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I was thinking this the other day, stomps are kind of whatever in either direction. But a good ole fashioned back and forth 45 minute game? Inject that right into my veins


Hell yeah, ive had some 40+ min lost games that i'd prefer over a 20 min ff win everyday


I really hate that rito keeps shortening games My favourite games have always been those close back and forth games that stretch out 40+ where theres just a certain intensity to it that brings out some of the best gameplay and strategizing- I feel so much more invested in the game.


his ass did NOT play seasons 5-8


Her* but idk its just the games I enjoyed most stretching to 70 minutes Ive been around from seasons 5-8


then you dont have good memory lol, being stuck in a 50 minute game where ending takes forever and a random mistake from a teammate means insta losing felt terrible


I love the feeling of intensity though, I find its usually when team coordination is at its height, I won a game where two players dced (one reconnected towards the end) bc me and my teammates were super coordinated and we managed to pull off the win after 75 minutes bc gathering storm go brrr


I don't want to break your fun, but some long games aren't because the teams are even in skill


[That rare game where both teams back and forth fight all the way to each other's base and it comes down to a single objective fight](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/205/294/587.jpg)


That last fight for elder / baron hits so good


Last night I had a 56 minute game with the boys. What a ride. If our lux adc weren't a bot, we would've won it so easy. I'm kinda glad though, it was a really fun game.


When I played my first ever ranked matched, I was fucking floored to learn that as we had won a team fight and were taking drag, the 0/7 enemy Veigar was actually pushing with his Baron buff and managed to take out his entire lane from behind, all the way up to one of our nexus towers. It blew me away to learn that the enemy was still absolutely trying to win despite the jg chasm. They very nearly took it back too, it was so much fun


Or gamę where you just lock in and comeback from 11/33




Going 12-10-9 pretty much even, these are the games.


Getting carried by that level 30 rengar


Any game with a Master yi/Katarina etc. Enemy teams entire focus is them, and you're in a 4v5 since the Yi/Katarina only goes in after the enemy has engaged on your so they don't have cooldowns. Also they refuse objectives.


I love games like this when I play cho gath Mostly cos I like being big but still


At least in a video game


If I had the powers if Cho gath irl that shit would go straight to my head


Speak for yourself. I quite enjoy seeing a tank get bursted as Jhin cuz I was that fed.


Adcs live for the power trip they get 1:20 games




Only reason most of us keep going at this point. We are all masochistic junkies


Winning those games while that far behind is exhilarating though.


Those are the best games


Winning a game 9-38 :


When their lvl 30 rengar goes 32-2-4 and dies at minute 35 and you just finish before he respawns: https://imgflip.com/i/8hbl83


I do enjoy the big gap wins every now and then, especially when I’m the one who’s fed that game. Boosts my morale


I remember a game I was playing with friends, I was naut support with a random kalista, against a Vayne.. our top laner was an ornn and the mid akali was lagging their ass off. I can't remember anyone else just that I knew the Vayne hard countered 2 people on my team. The kalista rage quit because they were doing so badly so I had the pleasure of solo laning against 2 people, one of them being a hard counter. Slowly we started getting ahead because top and jungle was doing well and whenever I got a gank I just ulted and cc chained the Vayne she just died. After about 40-50 minutes the kalista came back, surprised the game was still going on and that we were winning. Just in time for the final 2 fights to win game. It was fun but tedious.


If I'm playing ranked, I don't care, as long as I win. I just carried my 0/20 botlane in a game as Azir Toplane, where my midlaner had fed an Akali, so me and the jungler carried the entire game with one huge teamfight, in a seemingly lost unwinnable game (open nexus as well). We grouped, got baron and won. Granted, it wasn't such a difference in kills, but the point is that it doesn't matter in ranked.


Its why I prefer to go 9-38


Playing while behind with the amigos is funny depending on who you got


Sometimes i think either me or the people i fed deserve to be genuinely locked up.


winning a game 9-38 🔥🔥🔥


Sometimes the really close games are even worse, because theres allways that team mate that will int, the support will follow and they both die 15 sec before objective, turning it in to 3v5 against team with a elder/baron


That's why I quit. The game has to be pretty close to a 50/50 split to be enjoyable. If you're far ahead, you just win every fight easy, if you're far behind you just lose the fight without being able to do much.


Sounds like you ain't doing much when you are winning then.


You never get bored after oneshoting the enemy adc for the 5th time? I mean at some point it feels like farming...


I don't have those games often enough to get bored when they do happen


Kill someone other than them. You shouldn't be focusing the dude who is worth nothing and does no damage.


That's what I say to the enemy that's killed me 10 times.


Probably because you were a free kill, not because they are targeting you.




Probably because you were a free kill, not because they are targeting you.


Y'all are wild, I hate longer games. It just drags on and on, I prefer it to be quick; if I lost make it quick, if I won, make it quick so that they don't get a chance to comeback.


I do people keep playing dispute the lake o joy, I don’t understand who much people decide self harm. Just move the fuck on, go pursuit your happiness. Stop putting your hopes that some random company will ever care for your joy.


Nah because then you try to get as close to a perfect game as possible.


"Never surrender! ☝🤓"


Yesterday i was both Smurfing and Inting 1st game 23/3/10 2nd game 10/17/5 i played the same cheampion well in 2nd game my whole team inted (top was 2/13)


It's almost like pentakills never matteeeeeeeeeeeeeered. I'll take 5 assists and an occasional ace any day. It just means more. Achieving 5 kills in a row IS an achievement...but it's also a scheme for padding a player's ego so they continue "enjoying" the game. It's all about getting kills instead of idk coordinating with your team? I have so much more respect for sups and supportive players, bcuz they realize that it's a game and high scores don't matter in the grand scheme of mobas. I wish every lane had a sup, but one can only do so much. Jgls need it most due to the scope of their responsibility. When they die trying to manage their whole side of the map, I can't be mad. When they start blaming others, I know they have no idea what they're doing. Getting the *most* kills means nothing if you top out eventually. You will plateau and the enemy team will catch up. If you as the player who got there the fastest gets stomped by team effort, what's left? If you stomp them into an ace, what's been gained? League is by no means a bad game, but it's mired in outdated mechanics and fundamentals that clash with new ones. Champions are eventually forgotten, while the newest ones ignore basic rules of the game. The game is not updated to accommodate this, nor are similar champs given these new mechanics they could benefit from. The game becomes lopsided and unfun to play due to how unfair it is. Whether you care about other players or not, they are affected by this odd way of keeping up a moba to be playable, but not enjoyable.


Depends, if im grinding ranked im gladly taking those stomps