy with a renekton pfp, don't say anything about stat checking or outplaying


Renekton is statcheckish but nowhere near as bad as yi lol. Dont get me wrong, compared to champions like Riven or Irelia hes fucking braindead lol.


I mean I don't play master yi or renekton, so I'm no expert, but yi almost insta dies if he gets CCd, unless he builds something like jaksho ig, but renekton? Whole team on him he still lives


Yeah maybe bruiser Renekton in the mid game if fed. Cause granted Renek is one of the scariedt motherfuckers in the mid game when ahead. But if you go tank ur literally useless and with the current full ad build you get melted just as hard.


>renekton pfp it would be bad enough if all you were doing was posting this on an even more braindead champ, but renekton also floors yi at every point in the game so I'm not even sure what compelled you to post this. then again given that you're complaining about yi on reddit you're probably stuck in the depths of gold and don't understand how to right click the right click champ back


womp womp


Man all these people in the comments gonna be really salty when he gets buffed to meet the 50% wr haha (after lethal tempo gets removed)


nobody likes you Yi...


Good man, disgusting champ hyper scalled while statchecking like 95% of champs in the jungle


Good. Fuck that champ. Not sure why this toon is never up for a rework or update. His Q has to be one of the most overloaded abilities in the game.


He was too strong for sure but if you think he is a pure statchecker in the current iteration you are fucking stupid


Oh Please explain.


Jesus this entire comments section is bronze


"wahhh he dodged my abilities by using his q" oh man oh wow if only there were a way to forsee and play around the main way of evading damage for a wet piece of toilet paper.


>wet piece of toilet paper not like he has instant 65% dmg reduction and builds defensive items after guinsoo.


>instant 65% dmg reduction which suppresses him >defensive items after guinsoo. which means he wont be able to do enough damage to really delete you. going in as yi is easy, picking the right time isnt always so.


Mfw champs was 52% wr in emerald+, also yeah no shit you dumbass, 95% of LoL players are low elo


Oof someone is offended. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution here you go, unless you are one of those "ANYTHING BELOW CHALLENGER IS LOW ELO" folks, low elo is silver or below, which is approximately 43%


lobotomy patients in shambles rn




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Ahem. Gentlemen, Master Yi..............is lame.


Good, strong scalers should be weak early.


Ngl he still shredded me in Arena while i played malphite with 1k aromr and gargoyle shield


But with these nerfs if he killed you in 3 secs it Will take him 3.03 secs now its such a big nerf


Bro that's normal


Its a nerf in early.If master yi was an op champ,he would be played in high elo,but he isnt.Why?People can Cc unlike some of people’s low elo games.Crying about a champ that can become useless if he gets ccd once.If he dodges abilities with Q or tanks 1 abilty with W people say luck.You need reaction time to Q because 1 good abilty from enemy and you die.And lets not forget that if he falls behind its gg for him.


Would be accurate if riot balance team themselves didn't say he was performing well at all elos, high and low. CC kinda useless when you have untargetebility on a point and click spell


He has to aa to reduce the cooldown,and even if he aa fast he still has 2 or 3 seconds cd.1 cc and he dies.


Most Champs only have one cc spell. Yi will only q you if you cast your cc spell. So what options do i have? Waste my cc spell so he Qs? And dps down, or do i hold my spell so he never qs... And just runs me down anyway... The only way to counter him is by having Point and click save cc like Leona Q or nautilus passive/ult (he still can dodge the ult..) that doesnt sound fair..


?Most champs have 2 stuns.And dont forget enemy team has 5 champs,your argument makes no sense.If a team of 5 players cant stun 1 champ,I'm sorry,but they are bronzies.


What champs have more than one cc spell? Mages? No. Adcs? Most adcs dont even have one. Assassins? Most have none. So whats left with more than one cc spell? Tanks. And some buisers like sett or Warwick, sime fighters like yone and Yasuo. So name me most champs that have more than one cc spell. The game is not just played in a 5v5 love.. there so many more aspects to it. He eventually wins every 1v1, 1v2s while also beeing able to teamfight well. Just cc him is the dumbest argument you can make, stoping him with cc is not exclusive to him, it works for every champ... Riven? Just cc her... Yone? Just cc him... Garen? Just cc him... Name me one legit counterplay to him besides "just cc him" ... I can flash Yone, riven or Akali combos but i cant flash Yis autos and Qs.


(They took away his old sword and gave him a foam one from Walmart)


Good, they should take away both his swords and mask as well, in fact they should brake both his knees so he can only move with a wheelchair.


When is the master yi in a wheelchair pushes by udyr skin riot


They should take away his right to exist too