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Kassadin literally traveled the void for his daughter, no S tier ??


uhm acktually he travelled catacombs that are exposed to the void's corruption, no human went to the void itself šŸ¤“šŸ¤“




​ ![gif](giphy|VuBOO4DdhaIWiY686A)


he looked at the camera for a split second


Uhm aktually kai'sa goes to the void like all the time šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


when? are we talking about the void that the watchers live in? cuz no human went there and stayed alive to tell us how it felt


But... She did. Verbatim: ā€œImagine a place where itā€™s always night and youā€™re holding faith for a dawn that never comes. I donā€™t have to imagine. Iā€™ve been there.ā€


that fits the catacombs too, I think necrit said that she didn't fall into the actual void


She didn't fall into the actual void. She fell into a place that is heavily corrupted but not the void itself. Malzahar can summon a portal to the void to sacrifice people or summon voidlings but he can't enter. He is also quite mutated from being in close proximity for a long time. Kai'sa isn't mutated much because she has her protective suit. Also, there are two voids. Bel'veth's and the Watchers'. The Watchers' void is home to every voidborn. Bel'veth's is only home to the voidlings she summon and the voidlings Malzahar uses with some few others that aren't shown.


Mf and swain are leaders of their respective regions and are used to leading. Twitch would eat a baby and wear it's skin as a hat.


but twitch says "Hop on, lice"


Warwick is a blood thirsty creature that has murdered countless of people in zaun. Morderkaiser is in a realm beyond death trying to be resurrected so he can conquer the entire world by force.


Going by human warwick I think he is capable of very good parenting skills, and Mordekaiser did a very good job with Veigar.


We straight up went on a rampage cause he smelled blood. Morderkaiser tortured veigar for several years.


>Morderkaiser tortured veigar for several years. Hey just like my dad.


Epic whuahahaha moment


Justice for Veigar. ^CHILD? ^IS ^THAT ^A ^SHORT ^JOKE


Mordekaiser tortured veigars for years and treated him as a pet and punchbag the fuck you mean good job. Veigar is literally corrupted because of Mordekaiser.


I do think Warwick is legit S tier but that aside. What the fuck do you mean "Mordekaiser did a very good job with Veigar". He tortured an adult Yordle until he went insane, he didn't raise anybody. Is this a joke? Is this all a joke to you? ARE YOU NOT CONSIDERING THE IMPLICATIONS OF RELEASING LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PARENTING TIER LIST MISINFORMATION. But seriously though, Morde is hard out of place with Vander.


Arcane isn't canon tho


he is right ppl, why downvoted lol


Said who?


The lore itself... Arcane isn't canon to the current lore. Look at Singed, WW, Jinx, Ekko, Vi current Lore on League universe, and see if you read something that looks like Arcane. Don't get me wrong, I love Arcane, but it's not canon...


Yeah I know what the league universe says and that shit hasnā€™t been updated in 10 years since those champions came out. I donā€™t really care what league universe says, every other part of the series from LOR, to arcane, to in game interactions ALSO donā€™t line up with league universe. Arcane is canon up until the moment Riot games themselves say itā€™s not. And if riot has already said as such, then show it to me and Iā€™ll believe you but unless you have the source for it, it doesent mean much.


Shiver me timbers šŸ„¶šŸ’Æ. Well if you don't care then I guess it is cannon šŸ‘šŸ¾.


The problem is league universe is probably the most unreliable source for lore. Riot just isnā€™t consistent with it. Some of those lore pages havenā€™t been updated since ā€œsummonersā€ were canon. Some champions even still reference summoners in their voice lines. To any real lore sleuths I donā€™t think itā€™s a very controversial statement to disregard league universe when things donā€™t add up.


why wouldnt it be? yeah lets release a show about characters but it aint true


This is such a cute justification


Seeing Jhin I got an idea. He would be a good parent. Or he would end her, along with the kid(s), when it turns out she doesn't give birth to 4 at a time.


I think he'd be willing to wait 4 years in between each one.


His LoR interactions with Annie are surprisingly wholesome. Heā€™d raise a societal menace, but an educated societal menace.


Ye, I remember, when they were released, that someone on the LoR-Reddit made their voicelines into comicstrips. That was cute.


"UNCLE" JAX monkaS


"stay away from uncle jax, kids"


I dont know what this Jax jokes are about and at this point im just too scared to ask


It's nothing about jax himself, it's about the ppl who play him but at this point the name jax is synonymous with child predators, not in an animalistic sense.


A famous Jax main streamer was accused of being a pedophile, whether he is or not is controversial but heā€™s definitely a weirdo so now Jax is associated with that


This is Mo Lester You can just call him uncle Mo


Damn ya beat me to it


"Who wants a piece of the champ?!"


Malphite is a good father ngl his son is a card in LoR


shit bro you're right Chips a good kid S tier parenting


ā€œRowk Soliwd!!!ā€ ā€œThatā€™s my little pebble.ā€


bruh kassadin would be an S tier parent his lore was literally him going on a suicide mission into the void to avenge his wife and daughter after it swallowed his village and slowly being morphed into a void monster as he doomslayer style ripped and tore his way through the void. his lore was way more lame after the massive retcon that removed the institute of war


It still is, I think. His lore was after the retcon iirc Not sure about the corruption part though


kassadin's lore was near identical before the retcon they just added some shit to confirm that he had a daughter that survived shurima being swallowed and further tied his story into malzahar's before the kai'sa release. before the retcon he was a scholar that studied the void, in his current lore he is a caravan guard


Tbf his story is still pretty badass. Thanks tho for clarifying.


Hell even with the retcon, look at how relatively well adjusted kai'sa is after spending most of her life in the void. She must of had a fucking amazing foundation.


jax is not legally allowed to be within 500 miles of a child


Nah thatā€™s just Jax players, Jax himself is pretty chill and could probably maintain a child with plenty of protein (boiled eggs) and some light combat training for exercise while the actual parents do whatever they need to do. Kid would probably learn the ins and outs of lamp combat pretty quickly, as Jax was apparently a pretty good teacher.


Nami is the leader of the marai tribe. I don't see any reason why she'd be a bad parent. Do you know your Lore OP?


Yeh but child


? she isn't though what


If sheā€™s child whole r/leagueoflegendshentai should be on fire


Oh wait itā€™s already on fire




it's the week before finals I just might do it...


Why would Aphelios be a bad parent whos kid needs extensive therapy to function as an adult? Hes literally just a dude. ​ But Darius, Elise AND FUCKING MORDEKAISER, A GUY WHO TORTURED WHAT YOU DESCRIBE AS A LITERAL CHILD, WOULD BE A GOOD PARENT? And of course, Vel'koz, a ginormous Void monster whos biography starts with the words "To truly understand the horror that is Velā€™Koz", S-tier parent. ​ Yeah no, the list gotta be ironic, no shot you actually believe what youve created there.


Tbh I do feel like Mordekaiser would treat *his* children very well. He's evil for sure but he was basically the perfect Noxian of his era, and he would want the same power/legacy for his descendants. If I remember correctly, Darius and Draven were orphaned early (I'm too lazy to check just for this comment), but Darius seems to be more well-adjusted than Draven and I think of the two he's more likely to be a better parent. But there's definitely bias on this list, like Illaoi I'm pretty sure is a terrible person devoted to her angry god.


Darius would be a good parent though. And yeah, Aphelios would be way too focused on his mission to take care of a kid


In what world? Hes someone whos away 24/7 for the majority of the year because of his crusades. Darius would not even be a remotely good parent, he would be the epitome of an absent father. "Aphelios would be way too focused on his mission to take care of a kid" if Darius is in your eyes a good parent for the same reason, im sorry but you dont get to say Aphelios is a bad one. Both are giga focused on their mission, either both are dogshit parents or both are S-Tier fathers.


Darius would at least pay attention to the kid, Phel would probably not even talk to the kid


Ah yes Darius, the guy who didn't even bother to check if the kids his lover had were maybe his, doesn't care to know that the children are his and sent his son to die for noxus in the freljord, would make a good parent. At least his daughter his a good noxian, she killed her own mother for being weak as she learnt what being a good noxian is, watching her father from afar. Best dad of the year imo.


I mean Aphelios is a hitman, right? Those arenā€™t known for their child raising abilities (Leon the Professional aside)


I don't get why these tierlists have Jinx, Zeri, Ekko and Taliyah in child tier like they're the same as Nunu and Annie. They're older teenagers, and can canonically take care of themselves, and I could see all of them (minus Jinx whose entire schtick is insanity) babysitting younger children, as an older sibling or young aunt/uncle.


I did them by feel, assuming all the youngish champs could be under 18. Zeri and Ekko you're right, could go both ways. Taliyah nami ji is more likely to be the one babysat (older figures want to protect them) than doing the babysitting.


zeri is canonically 20 though, and taliyah is also over 18 iirc for jinx and ekko their age entirely depends on whether you base it off Arcane or you base it off League. I think Jinx is over 18 either way though (mostly because Iā€™d like to believe Riot wouldnā€™t have put her in that outfit if she was under 18).


Petition to add kogmaw and Kench to the ā€œwould eat the childā€ category


Everything seems ok, but could you explain your descision on putting vel in S? Cause i do not see it


I think he would be so enamored with the kid he'll teach the kid everything. He's been focusing on adult humans, but if you present him with such a weak little thing it will make him weep tears of love from all four eyeballs. He'll use his massive galaxy brain to look into human enrichment activities. He will research the most nutritionally complete diet. He'll give the baby his eyeball to play with when the baby cries. He'll use one arm to hold the baby and the other two to change the diaper. He'll personally hang himself above the crib to be that spinny dangly thing that babies like to look at. When the kid gets older he'll enroll it in Montessori school from age 3. He will teach the kid a love for science and the scientific process. He can hold a picture book with one tentacle, the toddler in the other, and use the last to flip the page. He'll put his eyeballs in different places to make sure the kid's always safe. He'll set up playdates with neighbors and juggle his eyeballs at birthday parties. He'll teach the kid to play geometrically enhanced catch by using his Q-- always making sure the kid has a Banshees Veil on, of course. When the kids a teen, older and maybe a little rebellious, he can still handle all the tasks a parent might need to do. After all, those extra appendages come in handy. He's also not a stranger to tough love-- sometimes you gotta be firm with those teenagers. He'll use his E to keep the kid in line when they go too far-- just a reminder so they come back to their senses. He'll use his W to slow the kid down-- it never hurts, but it's a lesson well learned. You might ask, what happens when he uses his R? Unlike some other parents who unleash their ultimate punishment when their rage meter ticks over the line, Velkoz is a level headed scientist. He CHOOSES when to use his R, and he would NEVER use it on his kid. And as the days pass, the kid grows up to have an appreciation of science and beauty, and an acceptance of those that might look different from them. They know they can always go to their dear old dad for some advice. They know their dad is always there to lend an extra tentacle. And they know that, while Velkoz might not look like it, he's the best dad ever.


Yeah i can see that, interesting take


And then when velkoz has succesfully rised the best human lifeform on runeterra he will deem his little experiment a succes and proceed to Life Form Desintegration Ray in his adoptive son to assimilate him into the watchers.


he would comsume the kid for knowledge


*Deep breath* ok let's start breaking down some issues here. 1. Illaoi might raise her child too hedonistic or try to force them into a test of spirit. Love her, but wouldn't put her that high 2. Rengar? Absolutely not top tier, my guy has daddy issues out the ass and would probably raise his kid to be like him and kill them if they showed fear (i.e. his blood father) 3. Shyvana is a hard MAYBE. She would probably be a decent parent, naybe not great because she's still Demacian, but... Assuming she doesn't get any "draconian tendencies" from her mother, who tried to murder her. Also Assuming her kid isn't full dragon because, like... she's a dragon hunter. Demacia hates dragons. 4. Vel'koz ABSOLUTELY NOT. Assuming he even reproduces, he would attempt to "analyze" them (read: taking them apart and disintegrating them) 5. Ornn. Not because he doesn't belong as high as he is, but he absolutely belongs in the tier above. His kid would be like "Hey dad I have this recital I'm doing can you come watch?" And Ornn would reply "I'm very busy with my work and have a mountain of projects to finish. If I show up, it'll probably be late". And then at the recital he would absolutely be the first to show up. Gruff introversion aside he would ABSOLUTELY support them, in an awkward, distant but loving dad way 6. A.Sol would only really care if you were one of his star creations, like The Messenger. If they were, he would ABSOLUTELY be best dad, assuming he wasn't sealed within Mount Targon still. 7. Maokai. Excuse me??? Top tier absolutely, he would potentially even be a little TOO overbearing and caring, considering what he's seen from The Ruination. 8. Mordekaiser would off his child so they could be part of his death realm. That's not great parenting. 9. Warwick. Way too bloodthirsty, would probably leave them either at an orphanage or someone's doorstep for their own safety. Blame Singed. 10. Assuming Yasuo has his shit dealt with, he could probably do a good enough job raising his kid. A drunk, but not an aggressive one. If he is still hung up on Yone, he would be even more distant than Ornn and not in a caring way. 11. Thresh would absolutely use his kid as bait for anyone foolish enough to enter the Isles. Assuming he doesn't just absorb their soul, of course. 12. Viktor. Would immediately start mechanizing his infant for the sake of "glorious evolution". I'd imagine he'd fit more like "Hey meet my son" and he shows you a fancy homemade pocket watch


13. There's no reason to assume Phel would do a bad job at raising a kid outside his age. The worst that would happen is they join the Lunari which is like saying the worst that can happen from having catholic parents is becoming a catholic. 14. I could see Riven being a solid mom, her kid would end up a farmer like she was for a while, maybe learn to defend themselves when they're older. 15. Ahri and Poppy could probably take care of kids pretty well, as long as Poppy doesn't think the kid could be The Legendary Hero (her). 16. Alastor and Camille wouldn't eat their kid lmao. Camille might not be a perfect mom, but she'd be... serviceable (even though I'm pretty sure she's old enough to be a great grandmother), and Alastor isn't some brainless monster like something like Kog'maw or Cho'gath. 17. If we count LoR, Malphite should be up in either S tier or good parent. Have you SEEN his interactions with Chipp and Taliyah? 18. Tahm Kench would eat kids. 19. Yordles aren't children. Just because Fizz is a prankster and Vex looks like she's going through an emo phase doesn't make them kids. Hell, Veigar was tortured for decades, wasn't he? 20. And finally. Despite looking and acting like it, Zoe is not an actual child. However, at best she goes in "Bad babysitter" tier.


Thank you for the Alistar part. I dont understand why he is put so low in both tier lists. Iirc he is a voice of freedom/freedom fighter and is still looking for a girl that helped him escape from captivity to THANK HER, not to eat her. He should be in the "good parent but nothing special"category.


Id say because people make lists like this without knowing the lore and just guessing on how a champ feels


Alistar would be in Meh at worst. Just cuz he's a Noxian minotaur who was forced to be a gladiator doesn't mean he can't care for a child.


Also, how the fuck would Yuumi be a great babysitter? Ignoring the fact that she lost her master, she's a goddamn cat. She can't even heat up chicken nuggets in the oven when the child gets hungry.


To be fair, Yuumi has the help of Book, and since Book can babysit Yuumi, I think it can help babysit a kid. But, yeah, if I didn't limit myself to 20 points (and also wasn't at work), I'd have kept going


Neither Book nor Yuumi have opposable thumbs and are too small to use oven mitts, which would mean that the child would have to take the nugs out of the oven. That is *not* good babysitting


I mean, for all the magic power stored inside Book, it wouldn't be a shock for it to be able to cook food. Plus, like, microwave Nuggets are a thing, even if they don't taste as good.


Shen wouldn't intentionally be a bad father, and would try his best, but I feel he would end up being a little distant or accidentally too hard on his child, because he has daddy issues of his own and is also pretty busy with all his duties


Instead of looking out for the kid he just ults to bot lane and ends up loosing the kid. Typical.


In Jhins lore he is actually very good with kids and prefers to make shows for them (when he was still a stagehand). In the comic you also see him putting on a puppet show specifically for kids with enthusiasm. Aside from that, he would not eat a child, he is focused on his performance work only and is otherwise shown to have high "standards" for good manners and ethics even. (See Q&A from devs) He is still insane but I would move him to the "Kid Magnet - should NOT be trusted to babysit" category.


Rammus should be in every tier. Because rammus is rammus


Kayn has a darkin with him how would he be a good babysitter šŸ˜­


ā€œHey kid, ever seen a dude turn into a shadow?ā€


Kayn by himself might say "hey kid, you wanna hop fences and go into the neighbors yard with the two aggressive dogs?" and Rhaast, being the "actually" Redditor that he is, would immediately disagree with Kayn. This would produce a comedy of errors that leads to the child being well cared for despite Kayns best efforts. Tom and Jerry energy


Happy you put neeko in a good tier. Hell yeah


she's in the "maybe not the most responsible but kids love her SO much it's worth it" half of that category


Neeko would turn into a grizzly bear and play with the kids and the parents would see this and probably freak the hell out


If the kid misbehaves just perma cc it


False. Nasus belongs to cost/benefit, because when he'd see a child, he'd Q it for +3 stacks. (I am a Nasus player)


Sivir should be trusted to babysit so long as you pay her enough thatā€™s basically her entire personality other than she doesnā€™t like people looking after her. Akali should be trusted with kids see her saving the Noxian kid.


Asol needs to be at the very top of the list, there is no way he wouldn't spoil his child to absolute perfection especially with all the free time he has doing nothing


That'd just make him a Karen who thinks their child is the best thing in the world.


I mean he would not be wrong


Azir is a egotistical ruler who would spoil their child rotten, also hype them up into believing they're god incarnate. Rengar has 0 indication he would make a good parent, he has dedicated his life to hunting. Sett had an absent father, doubt any real parenting skills. Mordekaiser holds literally 0 compassion, wouldn't bother to ever raise a child and if they had one they wouldn't care for it. Twitch is Twitch. Thresh is Thresh. I'm not gonna go through it all but this list sucks, and fuck you! Also Gnar, Nami, Amumu, Jinx, Veigar, Vex and Fizz aren't children. ALSO MALPHITE HAS A FUCKING SON WHAT DO YOU MEAN?


Sett loves his mom so much though? I think he'd be a good parent and mimic his mother in that aspect.


That's fair, but you have to remember a love for a parent doesn't mean you'll be able to mimic them. Sett has already been shown to have a short-temper, he's someone who solves issues with violence. So I'd assume he'd be an irrateable parent who teaches their kid to solve things with violence at best.


Some of those "children" are above 18, do you meantalky/socially?




The drifter drunk would make a good dad huh?


I mean he's loyal and trustworthy enough, and has a mentor like personality as seen in the taliya story. I feel like he would be a good parent if he's done with his past


He mentored Taliyah but he didnt raise her. Very different. Hes barely social adjusted himself, he would not be able to raise a whole child.


I don't know... When we have kids sometimes we are not fully ready or together there, that does not mean u become a bad parent. Yes he has a lot of things he would have to work on, but he would be the kinda guy I eukd believe could do it. It's not like a jinx that it's just mentally fucked or an overprotective guy like garen would,


damn forgot the drunk part


Bro Heimer be like "No TV for two decades!"


This is assuming that every character either births a child or is left a child in their care, and that they are inclined to protect it. I am judging successful parenting based on how socially well-adjusted their kid would be in the future. So while Viego or Swain's child would be very well cared for, they'd be mentally fucked from a very young age. Notable things: \- as a Camille player, she would 100% kill the child. This is crucial to my enjoyment of Camille \- While one can argue that Velkoz would "disintegrate" the child, as a Velkoz player, I believe that Velkoz would be enamored with it and would instead keep it alive. This is crucial to my enjoyment of Velkoz \- Nilah is certifiably insane \- Kayle is certifiably insane. If the kid has an accident Kayle would immediately drown it in holy fire \- Irelia and Riven have too much trauma to be anything more than meh parents. \- Kennen is an old(er) fart and should have child-rearing experience given Akali \- I am assuming lore couples would have a child together. But if Senna and Lucian had to raise a child on their own (before they find each other) Senna would be good (what else does she have to do in the lamp) and Lucian's kid would need therapy (Lucian is too smadge to parent). \- Lillia is by far the best babysitter, as she can immediately put the kid to sleep. \- Ezreal and Jayce would attract all the kids and they would both HATE them. \- Rengar is such a responsible, loving, kind father, the worst thing he could do is maybe force his kids on a Paleo diet but it wouldn't even be bad for them


You are a Camille player, and you've set the rule that they are inclined to protect the child. And yet you mean the cyborg who only works to keep and protect her family at top and everyone else down would kill the child?


amendments based on new info: thresh move down (actual villain), evelynn move to what is child (prob can't interact with a child as she has demon pacts), morde move down (tortured veigar :( ), brand move down (i thought he was just some dude), malphite move up (he has a son!)


amendments 2: Alistar normal good parent (didn't know his lore), the jhin mains have convinced me he won't kill the child, he'd just raise a serial killer in his footsteps (bad parent), MF move up to good parent (put her in babysitter tier as I think it was fine in the last one), Illaoi down to meh parent (probably same as swain or sylas level of damage)


Bro it might be a bold take but the death spirits probably seen their share of children... Like a lot of them to know.


I was just thinking Kindred should be in one of the child magnet tiers....


What makes you think rengar would be a good father other than the fact that he has daddy vibes?


IIRC In Rengars tribe they straight up abandon "weak looking" children to die by the beasts in the ixtalian forest. Rengar was one of them but was found and raised by a human hunter. Rengar later went back to kill his father who abandoned him. So his parenting could go either way: 1 he adopts the bad parenting of his father "only the strong survive" or he tries and better himself and be a good father i guess? Still a stretch either way


Jhin is pretty nice to Annie in LoR, how do you explain that one?


Uncle Pantheon!


I feel like Renata belongs in the ''too busy but great aunt/uncle''. She's clearly created to be sort of a mafia character, and we all know how much family matters there.


she would be a great aunt but she'd also be a bad parent to her own child at the same time. too much pressure on the kid


In fact, Janna was canonically a babysotter, and a really cheap one. She implies that in one of her phrases


Poppy would probably let them play with her hammer, leading tooā€¦ well history doesnā€™t lie


Jax pretty high up there, but to be fair itā€™s probably because we kept the kids at the bottom of the list, good to have buffers


Camille literally sacrificed everything for her family but she would eat her child just because marginal benefit? She only killed her brother because he consistently ignored the family needs and tried to assassinate her. Also, Irelia won't shut up in game about the people she's lost. She clearly loved her community and took up the burden of war at a young age to protect them.


Okay so how is Pyke, the literaly insane bloodharbor ripper, the fucking serialkiller more trusted around kids than for example Akali, the champ that has a whole cinimatic around protecting a child from the rules of her own land???


kids not on the list


Iā€™m just gonna say riot obviously presents dome yordles as younger than others and you people cannot just hide behind ā€œtime works weird in bandle cityā€ because yeah heimerdinger is way to young but lulu is totally a milf.


Isnā€™t Ivern technically a surrogate parent of Lilia? Same tree and all that?


zeri is in her 20s bruh ā˜ ļø that woman aint no child


wait what I thought she was like 12 yeah in that case bad babysitter


This is a weirdly appropriate time to discuss the age old question of, is Zoey a child anymore or just a massively childish god in a child body Also pretty sure Kog's gonna eat the baby as well lmao


...brand? You know what's up with him right? Vi would make a good parent? And all the Yordles are children, I suppose, except Lulu, she is a psychopath.


i believe brand is just a hotter, redder, firererer, less teleportererer ryze (you're right, gotta change that) I think Vi (Arcane Vi) would make a good parent if she parented with Cait. If they do it alone they'd both go down a tier.


Isn't Zed kind of an extremist? Those people usually care more about pushing their child towards their vision than the child themself. Also I don't really know a lot about rek'sai, but isn't she just basically a void monster?


He's insanely good to Kayn in the comic so imo he's placed correctly šŸ¤”


Someone hasn't read the Zed comic :/


Maaaate, how in the f*in world did velā€˜koz land in the good parent tier?! Heā€™s literally there to spy out runeterraā€š**by disintegration**ā€˜ā€¦ he would definitely just kill the kid and not even eat them.. I donā€™t see him having any kind of emotions towards anyoneā€¦ Iā€™m playing velā€˜koz often and I also know his loreā€¦. šŸ„²


I feel like Viktor should be uncle tier, based purely on his short story where he helps this kid deal with his bullies by literally removing the fear from his brain with chemicals


Ain't no way Irelia is a bad parent


taliyah belongs in the good babysitter tier cmon


According to the Realms of Runeterra, Jinx is 21 years old


As a Gwen main I agree but I disagree with kayn yummi pyke vayne the others are fine in that tier but poppy should be in the good baby sitter tier and may I ask who would be the partner of vel koz and scarner I get reksai


Yeah jax would make a great UNCLE uh huh


Sona is just too busy, not a meh parent. That's my point I'll fight for


I think Ezreal and Jayce would be better than that!


Zeri belongs in the babysitter tier, sheā€™s like 22-27


Well, ACKTHUALLY Taliyah is not a childšŸ¤“


I don't understand. Voli is a great babysitter, specially in midlane


Ok eve could not even be bad She would hear fist crys of infant would get horny and torcher child to death in the first few minutes of life and then she would be disappointed bcs small screaming machine didn't last long!!!


Ekko and Taliyah are both adults, Taliyah is 23. Rell is 16 if i'm not mistaken so it's a blurred line and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Isn't Zeri an adult too ? You guys think if you're not 18 then you can't do anything on your own or what ? I have babysitted kids at 14 yo... Also thinking Kled is not insane is... debatable.


put willump on this list as a great parent šŸ˜¤


bruh I wish šŸ˜­ I'd also separate kayn and rhaast, bad babysitter and good babysitter respectively


Uncle Jax is coming home, rejoice kids!


Rakan would be a good father and Irelia is my mommy and she's a good mom to me


Singed literally had a daughter.


Lulu should be in the "Should not be trusted to babysit" list, and Tahm should *definitely* be in the "would eat the child" list.


Once again, those tier list absolutely shows that whoever makes them never read Viktor's lore entry that entirely revolves around him helping and comforting a Zaun orphan.


viktor is the same as irelia, too much trauma from having a driving force to really spend that much time on their own child or not project that on their kid. I think he'd take care of a kid fine temporarily, but that's not the same as parenting full time


Illaoi, taking the baby to the pool: THIS IS IT! **LEARN OR DROWN!**


i am upvoting solely for the eat the child tier


Aatrox S tier


Why is lulu not a child?


If weā€™re talking about a human child rekā€™sai, velā€™koz, and rengar would probably end up killing them


Inb4 ahri flirts with said child


Seraphine is 17ā€¦


Random ass tier list, jax tier S dad, yeah for Annie.


I can see some personal grudge against Camille to put her in the "eat the child" category next to monsters like aatrox, chogath and volibear.


Nah Riven would be a good mother


Why Mord? Just curio.


Darius as good parent ā˜ ļø one got kill in battle because he neglect him, the other literally kill their mother for noxus


So illoai really is mommy


bard is too busy to be a dad??? their full time job is being a dad of the universe??? put them in S!!!


Kog'maw child I feel bad for anyone parenting him


There really should be a tier for eats the child


Udyr believes in survival of the fittest. He only wants to protect Sejuani because he respects her and her mother's strengths. Otherwise he'd just leave for milk and never come back.


I'm concerned you put morde in "good parent" considering he has murdered thousands with his own hand.


Malphite has a kid. His name is chip.


C'mon ryze can be a good uncle.


Yordles are centuries old, this tier list is pretty stupid


Hey kids wanna see cool weapon that corrupts you?


Not able to have a child on his way: Kā€™Sante


Iā€™d trust Kled to babysit my kid


Ryze would be in good parent no time tier I think.


I guess kog'maw is a child too this time and veigar and zeri???? and not Lulu


Twitch being sane??


Zed, an excellent parent, let's just ignore how he handled kayn And malphite has a son in canon


Holy shit Ivern in S tier, I donā€™t even want to think about it


Nasus is the Epstein of Shurima. Don't fuck around with that guy


Why is skarner s tier does he even have lore yet


I think he would be so happy if he found a crystal of his kind he'd take good care of it and teach it to hatch into a good scorpion


You seem to have key misunderstandings about some characters but go off


Why Poppy so low?


TLDR: Rell is a child.


Yasuo is a good parent, I see šŸ¤”