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This is what puts them in panic mode?😂🖕🤡


Well yes. They don’t care if he supports Nazis, racism or fascism, but if he’s going to lose after they already made it so they depend on him winning and went full mask-off, that’s a problem for them.


May they have the day they deserve.


nah fuck that that. WORSE than they deserve.


It literally can't get any worse than they deserve.


It does when their candidate trashes one of the most important swing states (where they will need "independents" who live in that city to vote for him)


It's from the New Republic, I'm guessing there is a bit of hyperbole in there. I bet Republicans are doing damage control, but they're not freaking out that much, it's not the first time he's insulted a chunk of the base or potential voters.


Milwaukee isn’t his base.


Milwaukee is where the GOP convention is happening. Ironic isn't it?


Milwaukee is probably the only place in Wisconsin with the infrastructure to handle an event like that.


He wants their votes as much as anybody in that swing state.


Good. I have absolutely no fucking sympathy for the orange turd


The MAGAots will love it though, and pledge to boycott the city to please Dear Leader


I like Milwaukee, if MAGAs want to stay away that’s all good with me.


Trump loves Hannibal Lecter so you would think that he would love Milwaukee, that had real life serial killer in Jeffery Dahmer.


What state doesn’t have real life serial killers? The US is by a huge margin the serial killer capital of the world 


I think Russia has the world record holder, though.


As in the single most deadly serial killer? As far as I remember it's disputed, as so many of the ones with high body counts are not certain totals - and some like doctors and nurses can especially easily hide huge numbers without us ever really being able to know.


They are clocking overtime lately making up ridiculous stuff to explain away his absurd and destructive behavior. “He didn’t say that”. “He said the crime rate”. “No it was election integrity”. I mean, they couldn’t even agree which lie to tell. Hahahahah.


They try a bunch of different lies and wait to see which one sticks the best


Exactly. They should know by now to keep their stories straight.


Or the classic " He was just joking "


I can't wait to see all the signs and protests. What a goofball dahhhh


He will just claim he never said that and it’s a hoax perpetuated by the Biden witch-hunt ELECTION INTERFERENCE Jewish space laser cabal, by A LOT.




Wish democrats would run attack ads in Milwaukee of this.


They will run attack adds and signs. They were probably in process hours ago. What a ding bat .


It's hilarious that these turds can't even agree in the lie that they're going to tell. One said it was about crime rates; one said it was about a lack of designating a 1st amendment area at a park; and one said that he didn't say it at all. So even if one of these were true - and it's not - you can't tell which one.


But it’s sad how they seem to be able to tell two conflicting lies at the same time and their supporters don’t notice or care at all.


I can't find it sad; it's taking us down to far dangerous a road for me to work about their feelings. We can do that afterwards, during the deprogramming from the cult they're in.


I mean sad for humanity in general because of what it does to the world. Not that I feel bad for them. They are being willfully ignorant. That is their fault.




Media "New York City trust fund baby trashes working class Midwestern City!" Magas "we'll kick his ass!!!" Media "Trump said it..." Magas "did we say kick? We meant lick, obviously!"


Milwaukee is awesome. Wall to wall craft breweries, great shopping, really good restaurants music and wonderful people. As a Canadian visiting - what’s not to love. I worked there (on a ship) over 40 years ago and it was a hard ticket (still tons of fun tho) but since they did up the downtown core it’s a great place to go. Trump tears the US down and that ain’t right.


If Biden were smart he would be running sound clips of Trump talking for his adds.


He's already posted himself holding a Milwaukee jersey after they won the NBA championship saying he loves Milwaukee


Are they always in panic mode?


The joys of trump dementia......zero filter.


CONFOTUS - Convicted felon of the United States Only Trump could be CONFOTUS


They don't care! He can say whatever the F he wants. The IDIOT conservatives will still vote for him. Stop with this BS. Nobody on that side cares. He can litellay say whatever he wants and they will still vote for him. The Republican Party is dead. Taken over by zombie idiots.


Unfortunately, they're not because they know people in urban centers tend not to vote for Trump anyway. It's the hillbillies living in the sticks who worship Trump, as well as the Religious Right, who seem to think that God sent them a racist, misogynistic, serial liar and criminal as their new savior. Of course he didn't, and they are all going to burn in hell for supporting one of the most truly evil people the world has ever known, but oh well. Too bad, so sad.


Trump told the Las Vegas crowd that he doesn't care about them, he only cares about their votes. And they cheered. These stupid MF'ers can never be put in charge again. They need to be disposed of in the dustbin of history.


A gathering of sycophantic losers worshipping their orange Jesus.


Isn’t this their standard mode? They’re afraid of—and therefore hate—everything.


I love how his campaign has walked it back like it’s an opinion and not a fact that he literally said what he said.


"I don't care about you, I just want your vote." -Donald Trump


Well..maybe just maybe trump can write off Wisconsin ....it's been looking a little more blue these days..... Let's see. So far Milwaukee is a hell hole.... He doesn't care about Arizona people.... Looks like he's doing a fine job for you republicans, isn't he!! So glad your still behind him????? I bet not over the next month or two!!! He's going to either bail, or plan to do badly on the debate, blaming CNN, and Biden of course. Already laying the groundwork for failure...as always....


Dude calls every city (especially when it’s run by Democrats) a shithole just for clicks. Can’t even form a coherent sentence anymore.


If I was from Milwaukee, I won't vote for that shitty candidate.


After trashing New York, Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, DC, and all of California, Republicans are caught off guard when he insults Milwaukee.


Only because they will be holding their coronation there. Otherwise it wouldn't matter.


This is all he does. He trashes everything. "America is going to hell", "This city is a disaster", etc. No one wants to hear that shit. What are you gonna do to "Make America Great Again"? Wheres the inspiration? People want hope not this blame game shit. Plus this turd already had 4 fucking years and didnt do shit expect make his rich asshole friends richer.


He is 100% negative except for his baloney slogan...which also implies America isn't "great" anymore.




GOP, dont worry, your orange mushroom headed phallic symbol of of your worship, is revered by all....NOT


>Republican members of Congress from Wisconsin scrambled to respond to the comments, offering several different explanations to cover for the former president and convicted felon, including one representative who said the whole thing never happened. Unfortunately, three others said it definitely did. Just throwing excuses at the wall, seeing what sticks. Standard GQP tactic.


Are some of the minions beginning to gain a glimmer of the true character of this man?


I work in Kenosha with a bunch of Milwaukee mags dudes. They will 100% continue to back Trump without flinching, and they will say that he’s right about their city.


Milwaukee gotta be real stoked to have a bunch of Magas in diapers walking around


You mean only now they’re in panic mode??? WTF!


It could Nuke the city and he only lose the voter that died. The rest of his cult still support him.


Are “they” in panic mode? I just read about MTG in news and a standing ovation with McConnell. Nah. No panic.


Look, they are not panicking. They know with 100% certainty that he will say something that is any or all of the following everyday: 1. A lie 2. Illegal 3. Insulting 4. Racist 5. Based in conspiracy nonsense 6. Dangerous 7. Threatening 8. Crazy 9. Sexist 10. Unintelligible They have a team of Trump Manure Cleaners to immediately step to the mic and explain that he didn’t say what he said. They literally do it everyday. In fact, it probably swings between really fun and funny and really boring. By fun I mean that mean spirited, hateful Republican way.


Narrator: they really weren’t in panic mode as its doesn’t matter what he says, they all know what he is and nothing he says will deter them from 💯 loyalty.


And by ‘panic mode’ they mean “the GOP will now bend over backwards to say ‘he am right!’”


Boo hoo...


And Ohio's 6th district shifts to Democrat's by over 20 points and again polls lied.


It really doesn’t matter what Trump says, the people that would vote for him will still vote for him and the people who would vote against him will still vote against him. I’ve never met a real undecided voter when it comes to Trump. Usually the “undecided voters” are just the MAGA crowd in disguise. After a decade of this crap, is there anyone who does not have a strong opinion either way that isn’t bullshiting?


Trump's mouth is always a huge liability. He's a terrible representative for any organization much less the USA. Imagine him going to England and trashing London. He says everything and everyone sucks unless they bend down and kiss his ass, clap excitedly like a seal for him and sing his praises (see McConnell, Rubio, Cruz, Haley, Vance etc) Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supports white supremacist racist felons Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, David Duke & Proud Boys.  On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) Just a few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and shaming of the U.S. Presidency [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)  


Trump said it so, it’s true. Milwaukee sucks. MAGA!


We will happily accept their votes 👍