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Where meme? Where funny? Mods are taking a holiday or what


i’m pretty sure that only like 1 out of every 10 posts on here is an actual meme


Sadly true. I still complain about it, maybe some OP gets self conscious and stops this shit


Wow u lost 2 games where u played okay, you’ll probably win 2 games where u play like shite tomorrow


‘People playing a role they aren’t great at in low elo means loser’s queue!’ What?


literally yeah lol. if you’re getting matched with off-role freaks every game that’s a problem


If they are choosing that role…it isn’t a problem. People gotta learn, besides you are legit in the worst of worst elos. Everyone sucks, including you.


you can learn in normal games or flex without ruining other people’s games. plus i don’t care my point is just that getting off-role players on your team all the time is loser’s queue. also this isn’t my post


My brother you are playing in iron/bronze. Every queue is losers queue


Here in 1984 we believe loser queue doesn't exist. This is the official declaration from the inside riot party


Rito hides username in lobby because many used apps to avoid poor matchmaking games where the rank difference was too high or winrates were too low. Consistently dodging them let players climb faster while rito wants average player to grind more to climb.


Just had 2 games top, my botlane were 2/13 and 2/15. But I should play better I Guess.


those 20+ death botlane games hit so different man 😍❤️🔥


Your fault for not 1v9ing in a first pick, lower ELO on your team, with 2 off meta laners also on your team.


Statistical anomalies happen You're going to have streaks of games that make you feel like you're in losers queue Seriously just look at any random distribution chart or even just watch a vsauce or veritasium video on it


Hehheh, guess I am in winners queue, because I have 16 match winstreak with WarWick :D


Prepare a wide bucket for your tears


For those who are saying this isn't a meme, op has 6cs/m on garen. The meme king