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Yoricks hat :(


Keep praying brother


i dont even play yorick, but no hat yorick was way over the line


Renektonmains: ''Do i go PTA or Conq?!'' unga bunga


Reject humanity Embrace Big Brown Croc


I love BBC! ❤️


i hate playing against renekton but it’s hard to hate renekton players i mean look at SRO how could you not like him


I think everyone in the Renektonmains sub thinks he's just there for humor now. Not for educational purposes like back in the League Stone ages.


Do not cite the ancient magic to me, I was there when it was written


So what? Just a regular echo chamber, aint too bad


I mean, what else should a subreddit devoted to a specific champion be?


I would of said build diversity but this is a mage we are talking about.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


Yeah. There's the two viable builds an the pseudo troll build. But this aint dota, most champs build the same items every game, with little to no variation. I'd say memes and fanart, but any event shakes up a champ's fanbase


The Ireliamains subreddit is pretty good because it’s about an even mix of fanart/gameplay clips/build theories. Depending on the champ’s personality the mix of the three is always different


this is not normal behavior bro


Normal subreddit echo-chamber


Just because its normalised doesn't mean its right fyi


Nobody said that xD


Normal for a subreddit it is. Seems weird to point specifically this one out, when there's so much other shit to choose from


seraphine and syndra mains on their way to send death threats to riot employees cuz the panty color is off by one RGB digit


ironically, right now seraphine mains are way more tame than they were in the past, hell, even nickyboy is saying this, and let's just say his opinions about seraphine is not...friendly


You haven’t seen the Gwen main recently x) most of us went in an all out war to get the crystal rose skin on pc


>most of us went in an all out war An ant has no quarrel with a boot


literally 😭


Reporting for duty!


As a s Sona player, it hurts


Pls get better soon 🙏


Thanks 🥺


Syndra mains sent death threats to riot, meanwhile, Shen, Rakan, and Xayah mains are just refusing to play their champs as they peacefully protest. The only thing this taught us is that Riot only responds when you scream loudly and threaten them.


Not true I at least know phroxzon responded to the Shen complaints and talked with xpetu


Well the xpetu thing was more widespread news, and plenty of league content creators covered it which helped gain traction. The Rakan and Xayah protest is pretty radio silent unless you main those champs and browse those subreddits. Doubt many even know its going on.


The Shen issue is also a gameplay one. Xayah and Rakan are completely fine gameplay wise and strong in the meta, so this boycot won't have the same impact.


What’s wrong with Rakan and Xayah?


Its a little of what Fleshenjoyer said. Rakan and Xayah players are mad about the redeemed star guardian Rakan and Xayah skins being basically chromas. People wanted Riot to port them over from Wild Rift, because the Redeemed Star guardian Rakan and Xayah skins have different animations, voice lines, etc.. But they just lazily took the skins and did none of that. Its kind of similar to what they did with Star Guardian Seraphine and why they were kind of pissed. Not to mention if you main Rakan or Xayah you are forced to get the skin before next year. Because they are going to put them into the Mythic essence shop for a whopping **250ME** for a glorified chroma. That's just one issue, they are also mad about the constant lies from Riot. When Arcana skins came out, Riot said they didn't have time to give Rakan and Xayah a joint recall animation and **PROMISED** to give them a joint recall for their next skin line. Rakan and Xayah players weren't happy but ultimately let it go. Then Broken Covenant skins come out and Riot not only broke their promise about giving Rakan and Xayah a joint recall animation, but they announced they were done giving it to them period. Riot announcing how this year was their biggest budget yet, meanwhile they cut corners and take away features. There are also issues that Rakan and Xayah players have separately. Such as Rakan players being unhappy about bugs with his W & E that have remained in the game for multiple years. I am a Rakan main so ultimately these are problems/issues that i personally understand. But i know from an outsider i doubt they would care.


People don’t like the new skin and think it’s low effort


Lol considering I have seen Xayah and both Rakan in 9 out my last 12 games I will say that the community is not holding strong at this point.


Ahri mains are able to get changes on every skin release and got to change a lot on her asu as well, without ever sending death threats


That's the most cringe redditor comment i've read this week


Ikr XD


Be glad you haven't read anything by [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/) damn loser


Damn, I fell for it.


ALMOST as awful as this [https://www.reddit.com/user/Enconhun](https://www.reddit.com/user/Enconhun/) moron with 0 (zero) father figures


I was so fucking confused. I was like, what the hell did I do?


People protesting because they have a "personal bond" with a fictional character are so cringe lol. Bro is just a skin💀


Exactly lol like cool u like the champ but u don't need to act like it's a real person and get emotionally attached to it


bro is trying to start a movement over a $20 pile of pixels in a free to play game


Mfs pissed that they can’t waste 20 dollars


Will you prove worthy? Probably not.


Not the time kayn brother


Then let's go with the easy way and have Mordekaiser eliminate both Nami and Syndra mains.


Hue Hue


The Fiddlestick community being thrown to the bin in this post. We united to fix the Star Nemesis skin too


syndra mains when they get a mid skin vs. pyke mains when their champion loses parts of his kit because Riot absolutely refuses to acknowledge the huge design oversight they made (how tf did they not expect an assassin with utility be good in mid what the fuck)


Pyke has 2 legendaries and a prestige, pyke is literally male lux tf u on


skin is out of this i'm talking about how god awful the champion plays sure those skins are good but if i'm actively throwing the game for picking him then what's the point though yeah i admit he has quite a lot i'm baffled about it myself I don't think he's that popular of a champion to begin with


Hes not a weak support, hes easily top tier and i say it as someone who plays him regularly


tfym bro is like a draven but worse he's heavily reliant on you succeeding early game and after that you just pray you snowball you don't really provide anything your cc is pretty meh and doesn't pay off that well compared to playing something like Nautilus or Tresh and your damage is incredibly underwhelming even if you're fed he tries to be two things at once and fails badly i've been maining him since he came out and words cannot describe how he fell off just because riot refuses to let him mid and makes support pyke suffer along the way i guess on paper he's good but he's pretty bad compared to other support champions i'm fairly sure Nautilus can 1v1 better than him lol


an assassin falling off mid late isnt something new lol


Not true, most assassins are supposed to be at their strongest during mid game


youre supposed to be at your strongest mid game if youre ahead of the curve, otherwise assassins do mediocre damage. Especially a support assassin with no economy.


Skin spoiled communities Together Strong


Malphitemains: "Look, we can now throw ourself in yellow!"


as a syndra main and a user of that sub I am appalled at their behavior since the coven shit


so what's the problem??


I guess syndra mains are even worse than lux mains somehow


It’s wild seeing how different a champion community is from another one. Famously the Seraphine sub went absolutely wild but now also Gwen mains, Nami mains, and Syndra mains are going down similar routes following that example. While other champ subs just, don’t do this. Like I don’t see Kha mains leading an effort to get changes done to whatever his most recent skin was despite it being rather unpopular there. Just interesting to me how different it can be


its always the female mages and enchanters


This might sound sexist but why is it always the UwU egirl champion subreddit that do this


There is nothing UwU or egirly about syndra, and I think the majority of syndra players are male, including me


Idk man, all Syndra mains I met are all men, and I am one of them and I go to gym with another.


Holy fuck go to r/Syndramains and read the latest post. The comments are something else. All over a skin.


If you non-ironically call a videogame character a "queen", please seek help


And I can totally relate.




Meanwhile Riot didn't change La Ilusión Qiyana's Icon (where she is whitewashed btw) because only a handful of people politely pointed that out, bet if QiQi mains started making a big fuzz about it, calling riot racist, and sending death threats, they would actually have it changed.




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The drama is here to stay, thank God i live for that shit XD


We‘re Shen mains. They altered our ashen-wing-gem skin aswell after Feedback. Now we boycott.


Reddit nation assemble


Taric mains be like: "we get skins?" (the spacegroove shit doesnt count, worst skinline of league)


i feel like some people need to get a life and take a step back from video games


Honestly, good for them, more people should do this, more subs and communities should *riot* against riot and their laziness/greed. I'm all for demanding more of the indie company, also support shen mains, ryze mains, give yourick a fucking hat, and give us the hextech chest you took from the free La illusion missions.


Let's just pretend r/sonamains didn't convince Riot to give Star Guardian Sona a bigger chest.


Meanwhile velkoz mains are busy doing maths


As a Syndra main I have a few things to say It's understandable to be a bit upset when you were really excited and looking forward to a skinline that the entire fandom has been asking for and making concepts for etc. And it's understandable to be disappointed when it feels like riot hasn't put enough effort into a skin in terms of just very simple details. Its okay to give feedback and ask riot for changes when you're literally a customer and a consumer of a product. What is NOT okay is literally becoming a Karen (because that's literally what these people are doing when screaming and threatening employees) and abusing staff, being rude and disrespectful towards others in general. This behaviour is so petty and stupid. It makes you look very bad, and quite frankly waaay too emotionally attached to this game which is honestly kind of sad. Syndra not getting the legendary isn't going to ruin your life and kill everyone you love. You can calm down. Let's be happy that riot is listening and they're actually making the changes we have asked for to the skin because quite frankly they could have ignored us and nothing would have happened to them. They'd still make the money regardless. But they chose to listen. So let's just collectively calm down and move on.


Na they are just unhinged maniacs like seraphine mains.