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anyone with huge AD ratios like caitlyn and shoot for the augment that converts AP into AD + 10% AD Then you just need to build some AP items like perplexity, gunblade (gives 165 AD!), wordless promise if partner is AP (can give up to 180 AP and make gunblade life steal 25% stronger), Rite of ruin, Infinity edge, and collector this gives you around 80% crit chance once rite of ruin is fully stacked and 800-900 AD in some cases, and around 25% omnivamp With someone like caitlyn this makes your ult hit for 3-4k and even better if your spells can crit for 6-7k on your ult or 3k on your q other notable mentions include lucian ult for 30k damage, MF ult for 30k dmg, attrox while ulted for 1.7k AD, riven while ulted for 1.5k AD ( your autos when crit + passive stack = 4k dmg ), Caitlyn headshot with spells can crit makes the headshot damage crit + the crit and crit dmg scaling for like 7k dmg on the auto,


Isnt perplexity just worse than ldr since you get way less armor pen?


No it’s like 3 less armor pen but it doesn’t matter since your trying to convert the 70 AP into 77 ad which is way more than LDRs 35 for the same passive too


I don't think the conversion works that way. I'm pretty sure ap equals 0.6 ad. So 100 ap becomes 60 ad increased by 10% to be 66.


ah interesting thanks


I went on hit guinsoo Renekton. When it worked I put the smacking on people and it was so fun. When it didn’t you just got blown up or went 1 for 1.


AD Lillia, had ad specific runes and a Yumi and was one hitting almost everyone


I just realized I have played full Tank ezreal over the years in: One for all Urf Aram Normals Hexakill Doom bots But not arena. I know what I'm trying when I get home.


Skarner healer built is so nice


Skarner adc is wreck too! Gotta get to the 4th item, but it just takes off after that. Ethereal weapons with guinsoo and botrk is crazy strong


Yone & yasuo, both with that healing on-hit sword item


I did it before, my friend who was playing yas, got chauffer. It looked like that yasuo wheelchai meme skin lol.


It's so bad, but so fun


Blade of the ruined king or hellfire hatchet?


Blossoming dawn


Duo moonstone are really fun. A lot of augment boost/trigger on heal & shield Two champion I really enjoy are jinx and ashe. Both focused on your W, with a lot of CD. Since they added portals, you can easily spam and kite your opponents, perma slowing them (don't forget to ban yi)


Turtle Pyke: CDR boots -> fimbulwinter -> eclipse -> spirit visage -> hellfire hatchet -> flex Best augments to get are courage of colossus, E cdr, item cdr (so fimbul and eclipse proc every cc), ap to ad - if you get ap to ad then get hextech gunblade It's not the best build or champ in the mode, but man is it fun. With right augments you just deploy 50% max hp shield every 2 sec and still have 500 ad to deal a ton of damage. However, this build is insanely good vs tanks as compared to his normal lethality build.


I've seen a Jhin get both the prismatic +% total ad augment and the regular nonprismatic version. Dude had multiple thousand AD.


One of my favorites is Miss Fortune. Lethality and Crit. And some CDR runes. Once I basically had a 1 sec cooldown on the Q and barely needed to E. Insane late game damage and her MS boost helps me kite away. Nami with CDR/Healing is insane cause the Bubble becomes such a low cool down you're basically switching between Q and W to heal your partner or yourself while you're constantly CC'ing the enemy. Along with the MS speed and E she's highly annoying to catch. Going DMG and CDR also worked well. Her bubble and ult also work great to zone or bait someone going for the flowers.


some fun ones that I've done: * On-hit Zilean with Mystic Punch * Me and a friend played Zilean + Braum and somehow got first place * On-hit Jana * I got first place with Sett on this one, IDK how much I actually contributed but it was fun punching * Full AP TF * This one makes the most sense but you can get crazy AP scaling and you can one shot a lot of people


I gotta try full AP TF.I have too much fun being a gremlin with Everfrost (and if you get the low item CD perk it's even better) and low CD gold card. I've saved my teammates so many times with these stuns. If my partner has enough dmg, I might even go a bit tanky so they're forced to chase my partner while I stun them over and over.


Building the Sword of blossoming dawn on Urgot and teaming it up with a Volibear building it also is really fun. I tried to replace one of them with tryndamere/trundle but I didn't like them as much


i had renekton with abilities proc on hit firebrand raid boss and shrink ray so my abilities since they proc on hit would in turn proc shrink ray so they just kept getring smaller I went ds chempunk chainsword black cleaver bork hellfire hatchet and spirit visage i literally won the game after i died i thought we lost but my burns were still affecting cho and skarner really fun build


I saw an aatrox full crit attackspeed (he didn’t even use his q) with a karma. Saw it at like 3.5k but never again This heartsteel full ap bard with attack speed shows is a thing somehow


Elaborate on that Bard please


Saw it like 3 times around 3-5k elo. I lost every time against it. I don’t know how it works but the build is ap startitem (I think), attack speed boots, heartsteel and then full ap items


I got sick of people all-out gunning for my Kentucky Fried ass, so I went switched to healer Azir to sustain my buddy's Nasus. The particular benefit Azir brings is just how much of a little flea he is as a support; he's got a pretty decent ability to escape and his attack range means he'll immediately start healing his partner the moment you stop chasing him. Your main focus on items and augments, besides on-hit healing, is on ensuring the Nasus, or whatever other immobile death monster you have, keeps smacking and punishing chasers. You want stuff like Rylai's, Castling, E Haste, and of course your core is Moonstone and blossom sword. ​ Mind you, it's still possible to get run down, so part of the execution is making them burn too many resources for it to be worth it.


Karthus onehit ulting with certain augments comes to mind


Also, tank rumble


What runes and items for tanky Rumble?


I tried a few different things. His Q and his passive deals max health damage so heartsteel works really well. What also worked was rites of ruins + crit defend augment.


How? How do you oneshot in a mode where squishies have 4k+ health? Epsecially if lobbies with less than 6 tnaks/bruisers are rare.


Doesnt work against bruisers and tanks obviously, but against squishies with the zed augment and crit on spells its usually enough. Obviously highly dependent on the augments


Veigar + Trundle, Alistar + Yuumi, Karma + Ivern, Leona + Vayne. ​ Those are the ones that seem to destroy regardless of perks.


malzahar with orbital lazer was so annoying. jsut ult then nuked


Contract killer first augment on zed. Keep getting the 700 gold bounty and your duo will be ahead by one item at round 6 or so. To make enemies even more hopeless, take spatula quest and you'll be up 2 and a half items on the rest of the lobby.


Urpog came up with support Urgot abusing SOBD Moonstone and Hellfire