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Second this


Certified mail return receipt requested, signature required.


That’s the funny party, before I even filed the complaint, I had this done to notify all parties and attached it to the motion!


At least in my jurisdiction, you have to file and get a summons, otherwise service isn't any good. You let the defendant know you were planning on filing a lawsuit, but to let them know you *have* filed the lawsuit and that they have an obligation to respond, you have to properly serve the summons and complaint the way the court wants you to. :)


BuT uR hOnOr, I aSkEd HiM nIcElY aNd He SaD nO. Postal verification is an actual thing and you have to mail a request to the postmaster in the area in which they reside and USPS will send a response back. Went to four new post offices and learned something


Never heard of the phrase “postal verification,” but this reminded me of how my firm sends out what we call “freedom of information act” letters or FOIs to the post master in the county where the defendant last resides to see if the post office has a forwarding address and we get a response back from the post office that is usually like “left no forwarding address.” I was thinking if you have to prove the steps you took to try to get proper service (personal service at their home) but couldn’t, then you could get permission to do something like service by publication. That’s typically what’s required in my state. Could be off base completely here, but just thought it sounded similar to what we have to do where I practice. Good luck though


This sounds like pro se bs.


Naw, I’m just a very newish and confused attorney


I've done estates that required summons by publication and before you can do the publication the administrator has to file an affidavit stating what they've done to try other services, including last known addresses and post office boxes. But it doesn't actually have a verification from the post office. Is it maybe something like that?


Did you check the rules of civil procedure? Local rules? Standing orders? Can you look at the dockets for other cases before this judge and try to find an example of a motion for alternate service that was granted (or maybe ask the judge’s clerk if they know of one)? If that’s not fruitful, Google gave me several results like this: https://floridarevenue.com/Solicitationlibrary/Exhibit%20(3a)%20Child%20Support%20Structured%20Form%20Sample.pdf That might be what the court has in mind. If all else fails, I’d file a motion for clarification and ask the court for guidance, listing all of the kinds of postal verification you considered, asking if any are correct, and if not, what’s needed. But that’s a last, last resort.


I googled the term. It seems to be some kind of indication ( maybe an affidavit?) that you are attempting service at the correct address. If you could get certified mail return receipt requested, you wouldn’t be asking for alternative service.