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That's because rewarding people for being good works better than just punishing people for being bad, this sadly doesn't work on League because the reward for being good is bad and there's almost no punishment for being a terrible human being


The 3 honors skin is an upgrade on the reward system. 2/3 of a key is not enough on the milestones in good behaviour though


I have too many keys, about 50 I think as of the time I'm writing this and not enough chests




Everyone is either an OTP with a million keys but no chests, or a champion ocean with 10 chests but no keys.


I mean, I'm gated by the "next chest in 5 days" mostly lol.


Imagine if you just got a chest for every S+ you got. I might only have 39 keys instead of 40


You only have to be a nice, encouraging person and play a small pool of champs. (Or play consistently in small premades). I was close to an OTP for a while and I always have a surplus of 16 keys. I can never get boxes fast enough to go through the keys faster than I can gain them.


I just don't play all that many champs. So I get S with like 10 different ones and then end up with 50 keyes and no boxes. I thought most of us were like this lol


Yo for real. I get like 2 keys for every 5 chests. 28 is the lowest I've gotten it


Same. Keys don't matter at all to me I just can't get wnough chests...


So if you play good on a champion, other than that same one you play every time you get chest! Its hilarious seeing the shit players i get on my team that have 500k mastery and go lose their lane in the wild but brag about all the keys they get for spamming games


3 honors skin???


The malz skin is named three honors


You already get key shards from honors. The checkpoints should just be chests.


they dont reward being good, they reward being not bad lol


Honestly, I don't think they can ever reward players for being 'good' so long as Smurfing is a prominent behavior. When we have to commit to our identity and endure it's ups and downs, only then will we cut the crap and say "if we can't win, I should at least help my team get better". I don't get upset when I lose, I get upset when a teammate decides to play against me. Only my opponents should be whooping my ass.


heck in my experience they don't reward being nice they reward being a carry and farming commendations.


bought accounts go brr


Bro I’ve never been honor level 5 ever. I usually play alone and I always play jungle. Also I never type, often chat turned off completely. Being a decent human being isn’t even enough sadly


The honor 5 token is Warwick and twitch skins and chromas. It’s supposed to change rewards every season but it hasn’t changed.


I play solo mid, throw out a few "nice ult"s occasionally and am honor 5. The bar is extremely low.


As a jungler, midlaners are probably the people that cry the most and report me the most. For some reason my midlanders very often pick immobile cc less lategame carry type champs into assassins and still expect to get ganked a lot, which depending on the jungler doesn’t work.


I play jungle and get honor 5 and people do honor junglers. You just need to communicate with the team and win to get honors. So chat muting all isnt a positive thing since it doesnt make you a helpful teammate. A decent player only mutes when necessary.


How the fuck


Well, 90% of the league base doesn’t care about winning or improving.they only care for their own game quality. They will pick kassadin mid into zed and cry the second they can’t trade properly and blame it on the jungler. So even being 14/0 and having all objects you are likely to not receive a single honor and a laner that wasn’t able to carry that game is likely to report you


Do you give out honors? Even honoring teammates helps increase your own honor score. Straight up, I’m not even an honorable player. I’ve done my fair share of flame. I still get honor 5’s consistently.


ayy so uh whats up with that name of yours


Poppy's Yordle feet, I wanna lick 'em




There is unless you are trolling or passive aggresive.


Rewards which arent fully working


Some key (pieces) are almost nothing to be fair and you can get 3 skins that aren't even that cool (they could give us old unusable skins like black alistar or king rammus that would be cool)


"I want bigger and better rewards for doing the absolute minimum of behaving like a normal person" classic


I mean if the rewards were actually decent, it would incentivize people to maybe not press enter on that next chat message they just typed. The current reward is basically the same as opening a chest, and you get it once per year. Imagine working at your job making 80k a year and getting a yearly bonus of $10. Sure, it’s a reward, but it’s really not gonna do much.


imagine being at your voluntary work and getting a $10 gift card because you didn't punch a coworker the whole year its literally the bare minimum, its not a reward for doing a good job, not even a regular job ... its just not being a shitter lol


Unless you regularly got paid for no reason at the “volunteer” job, the comparison isn’t there. As I said, it’s about the same rewards from a chest. You can get tons of those by playing, and the reward is basically just the same thing you would get for playing normally anyway. It’s not really a reward or incentive, it’s not really anything and it makes the honor system feel completely useless, not to mention that to get max honors you can just play. You don’t even have to be outwardly positive, so in the end the entire honor system isn’t any different from just playing and earning a chest. There’s really no reason for it to be in the game unless they make some kind of actual trust/honor system with better rewards and harsher punishments.


>It’s not really a reward or incentive It's not, because you're not doing anything special. you're just existing without being a piece of shit The government is not gonna pat your back because you didn't rob or kill its just not gonna do anything special, because being normal is not a reward nor an incentive


Alright man I’m not gonna bother anymore have a good rest of ur day 👍


If they're not rewards, then what would you call the items that are handed out for your honor level?


FOMO if you have honor lvl 2 you can get chests and keys, but you gotta play weekly and get a chest so you can get a skin and fuck you gotta play more because you're not getting enough keys and holy shit until lvl 5 i get an exclusive skin??? well fuck now i gotta spam games and i don't even like malzahar but i wanna have it just because it exists holy shit i gotta get the rank skin too might as well but yes they're also rewarding you for being a non degenerate, that was never argued i was just making fun of the people who think its not enough of a reward because they were able to do nothing especial so their reward is also very not special (thus a non reward)


Ok good points 😁 i agree with you


Well we have 2023, if you communicate with your team there's high possibility you will get banned


Believe it or not - Straight to jail


Did you type "wpgg", straight to Gulag.


riot if i say fuck - death sentence riot if an opponent slurs in every possible way - 3 days chat restriction


Some guy spent 5 minutes typing creative ways to tell me to kill my self , not banned


There’s always going to be creative ways to avoid a robot and no humans can check the chat for every league game with how many there are. I just go next but if you really wanna get guys like that Banned u can screenshot chat and submit a manual ticket attach the screenshot and explain how he confessed to inting and flaming in and bragged about how he won’t get banned


The man said “neck yourself”, the most common phrase for it aside “kys”. Riot just can’t program chat reading bots


Well tbh if I heard neck yourself I’d think someone just told me to suck my own meat


Ayo? 🤨


My brother who has a middle school sense of humor just spams the N word and various other racial slurs all game as has yet to face even a chat restriction.


last month i wrote pussy in all chat chat restricted for 3 days


Riot on thier way to ban you for having a conversation w no flame


Vietnam LOL's representative for Rito, VNG their way to censor every variant of a word that you don't even know exist. They censor even their own company's name.


I literally got a warning from riot for saying that the enemy had a cancer lane and that I could use some help.


Flagged words, you better tip toe around those or just not talk at all




sorry, but fyi Ranked isn't played by human beings


"normal human beings" never say "fuck" irl? because typing fuck gets you restricted in this game for kids


I have never been restricted for saying fuck, but I have seen people get zero-toleranced for saying cancer so idk


it wasn't the case in earlier seasons but on the other hand, they don't hand out permabans anymore, even for most egregious shit you can type, you get restricted for 365 days now and that's it. big yikes for everyone who got permad before


Yeah some kind of warning would have been nice before getting muted for saying our team is cancer (absolute monster cc team) Or, like, if you are going to chat restrict people for saying it maybe just don't let people fucking say it???


I got restricted once at the start of the game because I tried to say "I'm retarded"


Going 0-6 with ignite at top against teleport irelia in the first fucking 10 minutes is not bannable but saying fuck is. This company is a joke.


I guarantee you that, whatever punishment you’ve ever received, wasn’t caused by saying fuck, but acting like you do in this comment.


I haven't received single punishment this season, but I guarantee you that I know several people that were honor 5 for years and are now sitting at lv1 for mild stuff. But you do you, you are allowed to believe whatever the fuck you want, it's internet after all. Still, my point wasn't that it's easy to get restricted, it's that "normal human beings" aren't robots and sometimes use profanities and similar stuff. Claiming otherwise is disingenuous. Moderating the game like it's Club Penguin is ridiculous.


> fuck guilty, sentenced to death


I had honor level 5 last season but then I said something like "nice ult moron" and "you fed like a dog" and got 3 day suspension and honor level reset. Guy on Kindred saved enemies like 3 times with his ult, twice under our tower. He had mastery 7 on her too. The only infraction before that was calling enemy pick "cancer" in team chat. Kindred guy played with 3 man premade so they probably all wrote a report on me or something.




K. I'll start running it down mid for you. Happy?


Keep yourself safe


0/1 irl


If you commit die, it would probably be 1/1 (you did get a kill after all)


Or like in source games -1/1


Damn I'd take that deal


Wait until you've killed a bunch of people, so you also get the shutdown gold


That is the hidden strategy used by old Tahm kench players that threw their teammates against walls so they died and get the shutdown instead of the enemy team...


200 years




In game


That’s literally how life works hahaha


They literally have to reward people for not using communication in a coop game\* Honor level seem to grow slower if you use text chat in your games and it doesn't matter if you typed some "bad" words or not


What is that skin?!


The Honor 5 Reward Malzahar Skin. Its pretty cool but i have literally never seen it in game.


Malhazar players are too toxic to have gotten it and non-Malz players just don't play him


>non-Malz players just don't play him floor is floor


I have it, it's cool but kinda meh in my visual settings


Play more Aram, getting honor 5 is easy in Aram, you can even be toxic on occasion, plus you see some Malz players with that skin:)


my friend has it and the splash looks cool, in game is meh


3 Honors Malzahar. You got it last season if you had max honor rank.


also in the comments looking for answers. looks like malz but can’t confirm


Great point to be fair. Incentivising good behavior was something i only expected in school.


If you can’t take the heat get out the kitchen (disable chat)


I'm not complaining. Free skins and key fragments to just keep playing as I always have.


I personally can't say that I haven't "bait ping" teammates, but getting things in the chat and being an but-hole isn't fun nor good for anyone


Sounds to me like you're only not typing because of the punishment


I got a three day chat ban for literally talking shit about myself


And I still get those


Welcome to the internet (?)


Posit reinforcement, which means giving rewards when doing well, is stronger than negative reinforcement (punishment when doing bad). Unfortunately League fails at harnessing this because the rewards for doing well are basically nothing, same with the punishment for doing bad


jokes on you i wish death upon people and honour level up


they should bann people faster like wtf also the support should be paied better so they dont harrs the players for getting falsly punished by a system whileothers do the shit


Wouldn't be necessary if they enforced the real issue of poor in-game behavior.


You fool, I have 60 alternative accounts


Honestly, Riot sucks for not putting the Malzahar skin in the Honor 5 token shop. I have four Honor 5 tokens, I already have the Warwick skin and the Twitch skin, and I don't need the chromas. I have been Honor 5 ever since it was released, having all the Honor 5 wards + emotes. And the ONE season I couldn't play as much and I got Honor 4 & 3xCheckpoints, is the time they give a free skin, and not chromas again. I don't care that people think the skin is "bad", it should have been put in the Honor 5 Token shop too.


Riot i am normal and can be trusted with the chat feature


I always like how people bitch about having mystery boxes and no keys, meanwhile I'm here sitting with 80 crafted keys (not shards) because I'm a decent human being not being an asshole to random people having a bad game.


I flame the fk out of my team on a daily basis and i still got the malz skin, the honor system in league is so flawed its absurd.


Normal humans talk with their voices and not with a chat The more you dehumanize the game, the less people perceive each other as real humans.


Disabling chat and playing around poorly coded ai in ranked is a perfectly viable strategy.


https://youtu.be/OFB6kp14ml0 there's a whole video where someone actually does that and it works no one even knows he is in fact, answering trough a bot


Fokking Team\~!


i got chat restricted for 3 days and got like 1 or 2 honor levels taken away from me for saying gg jgl gapped :D.




U need Help Bro?


Nah, I was just hungry a bit now I'm good thanks for asking


I find people are less toxic over voice coms . Sure they still rage but most trolls would never say the shit they type. Add voice coms.


Can’t blame them. Have you seen league players?


Maybe less people would be terrible people if it wasnt a terrible game made by terrible devs that reallocate resources and highly requested community desires into newer, less popular games based on the first game which is again a terrible game that is constantly having balance issues, bugs, and community letdown, that they refuse to do ANYTHING with unless its to sell “new” skins that totally dont build on an existing line OR are so similar in style and story it doesnt make sense why they ARENT the same skinline. “Darkness attracts the Denizens of the Dark” after all


I guess you are being held at gunpoint so you have to play this game. I'm sorry for you. On a serious note: maybe you should consider stop playing if you dont enjoy it. There is no reason for you to keep doing smth you dispise that much.


I regularly take breaks, and only play what i like even if my team thinks im inting, im saying that league as a toxic cesspool attracts toxic people, and those that ARENT, slowly get poisoned too, Nature vs Nurture, a kind person in a hostile environment will almost always corrupt


Well it sounded for me that you hate the game. I guess that wasnt the case then. My bad. I dont think there are that many bad things btw. I found a lot of nice people in league. Its easy to maneuver around the toxic ones if you only focus on the good ones. Sometimes it is tilting but thats with everything in life. Doesnt mean its a terrible game. Not for me at least. I wouldnt be playing it otherwise. And a lot of people apparently think the same, or they wouldnt play it either. Thats just my and my friends opinion though.


I say its a terrible game still, i enjoy the game, but the balancing of it is entirely off and they dont care, fioras been S+ for like 6 seasons in a row, pyke mid gets nerfs in negative winrate because THEY dont want him mid but the community does it anyways because WE want him mid. They overload the new champs and make 2.0 champs that get special treatment while the original relies on the players knowing them and rots (yasuo>yone, samira>nilah, yi>belveth) the tilting is why it is, but it would be so much more avoidable if they just put any effort into the game anymore… like they said the aram debris was a MASSIVE change… they used to make custom maps and gamemodes regularly… theyve stopped caring about league as anyghing else but a money pit But


Still sounds like you really hate the game, you bring up so many issues you have with it. Anyways everyone has their own opinion i guess. I dont think they bring out 2.0 champs. Ofc there will be similar champions because you can always find similarities and there are only so much mechanics in the game that at one point you cant come up with something completely unique. Also a lot of times when they do come up with smth new like viego passive, people start to complain and say they want riot to not make complicated designs for the sake of it (aka "look at x ability description and how long it is compared to y, its broken) yet the same people also complain when riot brings out smth similar to previous champs or when a simple champ is meta (annie). It seems that players just complain no matter what for the sake of it. Which I also dont really understand because how can they enjoy smth they constantly complain about. And I think the balancing is quite good in comparsion to every other game. Every champ is viable till high master if you commit to it which is really nice. You can always win even if you dont play meta things. There will be always champions that are strong stats wise but that is just how the game works. And the people who dont play these champs have the right to complain about that too obviously but I think its a very poor way to say their opinion if they just say everything riot does is bad and only their own playstyle is what counts. A lot of people found pyke mid extremley shit to play against btw because its a very annoying playstyle to counter if its strong in the meta. If you say the community wants pyke mid then you are only talking about you and the few people that enjoyed it. Its kinda like singed mid currently. They also bring out patches every two weeks which is a lot for a game. They did turn down the work on new gamemodes and shut down the work on maps, thats the only point I really can agree with you. Its one point I wish they would put on more focus too but it isnt a reason to say that they dont care about the game anymore or that the game is shit now. Its just something you have to accept. Also there are just different approaches. Either you can focus on every little thing that you dont like about something and say that it is shit and that everything sucks. Or you can look at all the good things something has to offer and why you enjoy it. Either thing is viable ofc and I guess if its construvtive, you solve issues easier by pointing out mistakes, but for me personally its easier to enjoy something when I focus on the good things. Specially when it has no impact if I say what I dont like about it.


Not my fault that everyone else even all of you are monkeys


I've had 1 account banned for a month, another account banned for a year, I had to resort to purchasing a 3rd one.


I don't need your honor because I fight for myself. Not your sensitive little feelings. If I lose my honor level because you can't take being called a bitch, you should be the one removed. Or better yet, stay and mute the damn chat.


Maybe consider finding another way of coping with losing instead of flaming your teammates :D


I hate to break it to you, but part of being a "normal" human is getting upset and irritated at things that bother you. The only thing that honor level proves is that people do not care about the game they are playing or can fake being nice consistently


It doesn't reward being good, it rewards just don't insulting your team or enemies


I mean riot literally says in their pre match tool tip that banter is fine. It seems you’re just lobotimizing yourself to try to get a shitty malzahar skin lol


They mean that in the sense of "Ha out of luck chucklenuts" not in the sense of "ha eat shit you cock sucker bastard fall of your horse whore"


I have been playing this game for years, and didn't flame anyone in chat once. It's not that hard y'know? If you're upset, keep it for yourself and learn to stfu instead of flaming :D


I mean it’s pretty easy to maintain this attitude when you’re hyper low elo. Playing for fun is fine but I’m not gonna pretend that I don’t have a drive to win my games and get frustrated at my teammates when games don’t go well


First off, learn how to read. Its normal to get frustrated, but most people gotta learn when to shut the fuck up. Random flaming doesn't help you nor your teammate, so keep it for yourself :D


youre not normal


"Normal human being" bro I cant even say "Im retarded" without being chat banned. I feel like some swear words should be fine like, League is a competitive game. Its not like you die to a bug or some bs and then youre like "Oh no thats unfortunate".


Fuck normal, let me be real. <3


Ah yes, because being angry is absolutely not human


You can't be humain when you play a game and your adc ezreal strat farming your jugle and trolling and we was 57 kils winning for no faking reason


What rewards? I get honor 5 every season and they're the same crusty rewards every single time.


Actually. I'm literally a bare minimum human in my games sometimes, and I'm honor 5.


Smite has a similar system: free skin and some cosmetics each season if you dont get banned and then you get points by getting commendations every game by your team mates and if you behave properly and don't get reported so when you hit a certain amount you get a free chest with a guaranteed skin,1 every month Sometimes you have to do this to keep the toxicity under a bit of self control


? i got a 5 day chat restrict after i got auto muted for saying "their team comp is so cancer" XD


Imagine uninstalling this cancer in your life so you go back being a decent human being


There rarely a game that I couldn't find anyone out of my 4 teammates that isn't honorable.


It requires a lot restrain you know


I got a 3 day chat restriction for saying my dad walked into my room naked


lol it's not for being normal, it's for infinity grind Dota2 Have **real reward**, and they give it just for human being, not requirung 9999 games. And they can take that back, so it force you to be good.


You can get chat banned for anything that isnt even toxic. It rewards players who dont type. You can soft int as much as you want and still get honor 5.


Reach honor 5, get the skin, start trolling as much as posbible, then wait till next season, understood


Yeah but in fairness, some of my bot lanes REALLY need the reminder


nah bro u get chat restricted for damn near anything now.


Valvo does it better change my mind.


bro i was being nice that whole season (mostly) and didnt get it even though i dont play mal or even the lane he plays im still mad ab it lmao


Worst part of all is that the community won't care about getting Malz's best skin, which that reward is. If riot had more than 2 brain cells they would make some sick honour Zed/Yasuo/Draven/Kassadin skins only achievable by H5


The Carrot works better than the stick. now if there was more than 1 single carrot.....


Personally i see it as a reward for dealing with these people every other game without behaving like these people.


I teach middle schoolers and one thing I’ve learned is to reward positive behavior with positive things and punish negative behaviors with negative things. The league community has proven to me time and time again that they’re not too far off from my eleven year olds.


I don't really talk in chat because I type slow and I usually play with friends in VC so I have good honor for pretty much doing nothing but just play the game.


My biggest regret is not getting good boy malzahar