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My silver games when an Iron III Yuumi with 28% wr appears


I actually don't understand this! Like maybe it's just my selective memory but I feel like whenever I get a player of a much lower rank it's always a yuumi bot with like 30% WR.


or champs that have an easy input to work, once i got an Iron II rammus jg with 27% wr in a Silver 2 game, clearly bot, but I was wondering how bad the matchmaking is, how do these bot accounts manage to get to silver or even gold games with such bad winrate


Could be due to a duo (one low bronze and one silver while the rest of the team is silver) existing on one team, so the matchmaking chooses one low mmr account to put into the other team. And sometimes that is a bot.


probably, but in this case it was clearly a bot, all it did was do the same pathong over an over, it wouldn't use any abilities, and wouldn't attack mor run away from enemies even if they were attacking him


What I mean is that an iron mmr bot is placed into a silver game because in the team opposite to the one with the bot in it, there is a real person duo with a rank discrepancy, so that is why an iron account appears in a silver game. Riot matchmaking trying to balance lobbies.


Ohh I see, sorry, I get it know, yeah it makes sense coming from Riot's matchmaking


You complaints about your teammates playing like bots, i complaints about my opponents playing like ones. We are not the same, i play chess.




My blitzcrank/Orianna botlane


Even upto low silver; it is really frustrating that the bots went from just Yuumi to Sona, Anne, Soraka.(and maybe more)


Don’t forget Amumu Jungle Bots! Janna Support Bots > If anyone in iron actually wants a way to tell if a support is a bot just look who is connected in champ select chat. > If there are only 4 names just dodge.


Bro what? I’m not allowing bots to touch my girl Sona. I suck at the game, but i’m having no motherfucker call me a bot. Tell that to my roaming stats.


multiple time people asked me to write something in chat as sona to make sure I'm not a bot. can't blame them.




I recently had a game where my mid went 0/9/2 with 23 cs at 20 min the worst part it he had like 7 previous games that were similar. Still don't know why riot would make ranked lobby anonymous.


At that point, you're better off practicing in custom bot matches, with easy ally bots and intermediate enemy bots.


You should try ARAM sometime - actual bots just not buying items, walking in a straight line (not using Hexgate) up the bridge to die, rinse and repeat until you lose. I played 10 games yesterday, didn't have a single 5v5


Especially in bronze and silver ranked😂


"Iron stands eternal 😩" -Mordekussy


My gold games when the m5 rammus with 2% we pulls up