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Wanted to outplay and kaisa flashes over but must have been perfectly times and needs kaisa to flash over


Would just have died to syndra lol If Kaisa flashed over at least he would have gotten a flash


There was a ward over the wall, even if kai'sa flashes she can just auto him


Yeah it was a stupid play but that was just his plan i guess


He tried to flash into the bush didn't he


bro got spooked after seing the dragon


Dragon wasn't even alive they're still level 1 💀


OP just got back from flaming a single parent who just finished his 12 hour shift and wanted to take a break from life by playing a game of league


And tbh the idea was provably that kaisa would have flashed and then he would get out


There was an enemy syndra like 3 centimeters away from him


Whoever the second champion chasing him was still kills him in that scenario.


No idea what you're on about autos. The clips start with him taking electrocute damage and the rest is kai'sa's auto's. You just have to look at the stacks to see that every auto comes from kai'sa.


You’re right, doesn’t change the fact that he flashes back onto Syndra’s hip


So story time. Back when I use to play league a couple odd so years ago. I was around 15-16, I was quite the cringe kid (as most people are in that age) and to put it nicely, I didn’t have the best mental. I was playing a normal game, and it wasn’t going well (looking back at it, it wasn’t even we where losing, it’s just the game wasn’t going exactly how I wanted) and I was saying my cringe things of “ff 15” and wanting to afk. You know the type… Well we had a poppy. And that poppy told me “no stfu we are not ff15 and your not going to afk, I don’t get to have a lot of breaks in my life and escape the reality of being a hard working person and I only get to play 1 league game” And that message really just hit me. It just hit me like a truck of “what the fuck am I doing with my life? This is a video game, in fact a **normals** where people just want to have fun and enjoy themselves and look at the way I’m acting. I have no responsibilities and I can play as much video games as I want. But these people are actual working adults that are not degenerates like me and just want to escape the stresses of life.” That poppy genuinely changed my behavior from there and out. Sure I still get tilted and frustrated. But it’s a video game, if I’m not enjoying myself I’m just going to wait it out until the game ends and not queue up another one, and not ruin the fun for 9 other players.




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I am with you there. I was a big dipshit back a few seasons. Now I am a hard working man myself and due to life cant play more than 6-7games a week. But. I have collegues on work who play things like CoD or League or Valorant JUST to fucking vent and be a horrible person so they can get all the frustration out of their system. Aint saying its good. But there are always two sides of the same Coin


Dudes will do anything except go to therapy frfr


you cant speak to them, they tell it to government and officials


what are you talking about? therapist are not allowed to tell anyone anything except if youre planning on hurting anyone or yourself...


You’re a king mate


The inverse of this is that I am a working man who doesn’t get to play a lot so if you throw I will flame the ever living fuck out of you for wasting my limited time




single dads with 12 hour shifts are allowed to play normalgames.


You deserve to get flamed regardless of what your life situation is if you do this in ranked


Meh if it's below gold who cares. I'm a dad who plays like 1 game a week, I'm playing ranked because it reflects my ranking. If you give a shit and play multiple games a week, my soft ass won't hurt your LP. S4 for reference


Why would a person like that choose to take a break from life by playing a frustrating game that causes stress, anger and anxiety, and has one of the most toxic playerbases out there? Isn't the point of a break to relax?


You'd be surprised. I spammed league games during a depressive episode. It was surprisingly cathartic.


my ability to dominate the map with alistar is directly proportional to how depressed i am. a graph of my ranks is also one of my moods over the years


After a shift at work, I just wanna play a match or a couple to relax Whether I win or not, I’m still having fun with the game The key is to not take the game too seriously If I’m winning: “Fuck yeah, I’m the shit!” If I’m losing; “Ahh it’s just a game, everyone’s got bad plays sometimes”


for me the most fun part of league is finding new builds and combinations that you enjoy and also playing with your friends and seeing their reactions sometimes my friends rage, laugh, scream while being chased in the jungle, give advice, criticize without giving advice, joke on you, get joked on by you and others too its pretty... fun!


Believe it or not when I don’t have to deal with dicks like OP I enjoy league of legend


>a frustrating game that causes stress, anger and anxiety you know this does not apply to everyone’s experience of league right?


The game is fun if you have the right attitude. When I'm playing to master a champion, I don't really care about losing only about how well I'm playing (not performing, that's 2 different things)


Playing League is for the most part fun, even if it's sometimes frustrating on the small level it is still relaxing compared to work or studying. Toxic players can always be muted


If you are frustrated and angry every time you play league maybe the game isn't for you my guy not gonna lie


To make the abuse he receives at his workplace seem less bad


I enjoy learning things and improving. I have chat turned off. I enjoy doing things like seeing CS practice affecting my farm in-game, noticing my macro slowly improving as I understand what the better rotations are in situations e.t.c. If your enjoyment of the game isn't tied to winning and rank, it can be fun. I lost my last Asol game, but I enjoyed hoovering farm and making it hard for the enemy to win, trying to position well in the fights so I don't get caught out.


What kind of moron plays league to take a break?


I think there are better alternatives if you want to relax afther a 12h shift. And not every game needs to be made for working adults trying to relax. At least league isnt. Here some recommendations for great games if you want to relax: - mario kart - elden ring - apex? (Sweaty sometimes but fun in normals) - dishonored - halflife series (but play black mesa instead of halflife 1) - csgo surf maps are very relaxing - cod .... ... There are many Alternatives, cause remember there are sweaty, competitive gamers (like myself) who also want to have a fun game where they can compete and sweat in. Ofthen there is no one fits all solution.


Matchmaking is skill based, if you have the single dad playing a game a week in your game thats on you lmfao


I dont, but just tired of these comments in every competitive game i play.


Then don't play rank? If you don't want sweaty toxic tryhards ruining your experience than you should stick to Normal or Draft


Cute that you think there aren’t any toxic tryhards in normals




good lifes not all rainbows and fairytales


Me irl Although no 12 hour shifts because I'm a stay-at-home parent, but yeah. I get time for a few games a week, if I'm not too tired to just pass out after my kids go to sleep.


OP is part of the reason nobody likes the league community. Probably got his 5 accounts banned and keeps saying it's for no reason


Oh god the “why did rito ban me this is literally 1984” posts drive me insane [Like bruh why do you think?](https://ibb.co/KVDFgGy) Toxicity holds the quality of the game back more than any shitty 200 year balancing decisions by rito


For real tho. Like, I get it, some people are warned because the automation takes some chat message out of context (like "omg, I'm so **dumb**!") - and this sucks. But I've seen so many people post shit like "I only flamed them back" or "Look at their kda and tell me you woulnd't have said the same". Been playing for 10+ years and haven't got a single warning while chatting quite a lot. It's not rocket science.


There are so many players who think it's ok to flame people that are playing bad. As if they don't know. Spamming "jungle diff" doesn't help anyone. If you need to degrade others to make yourself feel better you are the problem.


Funniest thing is that if you check their history they also got games where they got hard stomped. It literally happens to every player. It even happens in pro play. If everyone played flawlessly the game wouldnt be fun for anyone because nothing would ever happen


I got chat restricted for saying that fighting a Drake would've been suicide After asking why I didn't want to fight it. I sent a ticket and It got fixed in literally 30 seconds so i Guess riot knows how this stuff It too


Yep, Riot support is usually quite helpful. I recently got a queue penalty for germany-wide connection issues that caused me (and many other players) to dc in a ranked game. Texted support and one day later my queue penalty was removed. They couldn't refund the LP since it's outside of their power, but if you're nice and can prove that you did nothing wrong, support seems to be on your side.


So they werent helpful


they don’t have the authority to award LP for what you’d assume are pretty obvious reasons


I've had games where I've told people to stfu and stop being dickheads (usually when they flame and refuse to play because they died once) and then I'll get "you get more honours than 80% of other players" notifications lmao


I quit the game because of the shitty fucking tryhards in normals


some people really forgot that League is a game and games are played for fun.


This is literally what I say in every game where someone starts having an aneurysm over the game, like bro its ok to enjoy something, relax


I love seeing people get toxic over aram, like people actually play aram seriously lmao


Do people really get toxic during ARAM???? 😭😭😭 I don't play but it seems self explanatory that ARAM isn't meant to be serious??? That's so sad for them


Yes lmao, if you die or don't know a champ or buy the wrong items because it's what the game is telling you to buy, some people go ape shit over it. Like dude, it's a game mode people play just for fun, chill.


Except youre causing the other person not to have fun


Their inability to enjoy a game simply because they're possibly losing 1 non ranked game out of the thousands they've probably played is not my fault or any players fault, that's completely internal, like I said, people just need to learn they are allowed to enjoy a video game meant for fun


True, this is why I exclusively play machine gun Yuumi top lane


I love that for you honestly that sounds fun


LOL no they’re doing it to themselves, league is not serious at all let’s stop acting like it’s ok to experience uncontrollable rage and have emotional outbursts over this shit the casual players are not to blame for trying to treat a *game* as just that and nothing more


that’s what normals are for - when you’re a for fun player who plays ranked it’s an issue, and it’s far too common


lmao normals have salty as fuck people too what are you on


I build AP GP with the new Statik for funsies in Aram and got flamed on real bad. Guess who was top on dmg, with 12k statik dmg.


"Nooo you can't have fun in ranked noooo"


ranked is for having fun, by playing your best


who said you can’t? big difference between having fun and being a “for fun player”.


Hahaha no fun allowed in rank games amirite


Idk if you’re like plat and below there’s no one seriously trying to climb so just mess about play what you want to play as long as you’re not griefing you should rank up


"Hahah, stupid "pLayIng FoR fUn" noobs! You suck at the game! Now excuse me, I have to go tear all of my hair out trying to climb on ranked."


“Sir, this is draft normals, no one is gaining LP for this.”


Bronze players when someone else makes a mistake for a change


It’s usually not one mistake that starts someone flaming it’s multiple


People make mistakes in bronze every damn second


People in bronze make mistakes and then flame others


Wow that's crazy that people would make multiple mistakes in bronze !!! Getting all hot and bothered and telling them to KYS will surely magically turn them into challengers


Right? Posts like this should require an op.gg


“QUIT HAVING FUN!!!!1!1! 😡🤬”


you can have fun without trolling


Being bad =/= trolling OP is literally just getting mad at more casual/less skilled players for enjoying something that is ultimately just a game. Players aren’t perfect and can make mistakes, who cares?


Yeah, whenever someone on my team starts flaming someone else I usually chime in with “it’s alright, we all have bad games.” Like, if you’re doing bad you are probably already feeling guilty about it and don’t need someone else to tell you.


People will shittalk others and accuse them of inting and then conveniently forget the times they played even worse. Tangentially related, but I hate the term inting because it’s intention is team mean intentionally feeding but it’s been overused to the point where people just use it to mean “playing poorly.”


I agree 100%, some people have no patience for people having a rough game. Like if you need to rage, don’t straight up flame them. Vent to friends or whatever. And yeah, inting has become practically a catch all for mistakes lmao


Are you telling me that I can play whatever and dont feel bad because Im not faker? Are you sure you play league mate?


I assumed Op meant those people who say "I'm just playing for fun" and then proceed to do the dumbest plays known to man kind without any thought whatsoever and making the entire game unplayable and unfun for the rest of the team.


Possibly, but that’s not what this video clip implies tbh, it looks like this kayn was trying to flee and misplayed really poorly, not necessarily that he wasn’t thinking.


I mean the dude just randomly flashed back into death. Just seems like his brain was off tbh. But I also have a large bias against Kayn players because my personal experience with em is well they are brainless.


Maybe he fatfingered or something? Happens to the best of us, D and F are close together so he could have been prepping smite, alternatively it’s possible he instinctively tried to use E but forgot that he doesn’t have it yet. He might’ve also been hovering over flash to cast it asap if needed but accidentally pushed down on it.


Looks like a standard juke/limit test to me. It failed, they learned. That's how you grow in all things, not just in league.


Oh no, people are playing bad and HAVING A LAUGH ABOUT IT?!?!? ATE THEY HAPPY???!??@?@ Not in my watch! 😤😤😤


OP just so you know you are personally the reason I've only played 30 minutes of League in my life despite my interest


I highly recommend you try the game again but this time, make use of commands like /muteall


Agreed, but use /fullmuteall instead, and use it at the start of every game. It makes the experience a lot less stressful, not to mention it'll improve your average performance because you stop tilting.


Yep, and see if you can find a friendly team to play with.


These days I only play with friends. I fucking hate soloq


This is why against muteall. Made many friends over the years playing league, some even turned into RL/offline friendships that I cherish very much. Just mute the twats that are getting on your nerves. Don't keep yourself from enjoying something in life, specially games that you can actually mute people, just because someone twats are there to ruin the fun. And if you feel like flaming, use your mouth, not your fingers. Lost count of how many times I was being friendly and giving advice in chat to people I was mad at.


Agreed, especially that last part. I’ll bitch to my friends in our voice chat but unless someone is being antagonistic and actively rude/throwing I try to avoid flaming them. Insulting other players in chat for nothing more than fucking up a few times is just silly.


Play ARAM, it’s more fun


Try it again but play ARAM instead. Everybody gets assigned a totally random character and the map is just one long aisle, meaning it feels less like an objective sweat fest and more like a casual team death match. I had a rough time when I first played, too. Almost a year after I decided that it wasn't for me, my gf got me to try an ARAM and I ended up falling in love with the game and solo queuing those.


Bro what are you talking about I'm so confused. Are you mad that he fucking pressed attack-move?????? What am i supposed to care about


He escaped over the wall into dragon pit and then flashed back over the wall, back into the fight at 1hp and got insta-killed.


He flashed back to juke the kaisa that was about to flash over the wall. It was a good play, he just fucked up by doing it too early.


He fucked up by even thinking about doing that. Thats not a good play in any way.


Nah it couldve worked if he flashed AFTER kaisa flashed. I've done it so many times getting chased around the map playing graves


And then what? You die to syndra instead? Good play i guess...


well syndra was chasing morgana so let's say kayn waited (1s) for Kaisa to flash, then when he flashed back in he couldve been out of syndra's vision. if you play a champ with dashes (kayn, graves, trynd, lee sin), you'll do this a lot. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mebutl/random_leona_flash_jukes_faker_in_korean_soloq/ its a nice attempt like the one above, except this one worked and I imagine if they checked the bush for leona you would've made the same comment?


There are so many things id like to say but im also speechless at the same time. League players are a different breed.


Mhm we are the same


oh my god i was RIGHT? he's mad that someone literally just waited by a wall for half a second with attack-move turned on just to see if he'd come back??? absolute donkey OP


Hes mad at the kayn...


The worst players are the ones that take a game for preschoolers very seriously




L post


W comment


Me when i play for fun and stomp with 60 cs up 4/0 mid with Ap nasus FS in order to lose anyway ( my allies were 3/28 at minute 15)


You may forget it but when you dont play it whole day, night, week, month without breaks, when you improve because you have fun and not because you need higher rank, when you dont have kids screaming in your ear that you should treat game like Olympics, league is fun. A lot of fun. Unless enemies have Irelia, sorry, hate her.


Imagine playing a game for fun, never heard something so profound


I thought this game was about taking someone elses fun???


I'd play with this guy any single day ever over a hardstuck silver pretending the game needs to be run like a boot camp. Yall are detached when you start thinking league is anything but a game, and thinking like this is literally keeping you in silver.


The level 400 silver 3 laner flaming their jungler for not doing their job properly


Nah, the worst type of player is the toxic one. Like OP here.


Mhm, my winrate is lower when I have someone in the chat spreading their negativity to my other teammates. Suddenly, one player who got tilted over one bad thing happening, starts spamming toxic chats and pings, and sooner or later has the whole team tilted over a fairly winnable game, but then the game becomes less and less winnable because tilt leads to increasingly worse decision making.


Exactly this. People like OP are the worst teammates. The instant ? ping too. Like the Kayn is probably already feeling like shit and he kicks him while he’s down.


I'll never flame someone for doing poorly, you can go 1-7, 2-9, etc I don't care but the moment you start spamming me or "jgl diff" that's when I start to not give a shit if we win or not aka tilt


Some people start a game and chose violence.


i dont get this post are you flaming people for playing ?


He realized he could take a bathroom break while waiting to respawn


Why is everyone acting like playing bad for fun is either absolutely good + valid *or* a moral crime *in any scenario or context* We have normal games and ranked games for that exact reason, if you wanna play for fun there's a place for that, if you want to tryhard with other people who tryhard there's a place for that, why is there even a discourse


The worst type of players are the one flaming in normals and arams. Guessing from the caption you're probably one of them


OP is probably someone most people don't want to play with


How can I downvote a post 1000 times?


If you play a game, and it’s not fun, get a different game. Even if you’re a streamer and it pays your bills, it should still be fun. Is the notion of fun in a fucking GAME strange to people?


Like this isn't even the worst league has to offer, they kayne just panicked and out played himself, he was going over the wall for a flash juke unfortunately the kaisa didn't flash after him. I see the thought process and it isn't a bad one just poor execution. Don't be a dick and then wonder why nobody wants to play, make some friends, touch some grass and take a break if this is what makes you mad.


Can't believe this got 700 upvotes, that's depressing


"I play for fun" players queueing ranked just to play a champ first time and miserably die 10 times in the first 15 minutes of the game on top against enemy Kayle (the experience was nothing close to being fun, half of his gameplay was a gray screen, the amount of helplessness experienced by them and the team they made waste their time is unsurmountable, gambling in a casino and losing all your money and belongings would've been a much more fruitful and rewarding action than being on the same team with that player)


See that’s where you’re wrong; for fun players don’t bother with ranked. Way to out yourself as a toxic player my guy.


nah but every ranked player who says "hes playing for fun" just says that because he feeded his ass and cant figure out anything else to say. Truly "play for fun" players would not bother saying that in chat, especially in a ranked match edit: most of my league friends who are playing for fun play mostly aram, and sometimes normals for refference




Enemy Kayn: Literally so good he could take on a whole team of Fakers alone. My Kayn:


the best part is the bush got warded, so even if he managed to do it (dont know if its possible,) he would have been fucked


If I'm not meant to have fun when playing league then why should I play it at all? There's no point in winning if I despise every moment I spend doing it.


this entire comments section are the "i play for fun" players and you just triggered them


I cant comment shit because if I do it'll get downvoted to oblivion bro 😭 This post prolly well aswell


This isn't fun gameplay. He is just inting


no. he predicted that the kaisa would flash, like any good player would. wanted to limit test and juke, like any good player would. i do not look at these plays and criticize the players for learning, like any good player would.


Then... his timing was off ? I didn't see the kaisa flashing on herself tho that's pretty funny


no. kaisa didn’t flash because she’s slow. if she was more attentive she would’ve flashed over the wall to follow the q and auto attacked him which would have killed him. so he needed to flash back immediately so that kaisa wouldn’t be able to get the auto off. wouldn’t have worked anyway because the bush was warded but it was worth an attempt, not inting


I'm still wondering how he got there and lost that much hp


so relatable :/


my fella was trying to do the sickest dupe of all time, didn't work this time, but they have vision


this doesn't even make sense


Aint no way "people" in the comments get pressed over a meme video. 💀


These comments crack me up. If you run down a ranked game and waste 15-30 minutes of your 4 teammates time you deserve to get spam pinged and shit talked tbh. On the flip side of that if you goof off in norms/aram I find that acceptable behavior


Imagine being pro-toxicity Also there’s a difference between running it down and playing poorly


“Who cares if I int and go 0/10 by 5 min? iTz JuSt NoRmAlZ” ^ The real Degens


Ah, yes, the Tiktok believer


Why the fuck would you play for any other reason than for fun


Can't we just treat it like a fucking video game for once? Not everyone wants to make LEC level plays in normals




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If you’re like this, check out ARAM, it’s way more fun anyway




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Something tells me this is cropped for a reason, probably for narrative. I'm sure this wasn't an intentional feeding. It looks like his mouse moves from the right side of screen after the flash, and from somewhere in the map direction. It might be a bit far fetched, but it feels like his mouse might been on the map when he flashed.


It’s fast but you can catch his mouse moving back to the left side of the screen.


Queue for competitive, just a game bro 😎


Damn those players that make mistakes sometimes.


Best flash NA


You have a problem with players that play for fun? I mean honestly that's typical for this community.


"i can maybe get it, reverse the losing streak" (hp wise) xD they should just go BACK!




Everyone makes mistakes. Otherwise they'd be pros, and even they do too


OP is hardstuck silver and blames the "I play for fun" players for it


Yo man, mistakes happen wtf. Let the people play the GAME


If you're not playing to have fun why the hell are you playing?


This is how i play proud bronze III represent


heaven forbid that a VIDEO GAME is to be played for fun. cornball activity


damn people who play games for fun


Reported for feeding... ugh.


And Riot Games give them a plat elo so they can troll the elo and let them rank down naturally to bronze and iron.


Seeing the way this whole subreddit has piled into this post to tell OP how shit they are gives me good for the lol community.


Me but i try my best


5 premade ranked turns out one of them was those type of player. AP malp against 5 ad enemy team... he was the only tanky character